On the first day of the new year's day, in the morning, she simply cleaned up the house. Then Ding Ding Ding was very interested in letting the people in the family get dressed, and then put on her modeling. Her SLR camera has been starving for a long time. Of course, it is not only the family photo, but also some other photos.

People in the family have nothing else to do, so they have to make trouble with it. In fact, after careful consideration, it seems that there is no group photo of the family. Today, it can be regarded as a dream. However, after a short period of time, some people will come to pay New year's greetings. They are basically the relatives of the Ding family.

Ding Yu didn't get in touch with much, mainly because the old man and the old lady went down too early. He didn't even have much impression. What's more, what about Ding Yu? Because of the time, I didn't go to my hometown after I came back, so the emotional communication really couldn't catch up with Grandma's.

However, my father and mother in this issue, but there is no neglect, but any home side of anything, will follow a member, anyway, the conditions of the home is also relatively superior, for the problem of money? There is no special value at home, it is regarded as happy.

Since they are guests from home, they are also warm-hearted entertainers. What about gifts? In fact, it is not very important, whether Ding Lin or Zhao Shuying are the same, but really did not expect Ding Yu will bring his daughter-in-law back, even the children have already had, and what's more, Ding Ding Ding also brings her future husband back, and she is overjoyed!

Then there were some complaints from everyone. Ding Ding Ding was not married, so it was all over. But what about Ding Yu? This child has already had, but did not tell you this news, this has so many wrong. What do you mean? What about men, young and old? Although I live in a mountain village, can't I say congratulations?

Ding Lin also explained something about his son? At that time, he and Zhao Shuying were informed. In addition, there were other aspects of the situation, so there was no announcement. As long as they had a good life, there was no need to pay attention to others.

As for Ding Ding Ding? This matter will not be ambiguous, and we will definitely let everyone join in! What about noon? Ding Lin didn't let everyone leave. Anyway, there were lots of places in the house. He didn't care about having a meal. Maybe it was a little bit out of line in some aspects, but no one would care about it.

Ding Lin is also not polite to these uncles and brothers. After all, most of them are brothers who grew up with themselves. There may have been some contradictions and situations in the course of life, which is inevitable. But if there is any situation, it is still these people who reach out.

What's more, they have this condition now, so there is no need to adjust. No wonder, at noon, let alone Taixi and Ding Ding. Even Ding Yu and Cao Zhen are not qualified to serve. The rules are the rules. Although people may not say anything on the surface, no one wants to be discussed behind their backs.

"Are you not used to it?" Taking advantage of his spare time, Ding Yu also asked quietly. In fact, when Taixi and Ding Ding are busy, they are really not many. The main reason is that they need someone to take care of them. So more often than not, Ding Yu and Cao Zhen are busy.

"It's OK. I haven't seen it before. Today it's an eye opener." Tai hee is not so concerned about this aspect as he imagined. He is poor in the downtown area, rich in the mountains and has distant relatives. He has such things in every family. When he was in Korea, he did not encounter it. However, the situation may be different, but the nature is not so bad.

After noon, people also left. The family ate some food. There was not much to do in the afternoon, so they arranged it by themselves. However, Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying had no plans in this respect, although what about the visitors? Two people are very happy, but also feel a little tired, after all, age is not small, years do not forgive people!

The days of the second day of junior high school are almost less, but the number of guests may be less. But in the afternoon, the army brought Qianqian with them. They only came back during the Spring Festival. What they had no way to do was to have a holiday at that time, and they could not leave early! But what about the holidays after the new year? Quite a lot.

If it is not because of Ding Yu, the cousin, what is the situation of the two young couple, it is really unknown. What's more, I don't know until two people go home. Where's the house? It has been renovated again. This kind of thing should have been pressed on the head of the army or the father of the army, but Ding Lin came forward to solve the problem.

Or in fact, Ding Yu solved the problem behind his back. The old lady could not go upstairs and was not used to it. What about the conditions at home? From the actual situation, it seems that the old people have some discomfort, so they directly renovated and rebuilt the house when the army came back with their new daughter-in-law this year.

