Ding Yu has no love for his new neighbor. To be sure, he didn't even know that he had come to the new neighbor. When he went upstairs, he found that someone was walking with him. Out of curiosity, Ding Yu also took a look.

But that's all. There's really not much action. But the new neighbor seems to be very curious about Ding Yu. He secretly points to the floor with his finger, and then points to Ding Yu. Obviously, Ding Yu nods slightly. After looking at the costumes of the two people, he also opens his mouth and says, "welcome to London!"

"Wow, what a handsome brother!" What about the appearance? Ding Yu is absolutely a handsome man, and because of the temperament, he appears masculine, which may be the reason why he is not smiling! A little cold and extraordinary impression, so the two female neighbors are obviously also in the heart of a little fluctuation.

Seeing Ding Yu back, sun Yingnan was also the first time to go up, "sir!" As for the attention of the people behind him, sun Yingnan didn't mean to look in his eyes at all. After obtaining the consent of Ding Yu, he was also the first to open the door. This series of actions made the people behind him look a little stunned.

Looking at each other in pairs, some are at a loss, standing in their perspective to understand, as for such arrogance? But if you think about it, I'm afraid it's not rich or expensive to stay here, so what happened before? It may not be hard to understand.

"Sir, I haven't finished the plan yet, but I've listed some items that you need to review!"

Ding Yu took over the document and put it aside. "Pick me up at school tomorrow at noon. I'm going to try my clothes on Saville street." After nothing else, sun Yingnan is ready to leave.

When he got out of the door, listening to the voice coming from the opposite side, sun Yingnan frowned and rang the doorbell. After a while, the door was opened. Sun Yingnan looked at the person standing at the door and said, "Hello, what's the matter?" This English is not standard, very stiff.

"Hello, please keep your voice down when you do something. My master doesn't like to be noisy, please forgive me!"

The man standing at the door looked at Sun Yingnan and didn't know why. There was a sense of arrogance in his speech. Although she didn't use a mean tone, he didn't know why he felt so uncomfortable.

However, people have already said, "sorry, the first visit caused some inconvenience, please forgive me!"

Sun Yingnan takes a look at it, and then he turns around and leaves. He doesn't even shake hands. This series of actions not only make the men standing at the door feel so unbearable, but even the people behind them feel that they are too much. This attitude is also too arrogant. Who are you!

I don't know what kind of person would like to see such a woman. I think about my wife and what she did before. This difference makes me really hard to accept. I don't know whether it is caused by cultural and regional reasons. Anyway, I feel a little incomprehensible.

After coming back, the assistant also explained the situation. Of course, what about the words? I don't want to add too much to it. It's just a matter of fact. After all, this is Britain. I'm here. There are some people who are not familiar with their places of life. If something happens, it will have a great impact on the whole department.

However, it does not mean that everyone will swallow their anger. Some people already have other ideas in their hearts. The shooting of the album is not a matter of a day and night. Therefore, the shooting is naturally a little late. People pack their bags and are ready to leave. This is rented for shooting, not for rest.

You know, this time is not just a simple shot, so I rented it for three months. After taking a bath, Ding Yu is also reading his own professional books. Now it is not appropriate to go to exercise again. However, the subsequent knocking on the door also made Ding Yu uncomfortable, even quite dissatisfied.

Originally, Ding Yu did not intend to open the door. No one else would come here. Moreover, this is England. If anyone dares to break in, it will not be good to wait for him. But what about the people outside? There are some who refuse to let go.

"Something?" Ding Yu helped his eyes and looked at the two girls outside the door. What about one of them? According to the situation, there are also some faltering, not only with hands, but also with feet. No wonder the sound is so loud. At this time, the security guard has stepped up.

"Sir, do you need to call the police?"

Ding Yu took a look and shook his head slightly. "Thank you, Bruce. It's OK." The security guard was very glad that Ding Yu could call out his own name. Seeing what Ding Yu meant, he nodded slightly, "Sir, if there is anything wrong, I'll be down here!"

After the security guard left, Ding Yu once again put his eyes on the two girls in front of her. Judging from the appearance, her looks are still very pure and charming, but one of them drinks more. Although the security guard comes up, it seems that she doesn't wake her up."What can I do for you?" It is very simple English, but holding the drunken girl is anxious and sweating. Although he said that he could understand the simple English, but wanted to express the specific meaning, it was a little bit embarrassing for me.

"Opposite?" Ding Yu finally understood the meaning of the gesture. After a closer look, the girl in front of her was really one of the ones she met today. No wonder she was familiar with it. However, what does it mean to run to her at this time? Ding Yu felt helpless.

Looking at the drunk girl who is about to fall down, Ding Yu points to the sofa and the bathroom in the distance. If they can leave by themselves, they have no opinions. If they are inconvenient, please help yourself.

It's not really a gentleman's job to throw them out at this time. It's true that Ding Yu is not a gentleman, but he's not very good at being unfamiliar with his place of life. He's not as cold as that.

In the morning, Ding Yu woke up early in the morning, exercised, and then read a book. It was a normal process. There was no difference between the two girls downstairs. Although Ding Yu's voice was not very loud, it was enough to make both girls wake up.

