
"So this negotiation may need to reevaluate the situation!" Ding Yu also said with a smile, "what about these things? It's not as interesting as I imagined. The size of interests has no meaning for me. Survival is my first problem

Stevens looked at Ding Yu, and his heart was also shocked. He seemed to suddenly understand something. Last night, Jin came to find his own business, which was definitely not for simple competition. This guy successfully confused himself, but behind this? Ding Yu absolutely contacted Morgan and Boston, and then? Does this need to be mentioned?

When he thought of this, Stevens also bit his teeth. Yesterday, he felt that there was something wrong, but he didn't know where the problem was. The guy Kim would never shoot at random. But last night, he didn't think of it. Although it was misleading, he should count his mistakes on himself.

Obviously, Ding Yu has reached an agreement with Morgan and Boston, and there is a time gap. Now it's his turn to feel uncomfortable. Ding Yu agreed to sit down and have a talk. What about the previous time? He belongs to the passive side, but the problem is that after Ding Yu has talked with Morgan and Boston, he is not the passive party.

Even Morgan and Boston are not passive parties. In terms of relevant issues, if the three parties really reach an agreement, then for the forces behind them, no matter how fierce they are, there will be no significance and value for them!

"Mr. Ding, isn't this too much?"

"Are you accusing me?" Although the words are like this, the problem is that the expression on Ding Yu's face doesn't have any anger, and the performance is very normal, "I'm still that sentence. You can deal with this matter, but don't take me to fill in the hole. You are the first to do things, and I'm the last one. Don't say anyone in the big family! That's because I didn't say anything wrong

Stevens on one side looked at Ding Yu with a slightly helpless expression. He was very sure that he did not reveal any problems and conditions in the process. However, the problem was that he underestimated Ding Yu too much in the past, so something went wrong, and it was quite a problem.

All in all? I also have some dereliction of duty. What about this problem? They will not have any denial, because everything is the truth! Now the question is how John will face this problem!

What about the previous time? It's just a small problem. When Ding Yu comes to force him to come to their side, Ding Yu does not have much choice. This is certain. If Ding Yu really comes to their side, it is acceptable to pay a certain price. After all, Ding Yu is different from Morgan and Boston consortia.

What about Ding Yu's identity? Although he was able to attend the reception dinner of the previous president and even attended the meeting, to a certain extent, Ding Yu was somewhat ostracized. People did not really regard him as "his own man". In any case, what was the power on his side? There is no such idea.

That is to say, since you can buy him off, you can sell him. It's nothing. What about the forces on your side? Of course, John knew this, but he didn't think that Ding Yu mentioned it in front of him.

Now it's Matthew's turn to be passive. How should we deal with this problem? When we were sitting there, Matthew's back was still leaning against the sofa, but now Matthew has straightened his waist and looked at Ding Yu with his eyes. The problem has been put in front of him. What should he do now?

"Ding, would you do that? I don't see any benefits! "

"Matthew, maybe I didn't explain clearly, so I'll explain it again. For the major consortia and families, it's just a matter of interest, but for me, it's a matter of survival. And you don't need to face such a situation. It's not ridiculous to talk about interests when you can't think about survival?"

Matthew also looked at Ding Yu. After a long time, he also opened his hand. "So, I came a little late. You have reached an agreement with Morgan and Boston, but why do I feel so unconvinced?"

"Is it?" Ding Yu also said with a smile, "in fact, I didn't expect things to go so smoothly, but I know that the longer the time is, the more favorable it will be for me. At least it can ensure that my survival will not have too many problems. This is enough for me personally!"

"That is to say!"

Ding Yu took the topic to him, "that is to say, what we are talking about is not a thing. What you want to talk about is interest, but what I want to talk about? It's survival. We can't talk about it at all. Isn't it right? " At this time, Ding Yu is also straightforward, and can't talk about it. Is it useful to say other things?"Ding, I feel a little disappointed!" Matthew also took a look at Stevens. "This is a great damage to our friendship. I believe many people on my side will look at it like this."

