After talking about the matter, old George and Walker left. Although Ding Yu cordially asked him to stay, they refused again and again. There were other things that would not be disturbed. From another perspective, what about the relationship between them? It's not as good as that. How about sitting together? I still feel a little awkward.

Despite the fact that everyone is pleasant on the surface, what about each other? There are so many small hostility. In fact, this problem is not made public. How about sitting together? It is really quite grudging. Since we have already talked about the matter, we should not force each other. What's more, Ding Yu doesn't have too much force. That's what it means.

Soon, the quadrangle also restored the previous calm, and there was not much to clean up. Chen Feng also rubbed his legs, and he has been standing since he came in the morning. What about the situation of the outer courtyard? It's good. Although there is a little tension, there is no other situation.

It seems to be very stressful, but it's just that the atmosphere is a little bit stressful. Everything is still good. What about those foreigners? But there was a certain exchange, there was no other feeling! After busy, he saw Anjie again, but the housekeeper's face seems to be so serious! What's wrong with doing it yourself?

The result is a little different from what I imagined! Anjie quickly gathered Chen Feng and others together. "You will have about a week to get familiar with the situation here. Then I will arrange some training for you, and the specific assessment and investigation will be completed in this week. If you feel that you have any problems and conditions, I hope you can speak out! What can be solved for you will be solved. "

After a look at the crowd, it seems that there are not too many situations and reactions. Anjie is also smiling. How much he laughs gives people a sense of inexplicability and even a feeling of emptiness in his heart. "Maybe someone has certain expectations and expectations. What about such a thing? I advise you not to think about it! It doesn't make any sense! "

What about that? The threat is really very strong. Chen Feng also looks at Anjie with some doubts. He doesn't understand why the housekeeper says so, so that he really has some incomprehension.

Jack has no intention to relax. Although he said that he did not find out anything, he was sure that there was something wrong with it. It was impossible for him to recruit all the people above. It is necessary to know how many pairs of eyes are watching. Under such circumstances, how can anyone not think?

Of course, there is another possibility? These servants have not fully understood the situation of the quadrangle, but when they face the temptation, what kind of situation will it be? Do you know that since they entered the quadrangle, they are faced with less temptation? Now want to come, also let oneself feel to have so some scratching head.

"Chen Feng, come here!" Anjie also waved to Chen Feng, and then came to his office together, "your performance today is not bad! But I need to tell you something else! I hope you can understand it well! "

"Steward ANN, please say so!"

"From what I know at present, there is no problem with your identity, that is to say, you have the basic conditions to enter the quadrangle work, but you need to face a lot of conditions to enter the quadrangle work, and the most important point is that I want to highlight that you will face many temptations!"

Chen Feng seems to have thought of what, in the past few days, he seems to have received so many phone calls, and many people's coming? It also makes me feel a little bit tongue smacking. Now, the director of Anjian has mentioned this matter to himself, and he is still so serious. Chen Feng is also very vigilant.

"It seems that you have already been tested in this respect! Very good Anjie also laughed. "After a while, you will find that those are just pediatrics. There are still many tests you will face in the future. Don't have any fluke psychology. This is a quadrangle."

"Housekeeper ANN, you mean that I will face all kinds of temptations!"

"Yes, the biggest temptation I face is that someone puts 100 million dollars in front of me. If I just nod my head, then 100 million dollars will be mine. At that time, the whole person has collapsed, and the money from my hands is definitely more than this number, but I have never experienced so much money placed in front of me!"

After thinking about it, Anjie seems to feel something, and then he pulls Chen Feng to a guest room, and then opens the password door and fingerprint lock! When the door was opened, Chen Feng subconsciously closed his eyes, and when he opened it again, the whole person seemed to be trapped in a sluggish state.

Although Chen Feng wants to try his best to break free, but he has been trapped in it. The things inside are so attractive that they even feel that there are some unreal! Gold! dollar! RMB and so on. It gives people the feeling that these things are just piled up there like paper.It's not simply a stack of two, but a pile of piles are placed there. It's really exaggerated. For a long time, Chen Fengcai took a deep breath and then closed his eyes. He felt dizzy. What's more, the impact was too big.

