"Brother, who is the third brother?" The next day, Ding Yu did not go to the company, so in her spare time, Ding Ding Ding also asked casually, and Ding Yu pondered over this question for a while.

"Some paranoid children raised by good families!" Ding Yu summed up all the problems in one sentence. A good family means that Wang Jianguo had a very good family background and received education? It's also a special one. How about using the adjective Yang? There are some derogatory meanings, which are definitely not commendatory. What about paranoia? Absolutely the best description, as for the last child? The finishing touch can definitely explain the problem.

Ding Ding feels that there are some paranoid children raised by good families who are chatty. If you have a chance, you can ask Wang Sange what the words mean. It sounds like a very interesting one.

Ding Yu went upstairs to study. Although he said that he had mastered a lot of knowledge in his dream, he only had some so-called practical experience. If he really came out, his fart was useless. Now he has this time and energy. Why not make good use of it? So now Ding Yu is like a dried sponge, replenishing water in * *.

Of course, Ding Yu's study is not only medicine, but also economics. In the first two steps, he has the opportunity to be opportunistic, but it does not mean that he can always be opportunistic. What about such things? But again and again, basically can not be repeated, so their own efforts!

"Brother, I'm driving away. I'll make an appointment to go to the countryside with my friends tomorrow." Although Ding Ding said that she had some willfulness and mischief, she was not unreasonable. Shen Lang didn't have too many opinions and ideas about it. "Keep in touch, call what you have, and if the problem can't be solved, call Wang San Shao!"

Ding Yu didn't stay at home too much, and soon went to the courtyard. For some things that appeared in the courtyard, Ding Yu didn't take it as a thing. He didn't know where Wang Jianguo found a couple. Ding Yu simply recognized it.

At noon, Ding Yu had dinner in the courtyard. The old couple was curious. It was still winter. But what about this young man? Just standing outside practicing, I'm not afraid of cold.

However, when Ding Yu learned that the old couple's wages were paid by himself, he was not angry. What did Wang Jianguo mean? He didn't have the money. What did he mean by finding such a couple for himself at will? Some fuckers!

Ding Yu didn't mean to ask about the couple's situation, but he also explained some information, "depending on your age, you are older than my father. I'll call you uncle and aunt. I don't have any requirements here. When you have time, you can clean some, clean up the dust, and you can do whatever you like."

Since Wang Jianguo didn't mean to explain, there must be a secret in it. If Ding Yu interfered, it would be inhumane. As for the salary? Give a bank card, buy something to remember reimbursement is OK, even if the two old couple ran away with the bank card, they can also go to Wang Jianguo for reimbursement.

"I heard you went to the courtyard!" Just left from the courtyard, Wang Jianguo's phone call came, Ding Yu is also a little impatient, "tired, something to talk about!" The attitude of speaking should be as tough as possible.

"Help me take care of the two old people. If you need anything, just talk to me." When Wang Jianguo said this, his voice was more or less exclamatory. What about Ding Yu? That is to say, he also put down the phone immediately. Listening to the busy tone in the phone, Wang Jianguo also laughed.

What kind of person is Ding Yu? Although he doesn't know as well as he imagined, he feels quite comfortable and doesn't know what causes it. Although he doesn't give himself any guarantee, he won't have any worries. Maybe this is the tacit understanding between each other, and he will have the opportunity to explain to Ding Yu in the future!

However, before Ding Yu got home, Jiang Xiaoyun gave him a greeting. Ding Yu could only drive his own car to the public. For Ding Yu's sudden change of car, Jiang Xiaoyun was really a little uncomfortable. After the window was opened, Jiang Xiaoyun suddenly realized that Yu Shao's love song was really hard to understand.

