"Brother, the recent situation seems to be so strange!" When he came to the courtyard house, it was evening. Looking at this meaning, Wang Yang was ready to have dinner here, and Anjie informed the service personnel. During this time, his mood was very good, and his daughter's problem had been completely solved.

My mother and father came here earlier. They didn't expect that their granddaughter would have an operation so soon. Moreover, it was operated by experts from Fuwai and the United States. The operation was very successful. Although for my daughter, she suffered a lot. When she came out of the operating room, her face was still in tears.

But what about the tears? What's more, the danger period has passed. Now it's a good time to take a good rest. However, the rest time may be a little longer. Because Tongtong's age is still relatively small, it will take at least half a year. This is really not short!

However, it is more important than anything else that Anjie's parents deliberately came over to thank Ding Yu. Before seeing Ding Yu, there were still some trembling, but after meeting with Ding Yu, they found that some worries were filtered out, and the young man was still very good at talking.

Although it is to eliminate the tension, but what about Jack's parents? There are still some people who are restrained. However, Ding Yu is quite different from the so-called second generation of officials and the second generation of rich people. He is a calm young man, but his smile is not too much, and there is really no pickiness in other aspects.

"So happy?" Looking at Anjie who is going to leave, Wang Yang also said with some doubts, "look at your appearance, just like marrying a new daughter-in-law?" Wang Yang is also not idle, since the elder brother did not have to pay attention to his own meaning, then from other aspects to find the so-called balance! Jack is a good choice!

"Tongtong's illness has not too many problems, and is now recovering!" Anjie also explained.

"Oh, really?" Wang Yang also patted his head, and then he said sincerely, "Congratulations, I really forgot about this matter. I've been too busy these two days to take care of it, but I'm sure I'll make up for Tong Tong!" Also did not let Anjie speak, Wang Yang also waved his hand, Anjie also thanks, immediately left.

It doesn't matter whether the three young people will make up for it. It's very good to have this kind of heart. He doesn't have any other requirements. The dinner is delivered soon. However, the two little guys obviously ate something outside, so what about eating now? There's a little absent-minded look.

Ding Yu didn't pay much attention to it. After sitting for a while, Ding Yu let the two little guys leave. The two little guys hopped away. Wang Yang looked at the two little guys, and then looked at his elder brother, "brother, what I said just now, you hear me! Now I think it's a little strange! "

"What does it have to do with me?" Ding Yu doesn't care at all.

"It's a big deal. I don't know if you know the circle in Yamen? It's not small, but it's really not big. Not everyone can enter this circle! " After saying that, Wang Yang also pointed to himself, "and although I said I didn't mix in the things inside, I was one of them!"

Ding Yu glanced at the past coldly, and his voice said coldly, "are you showing me your identity on purpose? Or, you want to tell me, this matter has a lot to do with me! "

For his brother's tone, Wang Yang has long been used to, so there is no sense of anger, his brother has always been like this, not only in front of himself, even in front of his grandfather and grandmother, it seems that there are not too many changes, but I really have some small admiration for this.

Too many people want to enter this circle, but few people can be in the circle. What about their big brother? Let alone enter this circle, even in this circle to stand firm, there is no problem, but his elder brother has no interest in this, which makes people feel helpless.

"What about this little circle? It's quite special. There are many people who want to enter, but many people seem to be kicked out. My performance from childhood to adulthood is not bad. In addition, because of my grandfather's identity, I have been in it for a long time. In fact, it's not like what the outside world imagined! "

"Don't beat around the bush. I don't want to hear your stories!"

"Well! Someone has mentioned you to me. If you have time, you can go and have a seat! That's how it is! " Wang Yang also gently took a breath, "what is the hidden meaning of this word? I have been accepted by the circle, and the identity of elder brother has also been recognized, whether you want to or not! "

"Do you think I will or will not?" Ding Yu also made a rhetorical question.

When he heard his brother say this, Wang Yang looked at his elder brother suspiciously, "I don't quite understand what you mean when you say this! At least I am in this situation! From my personal point of view, joining this small circle is nothing bad. ""I can probably understand what happened to the circle you are talking about. Whether I join or not to join is not as important as imagined, it's just a matter of attitude." Ding Yu also smile, "this inside the problem you consider to understand well!"

