However, when preparing to go out for the banquet, someone sent a letter of worship. Anjie looked at the patterns on it. What happened all the time? It is also a feeling that there are so some incomprehensible, know extraordinary, but do not know from where! So the first time I also called William. After listening to William's explanation, he also took the invitation and trotted to meet Ding Yu.

"So it's two guests!" Ding Yu looked at the words and patterns on the prayer post and also laughed, "just prepare for it!" Hand over the gift for Ding Ding Ding, and then get on the bus, but Anjie looks at this situation, how many feel so silly, is not it a little too casual?

When I heard about these two famous people, I didn't stand firm. It was so thunderous! Even their own ears are about to cocoon! But the response of Mr. Zhang is too insipid. The contrast is so great that he has so many difficulties to come out of his own. At least give some special reaction! It's also a face for the two families.

Ding Yu's mind has its own care, come a little bit so fast! It's just a day's time, or after they get the news, they immediately make a decision in this respect. The speed and efficiency are still appalling.

"What do you mean? You alone? " When he arrived at the place, Ding Yu looked at Cao Zhen who was sitting there. He felt a little puzzled, but the problem was that his sister's coat and bag were all there. Cao Zhen gave a slight smile. After a short time, he saw Ding Ding Ding coming in with the plate.

Looking at the dishes served on the table, Ding Yu is also a little bit absent-minded and moved his nose slightly. It seems that he has not smelled it for a long time. It is really the flavor of the previous life. He did not think that he could still smell such a smell. It was too unexpected.

"It seems that today is not as simple as having a good mouth!" Ding Yu is also happy to say that, and Ding Ding Ding is deliberately to shake his hair, "that is, do not look who I am!" The end is chic and unrestrained. After finishing, he also turns around and goes out. Ding Yu takes up his chopsticks and really wants to taste it.

"Not bad!" After tasting two chopsticks, Ding Yu also said with sincere praise, but looking at Cao Zhen's appearance, Ding Yu also had some doubts and said, "you can't have tasted it for a long time."

Cao Zhen also laughed and nodded contentedly. His wife really got the hall and the kitchen. What about this? I didn't expect that, from her life, it's very common for her not to touch the spring water with ten fingers, but it's quite surprising that she could make such a home cooked dish.

"I don't eat it often, but as long as she has this time, she will show me her hands."

Ding Yu also shakes his head. "Previously, I discussed with my father and mother. I always felt that the girl had not grown up, or in my heart, she had not grown up, but what about today's out? It really made me a little surprised, even a little moved! She's ready. "

What about this meal? Although it is said to eat outside, but what about the hands? It's Ding Ding basically. Of course, there are also some auxiliary dishes. If Ding Ding and Cao Zhen start cooking and boiling soup, there are not too many problems. Their stomachs are not as big as they think. But the problem is that if one big brother is added, the situation will be different.

With Ding Ding's words, a bucket is not enough to describe, anyway, the relationship between two people, such a joke no one will take seriously! But for Cao Zhenlai, there is really some "Qi ran" feeling.

After dinner, Ding Yu also put a file bag on the table. The table had been cleaned up for a long time. There was a pot of tea on it. But Ding Yu didn't like it because the tea was made by Ding Ding Ding. What's Ding Yu's taste for his sister? I still feel that I can't bear it.

"You two have got the license to get married. What about me as a brother? It can't mean that there is no such thing, so I have prepared a special gift for you, but what about this one? It may be sealed for some time! " Then he pushed the file bag in the past, "OK, I won't be here when the light bulb is on!"

Ding Ding is not polite, so she holds the file bag in her arms. Cao Zhen looks at Ding Ding and feels helpless. She really feels that there is something wrong with her. She is really her eldest brother, but what about Ding Ding? It's true that meat and fishiness are not taboo. At this point, I really envy the feelings between their brothers and sisters.

They also have brothers and sisters, but how to say the emotional things? This relationship! Can't say bad, but it seems that there is no degree between Ding Ding Ding and big brother. Of course, there are many other reasons. I don't want to mention the problems and conditions in this, which will make me feel extremely uncomfortable.

