It can be said that more than 20 days passed by in a flash, and there was no change in the outcome of the European Cup. Ding Yu watched the live broadcast of the last match, and the result was not unexpected. It seemed that it was a reasonable problem.

Obviously, most people still choose the host. As long as they enter the final, they have never lost, let alone the host! If you lose at this time, it's not just a matter of face.

But it's a pity that from the point of view of a dealer, most people put their eyes on the host. If they choose the host, what are their profits? It's a little bit smaller, but what about Greece? This is not the case.

Whether the fate has changed, Ding Yu can not say clearly, but the actual situation? There is no change. The next step is Ding Yu's harvest time. However, Ding Yu is very cautious and careful. You should know that this time he is robbing meat from the dealer's mouth. If these guys find out anything, he will have a big problem.

At the first time of harvest, Ding Yu transferred back the part of the money that he had brought home, whether it was useful or not. Anyway, it would be good to stay there. As for other funds? Just put it in your new Swiss account, and the rest is much simpler.

However, the joy from heaven did not make Ding Yu happy for too long. Can we say that the transition between sadness and joy? A little bit happy. When Ding Yu came back in the evening, she found that Zhou Jingyi's mother was here, and there were other guests.

"Xiaoding, you are back!"

Ding Yu is a little surprised. It's so late that Aunt Zhou hasn't had a rest yet. This means waiting for her. "Thank you for your time

This is a little too polite, polite people feel false, "aunt Zhou, I don't know you're here, I'm sorry!"

"Xiaoding, you are so polite!" Ding Yu took a look at it, and then he also laughed, "aunt Zhou, do you have something to do?" This is absolutely certain. Why do people wait for you so long?

"It's such a little Ding! After all, Jingyi is a big girl. What about some things? It's not very convenient! " Aunt Zhou is also straight to the point. Ding Yu was stunned for a moment, and slightly nodded his head to show his understanding. "OK, aunt Zhou, I understand. Can you give me two days? I need to tidy up my things! "

There is no need to say any other reasons and reasons. It is enough to have this excuse. After rejecting aunt Zhou's invitation, Ding Yu also returned to his room. In fact, his own things are not as much as imagined. Previously, he has received an email from Aunt Xu, and this place really belongs to the Zhou family.

It's their freedom to arrange what they want. There's nothing that can't be accepted. After returning to the room, Ding Yu began to pack up his own things, and soon finished. Then he also lay on the bed and took a nap for a while. At dawn, Ding Yu woke up.

But now this time there is no intention to go to school, or to find a stable home for yourself! This is the most important thing. Even if you choose a hotel, you need to book it first. You don't want to find other people to share the rent, but you don't want to be disturbed by the people concerned.

After finding the hotel, Ding Yu also moved out all his belongings, which is just a convenient hotel, which can be regarded as the place where he is now settled. Then Ding Yu also investigated the surrounding houses. He is not sure how long he will stay here, but it is good to have a house of his own.

In a place like this? Now that you have a goal, it's good to start doing something. Select an agency with a good reputation and put forward your own requirements. The rest of the situation will be presented by your own lawyer. Originally, it took some time, but with Ding Yu's "encouragement", the transaction was completed within two weeks. What make complaints about

is relatively fast, but it is a convenient channel. It does not mean what is omitted in this process. There are many different things with the domestic situation, which is not to say that Ding Yu Tucao, what is the fact.

Relatively speaking, the house price is also so expensive, after all, this is the center of England, London! However, for Ding Yu, the pressure is really not as big as imagined. He is paying in full instead of a loan. If he wants to get a loan, no one will handle it for you!

From the actual situation, this is a more luxurious duplex apartment, downstairs is the layout of two bedrooms, including the bathroom, cloakroom and living room, is the layout of the kitchen? It is not liked by Ding Yu. Although it is very big, it is quite different from that in China.

Although the space above the building is a little small, it is also relatively large. Even the whole place is bigger than the capital. The money is not wasted.

After moving in, Ding Yu didn't do too much cleaning up and cleaning up. He asked housekeeping to clean up for himself. That's all. Although it's his own investment, it doesn't mean that he is as interested in decoration as Ding Ding Ding. Relatively speaking, Ding Yu is not a very emotional person.Sitting in the library reading, looking at the caller ID on the mobile phone, Ding Yu also slightly frowned, and then cleaned up his own things. Anyway, the time was almost the same. After coming out, Ding Yu connected the phone, "Hello, hello."

"Ding Yu! I'm Wang Jianguo. Have you gone abroad Wang Jianguo called personally, which surprised Ding Yu.

Wang Jianguo only came back from abroad about a week ago. When he was free, he also went to the quadrangle. When he got in, he was surprised. There were not too many changes in the layout. But how could Uncle Zhang and Aunt Zhang not be there? They know they're here. They can't be out.

