Looking at Bai Rihui, Dongfang Jing also smiles, "everything is here. People have taken care of them, but what about you? People really don't have any interest! Take care of it yourself After that, he also took out a cigar, smelled it under his nose for a long time, and then lit it for himself.

What about what Ding Yu did? Bai Rihui really has some people who can't understand or have never contacted with such people. If you lose, you should put yourself in a proper position. Although you don't recognize killing and cutting, it won't be much better. At least his way of dealing with people is like this.

But on Ding Yu's body, he seems to have found something different, so he looks at his "old friend" quite puzzled. Dongfang Jing also shakes his head, "I don't know him that well. What about my point of view? He is a strange person, a very strange person! It's a bit disrespectful to say so. "

"It's strange!" Bai Rihui also nodded with approval.

"So he's not in this position? There is nothing difficult to understand! " Jing said to me, "how can you offend the old man for once? I didn't recognize you! I'm really curious. "

Listening to Dongfang Jing's sarcastic tone, Bai Rihui also snorted, "what happened to xiaolun before? I have a clear idea. Although I have asked the doctors to leave, it is still possible to save his life. What about this matter? I always need to give you an account

"So there are other reasons for this?"

Looking at Dongfang Jing's appearance, Bai Rihui also snorted, "it's just some means. In fact, I didn't expect that things would become this way in the process. This is not what I imagined! It's true that we have some resentment against each other, but we are old friends. I still have this sense of propriety. "

When it comes to old friends, Bai Rihui is also a bit gnashing his teeth. Dongfang Jing is also a cold hum! So called old friends! On this issue, if we really talk about each other, I'm afraid we can't finish talking about it for three days and three nights. Anyway, there is resentment in hatred, hatred in hatred, and grace in hatred!

Listening to Bai Rihui's story, Dongfang Jing also hums and laughs, "these guys are really no wonder! How could I have thought of such a means! It's really hard for them Dongfang Jing just said that, but Bai Rihui felt a little puzzled, so it was over?

"You! I am in the Bureau. In fact, as long as younger martial brother Ding participates in this matter, we will not have any relationship with you or me, because we are no longer important! I'm afraid that I didn't expect to mix younger martial brother Ding into it! Now that we have reached this level, what is the rest? It has nothing to do with you and me! "

After saying that, he took a deliberate look. "Speaking of it, I also feel very confused. You are not only vulgar, but also some rogue. Although it may be a little too much to describe, in my opinion, it's not too much, but you seem to have good luck! This really makes people feel helpless! "

Thank you Bai Rihui also looked bad. It is true that some scoundrels, even some vulgar ones, but it is a little too much to mention this matter in front of himself! So it's really a little bit unhappy! But the person who said this is Dongfang Jing, and he has nothing to do.

Ding Yu looks at Dongfang Jing and Bai Rihui who are sitting there and nods. Dongfang Jing is not the first time to come, so there is nothing. What about Bai Rihui? It is really the first time to see Ding Yu, how much I feel so restrained. Although he is not old, but these two days, I have not heard less about his rumors, so I feel quite stressed..

"I didn't think there was such a way in here!"

Ding Yu just smiles, and that's all. Not too much. Bai Rihui is a little nervous, but fortunately, this time is not very long. Sanchez came. When he saw Dongfang Jing and Bai Rihui, he nodded and motioned, and then offered the wine in his hand.

However, his eyes brightened slightly. The wine may be very expensive, but it's just a bottle. Obviously, after Sanchez comes here? Although he said he was a guest, it was obvious that he put his position in the right place, that is, Ding Yu's friend. There was no other reason.

No wonder Ding Yu didn't accept the three-tier industry of the Bai family. For Ding Yu, there was no need. Bai Rihui also took a look at Dongfang Jing beside him. This old guy knew Ding Yu very well, but he made such a gesture. This is a typical self in pit!