"Yu Shao, all the procedures have been completed, and we are waiting for your signature." Ding Yu took a look at the location of the 20 houses, of course, and the quotation above. Then he wrote a check and said, "how to divide it is your own business. It has nothing to do with me. If you are not satisfied with this number

Joking, how can you be dissatisfied! You should know that the price itself has been tainted, of course, this is not as much as imagined, after all, many houses are high-quality housing, who is not what a fool, feather less said? It reminds me that I am very satisfied.However, when she was about to leave, Jiang Xiaoyun was also tentative and asked, "Yu Shao, our company has opened two new buildings. I wonder if you are interested? But what about the location? It may be farther away, but it is also within the scope of the third ring road. What's more, the sisters don't know what you like about Yu Shao, so they prepared two small gifts together

The gift is not very expensive, just a string of beads and a cross stitch, "thank you Then Ding Yu also took over, "thank you for me. If there is a chance in the future, I think there will be opportunities for cooperation."

What about all the good things that Jiang Yun's sister had to say before, which was enough to show that all the things were good enough for Jiang Yun? Jiang Xiaoyun how much also has other aspects of the idea, but is the timing of the above there are so some are not suitable.

Feather less started so many sets of houses, can't always be idle! For myself, this is a complete opportunity, but I want to eat one bite. How many of this is not very realistic, and the position of sales manager? Jiang Xiaoyun is not sure how far he can go.

After all, my age is not too young. After all, if I struggle for two years, if I can't go further, I will be knocked down by the back waves even if I don't retreat in a hurry. This is an inevitable thing. What about this alliance? Also let Jiang Xiaoyun realize some opportunities.

But even if there is such a chance? We also need to see whether Yu Shao will give such an opportunity. Judging from the two small gifts he sent out today, Yu Shao is also a man of temperament. He did not look down on these so-called cheap gifts, but instead took them down. This is also the chip in Jiang Xiaoyun's heart.

Very late, Ding Yu heard the sound from downstairs, but Ding Yu didn't mean to go downstairs. Then he heard his sister's cry like a wolf. Ding Yu patted the samoyer dog lying under his feet twice. Then he went to the middle of the stairs and sat down. Looking at the situation, he also slightly shrunk his mouth.

"You are welcome. There is something to drink in the refrigerator, and there are snacks over there. Ding Ding Ding, warn you. Be careful to attract the wolf! It's too late. Although we say that we won't come to you downstairs, you should have some sense of public morality! "

After that, Ding Yu went upstairs again. Samoye went downstairs and looked at some girls. He spat out his tongue and swayed his head. Then he turned around and ran upstairs. He didn't give a few girls a chance. He was so angry that he screamed. Although he was dissuaded by his friends, he didn't have any effect.

The carnival downstairs did not have any impact on Ding Yu. In those years, when he had surgery in the midst of gunfire, he would never have any distraction. Although it is just a simple operation, if there is a little carelessness, then your life in your hands may be out of smoke, so the interference of foreign objects will not affect him too much.

At eleven o'clock, Ding Yu goes to bed on time. As for the rest time of the girls downstairs, Ding Yu doesn't pay much attention to it. In the morning, the dog also followed Ding Yu out of the house. It was a little boring at home. When Ding Yu came back, the girls didn't mean to get up.

Shen Lang didn't wait for them. He went to the courtyard by himself. Of course, the dog was also with him. Although Ding Ding Ding got it back, let him stay with Ding Ding Ding. Unless there is an extremely unexpected situation, otherwise, don't think about it. For him, it is just like a nightmare.

When Maomao and others woke up, they were quite embarrassed. However, after looking around for a circle, they found that brother Ding Yu had long been gone, and did not know whether to go to work or what to do. However, breakfast had been prepared for a long time, and after some mischief, they also washed up.

Taking advantage of brother Ding Yu's absence, we all went upstairs to have a look at it. It was just a study, but it was not as messy as we imagined. The east direction is the French window. The morning sun shines in, which makes people feel very warm. Some low desks are placed below, but lower than the glass.

Due north is the bookshelf. The bookshelf is very high, and there is a high and low ladder below. The books on the bookshelf are not arranged in order. There are some upright books, some are upright ones, and there are many marks and notes on them. Obviously, these books have been read. Otherwise, it would not be so.

There is a big desk near the south wall. It's enough to use as a bed. There are some things on it. The books I read have not been cleaned up. And behind the desk? It's not the so-called wall. It's still a bookshelf. Different from the bookshelf in the north, it's a double-layer bookshelf. There's a step up and down near the north wall.

