The United States has really started to investigate this aspect, including footprints, video data and so on. In any case, everything that can be consulted has been sent to the analysis office. The time may be long or short. However, if you know that there are such people around Ding Yu, we must try our best to collect all his information.

Useful or useless, no one knows, but not afraid of 10000, just in case!

Even if we can't find out now, it's harmful to keep such a ghost around Ding Yu. So it's good for the future to save possible information as soon as possible. More directly, it's for the future? Make a preparation!

However, at this time, Ding Yu and Wendong have already arrived at the surrounding location of the building. Looking at the situation here, they also look at each other. Then they leave and determine the location! And since all of them have started to act, don't be timid. You should behave more unscrupulously. Ding Yu is also some of the leaders now.

In other words, Ding Yu is so angry that he has already discussed some things, and even everyone has already made it clear. However, after I came here, you gave me such tricks, which were not tolerated.

In fact, the place where the two people met was not very far away. After observing the surrounding environment, they pulled the shoulder missile out of the car. It was a van. What about other vehicles? It is really not enough to accommodate, and then Ding Yu launched all six warheads.

It didn't take too long. After the launch, the vehicles were burned. Everything was going on in an orderly manner. The same was true for Wendong. What about the United States? I really didn't expect Ding Yu to play so big. What's the meaning of this? Do you really think of America as the Middle East?

You can fire a gun and throw two bombs. Now even the shoulder carrying missiles are out, which is really unacceptable. Previously, none of us thought that Ding Yu would choose such weapons. Even if he did this in the city, could he play well?

And inside the building? At this time, it is really a mess. I thought about the problems in related aspects earlier. This is also a heavy military hoarding, but I think there will be such a consequence! It's a special way for Ding Yu to attack the building.

A total of more than ten missiles have been bombed in turn, but the building still stands, but the problem is that the bombed one is riddled with holes! It can be described as miserable. Now we really are not talking about pursuing, but about how to save ourselves! The casualties are really too serious.

At the same time, there was a flurry in the capital. When he saw Su Quan, he called his hand, and then he was dragged into his office. "Something happened in America! It's very serious in terms of what's passed on! "

"Yes! It's like a terrorist attack! " Su Quan didn't know the whole story of the matter, but someone mentioned it to him on the way to here. He didn't really take it as a thing? At least he didn't really realize the problem, but after he mentioned it to him, he had some doubts in his heart, so he looked at him with puzzled eyes.

Straight slightly nodded, "the first attack happened in Boston, just at the gate of Ding Yu's hospital!"

"He made it up?" Su Quan also felt that his scalp was numb, but he shook his head. "The specific situation is not very clear. Previously, we contacted Jin in a special way. He said that he was very calm, but the problem is that Ding Yu didn't answer the phone at all!"

"Any other news?"

"The news is that there are some. In addition to the attack at the entrance of the hospital, there was an explosion. The scope of the explosion was very large. I had seen the video earlier. It belonged to the man-made type. The specific situation is still under analysis. Just on the road you came to, another attack occurred. More than a dozen shoulder mounted missiles attacked a building!"

"A dozen?" Su Quan is also some Leng Shen, "is this a little too exaggerated? What kind of building is it? More than a dozen missiles are needed? Where else but the United States, even if the regulation is not so strict, also need not be so exaggerated! Even shoulder to shoulder missiles are coming out

"The specific situation is not clear, and how many suspects do not know. Anyway, there are more than a dozen shoulder mounted missiles. I have seen the images, and it is still clear! The whole building has been destroyed. I have read the information. It seems that the building is not a critical department, and it is already at night. What's the purpose of attacking an unimportant building? "

Su Quan, who was asked, was stunned. He asked himself how he knew. If he knew, he would not choose to stay here at this time. But I also feel a little strange, "has it been confirmed? He did it? " In this case, it's really a positive tone.Why did Geng Zhi find his head directly, which shows that he has already got a good grasp in his heart, otherwise he will never find himself. What do you mean? It's not like talking to myself, but I have other purposes and ideas. I'm really unpredictable about this.

