When he was found, Ding Yu was chatting with Huang Kun. He was just two of them. What about the place to choose? It's not as high-level as you can imagine. No one wants to care about it. Ding Yu doesn't have too much nitpicking and fastidious about this aspect. What about Huang Kun? For the so-called high-level places, it is not as cold as imagined.

Both of them have experienced too much, so what about life? Also have a certain understanding, as long as it is in line with their own mind, there is no need to deliberately pursue what!

When he was surrounded by several people, Ding Yu was slightly surprised. Previously, he thought that the visitor was looking for Huang Kun. He also felt strange in his heart. What about Huang Kun? All of them have already exited the world. Now only one name is left. There should not be too many people looking for his head at this time, right?

What's more, even if you come to the door, you don't need so many people, right? So Ding Yu felt a little strange.

However, when people gathered around Ding Yu, Ding Yu blinked his eyes, and then waved to Huang Kun, who was sitting next to him. Someone even came to find him. This is a very interesting thing! I'm here as if I'm not familiar with the place of life. I don't have a grudge with anyone!

Of course. What about the bodyguards in the dark? After getting Ding Yu's hint? Huang Kun narrowed his eyes a little, but he saw the shaking of the figures. He didn't mean that the older he was, the less daring he was. What he paid attention to was seeing, listening and hearing.

"You are Ding Yu and Ding Ding Ding is your sister?"

What about Ding Yu? With his hands in his hands and nodding slightly, this matter does not need to be denied too much. What about Huang Kun? I was sitting on the side of the table and watching with a cold eye. When I had dinner with Ding Yu last night, I seemed to feel some problems and situations. Looking at this posture, I came here on purpose!

"Not everyone in the Cao family can climb high. How about getting married? It doesn't mean everything! "

Having said that, he also made a big stab in the chair next to him. What about Huang Kun on one side? That is to say, he took a look at the corner of his eye. He didn't pay any attention to it. Obviously, he didn't put Huang Kun in his eyes! What about Huang Kun? There are also some twitches in the corners of the mouth.

I don't mix in the river and lake, but it seems that not many people dare to ignore themselves like this! There is a sentence how to say, the dog's eyes look at people low, the people in front of you! That's it! If placed in the past, the direct two slaps on the ground, now the age, this angry? It's also suffering!

"Does marriage represent everything? Is this a thing? I don't think so. How about you? I don't seem to say it. This is protected by law! I believe a lot of people understand that. " After saying two sentences slowly, Ding Yu is also plain looking at the person sitting beside him, "I'm Ding Yu, don't you know your honor?"

"Who am I? It's nothing to do with you. Come here? Just to tell you something. Where did it come from? Go back where you are! This is not a place for you to stay. Am I clear about this? " What the visitor said is very straightforward, of course, the words are also very contemptuous.

Ding Yu nodded, "what you said is really straightforward enough!" Then Ding Yu also looked at Huang Kun, who was sitting opposite him. "Lao Huang, when did you have such a particular attitude here? Is this guy sitting here insane, or is there something wrong with my head? What's more! Did I see you in the morning

Hearing Ding Yu's words, Huang Kun also smiles, "Yu Shao, I'll deal with it! This is really a shame. If other people know about it, I've been fooling around for so many years! Do you have to give me a chance to perform? "

When he finished speaking, he also waved his hand. Soon, someone came over from afar. Without saying a word, he picked up the guy sitting next to Ding Yu, and then directly laid him on the ground. He did what he said. He threw this guy out directly and called the one who was looked at by the people beside him.

Say throw out really throw out, without any hesitation! And what about the people who came along? Looking at the two hands, and then looking at Ding Yu and Huang Kun sitting there, there are some hesitations, why? It may not be too much of a problem to let them talk, but if they do, they really don't have the courage.

What about the one who was thrown out? There are so many confused, what with what ah! You seem to have come here to threaten Ding Yu? Even their own conditions are not open, and then directly was thrown out, at least they are also considered to have the status of the people? Is it like throwing a dog away?

"How could there be such a man? Do you really doubt if there is water in this head? " Huang Kun also has some sarcastic remarks, even the pig's head should be able to see clearly!

Since Cao Baoguo has chosen to let his son marry Ding Ding, it means that he agrees. The father has already agreed, but your so-called foreign relatives are in the opposite direction. How should Cao Baoguo's face be placed?What's more, Cao Baoguo is really stupid to be able to sneak around in this position today? I really can't see anything clearly. He is no more powerful than you conceited guys. Even he didn't mention anything. What did he say? Don't these guys even have to think about it?

