Living here? Ding Yu also felt that the traffic was not very convenient. Compared with the place where he studied and his sister's school, it was so far away. At most, he was a little more convenient from the place where he worked.

But where do you work? Also do not need to go every day, even sometimes directly to send the data, their own use of the network above the convenience of the work can be handled, so Ding Yu is also moving up the mind.

Just before that, Jiang Xiaoyun called himself and had dinner together in the evening. When driving to the Mercedes Benz g550amg, Jiang Xiaoyun also felt that he had some silly eyes. He was too big and too wild. When he saw the car, Jiang Xiaoyun unconsciously tightened his legs.

After dinner, Ding Yu also mentioned this aspect of the matter, "I need a house, the best can be bigger, double entry is better, need to have parking space, location? In the vicinity of the University of Posts and telecommunications and medical college, don't be too far away! "

Let Jiang Xiaoyun come to find it, not an intermediary, because Jiang Xiaoyun was originally in this business, and her news could not be weaker than that of the intermediary, let alone do so? It's the same as giving Jiang Xiaoyun benefits. It depends on whether she dares to accept it.

For Jiang Xiaoyun, such a real estate is also there, duplex real estate? Just recently, Jiang Xiaoyun also nodded, "Mr. Ding, I will pay attention to it. The main reason for inviting you to come today is that the procedures for four houses have come down. When do you have time to sign it, I have brought the text here!"

When you talk? He also stood up and walked to Ding Yu's side. When signing, he didn't know whether it was intentional or unintentional. Half of his body had been pressed on Ding Yu's body. Because his coat had been taken off, it was very obvious that Jiang Xiaoyun had done this on purpose.

When Ding Yu finished signing, he looked back at Jiang Xiaoyun. The two places were very close. Then Ding Yu suddenly reached out and pinched Jiang Xiaoyun's face. With some intentional meaning, he let go.

The process is very brief, but the meaning of the representative is different. It doesn't make each other too embarrassed, and at the same time, it makes the relationship between each other further. This may not be the result Jiang Xiaoyun wants, but just her way? There are only a few mistakes.

That night, Jiang Xiaoyun confirmed the real estate for Ding Yu, which was very good, so there was not much discount on the price. Shen Lang went to see it in person and was very satisfied. At the same time, I also fed back the decoration plan to the decoration company, two rooms and one hall downstairs, one kitchen and one bathroom, what about the floor above? One hall and one bathroom will do. What about the hall above the building? Shen Lang will be transformed into a study. The design of the study seems complicated.

For the decoration company, really did not meet such a picky person, pay for the payment, and then sign the contract, which indicates that will find people to check and accept, these things? Jiang Xiaoyun personally came to deal with them. After all, Ding Yu didn't have so much free time.

What's the good news? There is no need to make too many changes in the interior. At most, it is just some changes in the layout. In one month, everything is ready. Time is money. This has been fully experienced.

All the furniture is made of solid wood, and it is imitation chicken wing wood. It's not the best, but it's also good. It's just a private space, but it still needs a period of time to put it. When is your leisure time? Ding Yu will move all his books here, but will he move in? Forget it!

Time has not been said, the smell inside the house has not dissipated at all.

Time goes by a little bit faster, at least for Ding Yu. Unconsciously, the second half of the year has passed. For Ding Yu, professional courses are absolutely no problem, but are other subjects? A little bit of trouble, because almost have forgotten.

Relatively speaking, it is the soy sauce subject, but the problem is that it can not pass the examination oriented education? More or less simple, although did not get the so-called all excellent, but Ding Yu is very satisfied with his results, as for Ding Ding there?

She was very relaxed. She went through all the subjects over and over again. Of course, her current study is also very simple. English, advanced mathematics plus Marxism Leninism and the thought of the Communist Party of China make up so many subjects. As for other subjects? The majority of them are electives, so naturally it is very relaxed. At this point, Ding Yu is a little bit busy.

"Drive back? Drive that one back? "

Ding Ding doesn't care what his brother has to worry about. If the car is placed there, I'm afraid it's all rusty. Ding Yu also has a headache, "left hand or right hand?" Did not think that Ding Yu just put out his hand, he was photographed by his sister, the expression can be said to be very dissatisfied, "there is no left hand and right hand!"

Ding Yu also frowned on his brow, "it's too public. We're just a county-level city there. We don't care if we look at such a car to go back. We'll come back after living for two days, but it will bring unimaginable pressure to my parents!"Ah... "I don't!!!"

Ding Ding's voice dragged a long time, obviously also expressed his dissatisfaction, looking at his sister is not very happy, Dingyu also blinked his eyes.

"That's it! Anyway, I need two days. You can drive for a ride these two days. By the way, I will buy something for your family and relatives. I will give you a list! "

Then Ding Yu also took out his wallet, looking at ding ding to seize the past meaning, Dingyu also raised his own hands.

