"Uncle, I asked someone just now. The so-called information can't be passed on at all!" Ding Yu also expressed his attitude directly, "those are the core materials, which are the top priority of the military. Such things can't be finished in a word or two! I can't get my hand in yet

Ding Yu is helpless. It's not that I don't help, but I can't help.

What about actually? For Ding Yu, this is really a difficult problem, but although it is said to be a problem, it is not that there is no way to solve it at all. It needs to see how to do it. But the problem is that his uncle comes to the door directly and talks about it with an outsider who can't solve it. Ding Yu has no bottom in his heart!

Who knows what kind of situation will be behind this? If you say that you are really involved in this matter and sell yourself in the end, what kind of situation is it? What kind of situation is it? Your grandfather has done such a thing, so what's in Ding Yu's mind? Also have their own caution.

I also hope to contribute to the development of our country, but the question is whether we can be a little more cautious and careful! You should know that it is the time to establish a foundation, and now let yourself deal with these things. Is this not intentional demolition?

"Xiaoyu, you are trained by the military. Can't you do this?"

Ding Yu squinted his eyes and looked at his uncle, paying attention to the tone of his speech at the same time? It's also the expression on his face, but Li Shuhan beside him comforts him and says, "old Su! If you have something to say, don't get excited! " Then he also looked at Ding Yu, "Xiaoyu, calm down a little bit!"

What about Uncle Li's behavior? Ding Yu also looked on coldly, and then looked at his uncle. He was so confused that he didn't understand what his uncle really meant. He broke into the courtyard directly and gave himself such a show. It has nothing to do with face. This point should be made clear.

After all, I'm a junior, so it doesn't matter what kind of face you don't have. But the problem is that the nature of the whole thing is different. Can't my uncle understand it? Under such circumstances, having said such words, did you not think of the consequences? This is the main reason why Ding Yu feels unhappy.

And I have the feeling of this aspect, like my uncle? The first time I met with myself, it seemed that I was not particularly happy and joyful. It was because I didn't know what it was. Anyway, there seemed to be some misunderstanding between each other. Now it seems that the misunderstanding is not so big.

Even in a moment? Ding Yu wants to call his grandfather, and take the eldest brother of your family back. What is the matter? Why are you doing this? Originally, I said that I wanted to support myself, but is this the so-called support? Ding Yu didn't know what to say for a while.

"You have to deal with this matter well. There is no reason for it!"

Ding Yu also leaned back on his body and thought for half a day to soothe his emotions. "Uncle, this is not a problem to be solved if there is no difficulty to create difficulties. There are a lot of problems and situations involved in it. It is not clear in one sentence or two sentences."

Su Hai, who sat on one side, was very dissatisfied and looked at his nephew. However, there were strangers here, so Su Hai also resisted his temper. If it had been placed in the past, I'm afraid he would have lifted the table. "Xiaoyu, it seems that your status and position in the United States are different! And I hear you have special immunity in your hands! "

Hearing his uncle say so, Ding Yu suddenly laughed, "I understand. You mean I have to do this. How about the follow-up of this matter? No one will care, that's what I mean, so I need to carry all the things myself Speaking of this, Ding Yu's voice has been slightly low.

"Xiaoding, that's not what you mean Li Shuhan also said in a hurry.

"What does that mean?" Ding Yu did not give this person any face at all. "I have already said that I have no way to deal with this matter. This is not something that can be done by walking away from interpersonal relationships or spending some money. There are too many things involved in it. My uncle may or may not know. That's all I want to say

After saying that, Ding Yu also stood up, "I have something else to do! Excuse me Then he turned around and left, without any nostalgia. Instead, he made Su Hai sitting there stunned, and Li Shuhan sitting next to him was also stupid. I'm afraid no one would have expected such a result?

"Xiaoding!" Li Shuhan also stood up in a hurry, but did not think that Ding Yu walked very fast. Li Shuhan did not hold on at all. Looking at Su Hai sitting there, he also patted the table in front of him. Originally, he wanted to have a red face and a white face, but he never thought that he would be so shameless.

