After returning to the capital, Zhang Hongqi didn't go back immediately because he had to read some orders to him, and asked him to sign a confidentiality order before releasing him. Although he said that his origin was unknown to all, what about such an unknown hero? Is worthy of admiration! So there's nothing harsh about it.

"Report!" It's just an ordinary room. What is registered is just a common logistics storage warehouse. Not so many people come and go. Even the vast majority of leaders in the military region do not know the existence of such a logistics unit. However, it has been preserved in the previous major disarmament. It is also a surprise!

"Come in, please." Looking at Zhang Hongqi when he came in, the lieutenant commander sitting on the top nodded, "I have received the order! And your report has passed! " There is a little bit of mechanical speaking, and there is no other emotion.

Zhang Hongqi hesitated for a moment and didn't take the order. However, it made the commander take a surprise look at him. When the veteran entered here, he had been there all the time. He hoped that such a veteran could stay, but his physical condition was really inappropriate, and he took the initiative to make a report!

"I went to see a former student!" The commander took a look at Zhang Hongqi, but he didn't understand what it meant! "He used to be the best in my team. He was a wolf cub at the beginning, but this time I saw him, like a normal person, he didn't have any smell on his body!"

It can't be The commander also stood up all of a sudden. What about people like them? There is evil spirit on the body. In a more popular way? It is war syndrome, because they are different from ordinary officers and soldiers. What about ordinary officers and soldiers? They seldom get in touch with war, but for them, war is a common thing!

I saw a lot of comrades in arms left the army because of the war syndrome, and even the whole life had been destroyed. Although it can be treated, it is simple to eliminate the smell of smoke, but do you want to eliminate the smell of blood? This is really too difficult, too hard! I haven't seen how many people can do it.

Zhang Hongqi also said, "this is the secret of his school, and the training time may be relatively long, but I took a look at his situation, and I had a dinner, a breakfast, especially dinner there, which had a very good effect on my recovery. I brought some medicine back! He sent it

"Very good for your body?" As he said this, the commander felt that his voice was already shaking. "Are you sure?" Why did Zhang Hongqi report to leave? The reason is that he can't understand it. His health is not good, and the injuries left by his young age also burst out at this age.

"I don't know if there are any other things in these drugs, so this matter is not very sure, so take it back and have a look. However, he once said that the things are very expensive, comparable to training a fighter pilot on duty. He can pay the money, but he put forward a condition that he needs manpower!"

"What do you mean?" The commander's attitude changed, and his tone was a little cold.

"If you don't need to have any identity, it's equivalent to directional training to him!" Zhang Hongqi also said without any hesitation, "the specific situation is like this, but the identity I understand is not very detailed, and there is the medicine that needs to be tested, and there are fragmentary things to be verified!"

This matter is definitely not as simple as imagined. I'm afraid it can't be made clear in one sentence or two sentences, "I know, give me a period of time, let me investigate the relevant situation!"

After waiting for almost two weeks, the commander also took the data from the investigation? All of them have basically been investigated. Even though Su bochen and Su Quan can't see the information, they have basically read it. What about Ding Yu? It is also basically understood.

He even investigated that the relationship between Ding Yu and the Wang family was not as harmonious as expected. Of course, what about this? What about Ding Yu and the military? There is an intention to cooperate, but the problem is that some people are involved in it. Many situations also let Ding Yu choose to cooperate with himself!

It's very interesting to think about it. I even have some doubts. Did Ding Yu have the idea of the base very early? Because he was trained at the base, he has a lot of knowledge about the base. What's more? Base is a special existence.

If we insisted at the beginning and asked Ding Yu to come in, then the situation may be different. However, I never thought that this guy was still paying such attention. This is really what makes people have no idea, but the conditions he provides are not so superior!

This makes me and even the whole department feel very excited. We should know that the military does not have that department, which is not short of funds. But the problem is that the total military expenditure is so much that there is really little left to be apportioned down. Many people shed blood for this, but what is the final result? But it can only be painful to leave, just like Zhang Hongqi!Ding Yu put forward the conditions can be said to be quite generous, drugs have been tested, there is nothing else in it, but the things inside are too high-grade, from a certain point of view, is really can't afford to eat, there is a sentence how to say, poor and rich, this thing ordinary people really can't provide!

