When I get up in the morning, I see my father. The two little guys are a little excited. How about this time in Hong Kong City? Although the conditions are much worse than before, the problem is that they are very happy!

I knew earlier that I would leave today, but I won't have too much burden and remembrance. I wish I could come back again!

After having morning tea in the morning, Ding Yu refused the service provided by Peninsula Hotel. Ding Yu took two little guys to make the train and left. What about the environment on the train? OK! This is the only way to say it.

Back home again, Ding Yu also took time to go back to have a look. What about what he had promised? Can't get rid of it! The two little guys don't have much feeling. It's a bit far away for them to treat patients and save people. What about life? Can not be said to be a habit, anyway, these two days feel so much suffering!

For the two little guys, what about leaving Li Dazhong? The nightmare may be just the beginning. Ding Yu did not continue to drive the car, but changed to a bus. For the two little guys, they really did not experience such a scene! I didn't even think that this would happen next!

There are so many people who are not used to it! Sealed environment, and what about the air in the car? Basically, they are not in circulation. What about seats? It's also extremely uncomfortable. What about taking the train? I feel that it can be worse. At least there is still some space for activities, but there is limited space for taking buses and even activities.

Even if the time is not very long, the little girl has been lying in her father's arms. She is more comfortable in her father's arms. If she continues to stay in her position, she can't bear it and will collapse completely!

But Ding Yu pinched the hands of the two little guys for a period of time, and then let the two little guys learn to adjust their breathing, calm and cool. What about adults? The mind may be so complicated that it's hard to achieve this effect, but what about children? Their minds may be purer.

Under Ding Yu's explanation, what about the two little guys? It can be adjusted quickly. Although I still feel that it's not so good, the two kids can still stick to it. It's about four hours' drive. When I get off the bus, the two kids feel that this journey is even more tired than their previous day.

Then the three people also found a comfortable hotel, and rushed to take a bath and rest. Ding Yu may not have anything, but what about the two little guys? The reaction is a little bit big, but after taking a bath? The spirit of the two little guys also recovered a little bit!

But want to go out and play? It is basically impossible, because Ding Yu pressed them in the middle of the room, so that they are familiar with the previous breath adjustment, which is a consolidation process!

Good performance, there are rewards, as for not achieving the desired effect, ha ha! Ding Yu didn't say anything. He just laughed at the two little guys. Fortunately, the two little guys were good at their father's disposition? I'm quite familiar with it at this time? It's not going to come to any good end.

In the evening, Ding Yu also took two little guys to go out. The whole day was a little boring. Therefore, for the two little guys, the fun at night was just like a treasure, surrounded by his father. He was so excited!

What's more, what about the money saved in these two days? It's not too little. There's food in my hand. I don't panic in my heart!

But let the two of them look for food, which is a little more difficult, and what about such a thing? I really need to give it to my father, because he is in this aspect? Absolute expert! At least in the eyes of both of them, that's it! My father can do anything.

Even at daddy's? Can also hear all kinds of allusions, while eating, listening to allusions, such things? It can't be better!

"The Niuba and wonton are good here, and there are some other snacks. You can decide what to eat!" Ding Yu also briefly introduced the relevant situation, delicious or not delicious? I have already mentioned that you should make this decision. Don't blame yourself.

But when the two little guys ate the bullock, they looked at the sign outside, and then they also pointed, "Dad, it's like killing a dog there! What a pity

Ding Yu also took a look at the situation, and then helped the eyes in his hand with his hand, "the folk customs here, how about in a few months? It's the traditional dog meat Festival here, but what about it? When it comes to the situation, there may be so many. Are you sure you can still eat? "

Before that? Ding Yu was also the first to give the two little guys a preventive injection. Seeing the two little guys nodding, Ding Yu said, "from the whole world, do you want to eat dogs or not? It is basically formed by the environment and conditions slowly! But here? I need to stress one point, all over the world, is it forbidden to eat dog meat? Only the port city we just visited! What about America? There are laws and regulations prohibiting slaughter and trafficking, but not eating! "Yeah? The spirit of the two little guys came all of a sudden. They just went to the port city. What about the people sitting next to them? Seems to be interested, and even erect their own ears.

