When driving home from work, Ding Lin also took a look at his son. What about during the day? I thought about it myself, what happened in high school? It has always been a blow to his son, and he has been a estrangement in his heart all these years. In any case, the estrangement has never been eliminated.

All the time? I avoid this topic very much, but I didn't expect to meet his classmate today, and he was a good friend of high school, so what happened? There are also some twists and turns, reopening the wound, for his son is not a good thing, Dinglin is also quite touched.

"Dad, I'm not that weak. I've been so many years. What about some things? It's time to put it down! "

Ding Yu can feel some of his father's worries. He can tell by the speed of his driving. He can even surpass the bicycle beside him at will, "what happened in those years? It's over, we still need to look forward. I know you have other ideas in your heart, but a classmate is just a part of life, not all of life! "

"I had some thoughts. If I hadn't met Tan Wendong, I'm afraid it would have been buried already!"

In front of his father, Ding Yu can't hide anything. "But it's not a big deal. Now look back. If you calm down a little at the beginning, maybe it won't be like this. It won't sound like a slap in the face."

Obviously, Ding Yu did not attribute all the responsibility to others, but admitted some of his own problems and conditions. This is a kind of progress. Hearing his son's words, Ding Lin also took a long breath. It's hard to say whether he can cross the threshold. But judging from the current situation, at least there is a door.

After dinner, Ding Yu went out to exercise again. After seeing his son go out, Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying also turned around to teach their daughter, "Ding Ding Ding, you should behave well these two days. Don't make your brother angry, especially don't touch his memory. Do you know that

Ding Ding Ding directly knelt down. From the morning, my mother began to grind this matter. After my father came back at noon, he had some education. Now he goes on to mix doubles. It's really devastating. He is still the flower of the motherland! You don't have to look like this?

After I went to work in the morning and changed my clothes, the first thing I did was to see Tan Wendong's grandfather. The old man's condition is still very good. From the current situation, we should first raise them for two days, and then come back to make a decision after the new year. The film has come out. The stone is not small, but the problem is not very big, and it is only a unilateral stone.

"If you don't feel at ease, I'll give you an injection for two days in the hospital, and then I'll do the specific treatment after coming back in the New Year!"

Ding Yu also expressed his own meaning in this respect, "if there is nothing to worry about, go home and have an injection, which is an anti-inflammatory needle. There is no need for other drugs for the time being!"

Tan Wendong's home is still more important to the old man's body, the Chinese New Year's day to go home for the new year, the rest of the time? On the side of the hospital, the old man can move freely. Even now, he can't stand it. After every day's injection, he wanders back and forth. He doesn't feel free at all.

"I called the old turtle and the shrimp. Anyway, they are still at home now. However, the fat man has not had a holiday, so he is more sad. I haven't found anyone else. Just the four of us go out and sit down!"

In the evening, Ding Yu drives a car. Anyway, his father can't use it. What about this? Ding Lin is also quite enlightened, but also told Ding Lin, absolutely not to drink, if you want to drink, don't drive.

When Ding Yu stopped the car, Tan Wendong had already run into the small compartment of the hotel, "shit, is this your surprise for us? Don't you mean to bring your daughter-in-law back? Is it that you've already blossomed? This is not a surprise at all, shrimp. What do you think you can do with this bastard and let him go back on his stomach at night? "

"No problem!"

The guy next to me is also shouting. When he spoke, he saw someone standing at the door. He thought he was a waiter! So it is not so concerned, but sitting next to the shrimp to see people, directly jump up, "dry!" Next to the old turtle this time to return to taste, directly with a, "I do!"

Two people directly hit Tan Wendong, which was really a surprise. They didn't expect the feather to float back. The four of them also made a good madness for a while, "I haven't seen you for more than six years! You've been hiding for such a long time

Tan Wendong also nodded and said, "my grandfather was hospitalized on the day of his childhood, and he just caught this guy. How about his internship in the hospital? Brother, I'm lucky! You guys! It's not that hand at all! After looking for so many years, I didn't even find a hair, but I directly dragged the living people over. "

"Stop pulling, feathers. What have you been doing all these years? I never heard from you. When I asked my uncle, I said that you went to be a soldier. Later, you moved in your house. At most, everyone made a phone call. Every time my uncle said that you haven't come back as a soldier. How could it happen? ""Injured, then retired!"

Ding Yu's answer is very insipid, "now half work and part-time study. I'm working in the capital and working as a translator in a state-owned enterprise. My job is relatively light and I've found some relationships. So I mixed up a learning opportunity in the Capital Medical College. After I don't come back, will my father cram me into the medical college to practice?"

