After Wei Lai came out with Xiao Gang, the two looked at each other! Then he smiled! Although they are not as familiar as expected, the relationship is by no means ordinary! So naturally, you don't need to be too polite!

Naturally, there will be no so-called greetings. In that case, it seems too fake!

After explaining Xiaogang's affairs, Ding Yu went to see Thornton idly! All the way up can be said to be unimpeded! On the road, he met setier and hollian. Ding Yu nodded. He said hello, that's all! It doesn't matter what enthusiasm, of course, it won't be too cold!

For setier and hollian, stand on one side honestly! The taste in my heart is really hard to say! But it will never be as good as imagined!

Why? Since they stopped targeting Ding Yu, they found that Ding Yu was really not interested in them! We're almost at the stage of not offering at a glance! Of course, I don't show any interest in Thornton. I come almost once a week. If it's short, it's more than ten minutes. If it's longer, it's an hour or two!

The whole process is based on treatment! Auxiliary talk about two sentences, and sometimes even take the initiative to invite setier to go in together! It's an account of the treatment process!

The process of treatment can be said to be an eye opener! It's poisonous enough, and even let saitil almost break the defense at that time. He mocked a child like this. Mr. Ding Yuding, you are also a big man and a giant. Is it really good to do so? Will it seem too dirty!

You and Mr. good are two opposite sides. There's nothing to say! But such a child, it will appear too stingy, not at all!

But Ding Yu's explanation is also very perfect, so that setier and hollian can't make any refutation, and Thornton's body is getting better and better day by day! Even now, in addition to the condition that Thornton is strictly prohibited from leaving the house, other aspects are very open! In this case, setier doesn't know what to say!

However, the two people seem to know more about Ding Yu. Without invading Ding Ding Yu, Ding Yu is still easy to talk, and even gives a considerable explanation! Of course, I don't deny that in this process, Ding Yu's ridicule seems to invade like a tide! Give you two mouthfuls from time to time. What's the taste? Think about it and feel 'beautiful'!

To put it another way! If Ding Yu doesn't do this, it will make people feel uneasy in his heart!

"Mr. Ding! Can I delay you a little?"

Ding Yu didn't even look back. He waited until saitil caught up with him. Then he said as if there was nothing! "What's up?"

"Mr. Ding, master Thornton wants to come out for a walk!" Setier said cautiously! When I look at Ding Yu, I'm with you. Be careful! No way, who can't bear it? I can't blame anyone else!

Ding Yu pauses his steps. Setier and hollian both pay great attention, so they also follow his steps, but hollian is a little far away from the position, and setier? Is half a step behind Ding Yu!

From this point of view, the two people's vigilance towards Ding Yu is particularly high!

"If Thornton comes out alone now! The time can't be too long, three or five minutes! There is also the need to pay attention to the control of the time period! It depends on the changes of his body. It can't be too early. If it's too early, the cold hasn't disappeared. If it's too late, the heat will surge up. Just control the time!"

"Mr. Ding, master Thornton can come out?"

Is there such a good thing? Can't they hear wrong? Ding Yu has such kindness!

"In three or five minutes, although he has started considerable activities! But at this stage, he can't come out immediately! It's impossible!" For this aspect, Ding Yu is very patient! "Look at his recovery, and then gradually let go! Also, let him move a little! Don't jump!"

"Yes! Mr. Ding, we must pay attention!" Saitil quickly responded and said!

Setier was not prepared for Ding Yu's patience at first, but now he feels a little bit. He still has a considerable aversion to Ding Yu and even a considerable sense of revenge. However, in the profession of doctor, Ding Yu really makes himself speechless. He is a benevolent doctor!

"Mr. Ding, is there anything else we need to pay attention to?"

Ding Yu thought for a moment, "let him go by himself! Don't hold or carry it on his back. It's not a bad thing to be stained with a little dust! It's also good to be stained with some dust on the sole of his shoes! Don't be too cute! He's not a child!"

Seeing that Ding Yu continued to move forward, saitil didn't continue to follow up, but just stood in place and waited for Ding Yu's figure to disappear. Then he nodded with hollian who followed up! Explained quite a few things to me!

"If he is a doctor, he has nothing to say!"

"It's impossible! From the doctor's point of view, there's no problem, but don't forget! We are on the opposite side of each other. Fortunately, Mr. Bruno is in the middle. Otherwise, it's impossible for us to step here!"

