When she got the phone number, Ding Yu didn't know what to say. She was so enthusiastic and not used to it! But it's nice to think about it!

But what about now? Maybe it's really a little bit early, and two little guys? For the dog seems to have a considerable interest, Ding Yu is asked about the situation! It's already been injected. This may be the best!

It's not a waste of money. It's mainly because there are some troubles. When Ding Yu is going to leave? Wu Xiaogang also deliberately put the dog into the box, but when loading, it was a little bit hard? Why? The dog is a little bit uncooperative, but there are still some businesses for Ding Yu and the two little guys.

I wanted to go around, but now? I'm afraid there is no such time. I rushed back to the hotel at the first time, but what about the previous time? Ding Yu also said hello to the steward. After all, how about taking care of the dog? It's different from the carers! Although the Mongolian mastiff has so many thick skin, but it really needs to be handled carefully.

In fact, this is not the best companion dog, at least for the two little guys, but since the two of them like it, letting them play for a while can't say that there are too many disadvantages!

What about this? Ding Yu really needs to let the baby sitter to deal with the relevant problems. Although he has raised a little lazy for a while, it's OK to play with him for a while, but let himself take care of them. Let's forget it! Unless the vitality is too strong, otherwise, it is hard to say what the consequences will be.

For the two kids, what about this process? It is true that there are so many tired, not as simple as imagination, because need to pay attention to all the time. The performance of the dog is very honest, but that is to two little guys more love, as for Ding Yu? From time to time will still lift their own claws, although only a few tentative.

But that's all. Although the dog is not so big, he can still see a little bit of dexterity in his eyes. However, Ding Yu looked at the little dog that was held out and said, "what about this? It's not the best companion dog. It's OK to watch the house and protect the yard. Basically, it's such a function. You two want to raise it, but it's a very tiring thing. And I need to explain in advance that since you choose to raise it, you can't discard it at will! This is the most basic requirement! "

Looking at the two little guys nodding, Ding Yu is also smiling, and did not continue to say anything, he has already explained the situation in advance, when the two of them want to be lazy, then don't blame yourself, don't be polite!

Although it's a dog, the cleaning process is also quite troublesome. Then Ding Yu also let the two little guys take a bath. After such a long time of mischief, and contaminated with so many things, it still needs to be hygienic! What's more, wait for a while? We need to take them out!

What about Wu Xiaogang? He also received a special guest. Lin Lin asked for a lot of different kinds of bullocks. Seeing that Wu Xiaogang and his daughter-in-law also felt that there were some differences. Could this guest have any problems? Where do people buy these things? It's all about bags or cans, but what about this one? It's straight from the box, and it's a kind of ten.

Because what about the store? There is really no credit card facilities, so this is also the first time to send money, Wu Xiaogang also touched his face, God of wealth in the sky? This time, the volume of goods is a little bit too large. Who will pay? It's also absolutely enjoyable.

Even the first time? Also let the logistics to send things away, there is no way to call express, because there are so many things, "Mr. Wu? I heard that your craft is very famous! "

"Sorry, shopping is OK, but the craftsmanship is ancestral..."

"We don't mean this. This is only the first purchase, but I hope this will be the beginning of cooperation. What about the money? It can be discussed, but we hope that the quality of things is unique. This depends on whether our cooperation will continue. I believe that the consequences of cooperation will definitely satisfy you. "

Yeah? Wu Xiaogang also has some doubts, but what about the box at the counter? That pile of banknotes but placed there, are real, just now you can check with the cash counter.

I feel that there are so many clouds and mountains in the fog. I can't feel my head. What's with it! But after thinking about it, Wu Xiaogang also said tentatively, "what about this thing? If the quality is average, the retail price of a catty is between 200 and 300. If the quality is good, it will cost about 400 to 500. If it is particularly excellent, it may reach about 800. Because there are so many different parts to take meat, so the price is also different! "

The middle-aged man sitting there nodded, "then I'll give me a top-grade material. Don't worry. I'll stay here. If the situation is special, we'll provide beef specially. You can make it!"As long as there is a deposit, then it is easy to say that others just like their own craft, and there is no other requirement for their own craftsmanship? Wu Xiaogang is still quite sure, not to mention his father is still there? If you really don't feel right, let your father come forward, there will be no problem at that time.

