Ding Yu left without any trace, and then stopped. For the Wang family, the matter seems to have come to an end. Now, no one will continue to discuss this topic. However, Su bochen has been here, but lianshenghai was far away at that time!

Anyway, the final result seems to be a bad ending, so we can know what kind of situation it is!

What about the things that Ding Yu took? Wang Pu did not have the slightest reservation of the meaning, all handed in, the number is really let everyone feel so shocked, and the above? It is also a reflection on this issue. Which is more useful, that the money is controlled in the hands of the state, or in Ding Yu's hands?

Another point is how to apply this part of assets? Is it all in cash? Still say all the time keep, this is also a problem! As one of the important parties, Ding Yu's attitude towards this issue is also worth considering.

But at this time, Ding Yu can't be contacted at all. After Ding Yu went to England, it seems that he disappeared. His relationship with the domestic side seems to be all broken. It is not only that he doesn't take the initiative to contact Ding Yu, but even if he wants to contact Ding Yu at home, the problem is a little more complicated!

Although he is not Ding Yu's Pro third uncle, what is his attitude towards this matter? I am against it, but I am a little weak! The old man of the Wang family unilaterally made this decision, so that he was too passive. Although he held opposition opinions, the result did not change much.

Because in my opinion, Ding Yu's assets should be retained to some extent, even returned to Ding Yu at an appropriate time. These assets are controlled by the state, and play a small role, which is just icing on the cake. But is it in Ding Yu's hand? There's a big way in here.

Even if Ding Yu still has some assets in his hand, all of them are cash! For Ding Yu himself, taking out these things must have a considerable impact on him, even the impact is huge.

I want to talk about this issue with Ding Yu, but I can't get in touch with Ding Yu, or Ding Yu doesn't mean to answer the phone. What about this incident? Still quite disappointed. I don't deny that Uncle Wang's starting point is good, but I don't think much about the actual situation!

Maybe in Uncle Wang's opinion, since Xiaoyu has this ability, it is not difficult to make a comeback, but Uncle Wang only saw the domestic, but did not see the foreign countries. What happened? There has been a misunderstanding of thinking, and now Xiaoyu wants to make a comeback, I am afraid there are more restrictions!

Because according to the information that he got, what about Ding Yu's leaving the house? It seems that it has been spread out in a small range. What about the so-called small range? What kind of pressure will Ding Yu be under at home?

Is this the main reason why he doesn't answer anyone's phone? There is also the situation in the courtyard. Wu Mingyu mentioned to himself earlier that the materials and books in the courtyard were "destroyed". Sometimes, he even felt that it was worthwhile to exchange assets for those materials.

"Is the second calling?" After dinner, Wang Pu also took two steps and then sat down on the chair. The old lady's spirits were not very good these two days, and she also said, but she didn't have much meaning. What can the old lady say at this time? Some things are better not to say.

There are some words that a sophomore can't say. After all, he is his old father. As for his son who has been wronged, what about such a thing? Slowly to resolve it! There should be a day to resolve. After all, he is still very young. When he is in his prime, there are still many opportunities in the future.

Now this time Wang Changlin can only be so to comfort himself, in addition, he does not know what to say, that is his own son after all! Just found back, no two days! Although there is no disintegration, it seems that it is not as good as that.

Thanks to your wife? Now I don't know the situation and news of this aspect. If she knows the situation and how to settle it at that time, it is another question. She will not question her father-in-law, but her heart will certainly be very uncomfortable, and her body will not know if she can hold on to it!

Wang Changlin also wants to contact his son, but the same can not be contacted. It is obvious that the child is still making this decision to his father? Some other ideas. I can understand this problem by myself. It's not too good for anyone at this time.

What about the things that Ding Yu mentioned? It's absolutely not to ask Han Shuo Nuan. At least Ding Yu, the child, will not look like this. Even in his opinion, this is a kind of ridicule. What is the situation of the Wang family? It is booming, but what is this foundation? It is at the cost of sacrificing Ding Yu!I'm afraid that it's hard to say how hard it is to make a wedding dress for others. I'm afraid there are some things that I can't explain clearly for a while. Wang Changlin at this time can only be concerned and worried about pressure in his heart!

