However, no matter how other people look at him, Ding Yu always sits there and may listen to sun Yingnan's opinions and thoughts, but he has no intention to speak and no other actions.

"Dongfang, what do you think of our friend?" The speaker was the middle-aged man who had made eye contact with Ding Yu when he came in earlier. Because he always felt that he was so familiar, even some impression still remained in his head, and it was not a bad impression. But why can't you remember it?

The Chinese sitting behind the middle-aged man also shook his head slightly. "I've heard about sun Yingnan. He's high-profile in his work, but he's very low-key. He doesn't know much about this young man, and even the news is poor. However, he sits very calm. No one can do it!"

"Oriental, you know I don't like your implicit statement very much!" The middle-aged man sitting in front of him also gave a slight smile, and then turned his head sideways. "I like the ancient Chinese culture, and I have a lot of research on them. It has a long history, and the inside information is very deep and very interesting."

People who are called Oriental also smile, "hide but don't leak!" This is a very positive statement!

"Oh?" The middle-aged man was stunned, "a real person does not show his appearance, but he is not a real person. It should be right to say so."

"Hard to say!" After saying that, he may also have some feelings, and then he said, "it's not good to say it! Anyway, it's interesting. If there's no situation, you can make friends. It's not a bad thing! What about his face? It makes me feel that I can't see clearly! "

"Young master, there seems to be some interest in you!" Sun Yingnan said, "I don't know who is in front of me, but the family behind is still a very influential family among Chinese in North America. It's just that the reputation is not obvious. I've had the honor to meet once, so I have some knowledge!"

"Bruno!" Ding Yu lightly said a name, listening to sun Yingnan is also slightly a Leng, "a very adventurous old man, many years have not seen old friends!"

The expression on Sun Yingnan's face is a little bit dull, how many years have not seen old friends? When did the host know his old friend? And look at this situation, it seems that they are not familiar with each other in general! At least we can say their names. We should know that most of the people sitting in front of us don't know their names.

However, Ding Yu did not stay on Bruno for a long time, and then lowered his eyes again. At this time, other people began to speak. Ding Yu didn't listen very seriously, because this man's words were too explicit to say, even to a certain extent, it was a little too much.

However, these people here are old-fashioned. How do you say it's your business and how do we do it? This is another thing. It can give the black president a face. After all, these people here are supporters. But what about this support? It is not to damage their own interests as the bottom line, to a certain extent, but also to meet the interests of everyone.

The meeting lasted more than five hours, which was also a time for everyone to relax. In the open banquet, there were waiters in the living room, but they were very few. After all, there were not many people present.

Ding Yu doesn't have much interest, but Sun Yingnan asks Ding Yu with a tentative look. After all, Ding Yu is his own master, and Li Fuzhen over there is the same thing. Although it is said that this is a rest time, it is the best time for everyone to be familiar with the time, so everyone's interest is also slightly rising.

Ding Yu looks at the buffet with a plate. It's hard for him to start. When he hesitates, Bruno also stands beside Ding Yu, holding a very beautiful plate in his hand.

In fact, there are not many people who come to eat the buffet. There are various choices here. Whatever you want to eat in the world, you will be well prepared here. However, there are not too many people who make such choices. They are ordinary and rare celebrities, and no one wants to leave any bad impression.

Even if you want to publicize it, it depends on the situation. This is not a place where people act recklessly. If you take out a person, you may never see their images and information in the news and newspapers, but its energy is absolutely beyond imagination. To a certain extent, we are basically people standing at the top of the pyramid.

"Would you like one? I'm more interested in steak! Especially the chef is the chef of Michelin 3-star! "

In the face of Bruno's invitation, Ding Yu also tilted his head and looked at it. "In my impression, you big beard seems to be interested in cow blood. I have seen you eat a big bowl! It was still bloody. "

Bruno stepped back a little, and then looked up and down at Ding Yu. He looked very suspicious. It seemed that he had a big beard many years ago! What's more, you've eaten a big bowl of cow blood? It seems more unusual for me to drink blood like this!Bruno moved his head askew, though he also extended his arm. His thumb was half buttoned, and his forefinger was pointed at Ding Yu, as for the middle finger. The ring finger and little finger clenched fist, and then fired a shot at Ding Yu out of thin air, and even deliberately placed it on the edge of his mouth, blowing away the smoke of gunpowder that did not exist at all.

