"Mom and Dad, I didn't know much about this cousin when I was in America! What about China? I don't think I've heard anything! " Yu Jian also felt a little puzzled. From the truth, what about his cousin? If you really have this ability, you will never lose your reputation.

"Don't say you haven't heard of it. Even if it's not very clear at home with your third uncle's, your fourth aunt knows something about it!" What about this? Yu Jingming is really clear, because at that time his brother-in-law had an accident, and it was quite a big thing! But it worked out in the end.

Then Yu Jingming seemed to remember something, "by the way, he seemed to be a soldier in the city forest at that time?"

"Military and political affairs are originally two aspects. How could the leader and the government of Chenglin pay attention to a little soldier? Besides, at that time, let alone Chenglin, it's not clear even at home. Didn't you mean it? Although we have not given up the search in those years, we have basically given up

Yu Jingming also nodded. He was a little angry and dizzy. He had better talk about his brother-in-law. At that time, the amount involved seemed to be more than 200 million! It's probably such a number. In fact, this brother-in-law is carrying a black pot. The matter has nothing to do with him, but the problem is that it is on his neck. He has no way to do it, but he never thought about it. The matter is finally solved.

How to solve this problem? No one can say it clearly. At that time, it was a more true statement? It's not clear which aspect of the human relationship is, but the old man Yu Wei is still there. There are not too many problems with such a thing! So I didn't think about it too much.

However, it is not until now that Ding Yu made a move to save the Wang family. Under the circumstances at that time, he was able to put out a total of 200 million yuan. This is absolutely not what anyone can do. Moreover, as far as I know, the relationship between Ding Yu and the old man seems to be so embarrassing!

What are you more interested in? It's about Ding Yu's education. From another perspective, it seems that there are some failures in the education of the master. At least, what about the children in the family? Compared with Ding Yu, there is no comparability!

Of course, how about thinking about it? It seems that there are some one-sided, but what about the bottom of the heart? Still feel so some not quite convinced, but look at their own son, is really not striving for success!

"And your cousin? Some of them are different from others! Too low-key, but whether it is at home or abroad, or have some ability! His ability is not his own ability When Wang Tang said this, he also looked at his son, hoping that his son could understand the meaning of his words.

"No way!" Yu Jian really doesn't believe it. In his opinion, what about Ding Yu's cousin? It is absolutely my grandfather's preference to be able to achieve such achievements now. If my grandfather is not biased, he depends on this cousin and wants to rise up. This is absolutely impossible!

"Believe it or not? You will know something about it in the future Yu Jingming looked at his son and shook his head. Then he also looked at his wife, "what's the matter? What should be said has been said. What should not be said? You're not too young. It's time to think about it. Remember to go to your grandfather tomorrow

Back in the room, Yu Jingming also shook his head to his wife, "this child! I don't know what to say. Is my education too problematic? In the beginning, we should have adopted the old man's way? "

Wang Tang also knows his eldest son's performance tonight? Some of them are too bad, but anyway? They are all their own sons. They were not like this when they were young. I don't know why. The older they are? The more you become, the less satisfied you feel!

Originally, I thought it would be better to send it to the United States, but what about the situation? Really did not happen too much change! But what's the good news? No change is particularly good, but the same, also did not deteriorate to the point of no rescue, but the problem is that he is already 30, not young!

"I heard about this in my second family? It seems that there are so many disputes! " Yu Jingming doesn't want to talk about his son at this time. What about talking about something with him now? For his touch will not be particularly deep, I need to make him impressed early things, and then leave a more profound trace!

"I called Changlin. He didn't want to say too much about it, but I could tell. What about his eldest son? It seems that there are not too many ways, obviously! We don't have much control. The old man of our family has been tough on things all his life, but at the end of the day, something like this happened

"It seems that your nephew is really excellent. He can get up without relying on the king's family, and now he can even share the same fate with the old man, so it's very special to aim at this point! It's not that everyone can do this. If you're 50 or 60 years old, you can understand how to fight with the old man. You know, he's even younger than Yu Jian! "The next morning, even without breakfast, Yu Jian went with his mother to see his grandfather and grandmother? Yu Jian's heart is really a little scared, that is after all his grandfather, he can fool his father and mother, but want to fool his grandfather and grandmother, this is really a far cry!