But at this time, the jade family reached out to attack. What about the specific situation? The jade family doesn't care, but the things Ding Yu takes out are all blue chip stocks. For the jade family, it's absolutely impossible to ask for anything, let alone equivalent. Even if it's a premium, it's acceptable, so the jade family is all out to raise funds!

It can also be seen from this that the influence of the jade family in China is not generally strong. Although it was previously affected by many aspects, what about the economic strength of the jade family? There are not too many changes, so after getting the news, I also racked my brains to gnaw down the things as much as possible.

Of course, the jade family is also very clear, all the things are late in the stomach is unlikely, but eat as much as you can. And when the old man of the jade family was sitting in the center of the town, he also had some exclamations. Ding Yu, a child who had been wandering around for several years, had made such a big fortune!

Compared with him, these Bunnies in my family are not even as good as pigs. They are just people who eat and wait for death. But what about them? I need to say something about my old friend. What about politics? I can't catch up with the horse, but what about the economy? Let him have two hands and two feet, he is not qualified!

It's a pity that Ding Yu has been trapped this time. It's said that he has gone to England. Can he get up again? It's really hard to say. After all, what's the relationship behind this? Ding Yu wants to pay a huge price if he doesn't know it.

Previously, Ding Yu's rise may have taken only a few years, but if there is no successor, then if you want to rise again, it will not be able to do it in a few years, because many people have been staring at it. Under such circumstances, it is bound to be quite suppressed! If you change to yourself, you will do the same.

What do you value if you don't have father and son in business? There is only one thing, that is, interest. Only interest is the most important thing. How can it be possible without paying a certain price? But what about this? It's not what you should care about, at least not what you should care about now.

The things that Ding Yu took back have been dealt with very quickly. The outbreak of the subprime mortgage crisis has affected China to a certain extent. Now, the blue chip stocks that appear at this time also make some people's eyes shine. Such good things are really so hard to ask for. Who can think of the pie falling from the sky?

After all these funds have been raised, they are more than what was expected at the previous time, about 12% more. This huge sum of money! What should we do now? For the above, this is also a problem, we are waiting for it!

In the final discussion, the money was used for four parts, and part of it was given to the military. Ding Yu said it anyway? They are all military people. What about this time? Directly bypassed the military, the military is not angry! Part of it is used for domestic infrastructure construction and part for investment. What about the rest? Another use!

What about this? He also made a certain report with the old man of the Wang family, but Wang Pu was still satisfied with it. The money was not abused, but all of it was spent on the construction and development of the country. It's a good thing. Although relatively speaking, lost a great grandson, but in Wang Pu's view, this is worth it!

However, this matter is only limited to a small range, and there is no propaganda. What about the people who know it? Or rather limited, such things? If it is really noisy, there may be huge fluctuations due to the influence of some other aspects. This is not what the upper level wants to see.

Ding Yu spent these two days very naturally. Tai Xi came from South Korea, along with two little guys. The family had a chance to go to the castle. It seems that the two little guys also found the experience of Prince and princess. This is not something everyone can enjoy.

However, it needs to be pointed out that although Ding Yu is already an invisible rich man, he is still very strict in the education of his children. From the perspective of the situation, Ding Yu can give the two little guys better conditions, because even if they don't struggle all their lives, they can live without worry about food and clothing, but Ding Yu does not do so.

What about the people who follow Tai hee? Of course, there is the eldest princess of the Li family. Obviously, this should be the meaning of the president Li. The news is not general and extensive! Even President Li can receive the news! Although the intention has been expressed clearly, Ding Yu's attitude towards the eldest princess of the Li family is far away.

Taixi knew that things might be wrong before, because what about the Spring Festival? The attitude of Europa is slightly abnormal. What about his coming this time? On the one hand, they need to comfort Europa. On the other hand, they may return to shoot a TV series. They have really considered this for quite a long time.However, when he came to the UK, he found that Europa was not so shocked as he expected. He also tried to test it. He held a supportive attitude towards his work, but only asked for some small details. Even if he didn't say so, he would pay attention to it.

