After finishing the operation, Ding Yu also deliberately went to the ward to have a look. The two patients' postoperative conditions were very good, and his second uncle had already left the ICU. Now it is not so important to continue to stay in the ICU at this time. Seeing Ding Yu, everyone gathered around at the first time.

Ding Yu also slightly nodded his head and looked at his second uncle's indicators. There was no problem. Basically, he didn't need to worry about this aspect. Then he chatted with the relatives of the family about the patient's condition and what should be paid attention to. When he spoke, Ding Yu was also very modest.

If it's not because there are other doctors coming to look for him, maybe Ding Yu will not leave. After all, they are all relatives within five clothes. If he leaves rashly, though no one will mention Ding Yu, how many times will he talk about Ding Lin's family education!

After leaving, Ding Yu also went back to the ward. The family member who had the new operation may feel a little uneasy, so he also asked people to find Ding Yu back. Ding Yu looked at the situation and explained it.

After explanation, Ding Yu didn't stop too much because he had seen some leaders in the hospital. After nodding and saying hello, Ding Yu also went to change clothes. His operation had been finished, and he was still waiting for himself at home! If there's nothing else, I'm ready to go back.

After changing her clothes, she said hello to her father and got on the bus together. The father and son also said some interesting things when they were on the bus. Of course, Ding Yu also inquired about his father's attitude from the side, not for Taixi. She didn't need to worry about it. After all, the children already had, so she could inquire about it The interest mainly involves Ding Ding and Cao Zhen.

Ding Lin also took a look at his son, and then he hummed and laughed, "the child is still very good. He knows how to be polite and more knowledgeable. How about standing in my personal perspective? There is no problem, but he seldom talks about his family. Ding Ding Ding is the same as the child. There is also your sister! What a leap! As a father, I don't know what to say

Hearing his father's words, Ding Yu also laughed, "Dad, Ding Ding Ding has some jumps. This is true. It's mainly because she has returned home, so she's not too restrained. What's going on outside? I've been looking at it. It's very good to deal with it. It's still very elegant! " At this time, Ding Yu is also flattering, flattering his father.

His son's words are to ease his mind, and Ding Lin also knows it. But after his son came back from service, what happened to their brother and sister? He and his mother really don't have to worry about how much, or even don't worry about it at all. This is also to make me feel gratified. Now the old couple are living quite well!

"What about Ding Ding Ding? I don't have too many opinions. Judging from the current situation, Cao Zhen is still a good child! But I think it is necessary to investigate for a period of time. After all, two people need to live a lifetime. What about us? It's just one aspect, and Cao Zhen's home is another. What do you mean? "

What about Ding Lin's attitude towards his eldest son? Also began to change, after all, the son is older, some things also need to be discussed with him. What about Ding Yu! It's also very natural for me to think about such things.

"Dad, I'll take care of it."

When I was talking, the car had already driven to the community. My father looked at the security guard and seemed to remember something. After entering the community, he also took two boxes of drinks and two cigarettes from the warehouse, and went with his son to pay respects to the guards. He didn't think about his identity? It seems to be superior.

The security guard of the community is a little nervous. After Dr. Ding came to the community, we all know that Dr. Ding is extraordinary. But through daily contact, we can feel that he is very approachable. People can talk, and even make a phone call.

Although there are still two days to go before the Spring Festival, Ding Lin and his son have a new year's day. It's not so important that there are not many things. This is also a kind of respect, a respect. There are so many families in the community, it seems that no one has done this. It's really not simple!

In the vernacular of the common people, the more capable people are, the more approachable they are, and the less arrogant they are. On the contrary, they have no ability, or people who are less than half a bottle banging, the more they are. They are afraid that the world will not accommodate them. Compared with Dr. Ding's family, it is really too much worse.

Back at home, Ding Yu's nose also slightly stirred. Looking at the little lazy running over, he squatted down and patted his head. Then he looked at ding ding ding in the living room and the things on the table. He also asked curiously, "are you back home today?"