"The black president of the United States has delivered a speech calling for the fight against terrorism!" Geng Zhi also changed his concept. After taking a look at the situation outside, he said in a low voice, "someone has analyzed the situation, and I have seen the attack image at the gate of the hospital. It will be very interesting!"

The office is still relatively modern, so Su Quan also saw the so-called video data. The camera is a little fuzzy, and even not very clear. But generally, it can see what happened!

After seeing it, Su Quan also stood there with both hands holding his chest, "there is no way to determine the identity of the party at all!" It seems to have some meaning, but the dress of this one is beyond description. It is Ding Yu. What evidence do you have to prove this? Take it out and have a look!

There was no trace on the whole body, but the shooting speed was really very fast. The personnel on the scene were like trees that had been cut down. If they didn't pay attention to it, they fell down. Moreover, according to their own observation, most of them were seriously injured in the head, and few of them were shot in the heart and chest. There were not many people alive.

"It's tough enough to do it!" Su Quan said without salt and salt. Although he said that he had this idea in his heart, the person in the picture may be his nephew, but he really can't prove this. He is his uncle, but he can't explain any problems.

"This is the most puzzling point Looking at the expression on Su Quan's face, he is also determined in his heart. Obviously, he has understood his meaning. No matter from which aspect, this is not Ding Yu, nor can it be Ding Yu. Otherwise, there will be big problems, so I need to plug this gap.

"Although the shooting action of the shooter is very quick, it seems that it is very natural. Moreover, many of the people who fell down on the scene did not even take out their guns. What kind of people are they? This is also questionable! So far, there is still no news from the United States! "

"And Boston?" Su Quan also asked one more question.

"All flights are banned, and there are even some restrictions. Things seem to be a little noisy. What is the cause of this situation? We still don't know." Honest is really not clear, why is such a situation, because there are not too many sources of information.

What about the people around Ding Yu? This time is not in Ding Yu's side, and Ding Yu just returned to the United States, just a day, there have been such things, even if you want to make a response, it seems that it is not so fast, so now there are really so many helpless.

"There's no other message coming from America?"

"The overall situation has moved, but judging from what I have now, what about this matter? It seems that the relationship with the overall situation is not very big. Even when they hear the news, they are quite surprised. And so far, their reaction is quite strange! "

What he said was too clear. Su Quan nodded, and then the two men also walked out of the office and came to the conference room for a short time. All the leaders, big and small, had basically arrived. Although it was said that this was an event in the United States, it also attracted domestic attention!

If such a thing happens in China, there will be big trouble at that time. We need to draw our own warning, but there is one point? The United States and China are really different. Guns are banned in China. Although there are occasional problems, the overall problem is not as big as expected.

Take a look at Boston. There are shootings, explosions and even shoulder to shoulder missiles. Is this going to be a war? Now all aspects of the discussion is also so big!

We are even more curious about how the United States will solve the problems of relevant parties. We should know that it has been nearly 10 years since the last terrorist attack. Although there is no comparability in terms of the results, such a terrorist attack is slightly more severe for the whole United States.

We should know that the black president has just been in office for a short time. As a result, such problems and situations have emerged. Problems that cannot be solved internally can be transferred to other areas. Previously, the troops have already withdrawn. In other words, another place is needed to transfer these contradictions. What is the breakthrough?

The consideration between countries is interest. There is nothing else, because only interests are the most eternal. What about others? It's just superficial, just to whitewash it for others.

The discussion lasted a little longer, but in the process? The topic has not been mentioned to Ding Yu's body, nor do we know whether it is intentional or unintentional. Even if we know that the place of the incident is at the gate of Ding Yu's Hospital, there is still no one to mention.What about this situation? It is really a little bit abnormal, good or bad! We should know that the relationship between the intelligence department and Ding Yu has fallen to the freezing point before. Now, even if we make fun of it, it seems that there are not too many problems, but no one still chooses to do so.

