The next day, Ding Yu also arrived at the airport. Because Taixi had other things to deal with, she needed to delay two days to get back. After all, Ding Ding and Cao Chen's wedding ceremony, if there was no accident, she would show up! Even if there is an accident, she will show up.

At the airport side, Li Jianxi has been waiting for a long time. When he saw Ding Yu, he deliberately stepped forward. Li zaireng and Li Fuzhen also stood on one side. The matter was not investigated clearly last night, which also made Li Jianxi feel a little annoyed.

They gave them a whole night, but Samsung, the king of South Korea without a crown, could not even investigate such a thing clearly. This slap on the face is so painful! Li Jianxi also felt that he could not control his emotions. When did the air leak in his home? Is this still the Lee family of Samsung? Or South Korea?

However, Ding Yu will not give too much time, he will leave today, so Li Jianxi also came early. For this matter, he seems to feel different, so on the way to come, he has been thinking about how to deal with Ding Yu.

"Mr. Ding, I feel so embarrassed!"

Yeah? Ding Yu's face also showed some doubts, and his casual face began to be serious. "Li Dong, can I understand that there is no result in this evening?" Ding Yu didn't say the extra words, but it was impossible for him to come.

This is Korea. What about Samsung? To a certain extent, just like the supreme emperor, his position and position were not extraordinary. They did not make a clear investigation all night, and Ding Yu really did not believe it.

But on the other hand, if this is really the case, then it is interesting. It successfully provoked the relationship between Ding Yu and Samsung, and at the same time, it made Ding Yu entangled with the United States. What about each other? It seems that it is not as pleasant as imagined, so who is the beneficiary of the whole event?

Ding Yu and Li Jianxi walked into the room, and then Ding Yu also knocked on the table with his hand. "Judging from the temporary situation, Samsung is the victim, I am the victim, the Li family is also the victim, and even the object we suspect, the United States, is also the victim. What about the beneficiaries of the interests? Who is it? Is this a headless case? "

If it was not for the sake of interests, no one would do such a thing. Li zaireng hesitated for a moment, and then he also stood up. "Mr. Ding, the matter is my side's problem. There are two people missing. They have been around me for nearly ten years. This is my fault!"

Ding Yu knocked on his thigh with his hand, and then he looked at Li Jianxi. "Ten years is a long time! How can I feel a little bit... In order to expose a 10-year lurker for such a small hour. "

in the following words, Ding Yu did not go on. What about this matter? It seems to be in trouble, but what about Ding Yu? There is a certain amount of thinking in my heart. At this time of the day, I still use this kind of means. This kind of power will never be as much as I imagined.

But what about this? Ding Yu really did not intend to mention it to Samsung, but what about Li Jianxi? Is also considering Ding Yu said this situation, in his son's side lurking for ten years, this time is not generally long!

But for this matter, I exposed myself. It seems that there are so many gains and losses! What about inside? There must be other deep-seated reasons, but now I have not made a clear investigation. But for Li Jianxi, since there is a direction, what about the remaining things? It's easy to do.

"Mr. Ding, I need some time!" Li Zairong also stood in front of Ding Yu respectfully, even bent down his waist. Ding Yu looked at Li Jianxi and also gave a slight smile, "I have no personal loss, so what about this matter? I don't care, that's it

It's obvious that Ding Yu also takes his own side of the matter? To draw a full stop, and Li Jianxi's eyebrows are also slightly shaking for a while, how much do you feel is not so wonderful, because of Ding Yu's words? Although there is no severe tone, but the more like this? The more strange it seems!

If this thing really has a gap with Ding Yu's heart, then it is Samsung's loss, and I can't afford such a price!

"Mr. Ding, this incident happened in Silla. Personally, it is an unforgivable fault for me. Therefore, I will give Mr. Ding an account and hope that Mr. Ding can give zhelung a chance!"

Li Jianxi was worried because what was the meaning of Ding Yu's words? For their own son seems not to look at so simple! So at this time, Li Jianxi is also a bit bold. After all, he is very old, and Samsung will eventually hand it over to his son.

