Although the two little guys said to follow their father to escape in the dark, but at night? It's true that he didn't use the car as a bedroom. Of course, this is a good choice. But Ding Yu really didn't do it. There is a sentence to say, after all, it's his own!

After escaping, Ding Yu took two little guys and ate some simple things. As for the place to stay at night? It's not very advanced, but it's more comfortable. As for small four eyes? It seems to be smarter than before, but because I peed in the car, I was educated by two kids.

In the morning, Ding Yu didn't go to bed late last night, so he separated two little guys from each other's exercises. What's the location? It is a small forest not far from the hotel, the location is relatively hidden, and the environment is quiet, the two little guys did not show any spirit.

But small four eyes is lying on the top of the stone chair, curious to see, do not know what can see, so come, but it is very honest! Obviously yesterday's education? There are still some effects.

After the exercise, the two little guys wiped the sweat on their forehead, and asked curiously, "Dad, when I watched the phone yesterday, I felt that the martial arts we learned were beaten by others on TV. It's not strong at all. Why should we practice like this?"

"This is a key question. What are you studying now? Basically, they are routines, not involving the so-called playing methods, or even a lot of martial arts? It doesn't involve the so-called playing method. Why? "

The two little guys are also more curious. They look at their father with searching eyes. This question is very strange.

"Did you see the fight on TV? In fact, it should be included in the scope of sports competition, that is to say, it is within the specified scope and rules, and takes certain attacks. What about this way? Basically, there will be no death. Although it is said that it will be injured, the effect will not be too serious! "

"Is it very serious?"

"Well, it's very serious. We don't care about the way and method of playing. We only aim at winning. What about sports competition? It is strictly stipulated that hitting the back of the head, crotch or even the neck is not allowed. Are there still some sports competitions? It's not allowed to take anti joint technique and so on, but what about these? There is no such thing as martial arts. "

"That is to say, on the one hand, it is relatively restrained, on the other hand, there is no so-called restraint."

"A good summary!" Ding Yu also said with admiration, "the so-called competitive sports all have considerable restraint, in some aspects, there are quite restrictions, but how to play? Basically, it's very difficult to be restrained, which is why few people do, especially in modern society. Of course, there are still reasons. "

While talking, Ding Yu also took two little guys to find a place to eat breakfast. The place is not as high-level as imagined, but it is better than clean. What about all the things? They are all placed in full view of the public. This is not so easy, but it also makes more people here!

"In modern society, the decline of cold weapons and the rise of hot weapons have also led to traditional martial arts? There are two reasons for the decline. One is that it costs too much money. It's just like the things you two exercise with. I'm afraid it's hard for ordinary people to bear. What's more? It takes too long, ten years and eight years, and some of them are still on the edge of entry, for various reasons! And that's what's going on. "

When three people talk, small four eyes is also honest and honest lying on their feet, no movement, the performance can be said to be quite honest and obedient! Even though it hasn't had breakfast yet, what about that?

Ding Yu looks at the little four eyes lying there and smiles, which quickly changes the topic. This little thing still needs two little guys to take care of themselves. What about such a thing? He really won't intervene, but what about the little four eyes? It is quite different from other pet dogs, that is, they are not fussy about food.

There is a saying how to say, stupid dog is easy to feed!

After eating breakfast, Ding Yu looked at the two little guys, and then said faintly, "what about these days? You live a more happy life, at least not worry about food and clothing, food and clothing, these two days? I will take you to experience the life of poor children, and I hope I can feel something about you

Looking at his father, his attitude is very serious. The two people also look at each other. What is the so-called poor life like for them? It is true that there is no understanding! What about things like this? For them, it's the same as listening to the book of heaven, at least there is not much difference.

After all, he didn't have too much experience, so he mentioned it to them now, and he didn't know anything about it. And Ding Yu looked at the two little guys and laughed! There was no further mention.