"Sorry!" Ding Yu didn't do too many regular meetings, but he felt that it was a very happy thing to have a person to communicate normally. "It's four o'clock now. If it's inconvenient for you, I'll ask my assistant to help you. Please help yourself!"

After saying that, Ding Yu also turned around to leave. At this time, the drunken girl seemed to be the first lady to get angry. "Sir, I admit that I acted too much last night. I also appreciate your help, but please put away your arrogant attitude, so please apologize!"

Sorry? Ding Yu felt a little confused, what and what! Why do you want to apologize? She was noisy and noisy here last night, and she gave her the place to stay. Now she has brought out such a problem, and she has not asked her to apologize!

Ding Yu looked at the time, "sorry? If you don't wake up, the best way to get angry is to wake up! Just to remind you, you don't look so elegant as you think

After that, Ding Yu continued to exercise, and did not do any regular meeting at all. However, the waiting time was not very long. Sun Yingnan came to meet the drunken girl last night. After meeting the drunken girl last night, the two people also watched for a period of time. What was the atmosphere between them? There seems to be some tension.

"Sir, it's my problem. I didn't examine it well! It's a fault of the past Because of the presence of outsiders, sun Yingnan can only call Ding Yu this way. After all, he now represents Ding Yu's face.

"Convenient for others, convenient for yourself!" Ding Yu did not have any harsh words, "if it is said that sun caused the problem, then I am willing to apologize, sorry for causing you some confusion!"

Ding Yu's speech did not mean perfunctory at all. It was very serious. After finishing, he looked at the time, "sorry, two of you. I have other things to deal with. Please help yourself!" Having said that, Ding Yu pushed his bicycle out of the room, seeing that the two girls were so incomprehensible.

What is the behavior of riding a bicycle in a luxury apartment? Sun Yingnan looked at the situation in the room and blinked his eyes. What about the two girls in front of him? But there is a trace of interest, to be exact, I saw her rebellious spirit.

And the girl next to her has been ashamed of herself, but there is no way to know that the investment in this album is the eldest lady. To a certain extent, she can even decide the fate of the whole crew, such people are afraid to sin.

As for why she is in a bad mood, the reason is also a conflict with the family. The family is more taboo to such things as being an actress, because the family does not need her to do so. She only knows part of it. What's more, even if she knows, she doesn't dare to disclose anything. Who knows what will happen.

But when the crew saw the man coming out from the opposite side, how big was the mouth? What was the situation! I feel so incredible. Didn't you sleep well last night?

Because there are other things, sun Yingnan did not continue to disturb. She has already got the letter of intent given to her by Ding Yu. Now it is time to see her own ability. However, the conversation with the eldest lady has made me notice a problem. To be exact, this is a very good investment project.

The investment fund is not as large as expected, and as a work produced jointly by many countries, it must attract considerable attention. In recent years, South Korea's cultural development is praiseworthy. Now the problem is to let the owner see the profit.At noon, sun Yingnan picked up Ding Yu in person. On the way to Saville street, sun Yingnan also suggested, "master, I think you need to find a full-time driver." This is just a proposal. If it is OK or not, we need to make a resolution in this respect. We only have the right to propose, not to decide.

"And I've already made some plans. It's a good project for our neighbors!"

Ding Yu also took his eyes back from the window. He was surprised that they were able to talk to each other. He knew what had happened. What he didn't expect was that they could ignore the past and be interesting.

Looking at Sun Yingnan's report, Ding Yu also pondered for a period of time. What about Korean dramas? In my original dream, I didn't pay much attention to it, but I also knew that it would be popular in Asia. After reading the report, I was OK. As far as the investment was concerned, it was not as big as I thought.

"What about the specific plan?"

"First of all, we should set up a company, preferably in the United Kingdom or the United States. Of course, this is just a registered company. We need to avoid taxes reasonably. We should not think about tax evasion. We should build up the main structure of the company. Lawyers and accountants are necessary. The rest can be postponed!"

"Why choose her?" Ding Yu is still concise.

"First of all, it is the positioning of the TV series. This is jointly funded by two real estate companies in Asia. To be exact, it is a propaganda film of them, which is from China and South Korea. Secondly, the identity of Miss Kim, who is the daughter of the chairman of the board in South Korea, is not enough for them."

"Open up the European market?" Ding Yu also murmured to himself, "this seems to be a little unrealistic! Although the real estate is heating up now, it doesn't mean that they have enough power to intervene in other things. If we start from Asia, it seems that there is a big stir. There are other preparatory work, which is obviously problematic! "

"Coming to England is just a knock on the door. After adding some colors, it still beautifies the whole." Sun Yingnan is also lamenting his master's keenness. After all, he studied medicine, but now he is able to put forward such views on real estate, so that he really has some impressive.

"Knock on the door?" Ding Yu also has a little understanding, "if it is a knock on the door brick, then our knock brick seems to be a little too soft, at least it is lack of hardness!" No matter whether sun Yingnan is intentional or unintentional, he needs to give him some warning in this respect.

Sun Yingnan is obviously aware of this problem. Soon Saville Street will arrive. Although Ding Yu can not be said to be a regular customer here, the problem is that Ding Yu's wallet is still very thick. This is enough. Soon Ding Yu tried his clothes, not to mention, people rely on clothes and horses rely on saddles. Wearing it, even sun Yingnan also looked twice more.

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