The meeting lasted for almost two days. During this process, Ding Yu and Bruno are already quite familiar with each other. Besides, Bruno and other friends are also in contact. What's the feeling of Ding Yu? Ding Yu is a little boy, but he has a great bearing.

Moreover, in the past two days, Ding Yu did not complain too much, or even a little bit of blame, as if the previous events had nothing to do with him, and this also made the American side have so many small worries. How to say something, biting dogs don't bark!

And Ding Yu doesn't cry? It is not good for the United States to continue to test Ding Yu, because the consequences have been so serious in the past, and even let the loose group collapse directly.

Moreover, people like Ding Yu have a grudge. He really pokes a finger in the back. If people from other aspects, even those from hostile forces, are united, it will have a very serious impact on the economy under the new president. We should know that the previous meeting can have just discussed this issue.

But the problem is that the forces supporting the president are really not very good to deal with this matter now, because Ding Yu has no performance at all. It has been three days, and Ding Yu has not made any action at all. This will definitely not be a good thing for the new government.

What about those things on the table? Just let each other have a step down. At this time, if you want to calm down Ding Yu's mood, you need to think of other ways. This is the most important point. Do you want to give Ding Yu a special immunity like Britain? This is not a problem that can not be considered!

However, the United States also knows that Ding Yu will never be moved by such a point of view. Even if Ding Yu is not granted this special immunity, then what? Their identity in the United States, if not unimpeded, will not have too many obstacles. Who knows how many people they have raised in the United States?

Don't say it's Ding Yu. Even if they are themselves, they seem to have a lot of people in government departments. Of course, it's a bit too straightforward to say this. To be exact, everyone is a community of interests. When the interests can be reached, they will move forward together. If the interests can not be reached, they will go their separate ways.

Therefore, the issue of special immunity is not enough to impress Ding Yu. What happened in Britain at the beginning, although the British side said that it granted special immunity, it was also because other interests were involved. Otherwise, a so-called special immunity could solve the problem? No one is stupid!

Then someone went to the East. What about Bruno? On the one hand, Bruno? The situation of the eastern guy is different. Most of his main forces are in North America, and he is also a Chinese. His identity plays a significant role to a certain extent.

"It seems that the United States is in a bit of a hurry. If you don't give an account when Ding Yu leaves, then the situation may change dramatically once Ding Yu returns home, and I have inquired about some news!" When Dongfang said this, he didn't mean to avoid Bruno, "some news about his life experience, but to be exact, it was the message that someone deliberately passed on to me, and now few people know it!"


"Not so much!" The east also whispered in Bruno's ear and said, "that means let me be the middleman. If there are any conditions, you can mention them, but what are the conditions? It's basically arranged. Stealing chicken doesn't make rice. In fact, it's no big deal! "

"I won't talk about it. I can't afford to lose that man!" Bruno also laughed, "but I'm going to visit China. After all, he saved me at the beginning, and I won't forget this love!"

Of course, Dongfang can hear the hidden meaning of this discourse. The so-called "go to have a look" is to further strengthen the relationship with Ding Yu, and even has already expressed its approval to Ding Yu. Therefore, it is necessary to have such a talk. However, I feel a little gratified. It is worth being proud to have such people in China!

Although it has been a hundred years since his family left China, he has been deeply educated by the tradition, so there is a kind of blood relationship that is hard to give up in China. So naturally, he also expects someone to stand up in China. Now Ding Yu has given himself some hope, but how is it? Further contact is needed!

"Talk?" Taking advantage of his spare time, Dongfang is also standing beside Ding Yu. Ding Yu also looks at the East. Although Bruno introduced himself to him earlier, there is not much contact between them. Now he actively comes to visit him, which is definitely not as simple as being interested in himself.

"Mr. Dongfang is so polite. The boy is a little frightened." Ding Yu is also a very smart person. What about his own situation? Also have a certain analysis and understanding, do not look at their own appearance is very similar, but in fact the above? It is true that there is not too much inside information, that is to say, there is not much inside his heart.Under such circumstances, silence is a very good choice, so Ding Yu tries not to talk much. What about this one? It also misled some people successfully. He felt that Ding Yu was a little enigmatic. But in fact, Ding Yu was very clear about what happened. There was still some self-knowledge.