If I had known this, I didn't need a big package when I came here. But what about Dongfang Jing? They didn't pay attention to their old friend's meaning. What about Dongfang Jing and Bai Rihui about Sanchez? It's not familiar, but the name still knows some, and soon we get familiar with each other.Now that Sanchez has come, Ding Yu has made a point of the point, "Sanchez, I don't want to divide this part of the business into two parts, from the beginning to the end? There is no idea about this, but what is the situation now? It makes me feel a little embarrassed, because I'm not sure Boston can withstand the pressure! "

Sanchez really knew the news for the first time, and then he looked at Dongfang Jing and Bai Rihui over there. After thinking for a while, he slowly said, "Boston has preparations for this aspect, but you still feel a little shocked when you hear this news from Mr. Ding!"

"That's a little too perfunctory Ding Yu also shook his head. "From my personal point of view, I tend to cooperate with Boston, because I don't want this matter to involve other aspects. If Boston can't resist this pressure, I will seek help from other aspects! And it will be fundamentally, and I think you can understand my attitude. "

What about Ding Yu's tone? I'm very firm. Either give me a definite word. Boston can handle this matter properly. Whether it's your exclusive handling of this matter or your cooperation in dealing with this issue, I can't control it. You can handle it by yourself, or? I look for other cooperation! And abandon you.

Sanchez understood it completely. What about this? Ding Yu needs a positive answer! If Boston can afford it, then it doesn't matter. If it can't, Ding Yu will think of other ways.

For Sanchez, he had already understood Ding Yu's meaning, so he also directly answered in the affirmative, "Boston will withstand the pressure on this matter, and it will never lead to other twists and turns!" After that, he also raised the glass in his hand.

How about this time? It is also necessary to find out Ding Yu's ideas and opinions. If Ding Yu has plans in other aspects, Boston is really a headache. If Ding Yu has no other plans, then Boston can withstand the pressure.

In fact, Boston is very clear about who is making trouble among them. Many people have some ideas, and everyone thinks that Boston has been eating on its own! What are the reasons in essence? In the previous process, Boston suffered a little bit more loss and some strength was insufficient.

Under such circumstances, what about those with power? We all know that we can't step on the Boston consortium, but delaying the development of Boston is enough! This is the usual trick, and Sanchez is also very aware of it, but there is no way.

But after knowing Ding Yu's attitude, when Sanchez looked at Ding Yu, he was also slightly apologetic. What about this matter? It's because there are some unsophisticated things on my side. To be exact, it's the Boston consortium that can't stand too many twists and turns, so what about doing anything? You need to be careful.

Ding Yu didn't want to mix up the meaning. Since the matter has been handed over to the Boston consortium, the Boston side needs to solve the matter well. There is no need to find any other excuse, and he will not make any trivial mistakes. As for how the Boston consortium will deal with the pressure of other forces, it has nothing to do with himself.

Of course, it is not impossible to borrow one's tiger skin, but how to calculate the owed human relationship needs to be carefully summed up! It may not be necessary now, but it doesn't mean that Ding Yu doesn't need it in the future. This is two times!

Sanchez is very happy, so the glass of wine is also a drink, it is very generous, but what about this forthright? You also need to see the object. Dongfang Jing and Bai Rihui over there also hold up their wine glasses in their hands, but what about Ding Yu here? Ding Yu just took a sip of coffee. What's his hobby for wine? Not very big!

Fortunately, everyone knows this very well, so no one wants to force him. However, when he left, Sanchez was not polite. He took some cigars from Ding Yu's cigarette box and put them in his pocket. Seeing the white sunlight over there, he was amazed. However, Ding Yu looked at Sanchez who left, and there was a little smile on his face!

What about Sanchez's behavior? Did not regard himself as an outsider, but Ding Yu? I also appreciate Sanchez's behavior. This is not bold or presumptuous, but a kind of intimate attitude.

In the eyes of Dongfang Jing, I also feel deeply about Sanchez's behavior. I have been in the United States for a long time. Although I was educated by traditionalism, what about this? How much or infected with some other things, this gang of foreigners really if the idea, the average person is really difficult to resist.

So called public relations, they are absolutely a good hand, and this horse shot? Also let oneself call never have, in the whole process of seeing Ding Yu, oneself also was lucky to appreciate. If he really brought some valuable gifts and things? It's really not like this.