However, Wang Pu and the old lady nodded at their daughter and grandson, and then called them to the dining table. There was no sense of blame. Yu Jian is not young now. It will not be obvious if you continue to blame him at this time. What's more, it seems that it doesn't make sense to continue to blame him at this time.

And Yu Jian was there, and there were so many sitting and standing uneasy. He felt that his whole body was twisted. What about the faces of his grandfather and grandmother? It's not as ugly as you imagine. There's no point in scolding yourself. On the contrary, it makes you feel uncomfortable.

"Eat!" Wang Pu took a look at Yu Jian, but also said a light sentence. He directly put Yu Jian's words to his mouth, and directly gave it back, so that he had to swallow it hard! i couldn 't help it! My grandfather has already spoken, I have to listen! There is no reason to speak!

Wang Pu and the old lady didn't eat a lot. What about the things on the table? It's also a little light!

However, during the meal, the housekeeper also came in, and then walked to the old lady's side position, "elder sister! There are some things from the courtyard! I thought it was delivered yesterday, but the time is so late! Not so appropriate! "

The old lady took a look at her old man, "did Anjie send it?" Looking at the steward nodding, the old lady also said, "let him wait a moment!" Then the service personnel also left, and Yu Jian was moved to look at the leaving service personnel, Siheyuan? What Siheyuan? I haven't heard of it before!

After dinner, Wang Pu also took a break for a while. What about the old lady? He went out with his eldest daughter Yu Jian also called out timidly! Wang Pu narrowed his eyes and looked at it!

Yu Jian stood up as if he had been whipped a willow on his back. He stood up straight. He didn't know what it was because of. Anyway, he stood up unconsciously. It was a subconscious reaction.

"Your cousin Ding Yu has reported your situation in the United States to me!" After saying that, Wang Pu also snorted, "it's hard for us Wang family to have children like you. I even have some doubts about whether your education has been eaten into the belly of a dog these years! You forget that you are still alone

Yu Jian is totally confused. What's wrong with his grandfather? Such a big anger, even directly began to curse, this in their own impression there are so some unimaginable. Although his grandfather said quite severe, but in his eyes or gentle! The sun is out in the West today!

"I'm sorry to disappoint you, grandfather."

"Yes! You are really good enough. I remember when you went to the United States, the main purpose was to learn! " After saying that, the old man also put a thick stack of paper on the desktop, "these are your transcripts. I've found someone to read them. There are basically no excellent ones. Are you going to study or play?"

Ah? Your report card? Yu Jian thought it was so incredible! His cousin is also too lawless, such things he can turn out? I don't even remember! But in my opinion? I went there just for a diploma, just pass it!

What's more, although there are not too many excellent, but there are still good! Master, are you so serious?

"Where's your brother Wang Yang? Now, in the evening, we basically have a rest after 11 o'clock. We must get up before five o'clock in the morning. In addition to working, we also need extra time to study. What about you? Every day I feel drunk and dazzled. Do you let the dog eat your heart

Wang Yang studies? This is not a joke to yourself! How old has he been? As far as I know, he seems to have graduated from university! At this time, he is still studying hard. Is it because his brain is in trouble, or is he unable to keep up with the times?

The red children of all sizes in the capital are one by one. No one can still look like this after graduation from university. If we say that people like to spend time and drink every day, they know a lot, but no one studies every day, even if they want to be such a nerd? Not too many possibilities!

What about Wang Pu? Naturally, Wang Pu felt a little angry when he saw his grandson's eyes. Why did his grandson Ding Yu really do it, even when he saw it with his own eyes? Now is also trying to catch up! At that level, I also have some heartache.