"Grandma is very happy." When he spoke, he also raised his chin at Lin Qian, and the army nodded with a smile, "I don't have any position in my home now. I don't seem to be my own! The treatment is too bad! " In front of his aunt, but also do not need to have too much reserve.What about this new sister-in-law? Dajun and Qianqian have some feelings. Now they have been able to adapt to it. There is nothing remarkable about it. So they don't use the so-called strange eyes to see people. Everyone is human! But the two little guys are now more and more, let people feel fondly!

Zhao Shuying over there also made fun of Da Jun and Lin Qian. Anyway, the relationship between them has been determined. If there is no problem or situation, then the matter should be given down this year. Although they say that there are some people who are not too anxious, the old man really feels a little anxious!

I wish they could get married and have children tomorrow. After all, they have brought their new daughter-in-law back. This is the view of the family. Since you have brought people back, what are the remaining things? It should be natural.

Lin Qian's contact with the aunt and uncle of the army is not as strict as expected, and there is no meaning to examine. She hopes that the two people will be able to be happy with the United States and the family in the future, which is so simple. From inside? It can also reflect the quality of the two elders is really extraordinary!

What about such elders? As the younger generation, there is no dislike, no high-ranking criticism, and no endless criticism. There are only blessings and hopes, who will feel happy when they meet. What's more, he and the army have been able to make it to this point. He has always kept this in mind.

Sure. What about the gift? Maybe it's not worth mentioning, but it's also one of my own heart. When the army was leaving, she took the red envelope for herself. How much did this make Lin Qian feel that it was so difficult for her, and she was not married yet! In everyone's kind laughter, Lin Qian also pinched the arm of the army.

After Da Jun and Lin Qian left, Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying also looked at their daughter and future son-in-law. Although they didn't speak up, what did they mean? It is also revealed more clearly, and Ding Yu and Tai Xi are the same. Although Ding Ding said that she wanted to pretend that she didn't care, she bit her teeth and said something. What about Cao Zhen? Also slightly embarrassed!

But fortunately, the time of this persistence is not very long, "go to your grandmother's house tomorrow, you can give me a long face!" The speaker is Zhao Shuying. What about Cao Zhen? He is still at ease, but his own girl? I really have no confidence at all! I'm really afraid I can't afford to lose this person.

In the past, she was alone, which was nothing, but now it is no longer possible. Her fiance is also coming. We need to pay special attention to this issue. But what is the jumping character of her daughter? Also let Zhao Shuying not so optimistic, although said is not a child.

At this point, I expect my daughter-in-law to be like a daughter-in-law. I want to know that the daughter-in-law is definitely a big star, but she is more modest and polite to the elders. No matter how she talks, she has her own temperament. She is not like a girl's film of her own family. There is no definition at all!

"I didn't really listen to you talking about things at home before!" When lying on the bed, Tai Xi also asked curiously, because Ding Yu oba really seldom talked about these things at home. At most, he talked about his parents and Ding Ding Ding. As for other things, they seemed to have some taboos.

Ding Yu is also a little helpless sigh, "when you go home tomorrow, you will almost know!" When I said this, there were some sad feelings. Why is this so? The old lady doesn't like it! At this time, Ding Yu really has the meaning of swearing.

Tai Xi was also very curious to lie down on Ding Yu's chest position, looking at her grinding way, Ding Yu also had such a complicated look and said, "where's grandma? I'm older, and I may be more old-fashioned in style. Anyway, I haven't given me any good looks since I was young! "

"Well, why?" Then Taixi also seemed to remember something. He spat out his little tongue of dividends at Ding Yu, licked his lips, and then quickly retracted back, "because of your identity!"

"There's a certain reason, but what about grandma? She doesn't like me very much, and even shows strong performance. But in the dark, it helps me a lot. But there is one thing that needs to be said clearly. She can do this, but no one can say it. No one can make it clear. Otherwise, she will turn over her face. "

Tai Xi's expression also has so some astonishment, this is how a thing? "Is there no way and method to resolve it?" Obviously for such things, she is also too curious, even impulsive.

"She's old, and she's stubborn in character. No one can say anything. What about the old people in her family? She is such a one, with her temperament is good, anyway, there is no big deal! It's not easy to live so old! " Ding Yu is indifferent to this point. He really doesn't care about it.