Li Zairong felt that his heartbeat was out of control. He even felt that his heart was about to jump out. Ding Yu waved his hand, "Dong Li, I don't want to do any investigation on this matter unilaterally. How Samsung deals with it is Samsung's business, and I don't want to or want to be involved in it!"Li Jianxi was a little distracted, but then he understood why Ding Yu did it. In the whole thing, Ding Yu taught his son a lesson, which is understandable. But after all, his daughter was also involved, so Ding Yu covered up the past as soon as possible.

Maybe it's for self and Samsung's face, maybe it's for the sake of her daughter's reputation. Anyway, Ding Yu has a lot of ideas in her heart. But for Samsung as a whole, what about Ding Yu? What has not been seen is a good thing! Sometimes I don't say anything, it doesn't mean that there are no opinions and ideas.

But what about the result now? I'm afraid it's already the best result! What about Li Jianxi's decision on Ding Yu? Thank you! Ding Yu got rid of this problem, that is to say, to a certain extent, it gives Samsung a lot of space. You can deal with your pickles by yourself!

What about me from the beginning to the end? It's not necessary to get involved in your family affairs. If it's cooperation between each other, it's fine. But what about this? Obviously other aspects are involved, so I'm sorry.

Li Jianxi looks at Ding Yu who is leaving? There are also some exclamations, relatively speaking, his son is too much older than him, but whether it is in mind or vision, what about his son? It's really quite different. Although I don't want to admit it, the fact is the fact!

How about meeting Ding Yu at the airport? The time is not as long as you can imagine, and the result is also satisfying! But what about the things behind this? But let the whole Li family have some shock!

The back door of my house has been pried open, but what about my family for such a thing? It's a shame that I don't know anything about it. It's really time to clean up. Otherwise, will the Li family still be the Li family?

When leaving the airport, Li Jianxi was also livid. "I don't care how long you need, but I'll give you half a month. You can use all the systems and personnel that can be called. If you can't do it, then I'll take over personally. Remember, you only have half a month!"

Sitting on the plane, Jin also looked at Ding Yu with some doubts, "if this matter is not the people inside Samsung who are playing tricks, then it's really very interesting. Now this is the time to take the initiative to make right and wrong with you, sir! Who has the courage? What's important is what kind of benefits will be achieved? "

"Do you think it's going to be the American side?" Ding Yu picked up the coffee, just smelled it, did not want to try, sitting opposite Ding Yu is silent for a long time.

"I don't think it's the big consortia who started it. After all, it's just stopped. It seems that even Mr. provocation doesn't need to use such a way and method. Some gains outweigh the losses, on the contrary, they will make people laugh! Of course, if it's the military or the intelligence department, it's another matter! "

"The U.S. government departments to do it, it would be too childish!" Ding Yu is also smiling! "However, it is not ruled out that they do it, because they can feel their style more or less, but what about this? I feel another problem! Who is better off in the end? "

"I don't seem to find it!"

"No, there are still some people who have made profits in the end, but it is not revealed at this time." Ding Yu also smiles, "I have a certain judgment on this matter, but what about this judgment? Not accurate, just a feeling, but do things? Can't rely on feeling

Kim is frowning. What about the whole process? I have witnessed it with my own eyes, but the problem is that I really don't see who is making profits? Is it sir? But then king denied the idea and opinion.

If it's really a gentleman, he might not have said so before! However, I understand one thing. This matter may not have much to do with the families, but it definitely has something to do with the government departments of the United States. But Mr. Kan means that you are not allowed to follow this aspect.

What is the reason? Is that what Kim is thinking about at this time?

But when he was waiting for the plane to land, Jin didn't understand it. So when he got off the plane, his mood was obviously not as high as he thought, and his head was also drooping. Everyone had such a bad posture!

The main reason for Ding Yu's return home this time is to spend the Spring Festival at home for the sake of his sister's marriage. It's almost like this. What's the time of this year? Basically, I'm busy abroad, I don't have much free time!

Back in the courtyard, did not see Anjie, but Chen Feng is a good replacement for his position, all aspects of the work is relatively in place! It's obvious that at the beginning, Jack's eyes were still very good! Chen Feng is now able to adapt to the current position.