At this time, Taixi's phone call was also called. When Ding Yu received the call, he also took a look at the two little guys. He simply said what had happened before, and then was also complained for a while. However, when the two little guys were talking to their mother, they didn't show any so-called grievances, or even some little excitement.What about Taixi? I'm still worried. After all, it's two children! And it is still such a dangerous situation. Don't ask yourself how you know it. It will never be as easy as Ding Yu ouba said. In his mouth, it seems that there is nothing.

What's more, I feel so hateful. The two children didn't have the feeling of this aspect, and even showed a little excitement, so that they didn't know what to say! Don't they know what fear is? Or is it stupid and bold?

He blamed him for a period of time, but it didn't seem to have much effect. If possible, Taixi would even fly to their side to have a good look at the situation. He also heard that they had adopted a dog, but he didn't know whether it was clean or not. Taixi was still worried about this.

Lingered for about an hour, then reluctantly hung up the phone. Ding Yu also looked at the two little guys and laughed, but in the eyes of the two little guys, this is more like a grim smile, at least it gives them the feeling of this!

But that is to smile, Ding Yu did not do any other action, and immediately also called on the two little guys to get on the car, as for the small four eyes there? Have already eaten, after getting on the car, small four eyes seems to have a little bit of spirit, so how much appears to be so active!

Two little guys are also lying in the window position, occasionally shouting, but with the change of time, what about the smell of the city? It seems to be getting more and more pale, but it shows some native colors. What about the two little guys? Really not very strange!

Why? It's like this in grandma's house, but the question is, what about grandma's home? Although it has some flavor, it seems that the scenery here is not so beautiful? What about the two little guys? I've been living in high-rise buildings all the time. What about this kind of countryside? I really didn't feel too much.

However, when it was almost noon, Ding Yu came to the place. Someone had already inquired about the specific situation in advance, so Ding Yu also drove directly to come. However, during the driving process, the two little guys could still see that many people were looking at them.

Many of them are old people and children, but because there is a window between them, the distance between them seems to be a little bit too far! The two little guys are looking at outsiders, and what about the people outside? They are also looking at the cars driving here, which they have never seen before!

The car stopped at the school, and soon two little guys came down from the car with their little four eyes, "Dad, is this the school?" Looking at the so-called school, the two children feel so incredible. You know, they have not been to the school. Although it is just an experience, the school in the impression is far from the school in front of them.

"Relatively speaking? The area here is relatively poor. What are the causes of poverty? For many reasons, what about the family you live in? It gives you a very good education and environment, but you should also appreciate the other life, whether you are used to it or not, you should know that there is another side to the world. "

Soon, someone came to Ding Yu's front position. When he saw Ding Yu, he was the first to put out his hands. "You, you are Mr. Ding!"

"Hello, President Hua!" Ding Yu also does not have any arrogance and disdain, on the contrary, shows different respect, because in front of this one? He is not as old as himself, but he is already the headmaster here. He has even persisted here for more than five years. This persistence makes Ding Yu feel admirable.

"Children are lovely!" Hua Yun also said with a sigh that when the two little guys looked at themselves with a little dog, their big eyes revealed curiosity and incomprehension, but they didn't have any disdain. Their eyes were very pure. It can be seen from here that the tutoring and literacy are very good.

"Lovely is lovely, but some of them are not very decent. I hope to be here in the time? To make them feel the hardship and difference of life! " Ding Yu really did not show any difference, and soon explained the purpose of his coming here.

Soon, President Hua also took Ding Yu and they came to his office. There are so many too simple in the office, but they are very clean. What about the handmade wooden tables? Also can see the vicissitudes of history, but still stands there.

"Mr. Ding, the conditions here are quite difficult!" What about Hua Yun? I still feel a little puzzled. When I look at the car outside, I already know that it is definitely not the existence that I can provoke. What do such people do here?

At this time, the two little guys have been taken away, so Ding Yu didn't care too much, at least in terms of speaking? It seems a little bit presumptuous, "two little guys are too spoiled at home. If this goes on for a long time, why not eat minced meat?""Business as usual?" Hua Yuan also asked tentatively.

