The residence is very close to the school and is within the scope of Greater London. During this period of time, Ding Yu can also ride his bicycle to wander around. Of course, what about the so-called wandering? It's just familiarity.

Besides, Ding Yu is not idle every day. He has nearly gone through the formalities, so he can get in and out of school. Although the British teachers are so rigid, he still appreciates Ding Yu. It is not that Ding Yu is so handsome. It is really not the reason for this.

It is mainly because of Ding Yu's professional attitude. From his learning state, we can feel one or two of them, as well as the problem of his operation methods. To a certain extent, he was stunned by the school's professors. He may still be immature in some aspects, but his time in this field is still so short that he can reach such a level The evildoer.

Although it is said that there is not much time left for the summer vacation, even if Ding Yu is allowed to listen in, then he can not give Ding Yu any credit. There are regulations on this issue? You can say that the British side is more rigorous. Of course, you may also say that they are rigid and not so flexible.

But what about the audience? It's not that you can go in and out of the classroom without any scruples, regardless of whether it's a big class or a small class. There are some differences between this point and that in China, there is not much management on this aspect in China.

However, in the UK, professors attach great importance to the protection of their own intellectual property rights and the protection of students' rights. If you don't get the teacher's permission, you will have a big problem. What's more, the class must not affect the teacher's teaching and students' learning, otherwise you will be directly kicked out.

At the beginning, when I came to a strange place, I felt that I was not used to it. However, it did not take a few days for Ding Yu to get used to it. It was not as difficult as I imagined. I could only say that I had thought about the difficulties a little bit more before.

In his spare time, Ding Yu also came to Big Ben, which is also a very coincidence. Just in time for Tuesday, he had the opportunity to listen to the prime minister's report to the parliament. To be able to listen to such things, Ding Yu is really a little strange and indeed curious.

The security guard's inspection is very strict, but the problem is that Ding Yu doesn't carry any dangerous goods at all. Now he is just a student studying abroad. However, looking at the other people on the table and looking at himself, Ding Yu frowns slightly, because his clothes and dressing are a little casual.

In the eyes of many British people, this kind of dressing up is a kind of disrespect. Although Ding Yu didn't mean to do it, he could still feel some people's different eyes. What about this kind of vision? Can't be said to be contemptuous, only to say a kind of curiosity? And then with a little inquiry.

Although it's not the fault caused by such understanding, it's also my own reason. I can't attribute the matter to other people's bodies. What's more, it seems that it's not difficult to wear a formal dress at this time, but I'm not prepared for this.

On the contrary, the discussion in Parliament can attract Ding Yu's interest. Why do you say so? Because everything is exposed to the fluorescent lamp, in such a situation, it can reflect the level of politics. Politics has always been dirty, which is beyond doubt.

However, it needs some real level to be able to speak high sounding politics in the sunshine. Of course, Parliament does not represent all politics, and even is just the tip of the iceberg. However, for Ding Yu, it plays a very important role. It is useful or useless. It is an opportunity for him!

After coming out of the parliament, Ding Yu returned to his residence. Oh, there is the last Premier League game. Although I said that my ticket was not the best, I could feel the grand occasion. Only under such circumstances could I feel a little relaxed.

It's not to say that you are a conspiracy theorist, but how do you feel about yourself? It seems that many problems have a feeling of Truman world. Of course, I just think about it like this. As for the real situation? Ding Yu still has feelings. Truth is real. If you don't believe it, stab yourself with a knife.

Looking at all the people around him, Ding Yu also has some exclamations, now this time has not come to summer, now all of them are bare their arms, the ball game has not started! You're so excited, okay?

But soon Ding Yu also fell into this kind of fanaticism, and the surrounding fans? Ding Yu is also willing to let Ding Yu participate in it, but they have not asked Ding Yu to take off his upper body, but they have already pulled Ding Yu into their team.

originally, Ding Yu was a very cautious and careful person, but with the start of the game, this feeling seems to disappear all of a sudden, and the fanatical cry also let Ding Yu get a kind of catharsis This kind of catharsis is from the heart, even Ding Yu's voice has been hoarse.However, the feeling given to Ding Yu after he went back was very relaxed. The whole person was completely cathartic. Lying on the bed, Ding Yu completely emptied his mind, and a lot of that worry for a long time was also eliminated.

Because the course is almost over, and the examination is required at this stage, Ding Yu doesn't need to go to class. However, Ding Yu still goes to the laboratory and library with great heart, which is regarded as learning, and has no other plans.

But Ding Yu's calm was soon interrupted. "Hello, senior Ding Yu. I'm Zhou Jingyi. I'm here to study!"

For the sudden arrival of this, Ding Yu also feel a little strange, this look at the age seems to be not very old, also a teenager! What's the purpose of coming here? Are you so hard to understand? And no one is in touch with themselves.

Perhaps it is also to see Ding Yu's doubts. The lady next to Zhou Jingyi also introduced and said, "Hello, Xiaoding. Your elder brother asked us to come to you. You can arrange the rest of the things!"

