He glanced at Wang Yang and Lin Qiuyan, who were sitting in the starting position. The old lady looked at her son and daughter-in-law again, "Changlin!"

"Hey! Mom! You say!" Wang Changlin didn't dare to hold it in front of his mother. That was his old mother!

"Say it!" I see this thing very clearly, but I see it clearly. It doesn't mean I have to say it. This is two things and can't be confused into one talk!

Wang Changlin subconsciously glanced at his mother, then looked at his father, then slightly turned his head, looked at his son and daughter-in-law, and finally focused on his wife!

What I don't understand now in the room may be my wife, son and daughter-in-law! Maybe Wang Yang can guess something, but he will never figure out the context of the whole thing!

Half to half, it's okay! At least not as weak as you think!

"Xiaogang was transferred by the boss! He said he was going to middle school there! This matter has been settled! The houses have been settled! But he didn't buy a house because there are considerable restrictions over there. Xiaogang has no problem studying, but if he buys a house, he doesn't have such places! The standard is inappropriate!"

Ah? For this matter, the family really don't know! I don't even know there are such restrictions!

Wang Changlin made a considerable explanation, "because Xiaogang's registered permanent residence is not there! Now the urban development there is very different. If you hire the past or make any contribution, there is no problem. There is great emphasis on this. Of course, there are other standards, but these standards are not suitable for Xiaogang!"

"It's enough!" Wang Pu gave a dull hum!

Obviously, Wang Pu doesn't want to tangle with such things! "How about the rent over there?" Wang Pu, who was a little uncomfortable in his heart, still made a remark! It can be regarded as expressing their serious dissatisfaction!

"The rent is not high. Compared with the living standard of the city, it is terrible. There are even considerable subsidies! The planning of the city in this regard can be said to be very good. It is in the front position, and many people have gone to learn from it!"

The old lady, um! Don't get entangled in such things! It's all side things!

Wang Changlin understood! So go on! "The children in the family were released by the boss a year ago. Wei Lai and they took over the flag and performed very well. This year's college entrance examination and high school entrance examination shocked everyone! I looked at it and was stunned!"

Looking at the elders at home, Lin Qiuyan nodded slightly!

"I know this! I heard it's very legendary. Judging from the school equipment and teachers, including the construction of software and hardware over there! It's commendable to have achieved such achievements!"

Lin Qiuyan has been married to Wang Yang for so many years. She can still see some doorways very clearly, so she is very careful when she speaks. In such a family, she can't speak, but since she wants to speak, she must talk to the point! You can't talk nonsense, even when you're quite dumb, it's actually very good!

"It's true. Just from the perspective of teaching level, there is no problem. The teachers and supporting facilities there are very complete, and the after-school life is also very rich, but these are not the most important. Wei Lai and they have all gone to high school. This is the reason why the boss asked Xiaogang to go to junior high school!"

Su Yuan and Lin Qiuyan were both surprised, and then the expressions on their faces were different. They really didn't think of these problems! But you can see the joy in your eyes! Because Wang Changlin's words are very obvious! Now let Xiaogang pass at this time. It's just to let Xiaogang take over! This is Ding Yu's purpose!

"Xiaogang is in junior high school! It needs a considerable environment to cultivate! In the past, although Xiaogang has made some friends outside for several years, it is not as many as expected! But when he goes to a new school, he should have a very good development! This is certain!"

Wang Changlin didn't speak too plainly and thoroughly, but he was already very clear!

"Dad, what brother means is that it's too much pressure to let Xiaogang play the role of flag bearer?"

After all, he is his own son. Wang Yang can't worry at all!

"There's nothing wrong with a little more pressure!" Wang Pu snorted, "he's been out for so many years. He's always been like this! Now he can do it all at once. He can save his eyes and hands in the future!"

In and out of the words, he said Wang Xiaogang, but in fact, he meant Ding Yu! However, this remark from Wang Pu's mouth always makes people feel a little different. Fortunately, it's at home! Otherwise, I don't know what will happen!

The old lady coughed twice, while Su Yuan quickly poured a cup of warm water to her mother-in-law and winked at Lin Qiuyan! I'm still very satisfied with my daughter-in-law. Now you don't have to continue to stand up at this time! There is no need to bear such tasteless fire!