However, he did not regard himself as an outsider. He had a very familiar relationship and did not cross the border. However, he won the favor of Ding Yu. What about the proper way to handle it? It really makes people sigh that Dongfang Jing also has some small admiration in her heart. Her relationship with Ding Yu seems to be good, but she can't do this to Sanchez.From another perspective, what about Ding Yu? It is true that his age is not too many problems when he is his grandfather, but the problem is something? I don't have the confidence and courage.

As for Bai Rihui, since Sanchez left, he has always had some dull feeling. He thought that he was already quite scoundrel, and even had some shameless. But what about Sanchez? I still feel that there are some shame, this guy's skin is thicker than the wall!

I took a bottle of red wine. It's true that red wine is good, but I didn't think of myself as an outsider and left with a cigar. Even if I did it by myself, I was totally stupid. But what about this realm? It is also true that Bai Rihui has some other ideas in his heart.

In fact, there are some misunderstandings in the white sunlight. Why do you say so, because this cigar is really extraordinary, not only Sanchez, but also in a small range? Everyone is deeply impressed with this cigar. No one knows where the cigar came from, but its reputation has been spread.

There are not many people who try, but it's very strange that they can't hold this thing. Everyone is the top of the pyramid, such as Cuba, Ecuador and even Colombia. These top-level cigars have not too much binding force for everyone. Even at the top level, you can get them.

But what about the cigar in Ding Yu's hand? It's quite different from the cigars mentioned above. Dongfang Jing knows it, but he won't act as a bad man. What's more? Ding Yu himself is really so some moves can not be provoked, so this matter or forget it! I didn't find my head anyway.

I came here with dayglow today, but the effect is still quite obvious. When I left, Ding Yu didn't mean to send him off. How about your friendship? Not to that extent. From Ding Yu's house, Bai Rihui also sighed, "I really dare not breathe in the atmosphere! Don't know if you don't see it. You're scared when you see it! I'm not very old, but it seems that this momentum is really not possessed by everyone. It's extraordinary

"Ding Yu is not a very serious person, and sometimes? It's a little bit of an old school style! "

"I didn't expect the Boston consortium to be so proud!" Having said this, Bai Rihui also takes a look at Dongfang Jing, and Dongfang Jing smiles. He doesn't respond to this, which involves other aspects of the situation. He really can't tell him!

Seeing that Dongfang Jing didn't react much, Bai Rihui also slowed down for a while, "what do you think of introducing him to the dragon head?"

Dongfang Jing also sniffed, "I have considered this matter, but I always feel that the timing is not suitable, and what is his identity? It's also extraordinary. You don't know about Hongmen. If there's not too much trouble, it's OK. If you really get tangled up, how do you calculate it? Let alone the real martial identity of other people's Taoism! "

After listening to Dongfang Jing, Bai Rihui also patted his head. What about Hongmen? The power is huge, but the same, the good and the bad are mixed, and what about the family? It doesn't mean that there is no patron, or even this one? Also let Hongmen feel more or less so some sidelights, daomen!

Under such circumstances, how about introducing Ding Yu to the dragon head? It's not impossible, but what happens next? The next problem is the problem! Even some of them are not easy to deal with! It's better to avoid meeting at this time! There are no other problems.

If there is really a need in this respect, it is not difficult to introduce them. At least Dongfang Jing and Bai Rihui still have some status in Hongmen. They can still stand in Hongmen when they serve as the meeting person for Ding Yu.

Of course? How many have so some to stick gold on his face meaning, even if it is not two of them, Hongmen don't want to win over Ding Yu? It is impossible for Ding Yu to be a Chinese, which is enough to make Hongmen excited.

But because Ding Yu is slightly low-key, what about Hongmen? I don't know so much about it. After all, Ding Yu's position is too high-end. Hongmen still has a little bit of a gap on this issue, so we don't have much contact. This is understandable.

But how long will it last? I'm afraid that no one can tell. Especially about Ding Yu's rescue of Dongfang xiaolun, even if Dongfang Jing wants to hide it, he can't hide it. Everyone will inquire about the relevant information, which is absolutely certain.

For Dongfang Jing, it's just a little bit of pressure, and who doesn't let himself be? But Dongfang Jing also looked at Bai Rihui. What about today's scene? You should have seen it in your eyes. Even Sanchez of the Boston consortium visited in person, which shows what kind of identity Ding Yu is, so you should take it easy!

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