"Cut! I don't believe that he can break my leg when I come to travel?"

What did hollian think in his heart? Another said, but he didn't admit defeat in his mouth!

Setier looked up and down at hollian, and then said with certainty! "I can guarantee that! He will definitely break your leg! And it's the kind that makes you speechless! Standing in his position! Doing anything has a deep meaning, which is certain! We fell into his trap before, and it's our own problem!"

Hollian snorted, not that hollian didn't realize the problem, but that it was a little late when he realized the problem! So now even regret is too late!

Kill them with a stick, and don't give them a chance to resist at all! In other words, I won't leave you any alive! Why is that? The reason is very simple, Ding Yu can become a giant, is completely killed!

"Mr. Ding!" Thornton, who was writing, didn't expect Ding Yu to come back! Put down the brush in your hand and move your wrist! Even took the initiative to pour Ding Yu a glass of water!

"OK! Very polite!" That made Thornton bite his teeth! Give Thornton the feeling! If Ding Yu doesn't hate himself, there may be some pain in his heart! Of course, it's not the pricking one, but there are some very helpless feelings! I don't have the psychology of being abused. Why is this?

"Mr. Ding, I heard that Wang Xiaogang came?"

"The news is very well informed!" Ding Yu couldn't help nodding his head, "OK! Tell me your opinion?"

Huh? Thornton looked at Ding Yu suspiciously and frowned slightly. Obviously, Ding Yu's words touched him! "Mr. Ding, I don't quite understand!" Obviously, Thornton is not the same!

"Then I'll tell you!" Such a thing is no big deal. Anyway, someone will understand it after a period of time! "I'm going to let Xiao Gang come here to study in junior high school! That's basically the idea?"

"Let him come here to study in junior high school?" Thornton's expression was a little startled!

"What? No?"

"No! No! Mr. Ding, I didn't expect it. The news came too unexpectedly!" Thornton couldn't help shaking his head. "Xiao Gang came here to study in junior high school? Is it because of the children at home? They've all gone out?"

"It's not entirely because of this! All the children in the family have gone out! Together with Wei Lai and others in the same group, they have also been promoted to high school. They need a leader at the first stage. It's good to have several children, but judging from the current situation, it's really hard to say whether they can reach Wei Lai's level in the future!"

"I see!" Thornton's mouth twitched slightly. Looking at Ding Yu, there was something strange! "Xiaogang was also trained by you, and he is still a child at home. However, he has not been well trained by you all the time. To be exact, he grew up with you since childhood, but there may be many reasons why you put him outside. But now, he needs to show and lead a group of people!"

"See very thoroughly!" Ding Yu rubbed the string in his hand! "I've made a decision in this regard. Cultivate Xiao Gang. He can be a leader. He was thrown out before and is a little lonely! Now let him stay with me, which can better stimulate other children!"

"One arrow counts the eagles! Mr. Ding! Awesome!"

"How can you hear this from your mouth and feel a little different?"

If Thornton is not excited at all, it is impossible. Thornton is really excited. After all, if Wang Xiaogang can stay here for three years, even if he is the same as the children of the Ding family, he will bring out a group of people in two years! And these people may be the team in the future!

Even if he can't become the team leader in the future, at least he will have a lot of contacts. Thornton can be said to have understood the situation of the school here in an all-round way! May not be comparable to their own elite education, but in many aspects, it is definitely worth learning from! What's more, there is Ding Yu's bedding in it!

"Mr. Ding, honestly, I'm a little envious!"

"Envy is useless!" Ding Yu is welcome! "But speaking of this, I really need to mention some news to you. Setier mentioned your business to me earlier, and I promised! I tell you again, I can't go out for three or five minutes every day. I can take a walk, but I can't jump, and I can't let people carry or hold me!"

Ah? Then Thornton's voice screamed, which startled Ding Yu!

What's wrong with this?

"All right! Don't get excited. It's not good for your health! I've mentioned other requirements to setier!"

"Mr. Ding, do you still have a problem with him? It shouldn't be! Apart from instilling considerable things into me, there are no other problems! Not much. It's a little hard for me personally!"

"His knowledge? It's really impeccable! You can study well with him. As for other aspects, it's a mess! But fortunately, as long as he doesn't jump and pedal in front of me, whatever he wants! It has nothing to do with me. I don't bother to pay attention to it, as if you would pay attention to the ants on the ground? It's impossible!"