Now it's time to have a good talk with Ding Yu. We really need to find a suitable candidate. However, Zhang Hongqi has retired. It is not appropriate to find him at this time. However, he has a close relationship with Ding Yu. Although he can't go in person, there should be no problem when he is the middleman.

The reason why I want to talk with Ding Yu is mainly because I have investigated Ding Yu's information and have a very intuitive understanding of Ding Yu. Moreover, this matter is quite controllable. What's more, what about this point? Although the domestic has begun to cultivate, but the huge consumption of talent training is really some can not afford! This is quite a disadvantage for the base.

What about things like this? The state also wants to invest, but how can it be stretched? After all, the military expenditure is so much, but what about the private sector? And because of many reasons and no way, and now Ding Yu suddenly stood out, but let this problem get a certain degree of above feasibility!

What about inside? Or do we need to admit that Ding Yu is more or less contaminated with the light of Wang Pu and Su bochen. Is it true that Ding Yu proposed the conditions? It's very generous, but it doesn't mean you have to accept it here. How about money? It doesn't solve all the problems. This is two times!

One more thing, what about this thing? What about the irrelevant people? We must not know, that is to say, the cooperation with Ding Yu needs to be carried out in secret. However, this is a kind of risky behavior. It's really not good to make the determination in this respect. We should know that there are many problems to be faced!

Everything needs to be talked about, and a heavyweight needs to talk to Ding Yu. But in the United States? After all, it's not so suitable, but for the moment, it's better to contact for a while! It might be better! At least to deepen the understanding between each other, this is the fundamental!

With the rapid development of modern society, it is not convenient to contact with Ding Yu by telephone, and it is too easy to expose it. Therefore, relevant personnel were sent to see Ding Yu. There is no problem to know Ding Yu's information. At least, it is not too difficult for their department to understand the relevant information.

But what about doing things? It can't be too impatient, and once something happens, I'm afraid it will cause dissatisfaction within the military. After all, it is a subordinate department of the military. Although the confidentiality level is quite high, it is still under the jurisdiction of the military. So do you do something? It's better to be cautious.

What's more? The level of this department is very high, and the personnel are all elites, but the problem is that the number is too few, and some things are really not so convenient. All aspects of the reasons are restricting the interview with Ding Yu, but I believe that Ding Yu should be able to understand, because he once knew something about it.

What about this? Ding Yu is also very sad. He went into the wrong area earlier and wanted to tie himself to the whole military. Later, he found that it was ridiculous. Although he said that he had a lot of money, compared with the whole military, his own money was not a drop in the ocean, but it was almost the same.

The national defense budget announced this year is about 70 billion US dollars. If you compare it, you will know how it happened! After discovering his own mistakes, Ding Yu also made his own choice. Cooperation is the best way to make the relevant departments feel uneasy.

Ding Yu is not a schemer, and has no other ideas. However, although he conveyed his opinions and ideas to his old drillmaster, what will happen to this matter? I really can't be anxious, because what about the departments they cooperate with? It is quite different from the previous departments!

After su Quan came back, he reported the specific situation. What about Ding Yu's group? He didn't lose any initiative, just gave up some interests. Huot was still a member of Ding Yu. As for what kind of work sun Yingnan will take over next, this issue remains to be discussed, and there is no explicit mention and explanation.

The general situation is like this. After su Quan reported the situation, the old God was sitting there, but he didn't know why? Su Quan has a very special feeling. What about things? It is absolutely not what we can see on the surface. There is absolutely no hidden situation behind this, but the problem is that there are not too many conditions revealed.

My great nephew! It's also hard for him to comment. Maybe it's because he hides himself so well that he stays in the hospital when he's free, and then there's no personal life to indulge in. The simple can't be simpler. Even if it's an investigation, we don't know where to start.