Simply signing a contract, in fact, does not have any legal benefits, but the problem is to let each other have some reassurance, it is also to buy an insurance for themselves. For Ding Yu, the taste of Niuba is still OK. Take it back and let it taste at home. If you can, you can use it from Wu Xiaogang's house. It's not a big problem.

As for whether Wu Xiaogang can understand this problem? You don't need so much care!

And what about Ding Yu and the other two kids after they've cleaned up the puppies? I went out with two little guys. What about the dog? There is no need to carry it. Its situation is not as good as expected. It needs to be adjusted for a period of time before it can be reflected!

But what about the two little guys who left? He also wagged his tail, but when Ding Yu looked over, he didn't know whether it was intentional or unintentional. He turned his head directly, and then he was lying there. His naive appearance was really quite impolite.

When I came downstairs, the car was already ready, even the navigation? It's all set. The two kids are curious about how this car came from? If there were such cars in the past, then they would not have to work so hard to build buses. What do you think now? What a sad memory!

So after getting on the bus, what about the eyes of the two little guys looking at their father? It seems that there are some grudges, but the problem is that Ding Yu doesn't pay any attention to it. He has to let the two of them experience life. Otherwise, what will he do with them? What's the look in your eyes?

After seeing that his father didn't make any representations, the two little guys also sat in their own positions, and soon Ding Yu drove to the traditional Chinese medicine market. The closer it was? Ding Yu also felt that the more strong the flavor, it was two little guys for such a taste? There seems to be something unpleasant about it.

It's mainly because the two kids are too young. What about the smell? Especially sensitive, so the first time is to own a small mask to take! What about things like that? They are always available. What about this? Ding Yu is still quite attentive, not really "afraid of death.".

Find a good place to park, Ding Yu also took two little guys to get out of the car. In fact, what about the smell of medicine? It's not as heavy as you think. What about the psychological effect of two little guys? It may be more intense. Of course, what about such places? But they are not happy, if it is a playground, it is another thing.

But after going in, the two little guys seem to take off their masks for the first time? Why do you say that? Because what about the eye? Not exactly the so-called drugs, things are really a variety of things, see two little guys seem to have so many eyes.

Because a lot of things? In their eyes, it's just the usual snacks! So the two little guys are also looking at their father, is this really the Chinese medicine market? How do you feel that the scene is so inconsistent! The snack market is almost the same!

Ding Yu also introduced them to the two kids and said, "it's like your grandmother and mother put these things in the stew. They are very nourishing." Then Ding Yu explained these things with two little guys, such as red dates, black dates, Auricularia, astragalus, dangshen, etc! There are a lot of species.

The two little guys also have some interests. They buy some food when they can't bear it. Because they look at them, they are so attractive. They usually read them, but they don't see them so full. So they feel that they are not able to bear them.

Good thing about your little wallet? Can also bear such consumption!

Ding Yu with two little guys? While walking, what about Ding Yu's traditional Chinese medicine and Chinese medicine? I also have my own understanding. After all, I am a doctor, but what about the degree at this time? In other words, it can only be said that it is just an introduction. What about this problem? Better not to boast too much!

But what about those here? Most of them are general medicine. What about some rare drugs? It's not that there is no such thing. The price is not unreasonable. But the problem is that there are not too many people to ask for help. However, Ding Yu is interested in this aspect. He just comes to have a look. After all, what about his family? It also has its own small pharmacy.

However, the situation of the small pharmacy at home is so special. Ding Yu wandered around the traditional Chinese medicine market, and soon came to a shop selling flower tea. What about the logo? It seems that it is the family Wu Xiaogang talked about. Since it has arrived at the door? Well, I'd better go in and have a look and drop in.

But the shop owner looked at the big and small ones coming in? I feel so surprised. What about myself? Most of them are acquaintances or young girls. There are too few young people like Ding Yu, let alone two children."Hello, I'm a friend of Wu Xiaogang. I heard that you are familiar with the situation here, so come and have a look!"

