Because he was sitting in Xiangshi's seat, he served food quickly. Soon the table was full. Looking at the situation of Xiang Shi, Ding Yu immediately took the beer in his hand. First he poured a cup for his teacher's uncle. Then he looked at Xiang Shi on one side and showed his meaning to him.

Xiang Shi was also stunned. He didn't expect such treatment. He didn't dare to have any pinching in front of him. He raised his glass with both hands. Ding Yu poured a glass for him, and then put the bottle to one side. This is just for the sake of his master's face, and has nothing to do with others.

However, the people who have been paying attention to this table all the time. When they see this scene, their chin has already fallen on the ground. It is always someone who toasts to the tenth master. But the young man before, though he said that he was pouring wine, he showed up to the tenth master, but there were some conditions! Who is this young man from?

After all, Ding Yu didn't mean to care about it. However, his eating condition surprised Xiang Shi. There were a lot of things on the table. After all, he invited guests to dinner. He knew that this meal had other implications, so he didn't make any chopsticks.

Of course, there are other reasons. After all, it's a big stall. What's your identity? I'm afraid that if we open up and close here, I don't know how to discuss it. But looking at this little feather's appetite, it seems that it's not so good! How to give oneself the feeling, this feather little seems to have not eaten for a week.

Your identity in such a place to eat and drink, is not there so some too reckless? Even if you want to be grounded, is it necessary?

It seems that all the things on the table have gone into this man's belly. It seems that it doesn't matter whether it is clean or not. He can eat it. He looks so stunned that he won't be hungry to this extent.

But looking at the clean and smooth table, Xiang Shi also said hello to the clerk, and then went to the table again. However, the things on the table were changed into some heavy ones, such as beef, roast goose, etc., but these were all added by Yang Ming. They are not available here. You can buy them in other places!

In the full view of the public, Ding Yu is not red face, breathless, almost the second table to clean up, this is not only to ten, pay attention to this table of people? It's just incredible. Yang Ming is nodding, his nephew is really OK, Kung Fu practice home.

"Another table, call seafood! Not too much! "

Next to Ding Yu also nodded, to ten is also on the other side of the clerk made a wink, things look up, does not matter what high or low, but must show the ability to look after the home! Although the contact time is not long, but the shock to himself is really beyond imagination.

There are a wide range of seafood on the table, and even many of them are house keepers. However, to treat shiye, this is to give face. So the big stalls here dare not have any private collection and reservation. But what about this time? Ding Yu is also really the feeling of a little taste, just taste the taste.

And what about Yang Ming? It's really reassuring that he can have a happy meal here, which shows that he has such feelings, but Xiang shiye is not the same. Although he is a little nervous, he can't let go at all, but he may be too concerned about his identity! There's nothing to say about this.

There is a saying how to say, people and people are not the same, his nephew can let Xiang shiye accompany, his identity will not be too simple, but his nephew? Can go down to this mouth, but to ten always take into account their own identity, in their own side may not be how? But in his nephew's eyes, he was inferior.

This has nothing to do with my companion. I've already eaten it, but you don't. what's the meaning of this? No face? But what about my nephew? There was no attitude from the beginning to the end. If you want to come, you will not be invisible, just blind.

After eating, Ding Yu went back to him with his teacher's uncle. The stay was a little longer, about three hours. Then he took the Li's car back to the peninsula hotel. "Yu Shao, if you have anything, you can tell us. We'll be downstairs."

"Thank you! It's hard work. " Ding Yu didn't have too much aloofness and arrogance, but he was very insipid and followed. "And thank you for me, grandfather Li and Uncle Li! It's getting them involved. " What about the Li family? I also know these two people, say one is to say, say two also say, it is better to mention both, save trouble.

When he returned to his residence, it was already very late. Ding Yu took a rest after washing. However, in the morning, Ding Yu still got up very early. When he finished his exercise, he also shook his head. Jin is just a little exercise, like Ding Yu, really can't do it.

After all, not everyone has such perseverance. Although they say that they are security guards and supervisors, they are willing to be inferior to others on this issue. They are totally jealous. "Who's interested? Let's have morning tea." On this issue, Ding Yu really does not have any meaning to force.If you want to, you can have morning tea together. The characteristics of Hong Kong, or the folk customs in the south, are still not used to it. It has been a tradition for so many years. After retiring, Ding Yu also ate many times, so when he came to Hong Kong, he did not have any so-called unaccustomed.