Ding Yu rubbed his nose with his index finger, acting like a crying child. Bruno looked at Ding Yu's movement, and his face immediately turned black. This was the scene he didn't want to remember. But he didn't think that it would appear in front of him at this time.



After that, the two people hugged each other. The action was not very big, but it made many people feel quite surprised. They even looked on with another eye. They didn't expect that Ding Yu could still have a relationship with Bruno. The outside world didn't know about Bruno, which does not mean that these people at the top of the pyramid don't understand each other. We are all the same kind of people.

"Great changes! I felt a little bit impressed before, but I didn't dare to recognize each other! " Bruno also raised the coffee in his hand. It doesn't mean that there are no drinks here, but there are not too many people to move them. It's not the best choice to indulge yourself. What's more, it will affect his own nerves.

Maybe when the meeting is over, everyone will sit down and have a drink, which will be fine.

"Retired?" Bruno also asked tentatively, but the meaning of this sentence is really some extraordinary, but without waiting for Ding Yu to explain, Bruno also went on to say, "after that, I investigated a lot of information, also asked a lot of people, but really did not have your information, just like a ghost!"

"Good luck to see you again! Although I have finished this, I feel a little uncomfortable! " Ding Yu also forced to explain a group, but this explanation seems to have so many wrong answers!

After that, both of them laughed. At the beginning, they didn't know the identity of each other. Now? Although two people still do not understand each other's identity, but can stand on the same level, there is already a common discourse, which can explain the problem.

"So you're out of the water, then?" Bruno also asked curiously, "I have a lot of understanding of China, especially after we have lived and died together, I am more interested in Chinese culture, but today I meet you on such an occasion, I feel a little incomprehensible!"

There were some contradictions before and after his words. Ding Yu blinked his eyes. "I'm in trouble, so I'm retired. I'm now working as a doctor, but I'm afraid it's still a long time before I leave school!"

"Is it? I'm a photographer now, and I'm still very interested in it. However, I've been bothered a lot recently, and I can't handle my lens any more! I don't know when I can stop. "

Two people talk in a low voice, while sun Yingnan and Li Fuzhen focus their eyes on their bodies from time to time. Being able to find so-called acquaintances in such a place has greatly changed their outlook on life. This is definitely not the real situation, and it is impossible to think about it.

However, the conversation between the two people was not very long, because the banquet lasted only an hour. However, there was still something left to be desired when looking at the appearance of the two people. When entering the meeting room, Dongfang also asked, "it looks like you are very familiar with each other!"

"I've been forgetting for many years. No wonder I didn't remember it before." After that, he also took a look at the East, "yes, you said that sentence is very correct. The real person doesn't show his appearance, but his appearance is not real. This little guy is definitely a very difficult character. At least I was in his hands, and was badly punished!"

"I haven't heard of you!" The east also slowed down its own pace, "but although there is no face-to-face impression, but in the dark? I have such a feeling, but I have no actual contact with him, so it is difficult to make further judgment! "

"Absolutely cruel character. I have inquired about him for many years, but I haven't got much news. There are some reasons for the Chinese government, but I think it should not be the most important reason. He can come to this stage today, which shows that I was still a bit out of sight at the beginning."

The eastern mind can not help but move up, Bruno inquired for many years, have not been able to explore the people, such a situation is not only rare, so simple, and even there are so some Arabian Nights, "what kind of person is he?"

"If you have a military background, it should belong to the high-end one, otherwise I won't be unable to get his information!" Bruno also said that he was light, but because of this, the East felt very shocked, "when I met him, I was just out of the cottage. Is that what the Chinese say?"

"It seems to have left a very deep impression on you!"