Ding Yu also nodded, "I don't want to have special care. Since other children can do it, why can't they? They also need to be made aware of the special circumstances! "

Hua Yun also slightly nodded his head, giving his own feeling? What about Mr. Ding Yuding? It may be a little more serious, but more reasonable, "Mr. Ding, you come all the way for children. Your children are children, and the children here are also children!"

"I understand!" Ding Yu also understood what the Chinese headmaster meant, but there was not too much ambiguity. He let the two little guys come here to experience life, not let them come here to bully.

Because they came a little bit late, so the children are having lunch. The primary school is a boarding primary school. After all, the conditions here are relatively difficult. Many children's families are quite far away from here, so there is no way to rush home. They can only stay in school when they are in school and only go home when they are on holiday.

Two little guys here? I also feel the lunch here. There are some soybeans in the white rice. That's it. There is nothing else! See two little guys also have some dizziness, because almost everyone is the same, not too much different.

Because they didn't carry anything with them, so the two little guys were forced to eat some food, but they could see that the taste of the food would not be too good after their forced swallowing! Even the feeling? There is a little bit of exaggeration.

That is to say, after just having a meal, the two little guys did not play with their new friends. They found their own father directly. Then they held their father one by one and looked at their father with pathetic eyes. After a meal, they felt the difference here.

"Dad, it's white rice and soybeans!" The two little guys are also very smart. What about the first time? He took out his own money. Ding Yu was tidying up the dormitory at this time. The conditions were not very good. However, Ding Yu had been busy for half a day, and the cleaning was relatively clean.

Ding Yu also smiles, "since you have money, you can go and buy something by yourself."! See what you can get? " Two little guys are also grinning, isn't this a joke? They have been looking for it before, but the problem is that there is really no place to spend money.

Even if the two little guys are holding their own thighs, it doesn't have any effect. "Everything is already here. It doesn't mean you can solve it by holding my thigh!" The expressions of the two little guys were slightly depressed, and then they also took out their own phones, while Ding Yu was smiling.

Don't you think it's too late to call now?

Sure enough, the two little guys don't have any effect on the phone, because there is no signal. What about the cell phone in their hands? It's not a satellite phone. Ding Yu has really taken this into consideration. Now he wants to ask for help. How can it be possible? Now that this time has fallen into the net, don't think about running!

In the afternoon, the two children listen and play together with the children. There is no problem in listening to the class. What about the teaching course? The two kids really didn't take it as a thing, but when they played, they could still feel a little estrangement from each other.

The two little guys look at the children who are not much higher than themselves, and they are so many years older than themselves. How can they look like this? What's more, what about the knowledge of these children? Generally, it's not that high.

What about the food for the evening? Still steamed rice and soybean, no difference, two little guy's face? It's all bitter. No pudding, no milk, no cake, no pastry and so on. Would you like it or not? Just like these things, looking at the children's appearance, and then looking at their own things, the two little guys felt that they could not accept it.

But the problem is that even if you don't want to eat, there is no other food, and if you don't eat, you are really hungry! Don't you see little four eyes? At this time, we didn't pay any attention to it. What we eat can be said to be a package of joy. For it, we can have something to eat.

After eating, although it was dark late, the school side was relatively quiet. The conditions were quite simple. There were no other conditions at all. The two children were not so happy. However, this was the case. At this time, apart from rest, it seemed that they could not think of anything else to do.

"I hear you've been doing it for five years!"

Ding Yu takes a look at Hua Yuan who is patrolling with a flashlight. He also comes to help! Huayuan is also carefully examining the children, the movement is very gentle and attentive. Huayuan also gave a wry smile, "it can't be said that it has lasted for five years. I have gained a lot of things in these five years. What about these? It's something that no one else can feel. "

"If we don't change poverty, we won't get much better in this situation."

Hua Yuan also nodded, "what about poverty? It is the main problem that restricts the future of children. It is not to say that the state has no funds, but the problem is the poverty of families? What about the subsidies? It's basically used for family subsidies! There is no way to do it. After all, this is the condition at home! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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