Now, after Europa said it, he really felt that there was a little sweet taste in his heart. Of course, the most direct performance? He was even more intimate with Ding Yu's oba. However, two days later, Kim Tae hee also felt that it was difficult to support him. He even had the meaning of pulling the eldest princess of the Li family over.

What about your own heart? How much do you feel about this aspect? The eldest princess of the Li family? For Ding Yu, it seems that Europa has some salivation meaning, but what about this aspect? Have their own rules, so the Li family has not succeeded in this big job!

In fact, Kim Tae hee also hinted at this problem. What about himself? It's hard to bear Europa alone, but it seems that Europa didn't understand the implication at all. For myself, it's really not a general happiness trouble. Now I'm too open about it. Even the eldest princess of the Li family is covetous, not to mention other people.

After staying at the manor for two days, Kim Tae hee also took his son and daughter to France, on the one hand, to avoid the "lingering" of Europa, on the other hand? It is also to create a certain environment for the eldest princess of the Li family. This so-called creation refers to some things in her career, which has nothing to do with other things.

If two people really walk together, they really have some interest, but in the past, there are such opportunities, but no one wants to go out of the meaning, now it is even more so, so Taixi has no intention to worry about this.

"Tai hee seems to be very confident!" Carrying a cup of tea, Li Fu Zhen also meant something, but where did he speak? Not in the castle, but back to Ding Yu's London apartment, Ding Yu still chose the original residence, although it looks so small, but can not live Ding Yu like!

What about Ding Yu's residence? Li Fuzhen also felt a little puzzled. Even if he bought the whole building, it seems that there are not too many problems. But obviously, this idea is not the same as others. Is this the common fault of all invisible rich?

Anyway, I feel that I can't understand this, but what about the people on the rich list? Their assets can be counted clearly, but it is precisely because they can be counted clearly that people don't feel afraid. What scares people most is these invisible rich people, because you don't know how much money they have in their hands?

It's like Ding Yu sitting opposite him. If you just look at him, do you think he will be an invisible rich man? It's impossible, but it's this guy who, without hesitation, brings out tens of billions of dollars, almost without any pause. This is just his accumulation over several years.

What about Samsung? Even after three generations of accumulation, it is really an unknown whether he can bring out these things. Although he is already at the top of the pyramid, the question is how does he live with ordinary people? It seems that there are not too many different, at least most of the people? They think of him as an ordinary person.

Even the information given by the current Internet search, he is just a doctor. He is a person without too much background and assets. He seems to be two extremes with a golden spoon in his mouth. However, he is very clear that the gap between them is not generally large. This is also a manifestation of his self abasement.

"Father and brother want to come by themselves, but considering your situation and influence, let me go for you!"

Ding Yu slightly nodded his head, "I don't care about these matters. If you are interested, you can contact Yingnan." Although it is said so, but what about this sentence? It seems to be the purpose of Li Fu Zhen's coming here. Before he came, his father had already made a disclosure to himself, so Li Fu Zhen had a lot of confidence in his heart.

But in front of Ding Yu? He did not wait to open the conditions, here has agreed, this let Li Fu Zhen feel so frustrated, not like this? At least give some other aspects of the expression ah! You are so insipid, let me how to be from, so when looking at Ding Yu, Li Fu is really a little sad!

But Ding Yu did not really want to pay attention to the meaning, "I heard that you have begun to accept the specific affairs, only the final announcement, should we say congratulations?"

"It's still early!" Li Fuzhen also sorted out his emotions, "and I don't think it will have a great impact on me to publish it now. It's all meat in the pot. You can eat it any time. Moreover, I've seen Dr. Ding. Sometimes it's too prominent. It's not a good thing!"

Ding Yu also said with a smile, "this is a little bit far away, but I still should congratulate you on your wish!" After saying that, he also raised the coffee cup in his hand, "the taste is a little bit bitter, but the aftertaste should be sweet!"www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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