Why do you say that? At the beginning, mother was extremely disagreeable with Ding Ding Ding's affairs, but what about that time? I don't know Ding Ding has such a wealth. I just like Ding Ding very much. It doesn't mean that I have any interest in Ding Ding Ding's wealth.But I am very clear, why the family can change so fast, but the problem inside? I know, but I don't have any meaning to ask. Even Ding Ding Ding doesn't want to ask. However, when I have time, I want to ask about my elder brother.

When Ding Yu returned to the quadrangle, he also scratched his head when he looked at the door. His third uncle came. You should know that no one usually comes here. There are not many guards at the door, but when he sees Wu Mingyu, he knows the situation.

"You don't seem to go out very often. I heard that there are a lot of guests in these two days!"

When I came to the study, looking at the third uncle sitting there, Ding Yu was also the first to say hello, "there are many things in these two days. Previously, Wang Yang was engaged, but I just learned that my sister Ding Ding had already obtained the certificate. I didn't know about this kind of thing. This elder brother did some dereliction of duty."

Hungry? The middle-aged man is also stunned for a moment. He knows that Ding Yu has something to do these two days, but what about this thing he said? He really did not think that Ding Yu went out for his sister before. No wonder he came here and threw himself in the air!

"Should I say congratulations?"

"Uncle, it's too perfunctory! At least you should prepare some gifts. You are an elder. Are you too polite to say a few words of congratulations? " Looking at Ding Yu's appearance, the middle-aged man is also biting his teeth. This bastard is really scratching his nose and face! He even mentioned such a request in front of himself.

"That's the right thing to do!" Although the words are like this, but when watching Ding Yu? Also stare at his own eyes, Ding Yu is very shameless without skin appearance, completely does not care, if say in front of other people? He may also have some consideration, but in front of the third uncle, there is no need to deliberately affectation.

"Your situation has been solved. It seems that your spirit is good!"

"People are happy when they have a good time, which is seen by the third uncle!" Although Ding Yu has a smile on his face, what about the smile? How much seems to be so reluctant, "Ding Ding Ding's thing is quite happy, but other things are not so happy as imagined! Even some helpless! I have a fake smile on my side

"I can see that." Anjie brings tea and snacks. When he leaves, he deliberately closes the door of the room. Instead, he is the two bodyguards standing at the door. Look at me, let me see yours. What about Ding Yu's security? How much appears to have so some uneasy cent, winking at the side.

"What about this time? It's for the entire Morgan group. What about Boston and me? It can only be regarded as a foil, but the problem is that some people are harboring evil intentions. It is true that I am just a foil to Boston, but the problem is that some people want me to fill in the blanks! "

The middle-aged man also crooked his neck and looked serious. "You mean to throw you into the pit after this event is over to ease the contradiction between them! This is a way and method to solve problems. At least it can solve a lot of problems and situations! "

"Yes! Everyone will be happy, but what about me? It's just a little bit sad! " Ding Yu also laughed, "so when someone found me, I contacted Morgan and Boston at the first time. In front of interests and survival, I chose survival. This is the first problem."

"So serious!"

"It's even more serious than I thought it would be!" Ding Yu was also somewhat bitter and said, "previously, someone once put a list in front of me. There was not much in it, but it was absolutely quite a lot. It was just like the previous time when he became a shareholder in Raytheon and so on. The above conditions are not worse than this, but the sugar fruit is wrapped in poison!"

"You boy is really from the devil's gate to walk a time!" Now I think about it, I also feel that the back of his head is so cold. If Ding Yu is really confused, what kind of consequences will appear? I'm afraid it's really hard to say. It's really a failure to make it to this step.

"Although it's not a sword and sword rain, it seems that the situation is quite dangerous, but the situation has been stabilized for a while. I have reached an agreement with Morgan and Boston, and have not obtained any benefits, but still survived or started to take root."

After hearing this, he also looked at Ding Yu, "are you sure?" What about Ding Yu's danger? I feel a little scared, but for Ding Yu has been sure to take root in such things, I feel a little excited, this for the country, absolutely good!

"Basically, there are not too many problems, but the situation in the future may become more and more complicated!" This is what Ding Yu wants to talk about with his third uncle, "when those guys looked at me earlier, they were more or less contemptuous, but in the future? It's going to be a lot more normal! "

It is not that Ding Yu belittles himself, or that Ding Yu wants to complain, but that is the case. Middle aged people are very clear about the meaning of Ding Yu's mention of this word. It is absolutely not an easy thing to stand firmly in the mainstream there! In particular, Ding Yu will even choose to take root in the future."It can't be without a price." Middle aged people seem to think of something, so when looking at Ding Yu's eyes, how many are so bad!

