Ding Yu walked on the street. Suddenly, he felt that his back brain was a little chilly, and then the hair on his whole body got up. Then Ding Yu shrank down his body for the first time. Originally, the whole person seemed to be greatly open, but suddenly narrowed down!

I don't know what kind of feeling it is, but Ding Yu didn't stop at the same place. Even though he was leaning against the corner of the wall, Ding Yu still felt like there was a gust of wind behind his head! Always around themselves, what is the cause of what is really not clear, but blowing his head really cool.

But it is also because it is not clear, so Ding Yu just feel wrong, think about it, Ding Yu also find a safe place for himself! Then put up your ears. "Looking for a safe and high place, I feel there are some problems and conditions! I can't tell what the reason is! "

It didn't last very long. There was a message from Wendong, "I didn't find anything, but I also felt that it was not so good! Do these guys want to play dirty? "

Ding Yu is also turning his head. Judging from his own feeling, he seems to have succeeded in provoking his opponents, and their nerves have collapsed. Under such circumstances, they will do things that are against the world. This is certain, but what kind of way will they take?

It's hard to destroy the whole Boston. Even if they are crazy and can't do it, they dare not do it. Therefore, to a certain extent, they will only play the so-called edge ball! But what about the way to attack? What will they do to themselves?

You know, when it's light, everything will come to an end, and it's a ground attack? Obviously it doesn't work. What about looking for a needle in the sea? It is not worth advocating, and even Boston will not allow them to do so, so the remaining way seems not to be as many as imagined.

Hiss... Ding Yu suddenly thought of a possibility! And the more you think about it? The more I think there is the possibility of this aspect, this guy seems to be really crazy.

"Wendong, evacuate as soon as possible. I think these guys are going crazy!"

Wendong is also a Leng, some do not understand, how suddenly Ding Yu is so calm? Hearing Ding Yu continue to say, "leave your present position, find a shelter and shelter, quick!"

Hearing Ding Yu's voice, Wendong began to act at the first time, because he heard his nervousness from Ding Yu's words. "Now, their attack methods are basically not on the ground! The possibility of launching an attack from the sea is not much more, so there is only one way left! "

"In the air? What kind of way? "

"I'm not sure, but I don't think I'll take any beheading tactics. That may become an auxiliary way for later search. At this time, we may be given two missiles. To a certain extent, they will be special missiles. We should be well protected in this respect."

Wendong's steps also faltered for a moment, "not as it is! This is in the middle of the city. We used missiles with special properties, but we only hit that building, and we didn't use any special weapons. Do they really dare to do this? "

"They should not bear the pressure

When talking, Ding Yu seemed to hear something, so he pulled down his mask at the first time. The scope of the explosion was not as large as imagined, but it seemed to take the way of air explosion. When he saw this, Ding Yu also slightly shrunk his mouth.

These guys are really unscrupulous. Even if they are not biological weapons, they won't be any good things. What's good? I am prepared for this aspect. The biochemical clothes on my body have not been taken off all the time. They are quite different from the ordinary and clumsy biochemical clothes. The biochemical clothes of myself and Wendong are specially made.

Then Ding Yu heard the roar of the helicopter, but Ding Yu really did not have too many movements, these guys were provoked by their own provocation, but in the way! There seems to be something wrong with it! In other ways, I can understand, but taking this way, it is not only too simple.

The two representatives of Morgan and Rockefeller both stood up when they knew something. What if we took the method of precision strike? It's understandable, but the use of biological and chemical weapons, which are still here in Boston, can't be forgiven. Regardless of whether such weapons are threatening or not, they are taboos.

"Are they crazy?" At this time, the two big men can't restrain their anger. Up to now, they have completely lost control of their anger. They should start earlier. Ding Yu's provocation has played a role, and still has a considerable effect!The mood is out of control, but to what extent, even if it is successful to get rid of Ding Yu, don't you think of the consequences?

Just when the two big men were sitting there, there was a loud noise outside. Then the door was kicked open. He saw Sanchez come in angrily. Looking at the tea table there, he kicked it over directly. Without any hesitation and pause, he was furious to the extreme.

"I remember the two of you promised me in this respect, but what kind of a thing is this? This is absolutely not a reasonable explanation that can make sense! " Although said to be extremely angry, but to a certain extent, Sanchez still maintained his calm.

"Sorry, it's out of control!"

"Are things out of control, both of you? I can't control this. I only know that you are responsible for this matter. If something goes wrong, I need to find your head. You need to give me a solution. Last night, the whole Boston was going to blow up. Now Boston is famous all over the world

The two representatives standing there, you look at me and I look at you. There is a trace of pain in their eyes. Originally, they wanted to use Ding Yu's hand to achieve some goals and ideas. But now? They have thrown themselves into the pit successfully, and they can't climb out at all. Isn't this unfortunate urge?

"Twenty percent!" Two people looked at each other. The 20% mentioned in this refers to 20% of all assets of the two families who want to abandon their forces, that is to say, these gains? It's all in Boston.

In the original plan, Boston only occupied 8% of the total, but now it directly mentioned the upper limit, 20%. This span is really so large. Sanchez also narrowed his eyes. To be exact, he was really scared by this share.

"From now on, I don't want anything else to happen, I hope you can understand my difficulties! What about last night's attack? It's famous all over the world, but things like biochemical attack! You know what the consequences are. "

The 20% share is enough for me to explain. It seems that 20% is not very big, but the base number is really so big. I also controlled my mood for half a day, so I didn't let myself lose my temper too much. Boston added this 20% share. All the previous losses came back in an instant.

"We need to use all the strength in Boston to put this down!"