Brother Gao? It seems that Gao Jie is the only one who knows Gao Jie. But will Gao Jie arrange this? He didn't even know he was here in England. There must be other reasons. But Ding Yu didn't mean to call. When asked about the reason, Ding Yu also expressed his welcome.

It's similar to Aunt Xu's arrival. It's most necessary to go through the formalities. However, it can be seen that the mother and daughter of the Zhou family seem to have been prepared for this. At least, it's much stronger than when Ding Yu came earlier. At that time, Ding Yu could only rummage about. What about Zhou Jingyi? The speed of taking the certificate was totally beyond imagination, which made Ding Yu a little embarrassed.

However, Ding Yu did not really mean to accompany the two people to play together. After all, she had a lot of things to deal with. However, Zhou Jingyi's mother looked at Ding Yu's learning energy and was worried about her daughter.

My daughter came to England only a few days ago! But in addition to play is shopping, how much money this problem is not on top of everyone's mind, but come here? It's not for fun. What's more, Ding Yu sleeps later than anyone else. Even when he wakes up in the middle of the night, he is still studying. What about the morning? Got up earlier than anyone else.

I really doubt if he can stick to it. I don't want the children in his family to study so hard, but only one tenth of them will be satisfied.

However, it can be felt that Ding Yu is not a lack of money. If he is really short of money, he will not rent here alone. When he came earlier, he had already consulted some problems in some aspects. Therefore, when facing Ding Yu, he also put forward the requirements in this respect.

"Ding Yu, what about sister Xu? The house has been transferred to me, and I didn't tell you because the situation is urgent! "

After hearing this, Ding Yu was stunned. He didn't think of this problem. However, she heard aunt Zhou continue to say, "I don't want to talk about the rent. I can't always stay here in England. How about Jingyi? I'm still a little girl, so I hope you can take care of it! "

Take care of it? This is not a joke! For such a problem and situation, Ding Yu also blinked his eyes, "aunt Zhou, you said that taking care of this may be a little difficult for me, everyone help each other! I will let Jingyi adapt to the British life as quickly as possible

Ding Yucai won't make any guarantee on this issue. The house belongs to you, so what? What does it have to do with yourself? If you can't, you can find a new place to check in. Even if you stay in the hotel directly, you can't afford it. Let's see how each other is.

For Ding Yu's answer, Zhou Jingyi's mother is still very satisfied. What about Ding Yu? How much have so some understanding, regardless of how this understanding comes from, from the mutual this period of time, is still a very good child, the reason to trust Jingyi to him, is also to see his identity.

Before the Zhou family's mother and daughter returned, Ding Yu received a call from the team leader. He did not say anything else. He asked Ding Yu to take care of his mother and daughter for the next week. There was no other explanation.

Ding Yu didn't want to say anything else. At the beginning, he said that it was the most difficult to repay the debt of human relations. He got himself to the British side in a muddle headed way. Then he got such a pair of mother and daughter for himself. Now he even has to throw the girl here and let him say something?

Since the captain has already spoken, Ding Yu has no intention to refuse, but what about taking advantage of this time? Ding Yu has gone to do some other things. He is ready to get involved in the European Cup. It doesn't mean that if you know who the final champion is, you can put all the money on it.

If you do this, the final result may be the same, that is, you will disappear without a trace, and even ashes will not be left. After all, funds need to be manipulated, and you think that so many dealers are dry meals. They can adjust the win-win relationship according to the odds ratio, and profits and interests are the most attractive to them.What about the operation of this? Maybe the time is a little bit delayed, it doesn't matter. As long as it's safe, you haven't seen live run before you haven't eaten pork? After consulting in his dream and bombarded by the big bang, Ding Yu still has some experience in this aspect. Reading more novels, not all of them are correct, but he can give himself more experience.

However, it is a pity that Ding Yu has no way to foresee all the competitions, because he knows that the final champion belongs to Greek mythology, and that the final runner up belongs to the host. He also knows that Greece won several games later, which seems to be one to zero attention. However, Ding Yu really does not know about other news, and has no impression of this aspect.

Even if it is to break his head, Ding Yu can't remember, but it should also be satisfied, three days ahead of you can lead the whole world, for this point of view, Ding Yu has been deeply aware of, as for the final income, this question Ding Yu is really not so clear, look at the situation!

Ding Yu took advantage of Zhou Jingyi to familiarize herself with the environment, and quietly started the layout of the whole thing. After all, the situation this time was different from that of the previous one, because this time it was from the dealer's hand to grab the meat to eat, and it is not sure whether it can be snatched. Even if it is snatched, it is hard to say what the final result will be.

Ding Yu now controls all the funds that can be concentrated in his own hands. This is thanks to the fact that he put forward all the funds of the bank when he went abroad. This is the request of the captain. What is the reason? Up to now, there is still no news being transmitted.

There's no bad news. To some extent, it's good news. At least this time for Shen Lang is like this, leaving some necessary expenses. What about the remaining money? Ding Yu almost in the first time all to throw out, investment! You need something to give up and get.

But what about this? There is no need to inform other people. Even the captain's side is the same. His account is very secret and can never be exposed. If there is any situation and slip, who knows what will happen. No one dares to guarantee this aspect. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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