Jin is very interested, but other people are weak in this issue. Some of them are not used to it. When they get down, the drivers and security guards of the Li family have already got up, and even have been waiting there early, "go, have morning tea together!" Then Ding Yu got on the bus.

When they got to the place, Ding Yu and Jin sat together, but the driver and the security guard didn't mean to sit over at all. Ding Yu didn't have any coercion. There was a grade gap in their hearts. Such things could not be forced. However, there were so few young people that they could hardly be described as uncles and aunts.

Because he came earlier, people are not as many as they think. At least now, he can choose seats at will instead of matching tables. Ding Yu ordered a lot of things. After all, he is very familiar with morning tea, but Jin is a little hesitant because he doesn't know much about it.

He knows more about English morning tea, but what about Hong Kong Style morning tea? It was just two kinds of interest. Later, Ding Yu helped him. Even the waiters were impatient. The last thing they wanted was to receive such foreigners. They didn't know what to say, but they could say it.

However, because things may take some time, Jin also passed some important tasks to Ding Yu, and Ding Yu gave an official reply at the same time. Although he said that he was having morning tea, he could not delay his spare time! These can not be delayed.

When everything is served, Ding Yu and Jin will have some communication when they eat. Although it is said that Ding Yu has come to Hong Kong, it does not mean that Ding Yu is here to play. Since he sits in this position, he has to pay for this. It has nothing to do with whether he likes or dislikes it.

"Feather less, early!" When he heard the sound, Ding Yu was also stunned. Then he saw two people walking to his desk. Ding Yu was also slightly stunned. This one should have taken the initiative to come to the door, but he got up early enough. To know the habits of the people of Hong Kong City, they are still sleeping at this time, and the rhythm is relatively late.

"Good morning, together if you don't mind!"

Since it was the initiative to come to the door, Ding Yu didn't have much to refuse. Xiangjia's father and son also sat down and ordered morning tea first, and then ordered food to eat. At this time, Jin had almost enough to eat, and when he came to his father and son, he could not stay here, so he picked up his things and got up.

Xiang Shi also gives an apologetic smile. I have seen this man's eyes before. He is absolutely killing God. Maybe he can't be compared with Yu Shao, but he can't be compared with Yu Shao. Compared with other people, he is absolutely outstanding.

"Call people!"

"Good morning, uncle!" It was the young man who spoke yesterday, and Ding Yu nodded with a smile, "speaking of this, it's really a little old for me!"

It's not that there is no reason why Xiang Shi came here so early. I asked people to investigate the relevant information and situation. As a result, when I got to the mainland, I didn't wait for any action. All the people involved in this matter were detained. Even the people in Hong Kong this morning did not do anything.

Its speed, so that they even have no time to do any reaction, but they have inquired about the news, give their own reply? It's the order above. I don't know anything else. How long is this! As for the quick response?

"Yu Shao, the family is not sensible, and the people in the family are also indifferent, so there was some noise last night!"

Yeah? Ding Yu is also a Leng, made some noise, his side seems to have no news to hear! Then he also looked at the past with suspicion, hesitated to ten, and said with a slight apology, "last night at home, I asked people to inquire about some information, but I didn't think about it, they were all detained. The mainland's is not counted, and here are a lot of them!"

It turned out that it was like this, but he looked at the young man next to him, and then he put his eyes on Xiang ten's body, "what? Uncle Xiang is very interested in my identity? "

"No, there's so much curiosity at home!" This is very straightforward, but also very careful.

"Understand!" What about Ding Yu's attitude? I'm not very arrogant, but I really don't mean to put Xiang Jia in my eyes. Is Xiang Jia in Hong Kong? It may be very influential, but it's just a small place, too small.

Temple small demon wind is big, shallow water king eight many, did not provoke himself, he will not care, but now have found the door, this has so many offended themselves, don't look at Ding Yu's face above the indifferent posture, but in reality? The more it looks like this, the more opinions Ding Yu has in mind.