Ah? Then the shop owner also laughed, "no wonder! come in , please! Just now my brother-in-law called me back! " Obviously, what about his brother-in-law's friends? It's also quite polite. Of course, part of the reason is very important? Is it because of business? The total can not be too rigid, since came here, then is own guest.

Where are the two little guys? There seems to be some curiosity about the taste here, and the shop owner also brought a cup of tea for Ding Yu. It seems that some of the two little guys are not suitable for tea. However, the store owner seems to think of something and then brings some special things to the two little guys.

Ding Yu looked at the things in the two small tea bowls. He was stunned. Then he said with a smile, "thank you, auntie. What about this thing? It's really rare to see in other places. It belongs to intangible cultural heritage. I heard of it by chance when I was there. You two are blessed

"Do you know tea brewing, sir?"

"Yes, but I'm afraid there are very few places out there. It's quite a local feature." At this time, Ding Yu also made a gesture to the two little guys, who were the first to thank them, and then took them up to try. Then the eyes of the two little guys also lit up.

The taste is clear and sweet. What's more, the visual feeling is very good. What about this tea? It is also carved into two small animals, end is cute, so two little guys drink tea bubble, while looking at the inside of the tea bubble, itchy feeling in the heart!

"Dad, I haven't seen it before!"

"Pure manual production can not be replaced by machinery, and it is time-consuming and laborious. There is no way for large-scale production. What about the development of modern society? So the preparation disappeared in people's eyes. What do you drink? It may have been deliberately made. What about this? It should be prepared for the children. You two are also in the light of others

After that, Ding Yu also took a pocket out of his pocket. It was not a purse, but a pocket. What about the pocket? Also took out two small objects out, "there is no preparation, as a child pressure pressure luck!" Two silver small Ruyi, also inlaid with small pieces of jade, looking at it is very delicate.

This suddenly let the shop owner have some do not know how to deal with themselves, is to drink tea just, immediately placed two silver like small utensils, and look like this? It doesn't seem to be prepared on purpose, but when I'm free, I carry such things with me. What about my brother-in-law? Who is it?

"Sir, I...."

Ding Yu waved his hand, "what about me? I'm a newcomer. I heard that the drug market here is very famous, but what about here? I'm not familiar with the place of life, so come and have a look? I don't know where to start. If it's general medicine, it may not be so troublesome. "

"I see!" Is it a businessman? "Thank you for your blessing!" he said

Ding Yu also smiles and doesn't care too much. This is a normal thing. He knows Wu Xiaogang, but he doesn't know the shopkeeper in front of him. So? We need to pull together the feelings between each other. Why would people help you for no reason? Can't they have no reason? What about two small Ruyi? It's the best start.

Good! There is no false, there is not too much shirking, waiting time? It wasn't very long, so soon a man of more than 50 years came in and saw Ding Yu sitting there. He felt a little surprised. He had been in touch with a lot of drug dealers, but few people were so young.


Ding Yu also stood up and shook hands with each other, "Hello, Ding Yu!"

"Hello, Mr. Ding! welcome! My name is Gong! Just call me the old palace! "

Since all the owners have come, then the shop owner has not continued to accompany. With a confession of guilt, he goes to greet his own business. What about Ding Yu? Also gently sniffed his nose, "brother Gong, this name is really so some personality!" Ding Yu really felt that some of them could not bear it.

And old Gong also did not care to laugh, let a young man call his old palace, he would feel very uncomfortable, but there is no way, this is from his parents! Not on purpose!

"What about general medicine? Not much interest. What about these things? I can basically buy everything from there. What about what I need? It can be a little rare. There is a small pharmacy at home. The time is not very long, but there are still some stocks in it! "

Gong Junchao looks at Ding Yu, and his eyes blink twice. To know that he is also a middleman, what about his words? You can tell. What about this one? What about the other pharmacists? There are so many different, but absolutely can't let him slip away from his own hands!What about the amount of general medicine? Very big, but the profit is too thin, but what about the precious medicine? It's different. What about the profit? Is it true that there are so many people who are beyond imagination and can generally need such drugs? It's basically the same kind of money!

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