Lin Qiuyan is also very grateful to take a look at her mother-in-law. Now she has seen what happened! Today's theme is my son, but is it true? Talking about Xiao Gang's uncle!

For her eldest brother, Lin Qiuyan is really very grateful. Xiaogang has more than one son at home now! But Xiaogang's training is completely operated by his brother. He doesn't have to worry about it at home!

The eldest brother is not a desperate family. He doesn't need Xiaogang to support his old age at all. He can do his best to cultivate Xiaogang. There are a lot of reasons for the Wang family, but he doesn't forget to dig wells. The eldest brother's efforts in these aspects can't be enough as a sister-in-law to think that everything should be divided, can he?

People should have self-knowledge, and their husband has become so excellent, which is also the reason for big brother!

However, it is true that I am very grateful to big brother, but now I stand up and accuse grandpa! Forget it! It's not as simple as a mantis! There's too much involved! It's not something you can control!

Don't you see your father-in-law and mother-in-law? Are they very vague when talking?

"Now that Xiaogang has passed, the boss must have made some arrangements?" The old lady took a sip of warm water and said slowly!

"I didn't ask! The specific situation depends on Xiaogang's own. Since he has made a considerable choice, he needs to pay a considerable price for this choice. I heard that his relationship with Wei Lai is very good!"

Wang Changlin still said half a sentence! Didn't say the whole thing!

We naturally know what happened to Wei Lai. It was a playmate of the Ding family's children, and even taught by Ding Yu himself! Although the starting point of their own family is not very high, everyone is very optimistic about the future of Wei Lai!

Even putting Wei Lai and his people on the society at this time can play a very good role. Why! I have a very broad vision. I didn't say to walk around the world, but I went to all the places I should go! And most of the expenses are earned by themselves, not by family support!

There is no need to absorb family blood, which makes people feel very terrible!

Plus their learning, not only the knowledge in books, but also quite practical operation experience! Isn't that enough? You know, they're just in high school now! Haven't gone to college yet? In seven years, to what extent will they evolve?

You know how many people in the capital are eyeing these children! They all want to rob them, but because they are just in high school, there is no way to start!

There is also that place. After all, it is Ding Yu's hometown and territory. If you really do it, who knows what will happen to Ding Yu?

Isn't it good for the family to get these children back to be a son-in-law or find a daughter-in-law?

As for whether it looks good or not? It's just bullshit, as the old saying goes! Who cares when the lights are off? Not to mention in today's society! judge people by outward appearance? Too low level! Even a little off the table! As long as there are not too many physiological defects!

It's a pity! The children of the Ding family don't know who they will fall in the future!

Although we don't have much news now, we will definitely make a fuss over this matter in the future,

"Is Xiaogang a little too lonely alone?"

Su Yuan said suddenly! As soon as they said this, they were surprised, but after the accident, they were still a little upset, because it was really not easy to control!

It is true that it is grandson's territory, but it is precisely because it is grandson's territory that there are many problems and situations! After all, the relationship between the eldest grandson and his family can be said to be very subtle!

At that time when Wang Pu and the old lady had a close cooperative relationship and many contradictions! But the end result? It's a mess! Now is the time for Wang Changlin and Su Yuan! The relationship with Ding Yu, his own son? It can only be described with subtlety!

Wang Changlin's operation? It really surprised Wang Pu and the old lady! Even some unexpected feeling!

From the current situation, the cooperation between their father and son seems not to be generally good! It seems that they don't have much contact with each other, but how to say? This tacit understanding is no one! Sure enough, it's father and son!

And if we really consider each other's position, this way is the most appropriate and appropriate for each other! At least better than Wang Pu and the old lady! To be exact, it's better than when Wang Pu was in charge!

"Has his farm been settled?" Wang Pu said impatiently, "noisy!"

Wang Changlin looked at his mother again and said clearly about the boss. How did he pull the matter to his head again! These things at home have solved a considerable part, and their own actions can be said to be quite ruthless, but how to say? You have to do this!

Some rotten roots and dead leaves must be cleaned up! We must not leave any disasters behind. Indeed, doing so will cause considerable problems! But if you don't do this, it will not be so simple in the future!