And Anjie looked at his watch, "the time is a little bit longer, and the time you are addicted to here is a little longer. Obviously, you don't have much resistance to these things! But I hope you can break free! Because once you are addicted to it, you will not be far away from your degeneration. "

For housekeeper an's words, Chen Feng is also very suspicious of a look, he is a person! As long as people do not seem to have too much resistance to these, right? And it's all over the house, my God! Does housekeeper Ann really have no idea about this aspect?

"Give, get!" Anjie is also very indifferent to say, in fact, when he saw these things at the beginning, it seems that it is not good to go there, but after experiencing too many things, what about these? On the contrary, it will not be so concerned about in the imagination! I seem to have passed that stage.

What about Chen Feng? After all, just entered the society, let her suddenly contact these, she fell into it is really say again inevitable things! But I still need to beat her, because if she really want to be a Secretary for herself, then the temptation she is facing will definitely exceed these!

"Housekeeper ANN, will everyone have such an experience? And what would happen if we didn't stand the test? " Chen Feng also said timidly.

"What about this? I can't answer your question! Or I can't tell you! But that's why you were added! So I think you'll understand something about it! "

Jack didn't explain too much because he had other things to deal with.

And Ding Yu also called his sister Wang Li at this time, "in the capital? If you have time, come here and someone else has sent some trinkets. I think you will like it! "

Wang Li also felt strange when she received the phone call. Her elder brother even took the initiative to call her. Wang Yang had just seen her before when she got married. She didn't have a few days' time. In such a short time, she even had her favorite gadgets. Wang Li took the initiative to ask for leave, and then drove to the courtyard at the first time.

"Miss!" Chen Feng didn't know Wang Li at all, so he was very strange. Previously, he thought it was the hostess. Listening to housekeeper an's address, he also secretly spat out his tongue. There were some exaggerations. If he really called out, his melon would inevitably fall.

"New man?" Looking at the situation of the quadrangle, Wang Li also asked a question curiously, but there was not too much pause. She also responded with a smile to Chen Feng, but Chen Feng felt that he was a little strange. She didn't know so much about the situation of the quadrangle as he imagined?

Coming? Ding Yu also reached out to say hello, and then looked at the things on the table. Originally, Wang Li had not taken it as a thing. But after seeing it clearly, she jumped over at once. Ding Yu didn't feel how it was? However, the following Anjie and Chen Feng were shocked.

Wang Li's whole body has already rushed to it. After a long time, she opened her eyes. "Brother, I remember that these things are not in China anymore. I heard that they have been collected by private people! We've all heard about it! "

"It's not very useful for me to stay at home if it's given by others. But don't donate all of it to me at once. Choose one first." Ding Yu didn't care about this, but Anjie turned his mouth subconsciously. He could see the things on the table clearly! It also has its own assessment of value.

But Mr. Naihe didn't have much interest in it, which made me feel so upset!

"Brother, who did you rob?" Wang Li is really a little excited, "this is a national treasure! I haven't even heard of it for a long time. It's been collected all the time! Many of the teachers in our college are very sorry when they talk about these things. If they see them, they will be excited to pick them up. "

"There is no problem with the origin of the gift, but I will not do the follow-up processing, you can do it yourself!" Ding Yu explained two sentences, "do you want to eat here at noon? I can go to the United States in the past two days. My stay here is a little longer, and some people are not satisfied with it! "

Yeah? Wang Li was also stunned, "I left so quickly. I went to my grandfather's place and said that this time you may stay in the capital for two more days! Why are you going back before it stops? "

"I need to go back and make some decisions! But the rest of the trouble and the rest of it is over there Ding Yu didn't say much about it. Of course, this is not exactly for Wang Li, but more importantly for the Wang family."I see. I'll take the things with me. Then you can ask housekeeper ANN to handle the formalities." After that, Wang Li also looked at her elder brother, "I'll treat you to dinner at noon! Thank you for your great brother

But what about eating? After all, it's from other aspects. Take it easy. Don't leave a face at all! Do things? Sometimes it's not a bad thing to take it easy! Personal opinion. "

Wang Li also made a promise to her elder brother, "I'll send the things back first, and then make an appointment with the place." And then he pulled the Anjie from one side and packed it quickly! Don't look over there. Anyway, big brother has already let himself come to that row. Even if you are watching, there is no use for eggs! Hum!