"Hurt?" Old turtle also looked suspiciously, and Ding Yu nodded, "well, I carried the black pot on my back, so I gave a quota. Of course, there was a lot of transfer fees. Later, I got into the state-owned enterprises to work as a translator. Otherwise, I don't know where to prepare to work at this time."

In the evening, we didn't persuade Ding Yu to drink. In high school, we knew it very well. If Ding Yu wanted to drink, I'm afraid no one could stop him. What's more, he's driving here today, and what's the purpose of coming here today? It's that we reminisce about the past, haven't seen for so many years, and have a lot of words to say.

After dinner, Ding Yu and they didn't go back immediately. They found a place to drink tea. The city has changed a lot in the past two years. Four people just look for a place to sit down. They don't mean anything else. Of course, they just sit around a bit. Then they come over with two sets of cards, playing cards and chatting.

Ding Yu came back a little late in the evening. Both Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying didn't mean to go to bed. Looking at Ding Yu's expression, she knew that there was no problem with him. As for Ding Ding Ding, she had already got into the warm quilt. As a heartless representative, she explained everything with her actions. After a look at her room, the dog moved her body, and then again Lying there.

This year can be said to be Ding Yu's first year back, so the atmosphere at home is quite different. Years ago, relatives in the family also sent a lot of things over. Ding Ding Ding is basically clothes to reach out, and Zhao Shuying is busy alone! It's really hard work.

There's nothing wrong with the hospital. Ding Lin also gave Ding Yu a free ride, but he didn't mean to be free. Looking at her son's performance and her daughter, who was sitting on the sofa, holding snacks and watching TV, Zhao Shuying really felt a little bit out of breath. Was the difference too big?

Ding Yu enjoyed it. Listening to the quarrel between his mother and his sister, he felt very funny. He had not tasted such a taste for a long time. Whether it was in the army or in his dream, it was so in the army? There are also spring festival time, but it is not home after all! What about the situation in the dream? Not to mention it.

Three days after the Chinese new year, Ding Yu is still in a state of vacation. With the changes of society, the taste of the new year seems to be getting weaker and weaker. However, for Ding Yu, he still enjoys and greedy for the warmth of the home. At least he is very eager. In the third day of junior high school, he went to grandma's house with his family members, which was regarded as a new year's greeting for the elderly.

The big and small of the family came. Ding Yu was very good at integrating himself into it. It's true that grandma still had some meaning that she didn't like to see, but Ding Yu didn't care so much about it, old man? It's understandable.

On the fourth day of junior high school, in the best hotel in the city, old turtle sat on the sofa with shrimp and Tan Wendong beside him. After waiting for the fat man to come, the four people were able to be active, looking for a few cards to come over, but the four people were fighting with the unscrupulous, and other students came slowly.

"You said give me a big surprise. What kind of surprise is it? When you were a year ago, you were just messing around. Don't think I don't know!"

Fat man is just a nickname given by everyone in high school. Is this guy now? It's a little thinner, but at least one hundred and six tons is not light.

The old turtle and others looked at each other, "OK, I won't hide it from you. I originally planned to tell you when I was new year ago, but for your sensible sake, I'll give you some good news. Feather is back!"

"Shit As soon as the fat man was excited, all the cards in his hand flew away. I'm afraid that it won't be smoothed for a while. "Sir, are you too brute? Don't tell me such news earlier. Where did you go

As soon as the words were said, the fat man realized some problems immediately, so he nodded, "it doesn't mean much anyway. Just take a moment to go. Anyway, it's the same every year. They don't want to see us, and we don't want to see them. It's all false feelings when they meet. It's better to change places!"

After all the students came, I simply talked about it. The time for eating was not very long. From the appearance, it was very lively. However, there were some clear-cut meanings. There were two tables close to each other, and there was another table? There seems to be some distance from the other two tables.

After dinner, it was time to break up, but Tan Wendong organized his own table. Everyone surrounded the city for a circle, where they talked, "there are other activities in the evening to surprise everyone. I have already reserved a place, but there is a saying before, I regard everyone as brothers and sisters, so I don't want to have family pain The enemy is quickHe went to the mass vendor and asked for a big bag. After waiting for more than ten minutes, Tan Wendong locked the door directly. Then he put the microphone in his hand and said, "turn on the light!"

