At noon, the guests had a good time!

When his daughter went out, Hou Tong also tried to say, "I heard that Xiang Shi is a bit out of line!"

"What? He has come to you for help Seeing Hou Tong nodding, Ding Yu also handed over a cigar. After lighting the cigar, Ding Yu slowly said, "he wants to investigate my identity? You know this is a very taboo thing, since stepped in, so want to turn over is a very difficult thing! It has nothing to do with me. "

"I don't think he's a man who doesn't know how to measure himself!" Hou Tong also explained and said, "it can be regarded as the intersection for many years, and it has always been prudent. After the return of China, how about it? He also began to banish the power in his hands. After all, in the position, if it was really embarrassing, he would not be able to come down! "

"I asked him to have breakfast in the morning. I ate it up, but he still had it!" Ding Yu was also very critical and said, "but since you have come out, I will invite him to have morning tea tomorrow morning." This is already quite face saving.

"I haven't heard of it." Hou Tong was also very surprised to say that he knew about having morning tea in the morning, but he left without eating it clean. This is clearly that Xiang Shi has some irregularities! People invite tea, you come to this set, it is clear that they did not give people in the eye, this matter has to say.

"It doesn't matter if I hear or don't hear about it. But I don't want to make any other things and situations when I leave, so it's tomorrow? At that time, I asked for tea. He could come or not. It doesn't matter! " It seems that Ding Yu didn't really care.

After eating, Ding Yu also personally sent Hou Tong and his daughter back. It seems that there is not too much for Ding Yu. However, Ding Yu does not want Hou Tong's toys. Just like joking, he will definitely teach bad children. How about calling children in Hong Kong? It's basically the same name.

Hou Tong is also quite embarrassed about this. In his early years, he ran arms, but later he quit. But what about the business? It's still related. It's just made of plastic. Of course, there are still some things, but they are all within the legal scope.

For people like the skinny monkey, what about the law? Maybe it's clearer than the police and the judge. Otherwise, how do you think the river and lake got mixed up for so many years? It's not that you can do things carefully, it's not the case in society.

"Come and have tea when you have time." The skinny monkey also knew that Ding Yu would not stay here for too long, so there was no much dissuasion. However, he also sent out his own invitation. It is true that Ding Yu and he may not be the same person, but they do not hinder the relationship between each other.

"Yes! I wish you didn't dislike it then Ding Yu is also pleased to meet.

After Ding Yu left, the thin monkey also called Xiang Shi personally, "it's me. I've already agreed with a Yu to have morning tea together tomorrow. Are you ok?" The relationship between each other, their own is to let Ding Yu give face, you can't do without this face?

Hear the thin monkey say so, to ten's face is also suddenly become bitter up, eat breakfast tomorrow? This is really one, two, three, four, one more time! Today's morning tea has been eating themselves in a mess, tomorrow morning to continue to eat breakfast, will you really eat to death?

Why haven't you said a few words, there's no movement? The skinny monkey also felt very strange. After knocking on the phone twice and hearing the noise, Xiang Shi also responded and then expressed his thanks. Although he knew that it was such a result, Xiang 10 still had to recognize it. But how could he survive in the face of Yu Shao tomorrow?

In the afternoon, Ding Yu also went to Li's house on an appointment. When he visited, Ding Yu also prepared fruit baskets and flowers. He came in a hurry. He really didn't have any other preparation. What about himself and grandfather Li? In terms of influence? It really can't be compared.

What about the current situation? What about each other? They just cooperate with each other to do business, and then help each other. In the Chinese world, this grandfather Li is almost unimpeded. What about himself? In Europe and the United States, how much influence does it have with others? Basically, there are not too many relationships.

After all, what about other relationships? This needs to involve the affairs of the Wang family, which is really not Ding Yu's reason to face! It is impossible for grandfather Li not to know the problem and the situation. Previously, Ding Yu cleared all the things on the surface, which also made him feel a little shocked.

If you say that you have encountered such a situation, what kind of results will appear? I really dare not to predict, but what about Ding Yu? After such a problem and situation, there was no other disclosure. The main point here is that Ding Yu's forces did not suffer any damage, at least as we can see.