People who work in the intelligence department are more skilled than monkeys. They obviously feel something, and why things happen so coincidentally, happened in Boston, and the hospital where Ding Yu works.

What's more, the people in the picture seem to be very fuzzy, but from the body, it seems to be able to see a trace of shadow, but no matter what? Everyone is to suppress their own curiosity, anyway, as long as this topic is not mentioned, then no one will go to be the first bird.

However, when people were hesitating, someone opened the door of the office, and then went to the front of the relevant personnel. They said something in a low voice. When they spoke, they also blocked their mouth with their hands, just like joking! The people in it are hidden and can't hear, but it doesn't mean they can't see it through their lips.

"The U.S. has sent us news. I hope we can help investigate it!"

Sitting upright on one side, he didn't have any movement and expression, and so did Su Quan. But what about the other people in the conference room? At this time, there are so many meanings of looking at each other in the face. How do you mean? The US side sends a message to its side. Is this to secure some of the attackers' charges on their heads?

"We have sent notes to all countries in the world. We are not the most special one! I hope we can strengthen cooperation with each other and fight terrorism together The leader sitting in the central position is also a cold smile, that's all!

Although the words are so said, but their own heart is very clear, this problem? In fact, the United States is transmitting information, but the domestic side will not pay any attention to it. This has nothing to do with the hard resistance. It is not yet at that time. When it is really time, let's talk about it!

After all, what are the levels involved now? It's just a plane. Up there are other levels. I just need to be responsible for providing a certain amount of information. As for how to judge, this is not what I can worry about!

The Wang family and the Su family didn't get the news very slowly, especially when they heard that the place of the incident was in Boston, their hearts were pounding. Could this matter have something to do with their grandson? Even if it doesn't matter, he's in Boston at this time!

But the problem is that Ding Yu couldn't be contacted at home. Su bochen called his son, and no one answered. After thinking about it, it should be like this. But I don't know why. He felt a burst of palpitation. It shouldn't be caused by Ding Yu's son! After all, it seems to be so big!

After all, this is a terrorist attack, not something else. Su bochen and Wang Pu both think so, but they also know that Ding Yu is a child! Courage a little bit so some big, look like very honest, but really if described, boldness is not too much.

If there is something really wrong, he will overturn the day, and it is not something difficult to understand!

"Is there any way to contact him?" Su bochen and Wang Pu got together again, but when they were so anxious, the old lady came from the outside.

Looking at the old lady who sat down calmly, their eyes were also bright. Obviously, they heard some good news. Otherwise, the old lady would never be in such a situation! "What's the situation?"

"Just now, Anjie called, and Jin called him when he was in front of him. Ding Yu didn't have anything to do. Everything is OK for the time being! But he's busy now, so it's not convenient to call back! "

Su bochen and Wang Pu looked at each other. Even if Ding Yu didn't get involved in this matter, I'm afraid it would have a great relationship with him. But what happened in the United States? It can be said that there is no news here!

Judging from the TV reports, there are absolute terrorist activities, but the problem is whether the TV reports are true or not. I'm afraid no one can say clearly. Anyway, the ordinary people look at it in this way, and how to deal with this matter in the future. It's all troublesome!

Ding Yu is so young, can he survive such a big thing? Su bochen and Wang Pu are worried, but they are very clear about this matter? There is really no way to show it, whether it is on the surface or in the dark, it is the same.

If it really shows up, for the two families, absolutely catastrophic, no one can afford.

I don't know why Ding Yu, the son of a bitch, did this. What was the purpose? What's the point? Do you know that he is on the American land now, playing so much on other people's land? Does he really regard himself as a character, or does he have no fear?But even if there is no fear, it can not be like this! Some of them are too much. They are really disgusted with their own life long enough to toss around in other people's back garden! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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