"Mr. Ding!" What about Li Jianxi? Ding Yu is no longer so strange. It was originally Li Fu Zhen who asked him to come. But did he see Li Jianxi? Ding Yu did not show any surprise, although he said that he did not want to see him this time, and Li Fuzhen? That's to say, I just sent coffee here. I didn't make any stops.

"I heard something's going on in the United States!" Li Jianxi did not have too much implicit, very straightforward.

Can Li Jianxi get relevant information? Ding Yu is not really surprised, but what about Ding Yu's eyes? Li zaireng was also shaken on his body. It was very secret, and he did not stop at all. It seems that this guy's channel of getting news is really so special.

What about this? The number of people who know is not as many as imagined. It is more of a high-level competition. Under such circumstances, Li zaireng can get news. This is a matter worth pondering!

That is, Li Jianxi said a word, but for Ding Yu, he can understand too many things through this sentence. This news can't be heard by Li Jianxi, because who knows the whole situation? All are plutocrats level, and it is an internal matter, no one can publicize it wantonly.

What is the meaning of Li Zairong's knowledge of the relevant information? This is what Ding Yu is more interested in! What about the Li family? I don't care. What I care about is the people who deliver the message to Li Zairong. This is the key.

Self restraint? Tell yourself whether the next generation of Samsung can still maintain this relationship with Ding Yu, or is it true that Li Zai Rong can still maintain this relationship? It is not to say that there is no possibility in this respect. No matter which one it is, Ding Yu has already figured out what Li zaireng wants to express.

Of course, Ding Yu also made clear what they meant by the forces that passed the news to Li zaireng. They just wanted to find the place back. Of course, there was another meaning in it, which was to tell himself that some things were not finished, and that it was just the beginning! It's just the beginning of the show! Samsung is not necessarily Ding Yu's ally!

"Something happened!" Ding Yu didn't mean to hide too much. "Morgan was troubled by other forces. At the beginning, they used Boston, but now someone comes to me. But this matter is really not something I can get involved in, but because I'm a client, there are so many involved!"

"Never heard of it!" Li Jianxi also seems to have some doubts about this matter? It was his son who told him what the situation was. He was also a little confused. Now that Ding Yu was in front of him, he was still worried about Ding Yu.

After all, he is a partner of his own interests. Ding Yu's reply seems to have not revealed too much information, but from the perspective of Li Jianxi? Ding Yu's simple words reveal a lot of things, and they really need a period of time to digest.

"The so-called involvement should not be as calm as imagined!" When Li Jianxi said this, his attitude was very serious. He even moved his body inadvertently, leaning towards Ding Yu.

Looking at Li Jianxi's appearance, Ding Yu looked at Li Zairong with the rest of the corner of his eye. What about this time? I don't know whether it was intentional or unintentional. Anyway, Li Jianxi seemed to feel something. He also took a look along the corner of Ding Yu's eyes and found that when Ding Yu's eyes stayed on his son for some time, he was also a little distracted.

However, before he could react, Ding Yu continued to say, "if you really mention this problem, in fact, there is only one core!" After that, Ding Yu also smiles bitterly.

Li Jianxi is also slightly stunned. He has already understood the meaning of Ding Yu's saying this! Ding Yu did not reveal too clearly, but such a thing for himself, how can not understand. It's like Samsung. It's an empire, but what about it? How much of it is controlled by other people.

And what about the Empire? It seems to be a castle in the air. My country is too small, even smaller than a province in China. Although it has been developed to a certain extent, it has developed to this extent? It's the limit, because I don't have much space for myself.

When Ding Yu was seriously injured, he had no way to offer any help. What about the power of the whole Asia now? Still too weak. However, it is not hopeless, because they have only stood up for a few years, they have seen a little dawn.

Ding Yu's rise time is very short. I still have some understanding of this matter. But the ability and means he showed really make him sigh. Now he has basically united with Asian forces, but like himself, what about the so-called Asian power? Japan was excluded.