No matter in the UK or in the United States, it seems that there is really nothing to reach out for. Everything is as usual. After Ding Yu took such a large sum of money, not many people came out to step on it. This situation is so abnormal or abnormal.To what extent does Ding Yu's power extend? This makes me feel particularly curious. Of course, there is another reason. In addition to his own power, the power behind it is quite amazing. This has not even included the Wang family and the Su family.

I am the richest man in China, but its influence has really reached the bottleneck. It is not easy for me to expand and develop. It is true that enterprises have diversified in recent years, but how to say? All the time, they have not made much breakthrough.

After all, he is on the top of the position and has the most intuitive impression of the change of the situation. What about Ding Yu? In just a few years, he took out more things than his life's collection, even now we still don't know how much the details are!

But one thing is certain. He played a very important role in the subprime mortgage crisis. But what are the problems and situations? Some of them are too dark to be seen clearly. When the boss came back, he also mentioned some problems and situations to himself, which also made him have a clearer understanding.

What about inside? It is also a reflection of some problems and conditions, which are worth studying.

As far as the reality is concerned, after years of development, Hong Kong seems to have formed large and small consortia. However, it is shameful to say that it is basically based on the family. What is the relationship between them? It can be said that it is rather thin, the vertical development is too fast, and the horizontal development? Too slow.

What about the so-called consortium? It's just to put gold on your face. To put it more pessimistically, the rapid development of the mainland in these years through reform and opening up has made people in Hong Kong feel chilly. However, the problem is that Hong Kong has not much future and space.

Therefore, it is a matter of time to be expelled. But what is the mood of the people in Hong Kong now? Or sink in their own dream, there is no idea to go out, looking like a consortium, but in reality? It's just a bubble. When the dream woke up that day, the bubble broke.

On this issue, Ding Yu's performance especially makes him feel a little sigh. What kind of investment is his political power? I don't know very well. However, if he can attend the presidential inauguration dinner, it can be seen that he is Asian.

What's more? Although he seems to have broken up with the Wang family, he has a very good relationship with Wang Yang. To a certain extent, he just broke up with his old friends and didn't really break up with the Wang family. We should see clearly.

What's more, his problems and situations with other forces, such as the Boston consortia, the Samsung Lee family, and his own family, have also been combined with each other's interests. This means is really not superb. You can say that he started his career in a castle in the air, but it can't be denied that his foundation is quite deep now 。

It is because of the special geographical location, special historical conditions and various aspects that we and several other people can be the traders of Hong Kong. But what about Ding Yu? But there is no intention to see in the eyes of the meaning, the original time to choose their own, only to value their own influence, has nothing to do with other.

That is to say, no one has to mention the issue of money. Led by Ding Yu, together with himself and the Samsung Lee family, this has actually formed a small Asian consortium, even a slightly influential Asian consortium. In this process, they and the Samsung Li family have made considerable profits.

"Ah Yu!" It is true that Ding Yu came to visit him, but his Li family really can't treat him as a junior. Just like a joke, he has completed the road that two generations of his family have gone through in a few years. From this point, it is worthy of respect. As for making friends with his grandfather and even the Wang family, there is another thing.

"Hello, grandfather Li!" For this villa, Ding Yu is really quite strange, then Ding Yu also sent fruit and flower basket, "visit abruptly, please forgive me!" Because Ding Yu is indeed a low-key, if not for information, Ding Yu would not have come to visit the Li family.

"Just come!" For Ding Yu to come in person, I still feel very happy, and Ding Yu? I don't mean to pinch my own identity, even if I'm a junior. I feel that I can't understand and I'm not old enough. But from the point of view of my mind, there are some things I haven't seen before!

There are not many people in the family, because Ding Yu is not a very lively person. He has also been to Ding Yu's apartment. Although it is said that the layout is good, it is a bit lonely, and it is not clear what the reason is. On the other hand, he really does not want to expose the relevant things.