Ding Yu also gave a slight smile, "if I let you disappear on this planet, not only won't many people hate you, but also many people will thank you. Do you think I'm right to say this? It's like your name is Matthew, too many people call it, even in your family

Joking, people like you still want to threaten me, and they still threaten me in this way. They really look up to themselves and despise me too much. Then Ding Yu also stood up and said, "sorry, I have other things. Please take your time. If you don't treat me well, please forgive me!"

Stevens takes a look at Matthew and shakes his head slightly. What happened before? It's understandable, but the problem is that John's threat to Ding Yu is really not desirable. At this time, there are some who can't afford to lose. What about this situation? It is really a little despised, not to mention here is Ding Yu's courtyard.

But Stevens won't say it, at least not in front of Matthew. How about coming here? It's a matter of wire drawing? There is no fault, but in this process, I was successfully confused for a period of time, this is their own problem.

But now? The nature of things is different. Because I have participated in some of them, I have some understanding of the relevant issues. This time, the forces behind Matthew will face a dilemma.

Originally, Zhou Yuan had been planned. This time, it was mainly aimed at the Morgan group. Then he benefited from his side, Boston and Ding Yu, and Morgan was damaged. Finally, in order to calm down the anger of the Morgan consortium, Ding Yu was thrown out, and then everyone got the profits together. Who made him jump a little bit fierce these years.

However, the plan has already collapsed before the concrete facts begin. Ding Yu has reached an agreement with Morgan and Boston. Ding Yu wants to survive, Boston wants to develop, and Morgan to get rid of trouble, the three parties have been closely united. It is true that in this process, Morgan will suffer some losses, but for Morgan, for Morgan, the three parties have been closely united It's the best result. It's even more than you can imagine.

What about the side of the operation? At the same time, Morgan, Boston, Ding Yu, and even other consortia involved in this operation will express serious dissatisfaction. This time, things are in trouble!

I'm afraid that's what makes Matthew angry, right? At that time, he was afraid that he could no longer be himself. After all, the problems involved were too big. Even when he came out of the quadrangle, Matthew was stiff and rigid. He did not get angry when he was rebellious, and he was not surprised when he encountered a change. What about such a thing? John is still far from it.

Of course, he can't do this. Looking at Matthew's situation, Stevens hesitated for a moment. He didn't really mean to slap Matthew. Although this can make him wake up as fast as possible, that would be too slapping. It's true that Matthew won't say anything now, but who knows what he thinks in his heart?

So when he didn't pay attention to the car, Stevens pushed the door directly while Matthew's little finger was still beside the car. Matthew didn't pay attention to it before, but soon it was a voice. Stevens took out his own ear with his hand.

When Matthew wakes up, he doesn't pay attention to his finger. Instead, Stevens expresses his apology. Matthew also takes a look at Stevens. This guy is very smart. No wonder he will be sent to deal with this time. It seems that he really underestimates him.

When he got back to the car, Matthew also started to make phone contact. There was no way out. Who knows that things have changed so much. Leaving at this time will not have any effect. This is certain. As for the purpose of calling? It also needs to be verified by the family, and what should be done next.

And Stevens? At this time, instead of going inside the car, I stood outside and ordered myself a cigar. Then I looked at the door of the courtyard. What about the layout of the courtyard? It's not as exaggerated as you imagine, very simple, and suddenly come out of it? I really feel a little uncomfortable.

What's more, the discussion on this temperature is a little bit big. I felt warm like spring when I was in it before, but now I come out, I really feel a little cold, but what about these? It's all trivial matters. What's important is how to deal with it this time.