Ding Yu didn't mention the superfluous words, or that sentence, Wang Yang no matter how to say, are all the Wang family members who are well-known, but what about himself? Although it is said to be the eldest grandson of a long house, it does not mean that this identity has been recognized by others. This is two times. I don't know if Wang Yang wants to understand.

A more close to the truth is that Wang Yang has a backer behind him, but what about Ding Yu? There are only two kinds of problems. The news revealed by that small circle is of two meanings.

We are all of the same kind of people, there is no need to tear the skin. If there is any situation, you can sit down and have a good talk. After all, many people were scared before. What's more? That is to show Ding Yu some problems and conditions. Your brother is already a member of the circle, and so are you.

This is the hand of peace and friendship to Ding Yu. Now it depends on Ding Yu's attitude. For such problems and situations, Ding Yu also has his own consideration, and he will not show up. But what about the hand of friendship? Ding Yu will not refuse. This is two times.

In the end, Wang Yang didn't want to understand this problem. It's not because of Wang yangstupid. There are some reasons why there are so many dark lights. However, when he went back at night, Wang Yang also told his grandfather Wang Pu about the matter. He hoped that he could get some hints from his grandfather to make his thoughts clearer.

Wang Pu sighed and looked up at her grandson. Wang Yang didn't think about it, but it doesn't mean that Wang Pu and the old lady didn't think about it!

Wang Pu and the old lady feel very depressed, but there is no way to be depressed. This is the great grandson who always regards the Wang family and the Su family as their own! It's really a bit of death!

But there is no way for people in the family. Ding Yu's disapproval of the family is multifaceted. It can not be explained clearly in one sentence or two. There are Wang Pu and the old lady because of their age? Therefore, it is a difficult knot to deal with some things!

The next morning, Wang Yang also went to the hospital to see an ruotong. When he came, Anjie happened to be there. There wasn't much time in the courtyard, and Ding Yu agreed, "San Shao, how did you come?" Seeing San Shao entering the ward, Anjie is also in a hurry to stand up.

Anjie also put down the fruit basket and a big teddy bear in his hand. "I forgot about the time before, but I haven't had this time all the time. It's just the time in the morning. Come and have a look. How about it? Is everything all right? " Seeing Anjie's parents, Wang Yang also said hello.

Although it is said that the operation was performed by experts from the United States and Fuwai, an ruotong is now staying here for easy care! Wang Yang comes to see an ruotong, and says hello to his brother. What's more, Anjie is the housekeeper of his elder brother. It's necessary to have a good relationship.

"All right!" Although an ruotong said that she was lying on the bed, her heart would be happy to see that toy. Many people came to see her, but most of them were fruits. However, such a big toy was really the first. Ann ruotong's grandfather and grandmother, looking at the little granddaughter lying on the bed, also touched her head with a slightly dry hand.

Listening to an Jie's introduction, Wang Yang also nodded, "there is no problem in life and other aspects! There may be nothing wrong with my elder brother. Anyway, I don't have anything to do. If there is any situation, call me. There is nothing else. This face can play a little role. Some things are more convenient than my brother! "

"Thank you! I feel so sorry for coming here Wang Yang also laughed, "come on, I don't feel uncomfortable here!" Said also looked to lie on the bed of an Ruo Tong, "Tong Tong is it? When you're good, I'll find your third uncle. The third uncle will take you for a stroll, and the third uncle will promise you, OK

"Thank you, uncle. I love the gift you gave me!"

Ah? Listening to an ruotong's words, Wang Yang also laughed, and then stretched out his thumb, and then said with pride, "how about it? Your third uncle's eyes still have some! Don't worry. When you get well, uncle Sanshu will give you a better one and a pair of them! "

Looking at an ruotong's fluttering little finger, Wang Yang is also stretching out his little thumb. Although the thickness is somewhat different, the two people's little fingers are also hooked together. Although the toys are a little expensive, for Anjie's current salary, there is no problem. The important thing is that his daughter likes it."Well, I know you better here!" Looking at an Jie who is going to send out, Wang Yang also waved his hand. "I went to my brother's office to have a look. I don't know if Tao Jin is there. I'm a little scared of her."