The east also slightly opened his eyes, to Ding Yu's show of respect? I really don't have too much sense of habit, why say so, because of the young people they meet? For example, Ding Yu's age, no matter how high his achievements are, there are basically two situations when he meets himself.

One is that he doesn't know himself, so he is arrogant and domineering; the other is knowing himself and being respectful. But what about Ding Yu? It's not any of them, respect for themselves? Giving yourself the feeling is more like a kind of attitude of keeping a distance, which I can feel.

But then Dongfang seemed to remember something. Although the meeting is coming to an end, it is still on the manor side. Come and talk to Ding Yu himself? It seems that to a certain extent, it also shows his own position and attitude. I'm afraid that is the main reason why Ding Yu has such a "distance" from himself?

After trying to understand the matter, Dongfang also gave a bitter smile, but the problem is that the candidate is really suitable for himself. As for Ding Yu, did he misunderstand himself? This problem needs to be discussed. A good exchange may lead to good results, but from the heart of the East, there is really not much assurance.

"You are taking my army The east also said helplessly, "but what about this matter? I don't want to explain too much. Explanation is just cover up The east also said frankly, "there is an intention to resolve the embarrassment caused by this incident, let me come here to be a lobbyist!"

Ding Yu blinked his eyes. The expression on his face was a little bit unexpected. However, Dongfang couldn't understand it. The so-called accident was just pretending to be. This little guy is not old, but his heart is a little bit "bad"! "If you are old, you must be good. I will listen to you with all your heart."

Dongfang did not hear that, "there is a special immunity for you. Compared with the special immunity of the UK, it is just one of them. Moreover, the problems of enterprise acquisition and listing will not become any obstacle. In a word, you are welcome to come!"

"What do you mean?" Ding Yu also said in a rhetorical question, which also made the East have some unexpected, but the East is not a good stubble. "I was lucky to meet elder brother Su, and I deeply admired him at the beginning."

Ding Yu slightly nodded his head. Since he had pulled his grandfather out, he had nothing to say. In fact, the United States hoped not to make things too rigid, so he gave himself certain benefits. What's the problem now? Is it really up to you?

At the previous meeting, he gave himself some benefits. Now the old man of the East found himself again and again, but there would be no repetition. In that case, he would have a very strong relationship with each other. What's more, for Ding Yu, he didn't have much confidence in his heart, so he nodded after thinking for a while.

Dongfang looked at Ding Yu, who nodded his head, and took a step back. "Xiaoding, I'm so curious about your identity. At least I don't feel quite consistent with the introduction of others. Your Kung Fu can't be practiced by everyone, at least not by ordinary people!"

"When I was young, I was not very sensible. My heart was always restless. Later, I experienced some things. Therefore, it is an experience of life to be able to calm down." Ding Yu said it was plain, "I hope you can always remind me in the future!" In terms of attitude, Ding Yu is absolutely good.

However, the East is aware of other meanings in this discourse. What about this time? I give you the face of the Oriental master, not only because you know my grandfather so easily, but also for some other reasons. Anyway, how about this face? I gave it to you, but for once, never again.

"I remember when I met elder brother Su, he was a little bit hot. I haven't seen him for many years. I don't know how brother Su is now! I haven't returned home for many years. Most of them can't get away from it. Sometimes? It seems that I can't help it! There's too much trouble. "

"The body is a little reluctant!" Ding Yu's voice was also changed. "When I get older, I will convey your father's greetings. I think my grandfather will be very happy."

If you don't eat hard and soft, the east also smiles, and doesn't care much about it. Instead, he looks at Ding Yu and says, "your Kung Fu is quiet, but I really don't see too much Buddha nature in your body!"

Ding Yu laughs, but laughs without saying anything, and has no meaning to reveal. Dongfang looks at Ding Yu's appearance and does not continue to inquire. Since all of them already know Ding Yu well, it should not be too difficult for them to inquire about Ding Yu's news when they want to come.After he separated from Ding Yu, Dongfang also communicated with other people. He mentioned Ding Yu's situation. Of course, he added a lot of oil and water to it, but it did not affect the overall situation. People in the United States were relieved. As long as they talked about it, it was a good thing. It seems that this little guy is very sensible.