For a long time, no one has to mention this force. Even in the face of difficulties, there is no one seeking help from the Japanese side. On this point, we are still consistent. But I really have some doubts about this. Ding Yu is a Chinese. Relatively speaking, he will never have any feelings for Japan.But why didn't you do it all the time? Anyway, there is nothing else. What's more, just now we have talked about the previous crisis. We only need to know about it. As for the inside information? I don't need to know so much about it. It's really not necessary.

Now that the matter has been discussed, Li Jianxi also took a look at his coffee and then looked at his son. Li Zairong was quite satisfied after his father mentioned what he said. So it's no big deal to go out at this time. He has already achieved his goal.

"Still a lot worse! Have not experienced too much suffering, everything is ready-made! Therefore, it is a little bit immature to deal with some things. " Li Jianxi said with emotion.

Ding Yu was slightly stunned, and then he understood, "I don't like to comment on such things, because this is more or less a family affair. Moreover, there is an old saying in China that it is difficult for honest and upright officials to cut off housework. It is the same situation in my home, some troublesome things? It's also quite difficult to deal with! "

Li Jianxi looks at Ding Yu. What about him? Basically, he also knows something about it. Ding Yu blinked his eyes and said, "where's my father? Wang Changlin, of course, this name may not be heard, but my grandfather you must know! Wang Pu

"Wang Pu?" Li Jianxi also looked at Ding Yu with some consternation, "you..."

"What about the family? I'm afraid it's hard to say clearly for a while, but I believe you will have your own channel! " Ding Yu also gently nodded his head, his identity? It's not as secret as you think, but again, some things can be touched, but some things can't be touched!

The corners of Li Jianxi's mouth slightly twitch. For himself, the news is really so shocking. At the beginning, he doubted Ding Yu, but there were many problems involved, most of which were from the military. But now I know, what was the original time? It's not just resistance from the military, it's resistance from other aspects.

Like the Wangs! For Li Jianxi, the name of Wang Pu is no stranger to me. If we open some party and government meetings in China, it will be very easy to find this name. "It's really something that I didn't expect. The news came too unexpectedly."

"In fact, when I learned the news, I was also quite surprised. Historical reasons have nothing to do with other things. However, from another perspective, it is not a bad thing to suffer from hardships in the process of life. It depends on whether it can pass. I haven't come out of this predicament for a period of time. I've always been confused and stiff!"

The conversation between the two was not long. Ding Yu soon left. Li Jianxi also sighed. Then he looked at his son and shook his head slightly. "You have done a wrong thing." Li Zai Rong did not understand his father's meaning.

Li Jianxi also explained that he said, "he told me about his own identity today. I really know about the situation for the first time. What about the European and American people? I can believe it, but it needs to be limited. Not everything is delicious candy. It may be wrapped in poison

As for the situation mentioned by his father, Li zaireng's face was really a little embarrassed. He didn't expect Ding Yu to speak ill of himself and tell his own small story! This is so intolerable that Ding Yu's conduct is not qualified!

"I think it will be too long for Ding Yu to develop." At this time, Li Zairong did not express his views on Ding Yu, but expressed some problems and conditions in a practical and realistic manner. "And in the whole process, no one can ensure that there will be other problems and conditions, which we need to avoid! From my point of view, it's not appropriate to put all the treasures on Ding Yu's body. "

The proportion of giving and receiving is not in line with the proportion. This is what Li Zairong wanted to express. Li Jianxi also sighed with emotion. This is definitely determined by his eyes. His son's position is still not high enough! At the beginning, I should send him to study abroad, but I should never send him to the United States to study.

What's more, at the beginning, the family should not provide him with too loose environment, because almost all the opportunities to sharpen him have been lost. And what about the house? As a son like him, it can be said that he does not have any sense of crisis. Everything has been decided. He will have such a look now.

Don't deny what he said? Because it is also a direction, Ding Yu needs too long time, and in the whole process, there will be considerable problems, just like this time! But the same is true of great opportunities! His son saw only one aspect, but not the other.