Ding Ding also took a look at her elder brother. Looking at Cao Zhen, who wanted to be courteous, she also gave her a big white eye. Ding Yu also picked up pine nuts on the table and tasted two, but did not eat much. Instead, she went back to her room to change clothes and even washed a little before she came out.Ding Ding shook his head at Cao Zhen, and then whispered something. Cao Zhen also breathed a breath, and he failed to bet again. His brother-in-law did not know whether it was an occupational disease or a habit. It was proper to wash hands and keep clean every day, but was he not afraid to wash off the skin?

All the things on the table should be brought by the relatives of my hometown. It's definitely more than pine nuts. After asking, it turns out that there are a lot of specialty products such as millet, walnuts, hazelnuts, mushrooms and so on. They are all our hearts and minds. After Ding Ding Ding comes back, she also makes a truthful report.

And look at Ding Ding Ding's meaning, it seems that she doesn't have to eat much for dinner. When she talks, Tai Xi comes out with her mother. She looks at her daughter and takes a deep breath to let her look after her children. But what has she done? It seems that the absolute part of the time is spent eating, and the children are basically taken care of by Cao Zhen.

She was not afraid of Tai Xi's anger, but all the people in the family were there, and she could not say anything. Now that the old man and his son have come back, the meal is almost ready. This evening is mutton soup, a special local sheep, which does not smell smelly. Moreover, looking at the milky white soup, the food inside is also very enough. After all, it is home-made food. It is safe to eat and comfortable at the same time.

The taste was very good. After watching Ding Yu's meal, they had a big appetite. Although they knew that eating too much was not very good, everyone could not control it, including Taixi. However, after eating something, everyone felt that they couldn't bear it. After sweating, they went out for a walk.

Looking at Tai Xi's frown, Ding Yu also put the two little guys on the bed and massaged him for a period of time. Originally, he felt that his stomach was a little swollen, and soon he did not have this feeling. After going to the bathroom, he also felt clean and refreshing.

However, when he looked at Ding Yu, he also looked shy. After all, he made a fool of himself just now, but the problem is that Ding Yu didn't care about it. However, before the two people began to flirt, the two little guys on the bed stopped. Ding Yu and Tai Xi looked at each other and then began to toss and turn.

After cleaning up, Ding Yu dragged Taixi to take a bath. However, Taixi refused to obey. If other places would follow his wishes, this is home! I can't stand it!

Ding Yu's life at home can be said to be quite carefree, but Wang Pu's time in the past two days is not as comfortable as imagined. What about other things? It didn't arouse too much energy. It was mainly about grandson. After I went back, there was no news. This bastard.

Wang Pu's psychological side is also secretly scolded, originally is our Wang family's descendant, but now? But ran to other people's home, and every year do not pull back to go back, and a return to such a long time, his psychological surface in the end there is no Wang family? This is also the most important reason why Wang Pu is angry. Can't he still have a little gift at home?

Now that I'm home, I don't even make a phone call. What's more, is it important for wife and children or national affairs? Is it true that there is no such measure in his psychology? Let him sit in this position, it is really a bit inappropriate!

What about this? Wang Pu really wanted to let Ding Yu control these things? It's not necessarily a good thing. It has brought considerable changes to the family, but the same? It also caused considerable prying. What about this problem? I also thought about it for a long time.

Wang Pu didn't communicate with other people in his family. There is no need for him to do so. However, he should talk to his grandson. He holds such resources in his hand and doesn't see how he can apply them. He doesn't object to him staying, but he should pay attention to the consideration of the country.

Ding Yu received a call from his grandfather in the morning. When he answered the phone, he was walking with his father and other people. He was also a little strange. Who called him so early, which seemed to be so abnormal!

Ding Yu also made a sign to his father, and then went to one side. Ding Lin didn't care much about it. However, Xiao lazy followed Ding Yu's side and circled around him curiously.

"Up?" Listening to his grandfather's voice, Ding Yu also looked at his mobile phone again, and then he said, "well, I'm getting up. I'm exercising! It's been a habit for years! "

"I want to tell you something!" Listen to the tone of grandfather in the phone, Ding Yu is also slightly a Leng, things seem to be very abnormal ah! Since grandfather has already opened his mouth, Ding Yu does not have too much hesitation, but what is the tone of his speech? It's not as nice as you think, "you say!"