This time, I'm afraid the change will not be too small. When he hesitated, Stevens's phone also rang. Then Stevens knocked on the window with his hand, and then raised the phone in his hand. Matthew, sitting in the car, was stunned and nodded at Stevens's action.But then the window was opened. What about Stevens? It seems that I didn't notice this action at all. After the phone was connected, I also took the lead in exchanging greetings, and then explained the whole story of the matter. There was no exaggeration or exaggeration.

What about this one? Stevens also joined in some of his own analysis, but that's all. There is no other situation. The people who call Stevens listen to the voice as if they are so old, "Stevens, from your point of view, how likely is this thing going to be?"

"I don't think it's a matter of possibility, but a certainty." Stevens also said without hesitation, "when I met Ding Yu yesterday, I felt that I couldn't control myself. And last night, he successfully confused me. This is my negligence!"

The old man on the other side of the phone didn't mean to blame Stevens, because he went to China this time mainly to arrange a meeting with Ding Yu. This is the most important thing. As for the rest of the things? There is not much relationship with Ding Yu, which is certain, so we can't attribute the responsibility to Ding Yu.

"What do you think of this time?" The old man also said in a deep voice.

"I don't know the whole story of the matter, but I understand what Mr. Ding Yuding said. He has been emphasizing the issue of survival. I don't know how he thought of this, but I am very clear that the interests are not enough to move him, which should be the key!"

"I see. Matthew will meet with Ding Yu. Take care of Matthew during this time! He's too young and inexperienced. " Then the phone also hung up. What about being a nanny? Stevens is really not the reason. Why? Because things to a certain extent, will let their back black pot.

"Old fox," Stevens also scolded, but such a thing is not as difficult as he imagined, and it is not a big deal for him. There is absolutely no problem in helping one or two of them. But whether Matthew follows his own opinions and ideas is another matter.

But at this time, Ding Yu is sitting very stable. What about the previous time? I have been thinking about how to deal with this time, but now? I really have a feeling, did not think that these guys even have the idea to fill the hole, too cruel and heartless.

In fact, even if you don't put into your own interests, there's nothing that can't be understood. In any case, it's the problems and situations between your big families. But how can you want to control yourself, or even strangle your own ideas and opinions, this one is so intolerable.

For myself, union is the best way and means. As for the things after the Union? The three sides will not shift the responsibility to their own head, and the relationship between them will deepen, because of the interests of each other? Once again the combination together, when time comes to get Ding Yu really do not have too many ways.

Why didn't Ding Yu make a decision on this matter before? Because he really didn't think of it. There was such a sinister situation there. What's more, these guys had such a big appetite that they wanted to bite a piece of meat off Morgan's body without even saying that they wanted to let go.

Ding Yu felt that he was intolerable, so he made a decision at the first time. From the long-term results, he had many advantages. He could get considerable time to consolidate himself. From the current situation? What about the lost profits? It's huge. Who knows?

Ding Yu didn't care too much about Matthew's not leaving the door. This guy has already lost his sense of propriety. It's not a good idea to stay at the door at this time. Besides, Stevens is also a bad guy.

This guy has some intentional meanings. Of course, what about this one? There is also the meaning of selling himself well. For this point, Ding Yu is really the leader, but what about this thread? It's OK to bury it. As for when it will be involved, it really needs to be agreed.

"You say I'll see Ding Yu now, OK?"

Stevens, who was asked, was also stunned for a moment. "When we went to see Ding Yu, we didn't talk about interests. If we want to talk about interests with Ding Yu, we still don't want to think about it. In front of interests and survival, survival occupies the main position, so it's not so important to talk about it now."

Of course, Matthew knew how it happened, and then he laughed bitterly, "what about this time? I came to show my face, but I didn't think it would be such a situation. It would not pose too much threat to my position, but there are still some influences. What do you say? "

"If you can't do something, you can sit down with Ding Yu and have a chat, talk about some romantic affairs, and you can't see any bad things!" Stevens also made a suggestion. What about Matthew? I also pondered for some time. Although it's embarrassing for myself, it's really a good idea.www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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