And Ding Yu here looked at Sun Yingnan, who came by, and raised his mouth slightly. "It seems that you have achieved a lot in these two days." After saying that, he also raised the coffee cup in his hand. Sun Yingnan's eyebrows also jumped twice. In the past, he was well-informed in his position, but only after he came here did he know that there was a day out there!

Some things? It's not that it hasn't happened. It's just that you haven't met and experienced it. For sun Yingnan, today's experience is a leap forward. "The group may need some expansion, and I've made preparations for this aspect!" The tone of his speech was very firm.

Ding Yu pondered for a while, and nodded with a smile, "I don't know much about this aspect, but I still know the truth of chasing after victory, as long as I'm not proud!" In this speech, Ding Yu also expressed his attitude very clearly. It is certain to be bigger, but it needs to be controlled within a certain range.

Out of his understanding of his master, sun Yingnan also gave Ding Yu the best response. He did not need to speak because there was no need. In front of the master, doing is always more important than saying. This is certain.

As for Li Fuzhen who is not far away, she has gained more in the past two days. To be exact, Samsung has gained more. But how to make good use of this resource is also a problem. Who knows if she will have other ideas on her psychological side and know the temptation she is facing, but the whole Samsung is a slightly huge empire.

"Can she stand the test? It seems that there are so many people who are in a dilemma. "

Sun Yingnan also noticed his best friend's reaction and condition in the past two days. What about this problem? I really can't say it well. After all, this is an internal affair of Samsung. Of course, there is another problem in this, that is, what kind of attitude the host has towards Samsung, which is very important!

After the meeting, the vast majority of the participants did not appear at the reception dinner, which means that there will not be too many people taking part in the so-called swearing ceremony. After all, in real life, everyone is the so-called "ordinary people", which is impossible to appear in the news, newspapers and information.

But before we leave? Ding Yu also talked with sun Yingnan for a period of time. No one really knew what they had discussed. Although some people paid great attention to it, it did not have any effect. Even everyone involved in this matter would have a vacuum period.

"I may come to America next year, so you may have to arrange your vacation time properly."

When she left, Ding Yu didn't mean to let Sun Yingnan see her off, and even Ding Yu didn't mean to go with Li Fuzhen. On this issue, Ding Yu was a little bit ruthless, and did not give Li Fuzhen any opportunities. Or from another perspective, Ding Yu helped her indirectly.

In the understanding of Samsung's president Li, even his own daughter? At the beginning of the prince's rebellion, this method was also slightly bloody and cruel. Ding Yu really did not think that Li Fu Zhen had the confidence to challenge the president Li. At least, no one would support her.

Rather than make the final embarrassment, it's better to completely end Li Fu Zhen's thought at this time to get what you should be able to get, but don't have any cross-border, in this case, Hello, I'm good, everyone. After the problems arise, I still have joint and several liabilities, which is really not what Ding Yu hopes to see.

Samsung noticed that Li Fuzhen appeared at the first time. When he learned that Ding Yu did not appear, President Li was also hesitant. How did this happen? Could it be that his daughter was opened? But it's a little unlikely! You know, the swearing in ceremony is about to begin.

Then Li Jianxi called his daughter for the first time. After the call was connected, Li Fuzhen didn't have much hesitation. Although he didn't see Ding Yu, he felt a bit sorry. But in such a family, what about some things? Still have their own unique understanding.

Ding Yu "warned" himself in such a way. At the same time, he also expressed his attitude to his father. At the same time, he wanted to look up to him, but now? In this heart, there is really a little sense of admiration, which is really affordable, but at the same time, it can be put down.

What about Li Fu Zhen's psychology? It's not that there are no other ideas, but the problem is that Ding Yu didn't show up. It really makes his dream wake up. Some things can be done, but what about some things? Or do not touch, for their own father, I still have some understanding.

"Father, I'll be back in the first place! The meeting is over. " Li Fu Zhen did not say the extra words, but Li Fu Zhen believed that his father should have understood his , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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