Ding Yu also said with a smile, "originally, I planned to get married, but I rejected the opinions and ideas in this respect. Although my life is not as elegant as imagined, it is still a little modest, so I plan to find the so-called Godfather and godmother for the two cubs. Of course, there may be other situations in the future."

Fortunately, at least it can be accepted. The middle-aged people are also relieved, but then they are moved, "what about this matter? I would like to ask you two questions: how do you deal with this marriage problem? It seems to be a problem that you have not been married for a long time? "

"Uncle, it's not that I don't want to get married. What about this? It seems that not all the responsibility lies with me Ding Yu also argued, "but the question is, what about Taixi? She has her own ideas, not to mention the children already have, so I don't have other thoughts! "

"What do I think of this problem? Still need to think about it! This is not a joke So far, the words did not continue to mention, after all, now say these things about love? It seems that there are some out of date, "what about the domestic side? What do you think? "

"I don't have any thoughts for the time being, and there won't be too many actions!" What about the domestic situation? Ding Yu's performance can be said to be particularly cautious, after all, he has suffered losses on the relevant issues, and now what about this time? It's better not to get too much trouble for yourself.

You should know that the more internal things are, the more difficult it is to deal with. Ding Yu has a certain foundation abroad, but at home? Let's forget it! What's more, it's hard to guarantee that he won't be contaminated if he is involved now. Therefore, Ding Yu also expressed his attitude after the third uncle mentioned the relevant matters.

What about such a difficult thing? Don't let yourself also be involved, oneself is really not any interest!

"So, you still have some worries in your heart!" What about domestic affairs? It is also very clear in the heart of middle-aged people that Ding Yu suffered a loss at the beginning and suffered a considerable loss. What about this problem? With certain ideas and opinions, this is inevitable.

"It doesn't matter what to worry about, but I don't want to be mixed with these pickles!" What about Ding Yu's words? It's also quite heavy to say, "let's jump for two years first! The final step towards destruction will be crazy! "

Obviously, Ding Yu is not as optimistic about the fate of some people as he imagined. Of course, there is another meaning in it. If Ding Yu doesn't do it at this time, it doesn't mean that Ding Yu will do it all the time. However, he can stand his own temperament now, which is actually quite a terrible thing.

From Ding Yu's point of view, if he chooses to do it, the people behind him will not be too good, or even quite embarrassed, because Ding Yu has this power, but the problem is that Ding Yu has chosen to endure, or even retreat, which is really beyond many expectations.

Ding Yu further, the situation between each other may be very tense and embarrassing, but it is not a big deal, but Ding Yu did not do so, it is to ease the situation, but the question is whose heart? Are not so secure, after all, involved in such a matter!

On the other hand, it's not as if you're not going to die, but it doesn't seem like it's going to be better. The middle-aged also pondered for a few moments, "you've got some control in your hand, haven't you?"? What happened in Hong Kong before! " Speaking of this, the middle-aged also hesitated for a moment, "you! Let me say what is good? "

"It's just one aspect." Ding Yu didn't hide anything about it, "but third uncle, what about some things? Now do not tell you, not to avoid you, but for your good, you now take these responsibilities seems a little early, I now accompany them to play! Anyway, their goal is on me

"You deliberately pass on this idea. Is it really good to do so?"

"It doesn't matter. If you have more lice, you won't itch. If you have more debts, you won't worry. What about such things? It's not the first time. This pressure is not a big deal for me personally, but it may be different if you put it on your body! " Ding Yu also expressed his attitude at this time, even in a very clear tone!

Some things? For the time being, it's better not to let the third uncle carry these things on his own, that is to say, if he really let his third uncle to carry these things, who knows what will happen, there are really some difficulties to guarantee. What's more, for his third uncle, it's easy to be constrained.

What about yourself? For this aspect of the problem can be said to be particularly concerned about, can also be said that Ding Yu has so many opportunistic, but such things? Who will put it in the heart, at least Ding Yu in this issue, how much seems so meaningless! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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