Wang Jianguo's telephone, let Ding Yu draw the layout, for this matter? Ding Yu didn't really care about it at the beginning, but what about now? Ding Yu really found some conditions, his own change has taken place.

Whether it's a good thing or a bad thing, Ding Yu himself is not so clear. He seems to have avoided what happened all the time. He is afraid that something will find his head. His heart is not as strong as he imagined, but what is the matter? Keep finding your head.

I have been using the mentality of avoiding to deal with the problem, but suddenly found that this is not the best way and method, maybe a positive response, this effect may be better. I have been telling myself that this is not a Truman world. I need to be bold.

But how bold is it going to be? Ding Yu is really not ready for this matter? Can only let oneself have a little feeling, have so some of the feeling that coincides with its meeting, also be regarded as a trial of Ding Yu.

Soon, Chinese representatives also arrived. What about Ding Yu's appearance? The Chinese side really felt quite surprised. I didn't expect to meet Chinese people. But what about the dress and make-up of this one? It's really extraordinary. It's extraordinary.

"Hello, Mr. Ding."

Ding Yu then also stretched out his hand, "Chairman Zhuang, Hello, please go there in person! This way, please

Soon we all sat together and discussed the previous issues again. Do you want to know about this time? Lily deals with South Korea, but what about China? It's not clear yet, but what do you mean? It should be Ding Yu's problem. As for the chairman Zhuang, it seems that he still lacks this strength.

From the understanding of the situation, whether it is Jin Dong or Zhuang Dong, what about TV dramas? They don't have any ideas. Even if they really achieve a certain goal in the future, they will give some feedback, which is a good thing for each other.

The first meeting just let everyone get to know each other, and then Zhuang Dong personally invited Ding Yu to communicate with each other. "Mr. Ding, I don't know what you like. It's a small gift. It's no respect!"

Ding Yu gladly accepted, "Zhuang Dong, thank you!" Then he made a gesture of invitation. The two people took their seats together. If it was someone else, Ding Yu might not invite him to the door. But this Zhuang Dong is different. Everyone is Chinese. He abides by Chinese etiquette and has nothing to do with others.

"Mr. Ding, I'll get to the point. If I still have some influence on the land in the province, I won't be unable to move beyond that ground. However, there are too many restrictions in all aspects, so I have more energy than I can do!"

Shen Lang nodded his head slightly, "what about the issue? You don't need to worry. I'll deal with these things. I'm also a layman. You want fame and I want profits. The value we pursue may be different! But at the end of the day? It's the same pursuit, but it's just a matter of priority. In the future, you may have to ask Mr. Zhuang for more advice. "

Zhuang Dongliang was also shocked. The young man in front of him showed a very direct attitude, but he didn't let himself have any antipathy. What's his origin? Is his way of dealing with people a little more sophisticated. He really doubts whether the old monster is sitting in front of him?

"Mr. Ding, it's not convenient for you to go back to China. Do you want me to take care of it?" When Zhuang Dongliang said this, he also wanted to test out whether he could climb. On the one hand, the important thing was whether he could explore the details. After all, he was in business. He felt a little uneasy about such things.

Ding Yu thought for a while, "I'm afraid this matter really needs Zhuang Dong. You can go there in person. I can't go back now. Even if it's time to go back, it may be too late. After all, it's still necessary to send for trial. The people from the general administration have already contacted each other. If it's convenient to go back, it's good to see you."

After returning to China from the UK, Zhuang Dongliang also felt a little uneasy. What about the capital? I don't have any development, but I'm weak. That's the capital! It's not any other place. There is no absolute power. If you throw yourself into it, you will be devoured, and there will be no bones left.

According to the address, Zhuang Dongliang also found a courtyard. The hutong is not very deep, but is this arrangement? It was a little bit old. After knocking on the door, I waited for a while. Then the door was opened. An old man came out and looked at Zhuang Dongliang up and down.

"Hello, what can I do for you?"

"Hello, I'm Mr. Ding Yuding! Does Mr. Wang live here

Uncle Zhang also slightly nodded his head, "you look for the third young master? When you have a moment, please come in Then he opened the door. When Zhuang Dongliang entered the courtyard, he was surprised to see the layout inside. He didn't expect that there was a hole in the courtyard. He really didn't know what he didn't know. He was scared.Zhuang Dongliang and his secretary walked into the courtyard. They saw several chairs in the middle of the courtyard, and two young people were sitting in the middle of the courtyard. Seeing that the age of Zhuang Dongliang was similar to that of Ding Yu, or a little bit older, Wang Jianguo also said with a smile, "here, sit down!"

"Third brother, who is it?" The sea didn't use his eyelids to look at it. He was talking to the two helpers next to him. However, Zhuang Dongliang looked at the two people beside him, and his thighs trembled slightly. One of them still had some impression. He only knew him, but he probably didn't know himself.