"Yes!" Sanchez also agreed more happily, "I can't control how things are solved, but I still want to emphasize that Boston can't afford other troubles! So please be more tolerant! "

This is not to be soft, but the fact is that it is the case that not only Boston, but even the whole United States, can not stand such a toss! Such things get Ding Yu's head, who knows what kind of situation this guy will be like if he gets angry.

At this time, Morgan, Rockefeller and the strength of the whole Boston were also united. But Ding Yu was a little sad at this time, because he had two armed helicopters behind his back. Ding Yu did not have many good methods for this, because he did not have any heavy weapons on his body.

In addition, they also need to find ways to avoid the pursuers behind them. If they are just chasing soldiers, they really won't do it for a time. But the problem is that they are equipped with heavy weapons, which is not what they can cope with now, and Wendong's situation seems not to be better.

At this time, they don't have so much mind to investigate. How did they find their own head? But when Ding Yu ran away in a hurry, he suddenly felt that the pursuers behind him seemed to disappear at the first time. For Ding Yu, it seemed that suddenly there was no pressure.

For such a situation, Ding Yu is also leaning against the corner of the wall, calming his breath, looking at a man walking slowly towards him from a distance. He also narrowed his eyes. The visitor stood there, without any movement, deliberately turned around and even lifted his clothes.

"Mr. Ding, I know you are around. We want to talk about it!" Then this one also said a number, "I guarantee that all the personnel have been evacuated. We have come to talk about this issue with great sincerity."

Ding Yu's heart slightly moved, his plot has been successful, but even so, Ding Yu still did not take off his mask, after debugging the channel, it was the first time to dial the phone number, "I don't know what your so-called sincerity is? But I have felt the sincerity of this evening

Ding Yu said the situation and problems to the point. What about the so-called negotiation? It has already started. Obviously, the opponent is also feeling the pressure from Morgan and Boston. For Ding Yu, this is a good thing, and even a result of his own expectation. In order to achieve such a result, he even threw himself into the pit as a bait."Mr. Ding, it makes us feel very ashamed to say so!" He sighed and then said with a bitter smile, "OK! We need to admit that we failed. This time, we didn't expect such a result. Let me introduce myself. My name is Thomas! "

"So, the encirclement and suppression of you has already begun, and you can't bear the pressure!"

Everyone is not a fool, so there is no need to hide anything. Ding Yu is the first time to show the current situation, and there is no need to do other analysis, because the fact is quite clear.

If it wasn't Morgan and Boston, would they give up their pursuit? It's impossible. Anyway, as long as the day is not bright, everything still has a chance to be solved. But they released the chemical and biological weapons, and they directly threw themselves into the Jedi.

"Mr. Ding, although we said that we were once enemies, I think we should sit on the same side at this time. After all, the enemy of the enemy is a friend!"

Ding Yu said with a smile, "I probably understand what you mean. You want me to tolerate you, because at this time, there are almost no people who can tolerate you. Morgan and Rockefeller will kill you all and will never leave you any opportunities. Moreover, your actions this time violate the rules."

"We will deal with this matter by ourselves, but the problem is that our existence is of special significance to you, Mr. Ding!"

"I don't believe you very much!" For Rockefeller, it's not a big help for them. It's not a big help for them!

"It needs to be admitted that we did not expect that Rockefeller would attack us. We have always been the most loyal ally of the Rockefeller family. We do not deny that we may be inferior in ability, but obviously Rockefeller did not give us fair treatment."

This reason is not as full as imagined, but to a certain extent, it still explains the problem. It is said that these guys can't lose their tail. But from another perspective, we still need to admit that after the Rockefeller family developed to a certain extent, they gradually lost control over the following.

In other words, we gather under Rockefeller, or Morgan, for common interests. We can not say that all interests are monopolized by Rockefeller, or that when Rockefeller is at a standstill, it can not hinder other forces to move forward in the same way.

At this point, Rockefeller did a little bit too much, but fortunately, everything was under control. But the problem is that after this incident, Rockefeller has other thoughts. Since it can't control you, it will throw you out.

What about the fight with Ding Yu? If they succeed, their end will not be too good. As for the failure, it is the same. It's just that as Ding Yu's opponent, they wake up a little bit late. Now they have fallen into the pit, and there is basically no room for them to earn.

"For me, it's not just a matter of embarrassment, but also a series of problems! And there needs to be a premise for this, and I think you should understand what I mean

What about now? Interest is not the only standard, survival is! The middle-aged people standing there also nodded, "yes, we first need to be able to ensure survival, and then other aspects of the problem! On this issue, we need to pay a considerable price! That's for sure! "

"Let's talk about it after you survive!" It is not Ding Yu's intention to shirk, but the fact that if he can retain some of the essence, then he will not mind, at least for himself is still quite useful.

But if they can't hold on, then they can only say sorry, because no matter what angle, they have already made! And at this time, I have successfully pulled down Morgan and Rockefeller. For myself, this is the most important point.

As for the so-called interests? Now it's not as important as you think.

The two people did not talk for a long time, but under the circumstances that both sides were so wanton, the representatives of Morgan and Rockefeller soon learned the news, and the two people were also looking at each other. This was definitely not what they wanted to see, but it happened.

What about this result? After Morgan and Rockefeller were dragged into the water by Ding Yu, they were basically doomed to change. Of course, this is what Ding Yu expected, but not what Morgan and Rockefeller wanted to see!

But now that the situation is like this, let's start to solve it! I hope that both sides will lose, but judging from the result, the fight between the two sides is not fierce at all. It is just that Boston has been damaged. Besides, several people have died and a building has been bombed. There is nothing else.www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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