"Old sue, this matter has been dealt with too much!" When he came out of the courtyard, Li Shuhan also bit his teeth. He was very tangled and said that Su Hai frowned and didn't say anything. "I owe you so much for so many yearsSu Hai still didn't say anything, and immediately got on the car not far away, and Li Shuhan looked at the leaving suhai, but also used his hand to hammer the roof of his car. How about the friendship between them? Although said that did not mark a full stop, but it seems that there are quotation marks, this time is really steal chicken not to erode rice!

After Su Hai got on his car, he also called his nephew. After the call was connected, Su Hai was also very serious and said, "there is no way to deal with today's affairs. I need to return him a favor, but he is not very particular about this matter! It's embarrassing for you. "

"I know how to do it!" Ding Yu said.

"What about this? I'll say two more words! " Su Hai also told him, "if you can do something, I still hope you can do something for the country. After all, they are Chinese people. There is nothing to say about this! It's enough for you to remember this. It's superfluous. It doesn't make any sense to say it! "

"I see!" Ding Yu's answer is very cold, but at the same time it is also firm. However, there are still some displeasure in this heart. If you can, why not say hello to yourself earlier? Is it the fear of exposing oneself, or is it something else?

Some problems? It's really hard to explain the reason. Anyway, this meeting with my uncle was not as pleasant as I imagined. It's not that Ding Yu deliberately criticizes anything. It's really not like this, it's just that I feel a little depressed.

What's more, he doesn't even know. If he continues to stay, who will come to visit? It really makes Ding Yu feel so worried. The back of this matter is definitely not as simple as imagined!

Why does Ding Yu think so? You should know that you have just reached an agreement with Boston and Morgan, and even Rockefeller and other consortia have also negotiated. Basically, we have finished the preparation. However, the completion of the preparation does not mean that all things will come naturally. There are no problems and situations. How can it be possible?

If you want to have a firm foothold, this is definitely not a matter of two sentences. If there is any problem or situation, all the consortia will come to visit, especially the matter mentioned by the third uncle and the eldest uncle. I feel a little numb when I think about it.

Because once there is a situation, the loss and impact will be immeasurable. What about these problems? I haven't been able to talk to my uncle and uncle III, but they don't understand it, which doesn't mean that other people don't know. For example, Ding Yu, who announced his meeting schedule, is really not a general worry.

What about this? It was like a thorn in his heart, but there was no way. At the beginning, Ding Yu exerted certain pressure on the emotion management department, and even made a concession. However, the reaction of the intelligence management department made him feel very disappointed. Although he didn't reach the desperate step, it was also a complete wake-up call.

In fact, what is the situation now? It's quite helpless for me. If I act, I'll know it both openly and secretly. I can say that I'm under attack. There's such an existence in my family. How can I act?

But what about the identity of this one? Let the information management department feel difficult, how to deal with it? Therefore, when the military came to the door, Ding Yu also directly expressed his attitude. Such a thing can't be done by himself. It's really impossible to do it.

It is true that Ding Yu is also very clear that this will make the military have considerable opinions and ideas, or that this itself is alienating the relationship between himself and the military, but he still needs to deal with this! Bear it! This is the only way to deal with this matter now!

In the evening, before Ding Yu had dinner, someone came to the door again. Looking at the grandfather who came in with crutches, Ding Yu was a little puzzled. How could his grandfather come at this time? "Grandfather

Su bochen slightly nodded his head, but he sat down without any politeness. Looking at his grandson, he also nodded, "I haven't eaten yet? Have someone prepare me something to eat! It seems that you have good food here. I want to try it! "

Well, if one person eats, two people still eat the same food, but what about preparing food for the elderly? There may be a little bit of trouble. It's very simple to prepare things for Ding Yu, but these things are not suitable for the elderly to eat. However, for the quadrangle, there is really no problem.

"I hear you are very busy today! The old three looked for you, the boss seems to have come, how a matter? Are you so popular now? " Su bochen also looked at his grandson with some incomprehension, which really made people feel so unpredictable, especially the two cubs in the family came.

Ding yunao scratched his head, "the military asked me to do something for you! It can be said that it is a very difficult thing. The third uncle came to me earlier? It's on behalf of the intelligence department. My uncle came to me with people. It seems that the situation forced me. I don't know exactly what direction it represents. "When talking about this, Ding Yu's words are somewhat reluctant and have some meaning that they don't want to say.