"If you have a word first, you need to report. Your spending in this half year is over standard. You can also help me buy something. For your brother Wang Bingwang, you can't eat anything for nothing! How about the car for you after the new year comes back? "

Hum! Ding Ding was very disdainful to hum a mouthful, and then he also gave the bank card to his own hand, and then he made a face at his old brother. Specifically, his spending in this half year was indeed over standard. For the first time away from home, what about the control of this side? I don't know how many times I have taken my old brother's wallet.

It is really shame to say that there is no reason for my old brother to say. It will be very handsome to drive back in this car, but the same? Also can cause a lot of noise, so still like old brother said, a few more stable better.

Dingyu went to ask for leave with the director. Although there is still a distance from the new year, there seems to be nothing on the side of the office.

And even if there is anything, telephone notification can be done, work related things can be done through the network, which is generally the case. Of course, if the director disagrees, he has no way. However, because Ding Yu visited in advance last night, and Dingyu's performance was enough to explain all the problems, so it was natural to approve the fake of Ding Yu. Of course, it was just oral fake, and no one would implement the paper.

After Ding Ding bought the things back, Dingyu picked the gift first time, and sent it directly to Wang Bing. When to send it, it was not very nice to say, but it was not a problem that it should have been years ago.

When we leave? Dingyu also proposed ten houses contract to jiangxiaoyun. After the new year, he came back to deal with the problem. I hope Jiang Xiaoyun can prepare for this aspect. What about it? There is also a check, can not always let the horse run, and not let the horse eat grass.

Why not find intermediary, because intermediary is too black, and interest entanglement? Too big, and the goal will be very obvious, but looking for Jiang Xiaoyun is different, all the risks? Basically, they have been transferred to her, and for jiangxiaoyun, she is the sales manager, not to mention ten sets and eight sets, ten times more.

As for the quadrangle? The intermediary over there has been discussing the third set of quadrangle, but the process may need to be slowed down. Because the head of household has so many, it is not a moment and a half to negotiate, but the intermediary is really trying. After all, if it is negotiated, the price will be different.

The day before returning, Dingyu also ran out of his leg. Why? Because of that dog, it was not Dingyu who bought it, but Dingding has a good heart. But the problem is to go home for the new year. I can't give the dog to stay at home! Then I'm afraid it's almost a skeleton when I come back.

I don't feel relieved to stay in the pet store. There are many reasons. So we can only let Dingyu run back and forth. Dingyu has no complaints. There are so many troubles. It is not a big deal. However, this is a very difficult struggle. Fortunately, Dingyu's physical strength is very good. As for Dingding, she is like a big lady.

When I got home, Dingyu was also crying out to eat. What was the original time? I didn't feel how much things were, but I found that after returning, the original things really took a little more, and Ding Ding didn't mean to help at all. Ding Yu certainly understood what it meant, just revenge on himself not letting the car come back.

However, after returning home, Dingyu was dragged to one side position before he could rest. He knew about Dingyu medical affairs in his family. However, the details of the matter were not so clear at the beginning and end. It was unclear in the phone. Now Dingyu is back. Naturally, he has to ask him well.

"The translation work is very idle, our director also takes care of me very much, so I want to find other things to do!"

When talking, Dingyu also drank a mouthful, "just met such an opportunity, went to see Wang Bing when saved a big family, maybe not want to involve other things! I gave a car, but I didn't ask for money. I changed a place directly. It was just like this! "


Dinglin also slightly excited said, "money can be made again without money, but the opportunity is gone, there is no money to buy back, feel busy, give up the job, the home to raise two of your college students is not a problem, learn medicine! The future will be no longer worrying! "It's obvious that Ding Yu didn't go to the Military Medical University at that time, but Ding Lin still felt some resentment. Now Ding Yu embarked on this road, which is the biggest psychological comfort for Ding Lin. if the son inherits his father's career, it can be said that he can't, but walking on this road can also be regarded as understanding his own wish.

If other things are placed, Zhao Shuying certainly wants to refute it. But in this case, Zhao Shuying understands her husband very much. Of course, she is proud of her son's wandering. Although she was not born of her own, she was raised by her own. She also felt proud of her way out.

And Ding Ding? She also felt that her position was threatened, and she showed her gifts as soon as possible. She bought all the things, which can't be denied. Zhao Shuying has been a housekeeper for such a long time. Although she can't tell the price of things at a glance, she also knows quite well.

These things are not cheap! How much money can he earn by eating and drinking with his brother! But it's not good to mention it in front of my son at this time, but I have time! I still need to warn my daughter.

The elder brother wants to make up for this feeling, but you, the younger sister, can't be unscrupulous!