"When he operated on my body, it could be said that there was a lot of gunfire nearby, but he did not have any shaking, and completed his work quickly and effectively. Now I want to come, but I still have some confusion. What did he think at that time? As for what happened later, let's not say it! "Looking at the smiling Bruno, the east also laughed and nodded his head slightly. It's OK to mention the beginning of such a thing. As for the follow-up affairs, if you want to know, you can check it. There is nothing that can't be found out. Bruno mentioned the beginning to himself, which shows that he has no intention of keeping this matter secret.

"Something unpleasant may happen next. I think someone will come to him!" It's Bruno's friend, but what about such a thing? I still need to mention a sentence, and Bruno is a smile, "if someone really wants to come to the door, there will definitely be a good show to watch!"

Back at the table again, sun Yingnan is so eager to try, because he really wants to know how the master knows Bruno, especially Li Fuzhen. She has already known the identity of the East. Since she can let the East sit at the back of her body, Bruno's identity will not be too simple.

For the owner, it is quite beneficial for the future development to establish a certain relationship with Bruno. However, the problem is that I am not sure what the nature of their relationship is. The problem is a bit big! At least in their own impression, the host and Bruno have no relationship.

Just as sun Yingnan was thinking, Ding Yu snorted a little. Then sun Yingnan was stunned. Looking at the movements on Ding Yu's hands, he sat up straight for the first time. By the way, he made a color for Li Fuzhen beside him. Although he said that he had not felt anything, the master's hint had come.

All of them sat together, but before the meeting began, a man came in from the outside. His pace was very steady, and a beam of light also hit him. When looking at this man, everyone's expression was also different. But Ding Yu did not put too much attention on this man, that is, he looked at him and then changed his eyes.

But Ding Yu does not care, does not mean that other people do not care, even many people present have put their eyes on Ding Yu's body, how to say? These people present are not in vain, but the problem is that Ding Yu's inside story is not as rich as imagined, picking up the persimmon soft to pinch it!

This is the commonness of human beings. Ding Yu didn't respond to the worry. He still sat there calmly, as if what happened had nothing to do with him. Of course, everyone's attention was focused on himself, but what happened?

However, when everyone hesitated, Ding Yu suddenly turned his head and said two words to sun Yingnan. Then Ding Yu also handed two pieces of paper to him. Ding Yu also moved his fingers. However, Bruno looked at Ding Yu's movement, and his face was slightly stunned, and then turned his head sideways.

"What is he doing?" Bruno's mouth also slightly twitches, "black feathers fall from the top of the wings, what do you mean?" After that, he sighed, "I hope that guy doesn't make the wrong choice! But it's rare to see a beautiful scene! "

Dongfang didn't really see it clearly. He felt that Ding Yu scratched the paper with his fingernails. There was no other action and expression. Then he began to origami where he was. Because he was sitting in the opposite position, he could see clearly. A paper crane often used such trivia to amuse his little granddaughter.

After Ding Yu folded the paper crane, he also sighed slightly. He really didn't want to do it! But who knows what happens next? Then Ding Yu also took another piece of paper and folded it into a piece of paper, which was sandwiched between his fingers. He didn't know what it meant.

The corners of the East's mouth twitched slightly. He had already understood the situation, but the problem was that he did not find any trace on Ding Yu's body. This made him feel strange. He was also a martial arts practitioner, and the blood of those who practiced martial arts was relatively vigorous.

But what about Ding Yu? I really can't see this. I don't even have the most basic reaction. I'm a martial artist, and Ding Yu is also a martial artist. But is it that I haven't practiced Kung Fu well? Or is Ding Yu's Kung Fu already practiced? It feels like there are some that are unlikely.

I also believe that there are crouching tigers, hidden dragons in China. However, after the war and some reasons after the founding of the people's Republic of China, martial arts withered a little bit. Although some of them have improved in recent years, most of them are flower trellis, and few outstanding talents can be seen. If such people appear, it is impossible for them to have no name in this respect.

However, the East has thought of another possibility, that is, can Ding Yu be a member of the military? If that's the case, he can hide himself well, but it may also make sense. But being able to hide himself does not mean that he can still cover himself up in front of himself, twice.

What's more, he didn't even feel the smell of blood from him. He should be from the military, and he should be a senior one. Would such a person not be contaminated with the so-called bloody gas? Impossible thing! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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