From another point of view? What about Cao Baoguo's relatives? Some of them are out of line! How about these years? Food can be said to be full of fat, there are really so some too unscrupulous, such relatives? If you don't clean up properly, then waiting for the end of Cao Baoguo will never be too good!

Of course, this is not the reason to do it yourself, relatively speaking? Naturally, the relationship between Cao Baoguo and Ding Yu is closer than his own, because what about Ding Yu's sister? It's Cao Baoguo's daughter-in-law.

But this can not absolutely explain the problem, he threw people out, Ding Yu did not say anything, from this? It can also reflect certain problems. Ding Yu may not have too many ideas about Cao Baoguo, but what about Cao family? There are definitely opinions in this heart.

What about Huang Kun? It's also pushing the boat along the river. What's more, he doesn't have any dependence at all. His son-in-law seems not to have been given in vain. Although he said that there was not much contact between them, it was just for outsiders to see. Otherwise, why did the younger sister follow her when she was young? Not for no reason!

"Shame! How did Cao Baoguo educate himself

Ding Yu is also smiling. What about some things? There are really not too many reasons, you can not ask all people are the same excellent, there are always good and bad intermingled, this is an inevitable thing, nine dragon son each has his own good! That's why.

"I don't want to make a lot of noise. What about Cao Baoguo? How much still has that kind of influence! " What about Ding Yu? It is also a feeling that there are so some helpless, if you really let Ding Yu do it, this thing spread out, it is good to say but not to listen to! So we can only let Huang Kun do it for you.

What I didn't expect is, what about the people who were thrown out before? Unexpectedly, he turned back again, and there seemed to be a lot of people behind him. Ding Yu also knocked his head with his hand, and his expression showed a little bit of impatience. Huang Kun also began to laugh, and his smile was somewhat sinister.

It's really too old to bear the burden of living!

Ding Yu pressed his hand, "it's the two of them!" What about the one who was thrown out earlier? After coming in, they also put the target on Ding Yu and Huang Kun's body, but were the police following behind? After seeing Ding Yu and Huang Kun, they were also stunned for a moment. They didn't have much fear. They even sat there, very insipid.

"Hello The police in charge of the team is not the so-called lengtouqing. Standing in front of Ding Yu and Huang Kun, he saluted, "we have received the police, so we need two people to assist in the investigation!"

Ding Yu looked at Huang Kun, "have you ever been to the police station? I did, but it's not here. At that time, the scene was quite sensational, and the consequences seemed to be quite tragic! "

What about Ding Yu? Huang Kun was really convinced, so he also responded with a smile, "for an old loach like me, it's a common thing to get into the Bureau. It's just that these years I've cultivated myself. At that time, there were people squatting at the door of the house. At that time, I thought it was very dignified. Now, it's humiliating."

What about the police standing there? The corners of the mouth are also slightly twitching. What about the young people's words? There seems to be some arrogance, but what about this old guy? It's definitely a veteran! Moreover, some people are crouching in person. This is absolutely not an ordinary person. It seems that he has encountered a hard stubble.

"Speaking of this, I remember some things. How are thunder and he Li, who arrested me in those years, now? I met them when I was in England. They went there for training. Later, I met them in the capital city. However, they didn't have much contact. You are a local villain. You should know some news. "

"I don't know much about Lei Ming, but her father is now in the Ministry. At the beginning, she was the director of public security who was also a senior political and legal officer. Now he has been promoted. I heard that the momentum is very strong. He Li seems to be back. I saw him earlier, and this boy is not simple!"

What about the police standing there? The heart inside also can't help beating a few times, thunder is who person? I'm not sure, but what kind of person is he? I really know too well, but the problem is to find the people who come from themselves? It's the Cao family! Cao Shu was in charge of it in person, but it was really troublesome.

Gods fight! What about things like this? If it's not handled well, it's definitely not good to wait for the result, because what about the people who suffer in the end? It must be mortal! And who are the so-called mortals? Does this need to be explained deliberately? It must be myself! Finally, I really want to explain!