The next day, Ding Yu finished exercising in the morning and had just had dinner, and was dragged away by Ding Lin who had finished eating. That meaning is very simple. Ding Ding still doesn't mean to get up. If she gets up, she can wave her hand at most, and won't take away a cloud.

"Yang Bo, you come!"

Ding Lin has his own office, so he also called Yang Bo to come over, "Ding Yu, you have met, let him give you a hand during this period of time, as an intern, strict requirements, no leave, no leave!"

After leaving the office, Yang Bo is also a little curious, "Xiaoyu, how did the director get so angry? I haven't seen the director so angry before! It's a little bit noisy, isn't it? If there is no overnight feud between father and son, it's better to make peace. "

Ding Yu also blinked his own eyes, "I was in BJ side of the medical school for a learning opportunity, the old man is not suddenly excited, last night this meal to give me education!" He also patted the bag on his hand, "let me take it in half a month!"

After listening to this, Yang Bo was shocked. The medical school over BJ got a job and suddenly some of them wanted to scold their mother. Aren't you from ZS university? What's more, I'm already working. It seems that I'm still translating. How can I suddenly get a chance to study in medical school? It's a fable?

"The work there is very leisurely, there is not too much demand for the working environment, so it is also to give yourself a little motivation!"

Ding Yu also explained that "just in time for such an opportunity, the original time was more interested in medicine, and what's more, it can be regarded as an understanding of his father's wish!"

Yang Bo directly stood up his thumb, "you are so powerful, I used to admire the director, but now I need to add another one, brother, I really put myself on the ground!"

Then Yang Bo also took Ding Yu to the doctor's office. All the doctors in the office were doctors in the undergraduate department. "Wait a minute. Let me introduce Ding Yu, a student in the medical department of BJ University, who is on holiday now, so I come here to practice for a period of time."

The whole office was blown up all of a sudden. Although the students of BJ University Medical School said that they all graduated from medical school, this level is different, just like a capital, a county or a city level. This level is too different.

Yang Bo also gave Ding Yu a brief introduction, everyone's arrival to Ding Yu! Also expressed welcome, immediately also introduced Ding Yu to the nurse there, after all is a department.

"Yang Bo, how did you come here to practice?"

When he was free, the doctor next to him was also very angry. Yang Bo also took a look at it. "You are a mountain cannon. The eldest of our director's family, originally graduated. When he was a translator, he felt that his work was light and handy, so he got a place for study. What about it? I admire you


Next to the doctor directly dizzy, "this is what relationship ah! I have to kowtow well. I don't worship the true God. I'm guilty! Don't let anyone stop me. "

The office is also a burst of laughter, but everyone's heart is also admiration, you know, there is no absolute relationship, who can enter there?

After all, he is the eldest son of the director. Yang Bo's relationship with the director is very good, but it doesn't mean that he can be in front of Ding Yu. However, all morning, whether it's ward rounds, medical treatment, or changing catheters, Ding Yu is honest and upright standing behind him, recording something from time to time.

The questions that should be asked, but they will never make any remarks. Most of them are private inquiries. Sometimes, Yang Bo will deliberately explain some problems to Ding Yu.

What about Ding Lin? I went to the Dean directly. After all, the internship is such a thing! I still need to inform you. Although I am the deputy chief physician or even the Department Director, I can't be too unscrupulous. In the office, I also talked with the president. The president is also a smart man. He is not a matter of principle at all.What's more, it's just an internship opportunity. It doesn't take up the salary or the position. What's more, it's a good relationship? Who knows if it will be used in the future, this is not good.

What about Ding Lin? He also brought Ding Yu over and at least let the Dean see him. Although he agreed, there was still a need to go. When the Dean saw Ding Yu, he was surprised at Ding Yu's youth, and then encouraged him to say a few words. Then he let Ding Lin and his son leave.

In the morning, he was busy. Until 12 o'clock, Ding Yu had a chance to have a rest. After dinner, Ding Yu walked for about half an hour. Then he went to the doctor's office to see the basic courses and medical records. What's more, Yang Bo was on duty this evening. That is to say, Ding Yu didn't have to go back to rest this evening It's gone.

"Dad, that's too much! My brother just went to practice on the first day, so you've got such a big challenge? "

Ding Ding did not pay any attention to it. She criticized her unkindly. Zhao Shuying also nodded slightly to show her support for her daughter. She went to practice, not to be skinned.

"do one line and do it." I can't manage what it is like, but now, I has the final say.

Ding Ding slightly bared her teeth, but there was no way. Anyway, there was nothing to do. Then she went downstairs and took the car key in front of her father. Ding Lin took a look at it and didn't mean to speak. When Zhao Shuying saw this scene, she shook her head with a smile. Her husband's!

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