After waking up in the morning, I cleaned it up. My family also went to grandma's house. Ding Lin drove a car and Ding Yu drove a car. A car really can't hold so many people. It's a little crowded.However, Zhao Shuying was sitting in the car of her son. Because the two little guys were not honest, they let Taixi take care of them alone. There were some people who couldn't take care of them. What's more? The reason why Ding Yu didn't drive the RV is very simple. It is that some of them are too conspicuous.

It used to be an ordinary stone wall, but now after the new appearance is built, the outer wall is built with bluestone. The new door buttress is really magnificent from the outside. The vehicles don't mean to drive into the courtyard. The outside space is enough.

After arriving at home, Tai hee also saluted the old lady. With the unique Korean etiquette, the old lady's face was much better. Then he pulled his granddaughter and daughter-in-law to the Kang. His attitude was really quite resolute. As for Ding Yu, the grandson? Let him stand on the ground!

Compared with the original house, the room the old lady lived in was much brighter than before. Ding Yu was sitting on the sofa, but the army was sitting beside him. Then he stood up at his elder brother. Now, he has no position.

Taixi, who sits on the Kang, obviously feels that the treatment is not the same. The old lady is not a fake color for Ding Yu. I just don't like you, regardless of whether the house is funded and contributed by you. There is no need to make any clear about this matter. You don't have much to please.

However, while the old lady was not paying attention, uncle and aunt also took the opportunity to drag Ding Yu to the west room. The aunt who followed in also closed the door, and then pushed Ding Yu to the sofa and sat down. "Uncle, auntie, is there nothing?"

Look at the situation of two people, how do you feel that there are so many anxious? "Say it When she saw her aunt pushed by her uncle, she nodded, "Xiaoyu! This daughter-in-law looks good to me, but what do we know? I still feel limited. You and Ding Ding are both in the capital. What's your opinion? "

"Oh! I thought something big had happened Ding Yu also had some funny remarks, "what about Qianqian? I've been watching with cold eyes. Qianqian herself does not have too many problems. She is good to the army. She has nothing to say about her relationship with her relatives. If she has to say something is wrong, it is her family problem! "

"Ah?" Uncle and aunt also looked at each other, and then they also showed a worried look! Your uncle and I know that our family's conditions are too big to get along with others. We are not worthy of others. They are girls from big cities. We are rural people! What about your uncle and me all these years? Save some money. In addition to the emergency money left for your grandmother, let him take the rest. First, get a down payment for the house. What about the house money? Xiaoyu! What about being an aunt? I'll give it to you in two years

Hearing this, Ding Yu also laughed, "uncle, aunt, it seems that the army has not told you!" And the uncle sitting there? It's already blushing, like, "what about the money? Just keep it. What about the army's house? Ding Ding and I have already solved the problem, but we are worried that he will not make progress. So we asked him for a capital. When we bought it, it was not expensive at all. We were all our relatives. You should have taken care of grandma for so many years. "

Ah? Both of them were greatly surprised, "this unfortunate boy, how can he not say such a big thing?" Uncle is also a little anxious, and Ding Yu is all of a sudden stand up, the uncle up to press in there.

"Uncle, aunt, where are these things? It's all right. Anyone who has more than one can help. If the army wins the battle, maybe there will be the day when I ask for him in the future. No one can go to the front to have a look, do you think? "

"No, Xiaoyu, although it is said in this way, things can't be done like this. It's a job and a house. I'm also a man of indomitable spirit!"

Ding Yu also did not care, "uncle! To put it mildly, how much trouble did you save us by raising grandma for so many years? You also served grandma for so many years? It's also a delay at home. There are many people in our village who can find you and your aunt so filial! "

"Two times, that's my mother, this is what I should do!"

"You said it should be, and from my point of view, I should do so. I have been at home for so many years and how much my family has paid for me. I'm afraid it is not clear how to calculate this matter? Don't talk about it. It's settled. If you still recognize my nephew

Ding Yu didn't give any chance at all. He gave the matter directly, "what about going back to Qianqian? Don't worry about it. Anyway, the couple are very good now. They feel suitable. You don't need to mention it. They are two! I'm afraid I'll bring it up directly. Just rest assured! "With that, Ding Yu opened the door and went out with his uncle's shoulder.

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