"It seems that I haven't seen it before!" The little girl also does not live to nod.

What about dog meat? Is it a barbaric act? Is that a question? From my point of view, it is the cultural differences, not the advantages and disadvantages of culture! For example, Americans eat beef, but in India? Cattle are sacred. What's more, they don't eat pork. Of course, for them? Pigs are not sacred, but because they are lazy, greedy, stupid and so on

Where are the two little guys? Blinking your eyes, what about beef? They really often eat pork, but they eat a little less. But they really heard that there are people who regard cattle as gods and people who don't eat pork. It's really strange!

"Aren't they greedy?"

What happened after that? Ding Yu also felt that he was overjoyed. "This is not a matter of greedy or greedy. What you said makes people sound a little bit ignorant and ignorant, which shows that your understanding of the whole world is still not enough. This is also the reason why I took you out."

"Dad, are there any people in the world who don't eat dog meat? What's more, dogs are so cute. Why eat dog meat

"There are many people in the world who don't eat dog meat. Specifically speaking, Western Europe, the United States, and even the fishing and animal husbandry people in our country, basically don't eat dog meat. There are two reasons for this. One is? It is because they regard enough as a member of the family, is a part of the family, just like our family's little lazy! It's an emotional partner. "

"I know, I know, grandma said, all the lazy people in the family should put you in a higher position! At least say hello, Xiao lazy still heard about it, but you don't hear much about Dad! "

Ding Yu also scratched his head. When he sent his father and mother to the airport to leave, his mother said that she was mainly against taking two little guys out with him, so he had such a little temper. He didn't think that since the two little guys remembered so clearly, they were really hard for them.

"Because I'm a member of my family, I feel very special. This is one of the reasons why I don't eat dogs. What about the next reason? The two have something in common, that is, they regard dogs as important partners! They are indispensable assistants in life, so they don't eat dogs

The two little guys nodded their heads, but what about the people at the table next to them? This time is also watching Ding Yu, such a thing? I really didn't hear about it. Today I really have some eye opening meanings!

"I feel so sorry for those dogs!"

"You are still children, so your feelings may be a little bit unacceptable! What about our whole country? Dog meat is not a common meat, like pigs, cattle and sheep? There is a considerable gap, which also leads to no industrial breeding, production and slaughtering. Most of them are only from captive dogs! What about the dogs in captivity? There may be so many problems

In order not to affect the appetite of the two little guys, Ding Yu really did not explain too much, but the nerves of the two little guys were really beyond imagination. Looking at the appearance of the two little guys, Ding Yu seemed to understand what, tutor? We must have paid attention to this aspect of education.

But even so? The two little guys also had a shiver. What kind of problems would appear in the so-called stocking? They seemed to have some deep impression, just like the lazy people at home. They would often get vaccinated. What about them? They will also be vaccinated, because it is necessary for growth.

"Dad, do you mean there will be many people eating dogs in the future?"

"Look at the market demand! If the market demand is relatively large, then there will be industrialization, and everything will be closer to the standard, but in private, the possibility is not as big as imagined! For two reasons, you may not have heard the saying that dog meat can't go to the table. "

"I've heard of it, grandma!" After that, he also covered his mouth.

Ding Yu also smiles, "what about this? There are quite some misunderstandings. A long time ago, dog meat was able to be served on the table, and it was also a necessary product for sacrificing ancestors. However, in the Wei, Jin, and southern and Northern Dynasties, the status of dogs dropped to a thousand feet. What about this? Another reason is the spread of Buddhism. In addition, the nomadic people from the North entered the Central Plains later! So what about dog dishes? It was also slowly removed from the main table. "

"And then?" Two little guys are also interested in this time! He dragged his father and asked him not to listen.