Looking at Wang Yang who came by, Tao Jin put the schedule on the table beside him, then nodded to Wang Yang. Wang Yang felt that his teeth were itching, and he didn't know whether he thought Tao Jin had been around his brother for too long, and he had the same temperament as his brother.

I can accept my brother, but it doesn't mean that I can accept Tao Jin, so I don't give her any good face. In fact, what's in their hearts? There are so many rivalries, only this, there is no big deal, after all, there is no contradiction between the two people!

Looking at the schedule, Wang Yang is also skimming his lips. It seems that his brother has a lot of things to do today, even the next day, and there is not much free time. Wang Yang is quite helpless about this. His brother is much busier than himself. How about coming by himself? That is to say, there are still some who are not so calm in this heart.

At this time, do you want to find someone? To determine what kind of dice he threw out, but no one gave him such confidence. Wang Yang thought of his brother at the first time. Before the signing was completed in the morning, he and Xiaobao were separated.

Although it is said that all things are run by himself and Xiaobao, they will not appear on the surface. After all, we still need to pay attention to some national regulations. That is the red line, and we should never trample on it. As the third generation of red, Wang Yang sees some things very clearly. It is absolutely stupid to fight against the country and the people!

Tao Jin is also a little strange. Wang Yang spent the whole morning in Ding Yu's office, and even didn't eat much at noon. Tao Jin couldn't stop shaking his head until about 1:30 p.m! Ding Yucai walked into his office from the outside and looked at Wang Yang sitting on his office chair.

Then he poured himself a cup of coffee, "are you so free?"

Wang Yang also put down the book in his hand, and then stood up from the chair. "In the morning, I signed the contract, but I didn't have a bottom in my heart. There was no place to go. I happened to come over and have a look at Tongtong. I didn't expect that you would be busy until now. Fortunately, I left. I heard that Xiaobao was almost drunk and unconscious!"

"I have no elixir and no magic medicine here!" After saying that, Ding Yu also looked at him, "if you want to be sick, I can give you a check, but look at your face, there is no big problem!" After that, Ding Yu looked at the schedule and said, "I'll have a consultation later."

"I'm convinced Wang Yang also sighed, "OK! I won't ask you about my business, will you After that, Wang Yang also took something out of his arms. It was a card, but there was nothing special on it. The design was very simple. Ding Yu took a look at it and then threw it into his desk.

Wang Yang looked at his brother, some doubts, and then some curious said, "brother, don't you ask?"

"Are you stupid or am I stupid?" Ding Yu said without being angry, "it's my business whether to use it or not, but it's not just my business to accept or not. I can still see this matter clearly. It doesn't mean I use it. It's just an attitude. Everyone knows each other without saying it! Don't you understand that? "

Wang Yang had prepared a lot of speeches before, but he thought that there was no effect at all. He had not yet waited to speak? The way has been blocked by his brother, how good is this to let himself? After that, I had to sigh for a long time! A lot of preparation didn't work! What a pity. "

"It's not a waste of time. I'm not involved in this problem. You can control it yourself, but it doesn't have much significance. Even if it's involved, it's just a little fuss. No one will pay attention to it!" Ding Yu's tone seems to be a little big, but when it comes to it, it's a little flat!

"I'll go, brother. Are you too calm?" Wang Yang is also slightly resentful said, after all, is a small circle! The energy is absolutely beyond imagination, but what about your big brother? What problems and situations do you think of in your mind?

Ding Yu also looked at Wang Yang coldly with a smile, "calm down?" Then he looked at Wang Yang contemptuously, "I don't know if you have ever gone bungee jumping. If you have a chance, you can try it. You will know the taste!"

Bungee jumping Wang Yang was also stunned for a moment, "I've heard of it, but I haven't tried it. It's been popular in Beijing for nearly ten years. I don't have much pursuit for it. I don't want that stimulation!"

"If you're safe, try and remember the first time. You'll never forget it!""Is there any connection between them?" Wang Yang is so persistent that he wants to ask questions. But looking at his elder brother's appearance, he seems to have no response in this respect. This also makes him quite sigh.

PS: Farewell to the old and welcome the new year, golden monkey, new year's greetings to new and old friends and book friends here!! I wish you all happiness, good health, smooth work and all the best in the New Year!!

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