Anjie looks at Ding Yu, and it's hard to say anything, but his eyes are full of bitterness! Then Chen Feng found something and sent two items to the car. Fortunately, not all of them were left to think about.

The time is not very long, then Wang Li is also driving to drift away, Anjie is also grinning his mouth, "what is the identity of that big lady?"

"The eldest lady is the younger sister of your husband. What about this? I'm going to tell you who you are! " Then Anjie also simply said about Ding Yu's identity, "these relationships! You have to straighten it out. Now the Ding family doesn't know about the Wang family. Is that clear? "

The relationship is complicated enough, but for Chen Feng, it is not difficult to understand it! But what about the heart? There are also some smacks of tongue and doubt. Does this gentleman depend on the Wang family for his achievements today? Anyway, in the head, Chen Feng has begun to carry out self brain tonic!

And Jack has never been to explain more, or to say there are some intentional! What about Chen Feng now? She hasn't fully defined herself, and she still has a long time to go. At the beginning, I was able to get started quickly because I had worked in Beijing Office for many years and had a good understanding of it.

What about Chen Feng? As a beginner, my cognition of some problems is still too far away. I need to further observe to see whether he is suitable or not. Judging from her performance, it is still good. But if there is any problem and situation, then I will fire her in the first time, which is certain.

The things that Wang Li brought back really caused the whole palace museum to shake. These two things have been lost for a long time. Even the oldest old people here have never seen them. They just read them in books. But now? Things are placed in front of them, so we also feel that it is difficult to hold on to it.

"Lily, tell me the truth, where did the things come from?"

Wang Li looked at the old man and said with a smile, "elder brother, it seems that it was sent to him by others. There is no problem with the origin. I heard some news earlier. In the morning, someone went to visit my elder brother. His identity seems to be extraordinary, but I don't know the specific situation."

The words are not completely clear, but I believe that the old man will understand how to do things. "The things are donated by the elder brother, but he made two requirements. One is that the elder brother does not want to keep his name, and the other is that the things should not be exposed in a short time. The elder brother means to save face over there

At noon, Wang Li is also looking for her elder brother to have dinner, which can be regarded as expressing her gratitude to her elder brother. As for the dining place? Of course, it's outside. Now all the staff in the courtyard have been replaced. There is no cook at all. It's OK to make a coffee, but do you cook? Let's forget it!

"Brother, grandma used to praise you at home before!"

Ding Yu said with a smile, "OK, don't tell me about those nice things! Tell me something about yourself! My sister Ding Ding, as you know, has already obtained the certificate. It seems that you two are of the same age, right? What's more, Wang Yang seems to be engaged. What about you? It doesn't mean anything about it at all? "

"No! Big brother, when did you become so gossipy? " Wang Li also expressed her dissatisfaction directly, "the family doesn't care about this matter, and you don't have to worry about it. If there is such a situation, I will inform you as soon as possible. This is OK!"

"Just ask about it Ding Yu is also slightly discontented to take a look, but Wang Li looked at her elder brother, as if suddenly remembered something, "big brother, ask you something! Your foreign relations are very wide! I think you know something special, don't you? "

Yeah? Ding Yu also looked at Wang Li with the rest of the corner of his eye! What do you mean

"What about the domestic investigation? It has been basically completed. There is nothing to say about this. However, the international investigation has fallen into a dilemma and can not find any clues at all. In other words, even if the clues are found, they are all trivial things, which is not worth mentioning at all! "

Ding Yu thought for a while, but also shook his head, "I really can't open this gap for you. I think you also know what the reason is. From a certain angle, I seem to be your investigator, because there are many things in it that can't be explained clearly!""Brother, you didn't mean to make trouble for me, did you?"

"Not really. What is the actual situation? It's different from what you think. If you have time, I can talk to you about the situation, but knowing it won't have much effect and result. My housekeeper William seems to know something about it! If you have the time, it's OK to contact you! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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