"Then there are two more periods? Is it the result of eating dogs? If it has been greatly reduced, first of all, there is an emperor of the Song Dynasty, song Huizong Zhao Ji. His real name is dog, so he is quite disgusted with eating dogs! Emperor? There was still such a privilege, so dog killing basically disappeared at that time! ""It's like my aunt never eats fennel, does she?"

"Almost. Anyway, you can't see such things on their dining table. Of course, your aunt is too far away from the emperor. Your aunt can only affect several families. What about being emperor? More people were influenced, and at that time there was a fear of imperial power, so people basically eliminated eating dogs.

What happened later? Another emperor appeared, namely the Qing Dynasty emperor Nurhachi. It is said that when he died? He was saved by a yellow dog, so it is also the reason for the rigorous killing of dogs and the historical conditions. "

Speaking of this, Ding Yu also took the mineral water in his hand and took a small drink, "but now? After people's contact with the world is more, the mind is also becoming a little different, perhaps not so much consideration, so this dog eating atmosphere is also slowly warming up

"So there must be a reason for that."

"Don't even think about it. If it's a meat dog, it tastes OK. But it's very rare now. It's more common on the market now? Basically, there are some pet dogs and stray dogs, which is why some people began to resist gradually! If you are not afraid to be killed by your grandmother, you can go to your mother and try it. There are more of them there

What about two little guys? This is really a test, because his father's words? It's so tempting! But think about the same little lazy at home? I feel that there are some reluctant to give up, so now the extreme contradiction, even for the things on the table, there is no too much interest.

However, the person who had been sitting at the side table sighed after hearing Ding Yu's speech, "brother, it's fierce! In the past, I felt that the taste of the dog meat was wrong, and there seemed to be some opposition in the past two years, but I never knew that there were many ways and origins in this

Ding Yu looked at the people at the table next to him and the cigarettes he handed over. He also pointed to the two little guys. Then the people pinched all the cigarettes at the first time. This is a matter of quality. Previously, some of them were so involved that they couldn't help themselves. Now the father of others has done it. If he doesn't wake up, he can't help it Point, that's really the problem of being a person.

"Just hearsay!" Then Ding Yu said in a low voice, "there is no way! It's not easy to fool children nowadays! Otherwise, it's really easy to roll over! Tired

A little ridicule, but also make people beside a burst of laughter, but two little guys? It seems to be very clever. Although the questions asked in the process of listening to their father's account are so funny, they are also in line with their age!

"It doesn't sound like a native, but a tourist?"

"It's good for their life and growth to take two little guys out to see the world and let them understand the hardships of life and experience more hardships."

When Ding Yu is talking, what about the two little guys? It's also talking about something in a low voice, but it doesn't mean to waste food. Moreover, it's not fast to eat, but it's very clean. At this point, we can see that the girls at the next table have some exclamations. The children's literacy is very good.

Previously, I listened to my father's explanation. Now when my father talks to others, the two little guys don't mean to make a noise or disturb them. I think they are very happy to say this! What a child of someone else's family! Why are their children so different?

Should really bring their own children out, at least let the children at home have a look, two little guys are not old, why so obedient? And it's made of carved jade. It's very cute!

After eating the Niuba, the two little guys are also very polite to say goodbye to everyone, and then jump to follow their father's position, to eat wonton, Niuba? It's just an appetizer. What about the taste? I like it, but the problem is that I have a little bit of trouble because I chew my head.

Earlier, Ding Yu told the two little guys something about dogs. The two little guys didn't ask more questions because someone had been there before. Now they are all alone, so the two little guys are also around their father's side, and they immediately turn around and become 100000 reasons.

Fortunately, Ding Yu has collected a lot of information, so he can basically say that he is ugly. Otherwise, there are some people who need to be caught blind! The father is really not so good when there are so many!

The previous words are really not in vain, nor are they boasting. The fact is that it has given them a very good education? There will be such a consequence. Ding Yu now really has the feeling of lifting a stone to hit his own feet. Once something goes wrong, it is really not as simple as humiliating.

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