Hiss! Thornton took a breath of air-conditioning, but then he laughed!

"From the perspective of knowledge alone, I really admire it!"

But that's it! There is no meaning to go on!

"Mr. Ding, I remember the Wang family...!"

Halfway through, Ding Yu raised his hand to stop it! "On this ground? You can't mention the Wang family, and few people with the Wang family come here! To a certain extent, this is my taboo. You're too young to be sensible, so I remind you once, but there's definitely no second time!"

"I'm sorry, Mr. Ding, I see! There's definitely no second time!"

When Ding Yu spoke, his attitude seemed very easy-going, but could Thornton not hear the meaning of the words? Good words can still be heard. The more understatement you say, it means that this matter is becoming more and more serious!

"Mr. Ding! Will the Wang family agree?"

"I'm free to arrange this matter. Is there a relationship between me and the Wang family? To some extent, I'm reluctant to get involved. What's the reason? You must have read the secret files. I don't want to explain too much. It's not necessary. Everyone has his own style and habit of doing things!"

Thornton nodded slightly and didn't mean to keep pestering the topic, "A little envious! But fortunately, at least there is good news. I can go out for a walk for three or five minutes. In the past, if I went out, I'm afraid I would die in half a day! I even thought! Even if I died, I would die in the sun. I didn't expect such a chance!"

"Don't bang, too much Bang is not good for you. Your body is quite improved, but it needs to be done step by step! In other aspects, I don't want to talk too much! There's no such need. I'll teach you some other things, prepare and use snacks for a while!"

Ding Yu left faster! Wang Xiaogang and Wei laitong also know a lot of children! Of course, his security is also a nanny. He is also looking for a suitable residence. Buying a house is not particularly difficult for Wang Xiaogang, but in this small county? But it's not so simple!

It's a bit of a fuss to use Ding Yu's relationship now! Of course, the city will certainly give this face, which is certain, but Wang Xiaogang will be highlighted at once. How will Ding Yu look at this matter at that time!

So just rent a house! As for the admission procedures, this? There are really not many ways!

Wang Xiaogang didn't know these things until he came back in the evening, but he didn't care much. Even in Wang Xiaogang's opinion, his uncle must have deliberately done it! Can you let yourself come here to school? Can't we solve the problem of the house? Sure, but I won't live here for a long time!

Maybe it will take two years!

Under such circumstances, it is unnecessary to contaminate a valuable quota! When you are new here, you have to show your identity, which will be inappropriate! And uncle's style and tone are basically low-key. Are you a little man? Is it necessary to make a fuss?

Since there is no such need, then be calm and low-key! There's nothing bad. How's your living? It's not as important as expected. Uncle can let himself come over. He has already considered it for himself. Although he is still a child, he still needs to think about it for uncle at a considerable time!

Don't think everything should be divided. Uncle doesn't owe himself or his family. On the contrary, he owes uncle and even his family. I need to remember! People? It can be black, which is nothing, but we can't be ruthless!

Although such a concept is extreme, and even some ties in modern society, it is definitely an attitude of its own!

But don't hurt others, but you can't let others hurt yourself!

The next morning, xiao gang got up very early and even took the initiative to go to the villa. However, it was a pity that Ding Yu even looked at it with some meaning of lack of worship. Wang Xiaogang didn't care, because his uncle was such a character! I've been with him since I was a child. Naturally, I have a considerable understanding!

After the exercise, Wang Xiaogang took a look at Ding Yu, then smiled and ran to the canteen for dinner! Just met Wei Lai!

"Xiao Gang? Get up so early? I thought you would get up later?"

"I've gone to exercise! I used to work on the farm, but I'm more noisy and don't have much practical experience! It's different now!" Xiao Gang's smiling face can deceive people!

But who is Wei Lai? Are already high school students! Moreover, he grew up with the children of the Ding family, and even got Ding Yu's guidance. Coupled with his family's teaching and transmission, he can naturally understand several meanings contained in this discourse!

"OK!" He even took the initiative to gesture his thumb to Xiaogang! "It seems that there are expectations in the future!"

So it's not Xiaogang who has expectations. Xiaogang must be outstanding. Wei Lai refers to these children in the same grade as Xiaogang. They definitely have expectations for the future!

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