I'm not afraid of your publicity, but I'm afraid that you'll keep a low profile, because the more clues you have, the more you will know. But the more low-key you are? The less you know, what about your nephew? It's this type, and there are special people who deliberately hide their identity and clues, which makes the investigation get into trouble from time to time.In any case, since knowing this nephew, the intelligence and governance Department has been paying attention to the intelligence collection work of relevant parties. But the question is, up to now, can we really say that we have all known what we should know? I really can't say that. If I want to know the information about my nephew's past, I can't even read it myself.

They also occupy a considerable position in the military intelligence department, but the information about nephew! It needs not only the approval of the head of the information management department, but also the approval of the head of other departments. As long as there is one objection, the relevant information can not be accessed. In any case, up to now, the relevant situation is basically blank.

This is the case at home. What about the situation abroad? Not to mention, it is more difficult to investigate the relevant problems and situations after he went abroad, because he lived a life of seclusion and seclusion when he was abroad, and because his power seemed not to be so big, the relevant situation was deliberately hidden.

It's not easy to read the domestic situation and investigate the foreign situation. I don't know why. What makes Su Quan feel like? My nephew is definitely not as simple as it appears on the surface. At least what is exposed on the surface is just a piece of feather for my nephew.

No matter Su Quan didn't let this matter occupy too much thinking space, because the meeting was over soon, anyway, his work had been done. What about the rest? It doesn't have much to do with myself. What kind of cooperation will the military have with Ding Yu, the child, is not something that I can care about.

From their own point of view, the problem of cooperation should not be particularly big. For each other, although there are some situations in the middle, they will not affect too much. What about cooperation here? It's the cooperation with Lao maozi. The interests of the three parties are shared. But what about this fund? Really need Ding Yu this child to think of a way.

The question is, will there be any other changes after the previous events? In fact, this problem also makes people worry about it, but how about worry? We can't solve any problems. Even if we borrow from banks, such a huge amount of basic funds can't be borrowed in a day or two.

However, from the time point of view, the relevant work has to start, but now there is still no movement on Ding Yu's side. This itself has already made people feel that there are so many incredible, or in other words, the action has started behind this, but not too many people know, this is also possible.

Of course, it does not rule out that Ding Yu has completely lost interest in this aspect. However, although there is a possibility, it will not be particularly large. But what about the military? Also appears slightly to have so some impatience, why? Because this is related to some problems and situations at the national level!

However, before the military has recovered, Ding Yu has sent people to contact him. Although he said that some oral agreements had been reached earlier, the question is what is the relevant agreement? It's just oral. There's not much actual content. But Ding Yu doesn't show up. It's all for the people below to do.

But what about the person who led the negotiation? It's not sun Yingnan, nor Hote, but a Chinese. You should know that Ding Yu, sun Yingnan and even Hote did not come forward to lead such a large project, but let a stranger stand up. What is the meaning of this? It's really that some people can't understand.

But this one is very professional. What about the situation? He is also very old-fashioned and proficient. I don't know where Ding Yu came from. There is something wrong with it! What's more, it's still a big question. How many people did Ding Yu cultivate in the dark?

The original time gives everybody the feeling, as if also sun Yingnan? But now hort suddenly comes out. What about the people who talk about the project? What the hell is that? So big projects are handled by outsiders? Obviously, it's impossible. Ding Yu seems to be hiding too much.

In the dark, Ding Yu should have cultivated a lot of people. Otherwise, another person will emerge after a Hote, but Ding Yu has just risen for a few years! When has he started the layout of relevant aspects?

What about Ding Yu? It can be said that it is very important, but the problem is that the secretary arranged beside Ding Yu can only contact Ding Yu's work, but not his daily life. What about the courtyard? For other reasons, all the documents have been destroyed, and now they are just a residence.

That is to say, we can't find any clues at home. We can only find them from abroad. But the problem is how to find them in foreign countries. Now it is exposed? That is, sun Yingnan's people on Wall Street are now in charge of Holt. What else? Ding Yu has no exposure at all, which is the most difficult!

The more you want to find it? The more you can't find it, the more you can't find it? The more anxious, it's just a vicious cycle. And now? I don't know how to break the deadlock.

There are too many constraints in this, after all, it is not at home, and Ding Yu's influence abroad? Beyond imagination, what do you say? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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