But the old lady didn't say much. She didn't want to get involved in this mess. How old she is! So it's also a look in the eyes of your son. Quite things don't need to be mentioned too clearly and clearly. There's no such need!

Wang Changlin nodded clearly, and the action was very slight!

"Things about the farm are not so clear. The most important work is a little busy and ignored!"

Hum! Wang Pu is very dissatisfied with this, but there are no other words. After all, everything has been explained in Wang Changlin's hand. He made a big mess in the later stage and handed it to Wang Changlin's hand. It's very good to be able to reach the present level! What else do you want?

People want face, trees want skin, although their own face has been trampled by Ding Yu, a bastard son of a bitch, it doesn't look like it! But I don't want to be trampled on by others! Otherwise, you will be ashamed to see others after death!

So after Wang Changlin's statement, Wang Pu snorted heavily, but she stopped. The old lady smiled at her son. At this time, the old man didn't really want to intervene, but there were some uncomfortable things in his heart. He was completely pinched by his grandson! I'm afraid I can't get this face back!

I have been in contact with my eldest grandson for so many years. I really can't say that if I have a comprehensive understanding of my eldest grandson, but I still know more than others!

It's definitely not a good object to think about. When I think about it, I feel that there are some fears in my heart!

His grandfather has been kept secret for so many years. Has he revealed a little? Never! It's lucky that she didn't die, but even so, the old lady really feels that her scalp is numb!

I have a lot of experience in my life, and I can't tell the wind and rain! But like my grandson, I really haven't seen too many. There are only a few! Don't look at the old man's bullying now, but if the eldest grandson is here, I don't know what will happen!

"Let's eat here today!" The old lady motioned to Su Yuan. When Su Yuan got up, she also took her daughter-in-law! But Wang Yang looked at his father and grandfather and sat down in his own position!

There is no way to do things. I have such a position at home! But Wang Yang has no other pursuit. After all, he is different from his eldest brother! If the eldest brother were here, he might be more active, but if the eldest brother was not here and he jumped and pedaled, his father wouldn't do much? But grandpa is hard to say!

As for Grandpa's heart disease, what is it? Isn't Wang Yang clear? I'm afraid I can't solve the contradiction with my eldest brother in my life! Is it time for big brother to be soft? Or let Grandpa be soft?

It's not that big brother hasn't been soft, and even takes the initiative to step back, but what about Grandpa? It's absolutely not biased. This also leads to why grandpa lost to big brother. Of course, he said it on purpose! But in this case, Wang Yang really doesn't mention it directly!

At that time, grandpa can't stand it. At that time, he really became the target of public criticism at home! What's more, Xiao Gang's situation is so good that he, who is a father, can't pull his son's hind legs, can he? If that's true, being a father will be too incompetent!

So just be a little transparent! And I think it's very good. Anyway, I don't have any great ambitions!

Of course, Wang Changlin noticed his son's actions and reactions. Wang Changlin was still very satisfied with Wang Yang's performance. His son didn't have much ambition. To be exact, it was his own reason. He really can't blame others!

The eldest son came back too late! At that time, the house had withered! Green and yellow do not receive, more exaggerated, not to mention broken roots! At that time, Wang Yang's qualification was not outstanding at all. Under such circumstances, Wang Yang could only be abandoned! What if not?

There are not so many resources at home. There is no food and grass in hand. It's even hard to say that you can't even drink water! In this case, even if you have any other ideas? It's impossible!

Then the eldest son came back! Given a lot of resources to supplement the family, and the eldest son pulled his own brother. Otherwise, what would Wang Yang look like now? Who knows!

So now Wang Yang is very satisfied. He is very happy. If he is not satisfied, he will give himself a different headache and even embarrassment!

Do you really think you can't do anything in this position? How is it possible that the more you are in your position, the more you need to be cautious!

Although Wang Pu is narrowing her eyes, she can see clearly the expressions and actions of her son and grandson. Wang Pu also has considerable emotion in her heart! His son inherited his position very well. Although there are considerable problems now, it is definitely due to the mess he left at the beginning!

It is beyond his imagination that he can gradually start to clean up the mess and even maintain this situation! As for Wang Yang, he gave birth to a good son, that's all!

But to a certain extent, they can't compare with that bastard son of a bitch!

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