"Hello, we have received the police and need to investigate the relevant situation!" What about this time? This also does not say let two people to assist in the investigation of the matter, now directly face-to-face to solve the problem and the situation, if really get back, please God easy send God difficult!Huang Kun also smiles, "I let people throw him out." Huang Kun also said without any care, "according to the state's public security treatment law, I was detained for 15 days, with a fine of 1000 yuan!" What about things like this? Huang Kun is also very clear. "Of course, if the circumstances are minor, they can be exempted from detention and punishment!"

"Why don't you let him have an examination?" Ding Yu also has some joking remarks. "This police comrade, we are here, and we won't go anywhere else. If he doesn't accept the adjustment, then let him have an examination. At most, it's a lifetime. It's no big deal!"

While speaking, Huang Kun also called on the previous two people, "go to state the case on your own initiative, and then take this gentleman to have an examination. What about all the expenses? We have it all. If you want, you can stay in the hospital for a lifetime. It's no big deal. "

The threat of this remark is really very strong. When the police saw this situation, they turned to the police officer and said, "chief Cao, what do you think? Is it to accept mediation, or to say? "

The meaning of the little police is very simple. I can't handle this matter. What about the posture of others? It is to frighten oneself to, oneself cannot afford to play, if you have this ability, then you come to deal with, if say do not have this ability, so the honest recognition of defeat even!

You are a relative of secretary Cao, but it seems that you need to consider the influence of secretary Cao, isn't it?

But before he could wait for the chief Cao to speak, he also stood up from behind. A man with two stars on his shoulder looked a little impatient after seeing the situation. "Since someone reported the case, take it back first!"

Ding Yu looked at Huang Kun with a smile, "how do you feel that there are so many lengtouqing? Not as good as this police officer? "

"Do it yourself!" Huang Kun also lamented that he did not want Ding Yu to deal with this matter? Why? Because Ding Yu really if the words, then will not leave any affection, this is certain! Considering the relationship between Ding Yu and Cao Baoguo, I really don't want this relationship to be too raw.

If you say you are not here, you will not pay attention to such a situation. But if you are here, you can't make this matter continue to be bad. But the question is, what about this guy in the Cao family? He even died face to face, and it was still two, two, three, four, one more time, but he didn't know what to say for a while.

After hesitating for a while, Huang Kun also coughed, "boy, what about here? There's nothing wrong with you. Go to the shop next to you and have a seat. Someone will bring you tea and snacks! " Huang Kun said to the former police officer, "the things in this are not things you can get involved in. No one will blame you."

"Sorry, I have to write a report!" Then he made a salute, and then left. Ding Yu looked at the police officer who left, and nodded. Although he said that the position was not high, he handled things in a proper way. He could really make people look at him. Then he also put his eyes on the body of the two bars.

"Say a more arrogant words, pick your skin? It may be a taboo, but it will never be too difficult! " Huang Kun had the leisure to pour a cup of tea for Ding Yu, and then it was his turn to say, "I don't want to deal with you. Getting older is one aspect. The important thing is too much trouble."

The person who stood out was also very angry. He even stretched out his finger and nodded to Huang Kun, "OK! I'd like to see, to see, who is such a big voice! "

At this time, Ding Yu also knocked on the table with his hand, turned to the one who had been thrown out earlier, and said slowly, "what's the matter? It's really embarrassing! Are you sure it's the same idea as before? I don't mind letting you know the power of it if I still think like this

"Boy, if you think you know a few people, you can really be unscrupulous?"

"Less feathers!" At this time, someone came in, and then stood beside Ding Yu. Looking at the visitor, Huang Kun also nodded. Ding Yu looked at the visitor and said, "the news is very fast! How do you know I'm here? "

Then Ding Yu seemed to think of something. He took a look at Huang Kun, who was sitting on his side opposite him. Huang Kun shook his head and explained, "what about cats and mice? It can never be said that it is a family. Although sometimes it is necessary to unite to deal with dogs, their positions are different, so they are opposite to each other

"When did you come back? Is it not good enough to be in the capital? "

He Li looks at Ding Yu. He meets Ding Yu many times. What about Ding Yu? How many have so some of their own understanding, they are very clear behind the hiding is how big power, his courtyard alone is not everyone can own.

What about the original time? I really don't know the news in this respect, but yesterday, someone saw Huang Kun meet a special person, so he deliberately mentioned a sentence, what force? Also pay attention.He didn't really want to fight to see the person should be Ding Yu, but it seems that there are so many late, Ding Yu seems to have been so angry, this is not a good thing!

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