When the light turned on, Ding Yu also stood at the door, "surprised or not? Is Gao unhappy? "


All of the students in the private room all of a sudden stood up, and basically all the things in their hands were thrown out. Of course, the target was Tan Wendong, who was standing on the stage. The surprise the bastard gave was too unexpected, "dead Dongzi, don't tell us about such a thing earlier, and catch it for him!"

Then everyone pulled Tan Wendong down like an eagle catching a chicken, and then threw it in the air and fell on the sofa. Fortunately, it was thrown on the sofa. Otherwise, we should call an ambulance at this time.

Then everyone caught Ding Yu, and his excitement was expressed. "In today's words, I came back last year, and now I'm working and studying in Beijing. If you have time, you can contact me!"

After Ding Yu was released, he also said with a smile, "let's worry about it for so many years. Let's talk about it! I'll accept the punishment! " All of them had a good time for the whole night, and then let Ding Yu leave his contact information. Of course, Ding Yu was ravaged and let him leave. In the past years, it was OK to get together, but today is really happy. Although it has been a whole night, the momentum is still there.

After staying at home for another week, to be exact, he stayed in the hospital for another week. Ding Yu has returned to Beijing. The school has not started yet, but the company has already worked. If he doesn't go back, he will be a little bit awkward. Although the director won't say anything, is he a man? It can't be too much.

Ding Ding seems to have some heart, but the problem is to see his father and mother's face to know, things or do not want to think, if he ran now, to ensure that his mother will personally catch himself back, this point is beyond doubt.

Too helpless, my mother is a teacher, the time is basically equal to myself, I have a vacation, my mother is also basically on vacation, when I go to class, my mother also basically go to work, ah, my brother left, I will be alone at home, some small worry!

The first thing Ding Yu came back to do was to visit the director. After all, the delay was a little bit too long. It was all due to the director. What about flattery? It can't be too prominent, just right, that is to say, scratch the itchy meat on the line, more, too much, will be counterproductive.

In fact, there is nothing to do when you go to work. It's just to show your face. Of course, you can say that Ding Yu's family is still very good, at least not relying on this job.

But Ding Yu has one good thing, that is, he never procrastinates on his own work, and his relationship with the director? It's also very good. Although it's less than half a year, the early one has already become a regular, which makes people very envious. From then on, we can see the difference in life. They are all together. What about the other two? I haven't heard from you so far!

After spending the whole morning in the company, Ding Yu also went to see his own house. The duplex house has been cleaned up, and has been checked and can be moved in. As for the quadrangle, it is also tidied up.

Jiang Xiaoyun came over at the first time after learning that Ding Yu came back. She had handled the matter that Ding Yu explained. It can be seen that Ding Yu doesn't mean much to himself. At least, his beauty is not as good as Ding Yu's eye. More practical, they are just the relationship of employment and will not involve other aspects. This Mr. Ding is young, but he has a good determination. He can't hook up with him. So, he will work hard for money!

With the income of this half a year, I have already started a house. In only half a year, I started a house. If it was placed in the past, it is really hard to imagine, and it is still the full amount. Now, saving a house is more insurance than saving in the bank. You can see the action of Mr. Ding.

"What's the problem?"

When signing the contract, Ding Yu obviously felt that Jiang Xiaoyun had something to say. He put down his signature pen. Ding Yu also asked directly, "something to say!"

"Well, Mr. Ding, because of the Chinese new year, the turnover during this period of time has increased significantly. And now we all know some problems and conditions, so we have a lot of opening. My colleagues and I have pinched about 20 sets of houses in our hands, and we have never let them out."

Ding Yu also blinked his own eyes, "yes, I know that vertical and horizontal alliance has formed a small-scale trust. It's a good idea, but it needs feedback from the market, that is, looking for someone to pick up the offer. Otherwise, you may get rid of it, right?"

"Mr. Ding, I'll make you laugh. The sisters are young enough to make a living. They finally catch up with the opportunity and want to make some money for their youth." Jiang Xiaoyun is also clear about his position, in front of Ding Yu or don't presumptuous words, and what to say, such words will appear more sincere."Yes, you can handle things by yourself. Call me when you are done!" After saying that, Ding Yu's face changed. "I don't care about other aspects, but I don't want to publicize it. It's good for all of us."

When Ding Yu left, Jiang Xiaoyun was finally relieved. At the beginning, he contacted some people and successfully covered some houses. If he had not let go, the real estate companies above would not be very satisfied. They could sell with * *, but they could not affect the interests of the company because of their own interests.

But think about it is also feel very appalled, is the next batch, after their own hands have more than 40 sets of housing, my God! Jiang Xiaoyun feels that her scalp is numb. What is the origin of this one?

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