However, it is precisely because of some understanding that Chen Feng has a little constraint after seeing Ding Yu, but he is also more firm in his heart, because his predecessor is his own example. If he can do the job well in front of him, what about his future? It's really quite ambitious.But standing in this position, it is absolutely not out of thin air to say two words can give their own feeling, even during school? I have not suffered so much, nor have I paid so much attention to it. I even have some doubts. How did my former housekeeper, Anjian, get over it?

Because there are so many things to learn, I used to work as a secretary, but I didn't think of it at all. It's true that I still have the name of secretary, but what's the job? Basically no difference with housekeeper!

But when Jin came in, he took a look at Chen Feng, who was standing at the door. He also moved his head askew, "are you Chen Feng? To take over the job of Anjie in the future After seeing Chen Feng nodding, Jin also nodded, "Hello, I'm Jin, Kyle, Jin! If there is anything in the future, please give me more advice. "

What is more instruction! This show clearly is to let himself eat shriveled, and although his appearance is not vicious, but it seems that when he looks at himself, there is not too much good face. Chen Feng also bit his teeth and gently smiles, and then he also places his attention on Ding Yu's body.

Jin is also boring, which also makes him feel particularly depressed. Originally, he wanted to be amused with Chen Feng, but when he thought of coming up, he was shut up, which made Jin feel a little depressed. Fortunately, Jin's heart was very good, and soon he adjusted.

"Are ding ding ding and Cao Zhen back?"

"Not yet. I've been busy with other things these two days, but I called earlier. I asked you to wait for them and go back together! There are also home there are already prepared is very complete! I have also made proper arrangements for the old man and the old woman

Ding Yu nodded, and Chen Feng left for the first time. However, he turned back and pushed the dining car. Besides coffee, there were some cakes on it! After pouring coffee for Ding Yu and Jin, Chen Feng left again. From this point of view, she is more aware of current affairs!

"It seems that Ann is quite attentive to her!" Jin also said with emotion, because the taste of coffee is really good, but Ding Yu took a look at Jin, there were some differences, and Jin stood up on his shoulder for a moment, "OK! I admit, the Korean incident still bothers me

Ding Yu knocked his head with his hand, "you! Some of them have gone to the dead end! What about this? The U.S. government departments are definitely involved in it, but if you follow this vein, you will not be able to go. This is a certain thing! "

Yeah? Jin narrowed his eyes, and coffee had reached his mouth, but he didn't mean to try it. The whole person suddenly turned into a sculpture.

"Those grandsons in the United States must have prepared a way out for themselves. They can be used by the United States and are more hostile to South Korea. At the same time? Among them, there are many forces that can make profits again In a trance, Kim seemed to understand what, "Sir, there are other forces involved?"

Ding Yu also smiles, "the question now depends on whether Samsung's Li family is so smart as they imagine. It's no good for us to stand up too early, and it also has no significance and value. Since some people are willing to stand up, let them file guns in front of them."

What about the so-called stop gun? Is that Samsung? Jin can still understand this! And what about the whole thing? Kim seems to be in charge now!

"If this is really the case, then should we make preparations for this aspect earlier, that group of dwarfs? It may be more difficult than the South Korean side, at least my impression of them is not as good as I thought Kim also said it bluntly.

"So quickly Ding Yu is not very surprised at this point, because he has given enough hints, "but is this group of so-called dwarfs, about this problem? Now there is really a lack of strong evidence and proof, and I have no guarantee for this! What's more, this is what we do? It's really quite ingenious. So far, Samsung has not noticed anything! "

"But logically? It really works, but if it does, it will be interesting. What kind of attention do these guys pay when they get involved with the U.S. government departments? They feel that there is something wrong with themselves, so they let the dogs out of captivity? "

"It's a little biased!" Although the words are like this, there is not much respect between Ding Yu's words. It is obvious that Ding Yu does not have too much favor for those dwarfs. "If this is really the case, it will be very interesting! There is nothing wrong with that , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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