However, Ding Yu, who is self-confident and not confident, is more famous in the college. In everyone's opinion, this guy is a bit mysterious, but also has some crazy people. He seems to have all his heart set on learning. You should know that many students have already colluded with each other.

He is handsome, cold, mature and stable. Many people have expressed their interest in Ding Yu, but what about Ding Yu's attitude? It's not as eager as you think, and it gives people a little bit of indifference. Just when we have a little doubt, Su He and Wang Lianjun have already come to our door.

"Younger brother Ding Yu, it seems that we are still predestined?"

Wang Lianjun also blinked his eyes, there are so some intentional flavor, Su he also looked at Ding Yu provocatively.

Two people are looking for Ding Yu? Ding Yu hesitated for a while, "Hello, two schoolgirls." He didn't mean to refuse to speak, but it was just because of this that Su He and Wang Lianjun had an inexplicable feeling. Ding Yu refused people ten miles away and refused to give them any chance.

"Ha ha, Ding Yu's younger brother, this seems to be yours, isn't it?"

Ding Yu stood there thinking for a while, then nodded his head, and even admitted his fault, "it's my problem. If the two elder martial sisters give me a chance, I'll admit my mistake!"

After the two elder martial sisters agreed, they also went outside with Su He and Wang Lianjun. Looking at Ding Yu, many of the students in the medical school behind were heartbroken. Their own dishes! Green vegetables with good water! It seems that Ding Yu is not a straight man, but everyone has not grasped his vein.

After walking a short distance, Ding Yu got out of the car. When Su He and Wang Lianjun were confused, they saw a black Mercedes Benz g550amg parked in the back of their car. When they saw this situation, they looked at each other, and their eyes showed curiosity and suspicion.

The place where the three people went was a coffee shop, not any other luxurious place. From the outside, it seemed very warm, very leisure and relaxed. However, Ding Yu was not very fond of such a place, because he did not know anything about such a place, but from the environment, it was really good.

It is obvious that Wang Lianjun and Su he often come to such places. They don't need to be magnificent. As long as they are comfortable and unrestrained, they can sit on the soft sofa with coffee in their hands and the warmth of the sun. It's a wonderful feeling.

Two people love such a place, at least give them a feeling. Such a place is much better than the so-called high-end guild hall. The temperament shown in the guild hall is fundamentally different from that here. To be more practical, what about their hearts? All hope to do some resistance.

But what about this revolt? It needs a price. For two people, the price is too much for them to bear, so they can only hide their ears and steal the bell. They come to such a place to find the final warmth.

"Younger brother Ding Yu, you seem to be afraid?"

Su he also took a sip of coffee. He didn't say how it tasted. He cared more about the atmosphere, but from Ding Yu's movements and expression, he didn't like it very much.

"There are so many fears, even some worries!"

Ding Yu didn't mean to drink coffee at all. He just asked for a glass of water for himself. He didn't really understand the sentiment of petty bourgeoisie. Moreover, he was not so used to it. At least now, it is like this.

"Younger brother Ding Yu, it seems that we are not white bone essence, we did not eat you!"


Ding Yu also puffed up his mouth, and his expression was helpless. "Once bitten by a snake, I was afraid of the well rope for ten years, but I was not afraid of the two elder students. I once had two relationships that were not considered as love. What about the first time? Led to a major turning point in my life. What about the second time? I almost lost my life! "

"Younger brother Ding Yu, what are you suggesting?" Wang Lianjun and Su He are embarrassed.

"To be sure, these two relationships can't even be said to be love, only that they have a good feeling for each other!"

Ding Yu seemed to be very realistic and said, "I didn't want to do anything in the past, but it didn't follow people's wishes. So when the two students came to me, I was afraid. There was the car outside. I saved people and they gave it to me!"

After that, Ding Yu also stood up without any pause. "Two elder martial sisters, I'll go first. If you need help, I'll never refuse. If there's anything you can't do, please understand it!"

After that, Ding Yu went out and paid the bill when he left. However, he just walked out of the door, and before he came to his car, he found that a Ferrari had stopped there. When he saw this scene, Ding Yu sighed helplessly. Was he unlucky?

"Nice car!"The people on the car didn't mean to get down at all. They just watched Ding Yu. Ding Yu also blinked his own eyes, "what's the matter, please! I've just said it to the two students. I don't think you'll be stingy and say whatever you like

The people sitting in the car didn't expect Ding Yu to pretend to be a grandson. It's really surprising that he was young. Why didn't he get angry at all? And what about the car in front? I'm familiar with Wang San Ge. This is why I didn't smash the car.

Originally, I wanted to set a plate of this door, but I didn't expect that this was actually direct counseling. This is really not much meaning. If I step on him, how much satisfaction can I have? It can be said that there is no such thing.

I even feel disgusted by this guy in front of me. Is he really not a man? Or what other ideas does this guy have? People who smile in front of them and stab in the back have seen many of them.

"Hello, meet me, Sutong! Suho's brother

At this time, the people on the Ferrari had already come down, and Ding Yu also followed him and stretched out, "Hello, Ding Yu, I once studied briefly in ZS University, but now I am studying in medical school! I have something else to do, so I won't disturb you. "

"Elder sister, that little white face is a counsellor

Su Tong was sitting on the sofa, where Ding Yu had just done. "I tried it out just now, sister. If you like such a person, this vision will be too problematic."

After thinking about it for a while, he heard Su Tong continue to say, "but he's pretty handsome. He's blind!" Su Tong expressed different views on this, and Wang Lianjun over there also laughed like a little fox. Looking at her appearance, she did not mean to talk to her. Although she had some ideas about Ding Yu, she was a smart person.