"I don't know who Xiangshi wants to talk to?" When he said this, Ding Yu was still kind-hearted, "what about the skinny monkey? It's just an old friend of mine. His weight may not be enough! Let's see! I'll ask people from Hongmen to come out and talk. You think Hongmen is more suitable. I'll invite you. I should still have this face! "What about Ding Yu's speech? How many have so many unscrupulous, originally oneself to him? I don't have too many good feelings. Do you want to do this with yourself now? What do you mean? It seems that this is the port city. It seems that there is a strong dragon that does not oppress the local tyrants. But it is also a case in point.

I don't want to make other noise. It's not that I don't have this ability and power.

To ten's face also has so some embarrassment, oneself also did not think that the matter unexpectedly will be so in the eye, bright? I'm not my opponent at all, but what about in the dark? This is not going to personally hand, but there is a Hongmen out, for Xiang 10, scalp has been so numb.

I will never feel that Yu Shao is joking with himself. It is very secret to send someone to inquire about him. That is to say, he mentioned Ding Yu's name. Then he was controlled at the first time. He did not give any opportunities. This government department should not be so efficient!

I really didn't mean to. I just wanted to find out, but I didn't want to reach out just now. The knife has already been cut off. I don't know what the consequences are, but it is enough to make Xiang Shi feel that things are not right.

I really have no other meaning! Don't get me wrong. No one knows exactly what Yu Shao is. So he inquired about it. If he wanted to come, there should be no problem. However, he thought that such a small measure had brought such trouble to himself. Therefore, he came to the door at the first time.

To ten is very clear, now this time intentionally evades, is definitely not the best way to solve the problem, even the worst way. I came over for the first time and looked like I was drinking morning tea, but in fact, it also means to pour tea. If you have any dissatisfaction, please come to me.

How about this way? It seems to be very single, but for, there is not much use, "Xiang Shishu, have you had morning tea? Together Although Ding Yu had eaten something earlier, it was obvious that he did not mean to be full, and Xiang Shi's face changed slightly.

My son was not at the scene last night, so he didn't see the horrible scene, but he saw clearly that the food he ate was worth a cow. This may be a little exaggerated, but there should be no problem with a pig. What about the pigs here? It refers to the traditional roast suckling pig.

But those things don't seem to be able to eat in one meal. Even if you have a good appetite, the food last night will be enough for you to eat for a week. So Ding Yu said that he let himself have morning tea. He felt a little bit afraid. Is this punishment too excessive?

Ding Yu ordered something again in triplicate, but the shop assistant felt a little strange. He had already ordered something before, but now he came out again. What's the meaning of this? No, I didn't mean to ask too much, just pay the bill! To whom is not to sell?

While waiting, Ding Yu seems not to be idle. He has approved some documents and made some replies. But what about Ding Yu's mobile phone? It is placed on the side of the position, Xiang 10 also understand what it means, watching the cart come to him, he is eager to see the next moment the phone will ring.

"What? Uncle Xiang, don't you have a good appetite When Ding Yu picked up the chopsticks, he also asked on purpose. The speed of starting his chopsticks was not very fast. After all, he had eaten before, but the question is: what about Ding Yu eating? Appetite is like a bottomless pit, looking at the speed is not fast, slow, but not long, the things in front of are cleaned up.

Then Ding Yu took a sip of it, which seemed to be very good. However, the phone never rang. Xiang Shi could only eat his share, but he really needed to press the tea. He even felt that his belt was so tight that he didn't know whether he could eat it.

Ding Yu looked at the furnishings on the table and laughed, "it seems that Xiang Shishu's appetite is really good, but I really don't have enough to eat? To ten uncle? " Speaking is a consultative tone, but what about the attitude? Absolutely is not to be refused, what's more, I also accompany you to eat, and eat absolutely no less than you.

Xiang Shi also swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and then called over to the waiter. He cleaned up the dishes and other things, and then served a new one. It was only a lot more than the previous one. Ding Yu increased the weight, but the waiter looked so stunned. After eating so much, don't eat anything wrong!

Looking at the things on the table, Ding Yu also clipped a few chopsticks. Soon, the things in front of him disappeared in a way visible to the naked eye. He was stunned to see his father and son. He didn't know what he was eating. Anyway, he ate happily and had the same amount of food, but his stomach really could hold it.

The so-called apology is not to say that you can pour tea. People's meaning is very clear. If you can't eat together, you will certainly not be able to talk about it. Although it is forced by the situation, there is no way to do it. Just stick to your own head and eat it! Who let himself reach out! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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