"Is it hard to deal with?" So did Su bochen.

"There are so many difficulties in the matter itself!" Ding Yu also said casually, "there are a series of problems involved. My third uncle may have mentioned some things, or he may not have mentioned some things. What is my relationship with the intelligence department? Has been in the freezing period, has not thawed! At least for now. "

"I know something about it!" Su bochen's face is very serious, his hands are also together, carefully listen to his nephew's words, "but the inside information is not very detailed!"

"It's a long story. When I was invited to attend some internal meetings in the United States, what about the memories before the inauguration of the black president and the participants? Basically, they are all major consortia. What about the discussions? It's basically about the distribution of interests and other issues. The meeting was absolutely confidential. But later, because of other things, some people disclosed the matter to China, and what about the people who passed it? It's the top echelon in the army Then Ding Yu pointed up with his hand.

Su bochen also took a cold breath, and then looked at his grandson unexpectedly, "is this the thing that led you to take out the money? Do you know this man? "

Ding Yu said with a smile, "I have reached an agreement with the people in the United States, but I am very clear that if my own forces want to overthrow him, it is impossible to do anything at all. Therefore, I also took the opportunity to talk with the intelligence department, and I was disappointed! So we found other departments to cooperate! "

Su bochen also closed his eyes. He didn't know what to say for a moment. He was suspicious in his heart. But soon, he was scared by his suspicion. He didn't dare to continue thinking, because the more he thought, the more terrible he felt. "Are you sure?"

"Sure or not, what can be done? Does it make sense? " Ding Yu also said with a smile, "grandfather, you don't want to do anything about this matter. For you, for the whole Su family, there are not too many benefits. The third uncle and the eldest uncle came to me earlier. I didn't mean to give up, but I had other concerns. Of course, it wasn't just for that person!"

"Tell me why!"

"Previously, I stayed in China all the time, mainly because of the considerable situation in the United States and disputes among several major consortia. I was also deeply involved in it, almost unable to extricate myself, but the result was still good. What's the next step? Maybe I'll stand on the American side! "

"Stand firm. What does that mean?" In his own opinion, his nephew's power seems to be very big, with tens of billions of funds, and the relationship seems to be very extensive, but now he said to himself, only to stand firm, this is not a little exaggerated?

"What about America? It's not a paradise. It's a very hierarchical society. It's a coincidence that I got to where I am today. But it doesn't mean that I have the qualification to sit down or speak, because I haven't been widely recognized at all! "

"What's the point?" He also asked about some core issues.

"Fight for the right to speak!" Ding Yu also raised his body and tried to relax himself. "There may be many aspects involved, even quite extensive. But now, in the process of progress, are the specific results? I'm afraid I can't even make myself clear. Who knows? Step by step down it! Who knows what will happen? So far, I'm not sure

"I really don't know much about these things. What about your uncle? There's a way to lead soldiers. It's OK to be a general, but you're not a good-looking man. What about your third uncle? I'm stuck in the information management department. What a trouble! It's not so easy to think of it! I'm dying of worry

"It's not my business!" Ding Yu is also smiling, grandfather is very clever to change the topic, Ding Yu did not continue to talk about the meaning, anyway what should be said? I have already said it. What should I not say? Must be grandfather's heart also have their own guess, some things? It's not just imagination!

"You boy, sometimes you are too smart, smart people feel a little afraid, and sometimes pretend to be so confused is not a bad thing!" What about your grandson? Su bochen also quite sighed.

Ding Yu also said with a smile, "grandfather, I have been very low-key. If I were a little high-profile, it might not be the situation today. When anyone sees something unpleasant, they will step up and step on it, but I still have to bear it. Otherwise, how about it? Some things? There's no harm in being smart, is it? "

"You! This is because you don't trust your grandfather very much! " After that, he shook his head. "But what about that? You're a little similar to that old guy. You don't deny your genetic inheritance if you want to. But once you've been bitten by a snake for ten years, I'm afraid of the well rope. I can't say anything about it! "It's really hard for him to say anything.

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