"I've looked at your situation in the past two years. What do you think about business? There is not so much time and energy, since the whole body into the medical aspect, then can't in other aspects disperse what energy! What do you mean? " Although the tone of discussion, but give Ding Yu feeling, attitude is beyond doubt.Ding Yu looked at the phone in his hand again. He had some doubts. The person who called him was really his grandfather. After thinking about it for a while, Ding Yu said, "that's what you think, grandfather! What do you mean? What should I do about it? "

Yeah? Wang Pu was also stunned for a moment. He thought about the relevant issues in this respect, but he really didn't expect his grandson to talk to him like this. This made him less prepared, but he thought about it? Maybe the grandson misunderstood this.

So Wang Pu also patiently explained, "I have considered this matter for a long time, especially after you went to the United States. I think you can control these things? It's not so good. It's better to hand it over to the state. Maybe it's better. What do you mean? "

"What about all my assets? Do you mean "all tribute to the country?" Ding Yu's tone of speech is still very insipid, and he doesn't think that this matter is too bad. Anger can't solve any problems, let alone what's the significance of getting angry with his old man? Let's listen to the old man's attitude!

"I mean, I think you should do it like this." Wang Pu's voice seems to be a little high, "it's true that you have made some achievements, but don't forget who you are trained to be!"

Ding Yu looked at his father in the distance. Then he leaned down and touched Xiao lazy's head with his hand. Then Xiao lazy also ran out and ran towards Ding Lin. after Ding Yu got up, he also slowly walked towards his father's direction. "Grandfather, is this your idea? Or the whole family? "

"Although it's my idea, I think my family will agree with it!"

Ding Yu also said, "that is to say, my idea is not important! Can you understand it in this way? " After that, Ding Yu also laughed. He didn't think about the face of the grandfather on the other side of the phone. He also said, "so what can I leave behind? What can't be left behind! "

Hearing this, Wang Pu's heart is also cluttered for a while. Although the tone of voice is still a little flat, but he has more or less recognized the unhappiness in his words, but Wang Pu also slightly bit his teeth! "This question is not intended to be aimed at you, but I think you are not so suitable now! At least your identity is not suitable, of course, if you have other considerations, I also respect your ideas

"In this case, the real estate can be left, and the rest will be turned in?" After saying that, Ding Yu also laughed, and his voice was quite helpless, "I know, you can arrange it! What else can I do? But I have one small request, this is the last time! "

Having said that, Ding Yu hung up the phone. When he put the phone down, Ding Yu also gave a noncommittal smile. This thing really makes people feel ridiculous, even ridiculous, but what can be done? After thinking about it, Ding Yu also took out his mobile phone and called sun Yingnan.

"I have encountered some things here, which are very difficult and difficult. What about the things that are above the surface? Give it all, I've promised it! " Sun Yingnan couldn't understand it. Ding Yu also explained vaguely, "this involves the concept of things, you should be prepared!"

Sun Yingnan, who has already finished work, is drinking coffee. After listening to this sentence, he doesn't hold back. All the coffee in his mouth is sprayed out. However, sun Yingnan chews the master's words and hand over all the things on the surface. There are other meanings in the words!

What about the things you control in the open? Although it is not a small lump, but compared with the things controlled in the dark, it is really quite different. But the problem is to hand over all the things. Is such a decision slightly too hasty?

After thinking about it for a while, sun Yingnan didn't mean to comfort him. He thought about it and then said, "it's too hasty. I'm afraid it's hard to clear up the account for a while. It's really so sudden that some of them have come."

"Get ready! They've already arrived. What can I say? I don't need to think about any tricks. Except for some real estate, I'll give them all the other things. Since some people like it! " Having said that, Ding Yu also hung up the phone, and then walked towards his father.

But Ding Lin looked at his son and asked, "who is it! Call me so early in the morning! " Ding Yu also said with a smile, "something happened in the United States, so I called. There was no problem. Basically, it was solved. Don't worry about it!"

Since the son said nothing, Ding Lin did not ask too much about what, and his son's face also did not have any other expression changes, it may be really not so important! If it is important, his son should not be so calm? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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