But what about this grandson? Is not progressive at all! Are you telling lies in front of him?Originally, I would not be so angry, but the question is, what about the people who are compared with him? But his grandson, this face was hit so much pain! What about the Yu family, even though they don't receive their own traditional education? It is quite well-known, but how can education come out like this.

And what about this kid? He was his grandson, so when Ding Yu put all his things in front of him, Wang Pu felt that his face was so heavy. Although he had thick skin, he didn't have much, but he really couldn't afford to lose this man! So what about this talk? It is also slightly confused.

Looking at Yu Jian standing there, Wang Pu also closed his eyes and thought for a long time, "your grandmother wants to send you to Wang Yang, but I rejected it. You don't want to make progress. You go to Wang Yang only to make conflicts between your brothers. Originally, I wanted to send you to Ding Yu, but the problem is that he won't like you!"

Don't look up to me? What about Yu Jian? I don't have so many feelings, but I can't look at it. What about intellectuals? There are so many lofty! What about this? It's not a derogatory sense, but inside the bones? There are so many arrogant!

What about Yu Jian? It seems that there are some stubborn! What does it mean to despise yourself or even look down on yourself? Although I said that he was not outstanding, he was still an elite turtle! Even a person like himself doesn't look up to him. What kind of Lord is this!

And what about my cousin? In the heart how much is also so some gas, oneself is good in the United States, but you are good, a few words directly overturned their old base! This is too intolerable!


Wang Pu also laughed! How much of a smile there is so some indifference, "other things? I don't have the right to speak, but I have a great say in this matter. Don't mention you. Even Wang Yang, he has never seen anything to see! But you are a hundred thousand miles away from Wang Yang, so I'll let it go! "

After pondering for a while, Wang Pu also said, "I still wanted to educate you, but you are already like this, and education is not of much significance! Home for you to arrange a job, a good job, get married early! It may be more stable after marriage! "

Ah? What happened after Yu Jian came here? Thinking of tens of thousands of possibilities, my grandfather would never spare himself, but I never thought that my grandfather would say such words to myself. My family has arranged a job for myself, so that I can get married and have children honestly!

When she came in, she didn't mean to go to siheyuan! In the home so many days of time, some dry, or to live in the courtyard for two days! I see where the environment is still very good! That's what Anjie means, too

What about the old lady? Wang Pu also thought about it, even deliberately looked at it, and then nodded his head! Two old husband and wife for so many years, a look to know each other's meaning! It's a tacit understanding.

Two of them were walking towards the door. When they came out? Also deliberately changed clothes! After all, the weather outside is still so cold, and Wang Tang is also going to have a look! After all, it's the first time I know Siheyuan! It might be nice to see my nephew.

Yu Jian naturally needs to follow his mother. A business car has been waiting outside for a long time, and there is also a young man standing there. Yu Jian looks up and down. At this age, he is not much older than himself!

After seeing the old man and the old woman, Anjie also slightly bowed. This action also made Yu Jian's eyebrows stir slightly. Then he also looked at his grandfather and grandmother, but he didn't see anything wrong from the two people's bodies! Even nodded and deliberately said hello to this one.

"Get in the car!" There is no intention to introduce Yu Jian. What about Wang Tang? I have met with Anjie before, but Yu Jian's face is not very good-looking. However, Anjie sees Yu Jian, takes a look at it, and then nods to indicate that it is not convenient to say hello at this time.

After getting on the bus, Yu Jian also found that the layout inside was really quite different! I also subconsciously grinned at my mouth. The decoration and decoration inside seemed to be a little exaggerated! It is quite different from the layout of ordinary business car! The difference between inside and outside is too big!

"It's said that he's been making a lot of noise in the United States recently!" When Wang Pu spoke, he also looked at Anjie attentively, "and then he threw you to ferment in this courtyard?"

Anjie also laughed, "I appeared and called earlier and asked me to go to the position of executive vice president of Morgan Stanley Asia for a while! Because there is no way to hand over the quadrangle, I still need to stay for a while, but I may have to leave for a while after the Chinese New Year! "www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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