What about the people in the port city who know about the relevant information? It's not as much as you can imagine. The reason is that Ding Yu is too low-key. If it's not for a special reason, I'm afraid I don't know the problems and conditions. Who can think that his old friend still has such a real dragon?Ding Yu came to see him as a junior. He came to Hong Kong and had a look at his home. He didn't have any other deep meaning. What about the performance of the Li family? Invite Ding Yu to have a meal, even if it is to contact each other's feelings and performance? There are some deliberate and artificial flavor, but it is a way of communication.

After all, besides business? The connection between each other seems to be really a little less, so the same way to close the feelings between each other, it is also nothing to blame! He had already set a place in Fulinmen, but after Ding Yu arrived, the Li family also decided to have dinner at home.

In Fulinmen, some of them are too publicized. I'm afraid Ding Yu will not like it too much!

"I heard there was a little trouble!"

When he put down his chopsticks, Ding Yu was stunned. He looked at his father and son, and then wiped the corners of his mouth with a napkin. "Grandfather Li, when he passed by here, DuoMeng took care of him in the same way. So come back to see his old friend and have morning tea tomorrow morning."

Ding Yu didn't mean to let the Li family get involved in it, even when he spoke? There is also a little warning in it. This makes the Li family feel that there is something wrong with it. What about this? But there are so many not to give face, but he still said so, it is obvious that there is an unknown situation.

Or from another point of view, Ding Yu didn't like the Li family to get involved in it. Then he heard Ding Yu continue to say, "in the morning, my third uncle called me. He was in charge of the information management department. I didn't expect that the third uncle would personally call me!" Point to stop, redundant words, Ding Yu also did not mention.

What about the curiosity of the Li family and his son? Although they are guests of many high-ranking officials, what about the same? As for the military, they never want to intervene. Even if they are guests, they never have too much political appeal, just do business, and don't have too many ideas.

What about politics? It can be used on the land of Hong Kong City for a short time, but it must not exceed this balance. Otherwise, it is really unknown what the consequences will be.

People from the military, especially from the intelligence department, called in person. The Li family should not be involved in such matters. So what about the whole topic? After dinner, Ding Yu also left here and went back to the hotel. The distance was a little far. But when Ding Yu sat on the car, he was thinking all the time.

Although I don't have a way to block the outside world, it seems that many people have stopped after things happened in the United States, because what happened before? Cut off the roots, absolutely merciless, but did not think that someone should be in their own eyes, even played such a game.

For such a situation, Ding Yu did not expect that, and even a little passive, because he was more or less worried that he came to Hong Kong by chance? Will it scare the snake? If it's really like this, it's really not beautiful. What's next? How should I deal with it?

Things are definitely not as simple as imagined. If we really start to scare the snake, then what kind of problems and conditions will appear afterwards are really unpredictable and controllable. This is not what Ding Yu is willing to face.

Finally grasp this handle, really want to give up? If you say that you have some action, it is likely that the snake will not die but suffer from its harm, but there is no action? Will you be at ease there?

For a long time, some people in the military always make a stumbling block for themselves. This matter can be said to have been kept in mind all the time, but the problem is that they really have no way to do it. After all, it is the military! Violence organs can have problems in all other aspects, but the military can never do anything wrong.

This is also the reason why Ding Yu has always been looking for trouble in the periphery, but he has never wanted to go deep into it. Moreover, even if it is really dug out, the whole military will be affected. This is really not what Ding Yu would like to see, so Ding Yu is thinking about it.

Do you want to mention it to your third uncle? After all, what about yourself? It's just a one-sided problem. Because of the different positions and steps, the way to look at the problem is not the same. It seems that it is really necessary to contact with my third uncle this time! At least we should try our best!

But how can we try it out? I'll talk about it later. But at this time? I think it is necessary to find something to do for Xiang Shi. He is a very good role!

Now he has not received any news, indicating that he has passed the difficulties, but to say a word of not too conceited, do you want his life? It's a matter of one sentence, and he has no chance to break free, because after knowing the news, what's the first reaction? It's definitely killing Xiang 10. There's no other possibility. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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