What's more, before that, Ding Yu had made his meaning clear, and Su Tong went to find Ding Yu. Ding Yu would not have the same insight as Su Yu, but in Su Tong's opinion, Ding Yu's performance was too much.

Su He of course knows what Wang Lianjun is laughing at. This kind of ridicule is absolutely not aimed at himself or Ding Yu. Ding Yu is too calm and calm to make himself feel worried. His brother's performance in it is dwarfed, but in his opinion? His performance is very good, SOHO don't know what to say.

At this time, it's unnecessary to mention this to his brother. Ding Yu has already indicated his attitude. It's OK to be a friend, but it's better not to have any development. Ding Yu is very clear about his position, and at the same time, he temporarily fixed himself in that position.

Isn't it funny? For Su He, it's really not like this. It's important for people to have self-knowledge, while Ding Yu is too self-conscious, "well, I know!" Having said that, he also looked at his brother with a slight complaint.

After Su Tong left, Su he also looked at his best friend, "Lian Jun, what do you think?" "Not bad! Rationality is greater than sensibility, and it makes things clear. At the same time, it also makes your family Su Tong feel at ease. Of course, he may watch it twice, but what's the use? "

Wang Lianjun's attitude is very obvious. She appreciates Ding Yu's rationality, but she also has some disdain for Su Tong's performance. Su Tong feels that he is too good for himself. If he remembers correctly, the scene of Ding Yu at the station has experienced his purpose. All the people who sent Ding Yu off on the steps are arrogant and fierce Will.

It can be seen that Ding Yu is definitely not an ordinary person, but in front of Su Tong? There is no obvious meaning at all. Su Tong looks at Ding Yu with some advice. However, in Ding Yu's opinion, Su Tong is no different from a so-called macaque, which is despised in another way. Su He, who is sandwiched in the middle, is the most depressed.

This is absolutely not enough to blame lengtouqing's younger brother. If he said that, he could only make the matter more and more serious. At the end of the day, there will be an inseparable situation. If we show Ding Yu's attitude in this respect, I'm afraid none of my friends have done anything about it. This is the difference. When I think about this, Suhe also shows a little resentment.

He did not know where the resentment came from. Ding Yu made himself very clear, but what was his point? But it's quite obscure. What about the Mercedes Benz off-road? I seem to have heard of it. It seems that it belongs to the Wang family.

Wang San Ge gave the car to Ding Yu directly. What was the cause? It seems that Ding Yu mentioned that he had saved a person. Was it the time when big brother Hai was hospitalized? It's not clear what happened, but it's enough to save people's lives and send such a car.

Ding Yu told the story, but he didn't know what it meant. Obviously, Su Tong knew it. As for the consequence, it goes without saying that the outside world has already known about it. Obviously, Ding Yu's relationship with the third brother Wang is very good, at least in this matter.But what about some things? If you really said it too clearly, it would not be such a thing. Su he was very interested in Ding Yu and noticed Wang Lianjun himself? Ding Yu is also full of desire, but she did not reveal this aspect. She knew the character of her best friend. After thinking about it, she sighed.

After Ding Yu went back, he also quickly rushed back to the school, which made the students feel strange. Didn't Ding Yu go out with the two elder students? Why did you come back so soon? We also have this aspect of the mind, everyone's heart is so some * * and gossip.

Ding Yu also explained this aspect of the matter, he went out with his elder martial sister, just reminiscent of the past, there was no other thing, nothing else happened in the process, it was so simple.

However, judging from the expression of the students, they do not believe it at all, and even have some contempt. What about the situation? Of course, I have to ask about it. But when I learned that the two students were already graduate students, these guys were a little disappointed. They were almost ripe peaches, not suitable for their taste.

But what about the other students? It is also a new focus on Ding Yu's body, as long as the hoe dance well, which corner can not dig?

What's more, we don't have to go far and near, but what about Ding Yu? It seems that there is no meaning in this aspect. What's more hateful is that Ding Yu doesn't stay in school, which is particularly hateful. Moreover, there seems to be no investigation in the college. I really don't know what happened?

In the morning, Ding Yu made a special trip to the company and drove there. After that, he also said hello to the director. Everyone has been used to Ding Yu's work. It is not so important to work here. Now we are used to it.

"Xiaoding?" The director also waved his hand to Ding Yu! Are you interested? "

When he spoke, he also handed Ding Yu a manuscript. Ding Yu took over and looked at him, but he looked at the director with some incomprehension. "An old classmate of mine came here. I don't have the time and energy. I can't do anything about the company!"

Ding Yu immediately understood what it meant. "Director, do you have a specific time?" After saying that, he also looked at it for a while, "it's not a professional thing, but the director, let me translate it may not be a problem, but you need to check on this ax, I really can't do it well!"

Ding Yu gave himself a good reason. At the same time? It also gives the director quite a big step. There are not too many problems for me to do this thing, but I have other things to do. I can't be busy with this every day.

The director also clearly nodded, "some can't refuse, half a year to a year's time! After you translate this thing, press it in your hand first, and I'll fight for it for you! "

On hearing this, Ding Yu nodded with a smile. There was not much to do with the company. After Ding Yu ordered his hair, he was ready to leave. However, when he got to the gate, he looked at the people coming in from outside. Ding Yu was not familiar with the leaders of the company, but his style was clear.

However, when passing by, one of them suddenly let out a cry and obviously noticed Ding Yu. However, when he reacted, Ding Yu had already left. How could he be here? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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