Is it because of Ding Yu? Soon Wang Jianguo gave up the idea. Ding Yu knew it well, and he mentioned it to him. After walking through the screen wall, two very tall girls came to see Wang Jianguo and looked him up and down.

Then Wang Jianguo also looked at the back of the bodyguard, but the bodyguard is also a head of fog! I've been abroad with you. I don't know what happened during that time! But now this time, who knows what the situation is, they will throw the three Shao down.

Simply strolled around in the courtyard, but soon someone provoked Wang Jianguo, "third brother, how can you come here today?" After that, he took a step back.

The heart is also a tight, the previous time? He got Siheyuan from Ding Yu's hand, but he didn't inform the third brother. In his opinion, it was an equivalent exchange. It is true that the house has not been transferred to Ding Yu, but the sale is fair.

What's more, is it between Ding Yu and his third brother? It's not as inseparable as you think. It's true that the third brother gave the car to Ding Yu, but this gift is also learned. Considering from many aspects, he also made a move to Ding Yu, and the quadrangle is really good.

"It's OK. Come and have a look. The environment is good! Very good! " After that, Wang Jianguo also turned around and said, "by the way, I still have an old couple here? The home cooked dishes are good. You should try them when you have a chance. "

After that, Wang Jianguo left, and did not stop at all. After getting on the bus at the door, his face was suddenly drawn down. "Go and check the situation of the quadrangle, where Ding Yu has gone, and where Uncle Zhang and Aunt Zhang have gone. There is no tiger monkey in the mountain who is called king!"

After waiting for less than an hour, the matter has been found out, "San Shao, Lao Zhang and his family have been expelled first! The quadrangle was immediately traded. Ding Yu went to the UK as an exchange student to study in the UK. I have asked him by phone. There is no other situation from his sister. "

The word "Bei" is enough to explain all the problems. Hai Hai soon learned about the situation. At that time, Ling Tianfeng was slapped in the face. You should know that Ding Yu saved his life at that time. If there was no Ding Yu, he still didn't know that he was lying at that grave!

I brought Ling Tianfeng to come here earlier. It's not for him to take advantage of him, but for him to take care of it. If Ding Yu has any problems, he can help solve them. It's true that the third brother gave Ding Yu a car, but that just represents the third brother. I don't have any indication on my side.

But now? The one below actually got Ding Yu's courtyard house in his hand. He didn't even mean to transfer the property to others. He had done this and his own face was thrown into it.

"Third brother, I already know the matter!" Now that things know, then quickly find a way to remedy it! Fortunately, this time I went out with my third brother, and I didn't know about it at all. Otherwise, I was really embarrassed, "you have an idea!"

Wang Jianguo also gave a wry smile, "the sea! I don't know what to say. Although there are not many Siheyuan in Beijing, no one can afford it. It's a shame. I don't know what to say! "

Wang Jianguo is a brother with the sea, so Wang Jianguo is also truthful. After all, he is a little brother under the sea. If he moves his hands and feet, the sea's face will not look good!

"Let me call Ding Yu! How did this guy get it, how did he get to England? " Wang Jianguo also has some doubts about this matter, but there is no problem with the procedures. It is very normal. What's more, it is a private matter of others, so he has to ask too many questions.

Of course, there is a little doubt in this. Ding Yu's identity is quite special. He is going abroad at this time. Even if he is studying abroad, it seems that there is something wrong with it! There must be some problems, but what is the problem, Wang Jianguo is really not suitable to explore, this self-knowledge is still there.

there is no way to do things, the people below do wrong things, Wang Jianguo can only personally come forward, Ding Yu about this matter? I'm not particularly concerned about it. I'm studying in the UK now. I'm afraid I don't have time to go back in the near futureDing Yu didn't mention the quadrangle, but from the meaning of the words, you can feel that there are some complaining meanings. Of course, Wang Jianguo is very clear that there is no one else in the courtyard except himself. Now there are problems. Who do you blame?

If Wang Jianguo didn't want to show off at the beginning, would it be the result today? It's impossible, but Ding Yu didn't mean to say it. Since everything has happened, there is no need to mention other issues now. What's more, the European Cup also broadens his horizons a lot.

"I see. If I have time, I'll come to you to drink and watch the ball!"

Joking, Wang Jianguo also put the phone down, Ding Yu there did not say anything, it is true that he was so dissatisfied, but at least gave himself this face, of course, if he did not give this face, for himself also not too much influence, but it is Wang Jianguo has his own consideration.

The right and wrong of things, their own psychological side has a constant standard, can not be too much. Ding Yu did not have any expression, in the face of whose face, not to give their own face? If Ding Yu really makes trouble, how can he mix in the circle in the future!

But what about this? It is also a wake-up call for Wang Jianguo. If you want to mix in the circle, you need to abide by the rules in the circle. If you can't bear the rules in the circle, then everyone should get together and get together. Don't spoil the atmosphere of the whole circle because of you alone.

Although this is a small matter, but from the subtle point of view, guard against the subtle. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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