Even if I lean on the body of Europe and America, I will be a sheep waiting to be slaughtered in the future. I will be sheared at a certain time, which is certain. And leaning against Ding Yu? If Ding Yu breaks through the bottleneck and gets a firm foothold, he will also get considerable development, which is certain.There are only two directions, but one can see the short-term benefits, and the other needs long-term investment. What about his own son? What about the short-term benefits? Value is long-term, in this point, his daughter is on his side, perhaps she has other ideas.

From another point of view, his son has economic vision, but he has no political vision. We should know that economy and politics are always linked, and don't be confused by superficial things. Will Ding Yu have no one in the Parliament and Parliament of South Korea? It's impossible. It's just that you don't know the specific situation.

Because Ding Yu will never deal with relevant issues on his own, at least he won't show up. When will he bury people in Parliament and Parliament? It's not clear, but it will definitely be useful!

What about your own side? Limited by the influence of the whole country, we don't know enough about politics. At the same time, we can't see clearly the politics of the United States. It's not wise to make a choice rashly under such circumstances. But what about such a thing? I really can't judge too much.

Because what about the heirs he left behind for Samsung? Only such one, others can not inherit Samsung, without this force, this is the most important, because from the beginning, they have identified such an heir. What about others? They're directly excluded.

"The conversation didn't seem so pleasant!" When Li Fuzhen sent Ding Yu out, he also said in a low voice. Ding Yu's steps did not stop, but he seemed to be a little curious and said, "why do you say that? You don't seem to see all this!"

"Because my brother is a little bit excited!"

"That's not good news!" Ding Yu is also very dissatisfied with a glance back, Li Fu really did not take a back thing! "I don't know if it's good news, but I know one thing very well, that is, my brother seems to have a little cold for you. For Samsung, it's not good news, but it's not bad news either!"

It's not good news for Samsung. It's because Samsung must be her brother's in the future, and there won't be any relationship with Li Fuzhen. Li Fuzhen doesn't have any illusions. As for the meaning of not bad news, it's very simple, because Samsung is still under the control of his father!

"For you personally, it's none of your business, so you can hang on high, but for me, this is not a good development!" Ding Yu is also very helpless to say, "but all the situation is still good! At least the present crisis is over, which is one of the few good news, isn't it? "

"But my father seems to be a little surprised at the situation." Li Fu Zhen also expressed a certain interest in how to see out, this problem does not need to have too much investigation, anyway, just saw some things, also do not know his side Ding Yu will give him a certain explanation!

Of course, the explanation may be too far fetched. I really feel a little curious about it. What kind of situation is, it can surprise my father. Maybe it's important or not, but I'm really curious.

"Tell me about my family! What about this situation? It may make people feel that there are some accidents! "

"That's it? It shouldn't be! " What about Li Fu Zhen's performance? Ding Yu also smiles, "I know you have a good relationship with Yu Mingyue, so you should have heard the name of Wang Yang!"

Wang Yang? Li Fu Zhen also turned his eyes, "I seem to have heard of it, but it seems that there are some low-key, there is not much news and hearing, but in the small circle? It seems to be more outstanding! "

"My brother! My brother

Li Fu Zhen was so strange, while Ding Yu was smiling. "It's not convenient to publish the family affairs. If it wasn't a little special this time, I don't think your father would have known about it, but now that I do, it's no big deal!"

"This, this is really unexpected!" Li Fu Zhen is also a little frightened, now this time is really unable to suppress the shock in his heart, even panic, really did not expect Ding Yu's body there is such a layer of identity, Wang Yang's identity, he really know, but also because of knowing, so I feel some can not accept.

"I gave you a hint!" Ding Yu also smiles.

Li Fu Zhen is also wrinkling his brow, but soon also put down, "jade moon wedding, is it like this?"

"It can be said that at that time, there was this idea, but it seems that you did not meet the requirements, so the matter has always been horizontal there!" Having said that, Ding Yu also smiles, which is so casual!

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