What about the west? There are two doors. One is the bathroom. What about the other? It's a small bedroom. The whole room is completely surrounded by books. Except for a monitor placed on the desk and a movable desk lamp in the middle of the study, there are basically no other electrified equipment, and even the most basic furnishings are invisible. It is too monotonous."Ding Ding, it's too luxurious!" Maomao is also full of sigh. "Give it to me! What does my brother like? I'll change it

Ding Ding glanced, "what did you like about my brother? I asked him to change it!" As soon as this word was said, he suffered a head-on attack. Everyone directly pressed ding ding to the ground, which was a direct ravage.

However, as we all know, it doesn't matter if you make a fool of yourself below, but if you touch something, you will be embarrassed because there are some books on the ground. If you don't clean them up, they will be placed where they will be. If you are careless, you may confuse them.

It's only a few days before school starts. Yesterday, I was tired, so we didn't mean to go out. At noon, Ding Ding Ding also called her elder brother. The meaning was very simple. She asked him to come back to pay the bill. Moreover, the oil in the car was not enough. She went to bed late and got up too late in the morning, so she didn't catch her brother.

"No, there's money I left you in the refrigerator in the kitchen!" After saying that, she also hung up the phone directly, leaving Ding Ding screaming where she was. Obviously, she was venting her dissatisfaction. In fact, the four little girls couldn't eat much food, just like it was yesterday. It was just playing. Other places didn't spend much money.

The main reason is that it's too expensive for the big guy to refuel. "Wait, brother, do you think about something? It won't take too long to add one time. It's really annoying! " In fact, for Ding Ding Ding, who is always ready to refuel, she has to squeeze her brother once.

"I see. I'll do something about it!" For Ding Yu, this matter is not so troublesome. It's OK to add an auxiliary fuel tank. However, it still needs to customize some things by yourself. Of course, can't we exclude it? Need to know some relevant information, contact it! Since it's my sister's request.

What about this? Three directions: North America, Hong Kong and Germany. What about the first two? Refitted cars are common, but what about the rear ones? Origin, they certainly have this aspect of research, fortunately, the network is more developed, otherwise it is really a trouble.

It's been a long time since I started it. For Ding Yu, it's really like there's some itchy feeling of hands. What's up? How many are still constrained, but there is a problem? Still need to let his sister come forward to solve, that is, some problems in remittance, Ding Ding Ding also went to the bank twice in the past two days, handling account problems.

They found people from Germany, but their ideas were good, but they were too rigid. The United States had a lot of dexterity, but they had high requirements for hands-on ability. Shen Lang beat the money in the first place, and the time was not very long. In less than a week, things arrived.

Fortunately, Ding Ding also started school. Otherwise, it would be a trouble for Ding Yu. After looking at the items sent by mail, there are two sets of them. The package is very good. What about before? Ding Yu also looked at it. It was obviously not appropriate to start downstairs. He still needed to find a more suitable place.

It's OK to rent a bigger garage. Ding Yu can't concentrate on it every day. After nearly a week's work, Ding Yu has already checked it out. There is no problem. The most important thing is the safety situation. As long as this is not a problem, the rest is not a problem.

However, it is obvious that Ding Yu can't pull a long distance directly. She doesn't have the time. She has time to give ding ding ding a try. It's estimated that if she goes to Jincheng, it will not be a problem to walk back and forth slowly. I don't know if she has a good heart. Ding Ding Ding unexpectedly goes there to eat dumplings and chaos on weekends. I don't know what she thinks?

For Ding Yu, it's better to read more books than the students in the college? I'm just more experienced than them. In addition, I don't have many advantages. I'm a little bit depressed, but I enjoy it.

Ding Ding doesn't understand her brother's behavior, but she doesn't mean to interfere. Anyway, it's her brother's behavior, which can't be said to be good or bad. When she has time, she wants to take him out for a stroll. But the problem is that the two people's interests seem to be different. Anyway, they haven't found the so-called common ground.

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