"Whose place is this?"

"Ding Yu's man?" The sea also looked back, and then nodded slightly to Zhuang Dongliang. "Ding Yu, that guy, is a dragon without a tail. Our brothers have long wanted to see him, but they haven't found a chance."

"Hai Hai, I mentioned it to my third uncle earlier. It's rare for Ding Yu to talk about it. Otherwise, I don't know how to face him!"

The sea slightly nodded his head. After Zhuang Dongliang came in, he just mixed up with a familiar face. He didn't even introduce him. People didn't give him any chance, so he was invited out. At this time, Zhuang Dongliang also knew that there would be no problem with this time. Just look at the people standing in the yard.

Back in the car, Zhuang Dongliang didn't feel too much humiliation. At most, he felt that his own power was not enough. If he was the leading real estate developer in China, he would not be treated like this when he came here.

But this time? Also let Zhuang Dongliang see a little opportunity, ladder already had, see oneself can seize this opportunity, on the one hand? It is to contact with the South Korean side, on the other hand, the British side has joined in. If the TV series cooperate with each other, then we can really see the future.

However, Zhuang Dongliang is equally clear that things seem to have a future, but also to see how they want to seize this opportunity, as for the so-called TV series? It's just a beginning. It doesn't mean that I'm really on the road. I still have a long way to go.

After staying in the capital for a few days, Zhuang Dongliang has been able to get to where he is today. In addition to his ability, he is very praiseworthy. He knows that the reason why he is able to mingle with others is mainly because of Ding Yu. He doesn't need to give himself any face at all. Without Ding Yu, he can't do anything, I'm afraid Not much.

After dealing with the affairs of the capital, Zhuang Dongliang did not even go home. Instead, he directly made a plane to England. Now, we must seize this time, because he has realized the problems and conditions.

"So fast?"

When Ding Yu went upstairs with his bicycle, he was surprised to see Zhuang Dongliang waiting at the door. Do you need to use this speed? From the understanding of the situation, there is no so-called change ah! Why is Mr. Zhuang in such a hurry?

While Zhuang Dongliang looked at Ding Yu, who was carrying a bicycle, he had an indescribable strange feeling. He did not know how to describe this feeling. It was as if he had been caught cheating in the exam. This is not what he imagined.

If Ding Yu comes back with two beautiful women, Zhuang Dongliang will not have any discrimination. On the contrary, he will feel very normal. But Ding Yu came back with a schoolbag and a bicycle, which even made him feel that he had gone to the wrong place for a while? "It's too bad to see," Mr. Zhuang, please. " Although it is said to be uninvited, Ding Yu still gives some respect.

And the big lady? I have been paying attention to the situation of the opposite door all the time. I didn't have my own part in the evening. I could have left. But out of a curiosity and inquiry psychology, I also stayed. To be exact, I have some interest in Ding Yu.

"Is everything going well?"

Zhuang Dongliang nodded forcefully, "Ding Shao!" As soon as the words came out, Ding Yu waved his hand directly, "I'm not used to this kind of address. Call me Xiaoding or Xiaoyu can do it!"

"Then I'll call you Mr. Ding." Zhuang Dongliang measured it. Although he said that he was older than Ding Yu, what about this title? Still need to pay attention to, from the actual above, how much is so hypocritical, but on the scene? Some things are like this.

"Mr. Ding, I'd like to invite you to join our board of directors!"

Ding Yu held his chin in his hand and looked at Zhuang Dongliang carefully. "You look after the relationship behind me, don't you?" Looking at Zhuang Dongliang, Ding Yu shook his head slightly. "If you value this relationship, I'm afraid you are also disappointed. My friendship with them is very small, even not worth mentioning!"

When he saw Ding Yu shaking his head, Zhuang Dongliang felt that his heart fell to the bottom of the valley. However, after Ding Yu's words were finished, Zhuang Dongliang felt that his heart suddenly went to his throat, "Mr. Ding, you are too modest!""Ha ha, is it self humility? It's clear in my heart that if you don't believe it, it's ok if you don't believe it. How about joining the board of directors? I'm interested, but I don't think it's the best choice to use the relationship as a shareholder, so it is! Calculate your group assets and give me an approximate figure. "

What's your hint to Ding Yu? Is it the price that Ding Yu can take the shares free of charge? It is a kind of exchange of interests, but it is obvious that Ding Yu has not been confused. He is too calm and sober. For himself, it is a good thing, and the same is not a good thing.

After that, Ding Yu said a little bit.

"Well! Let's sign an agreement on gambling! If the gambling agreement between the two of us has affected your performance by more than 20% after the TV series was broadcast, then I will use US $100 million to buy shares, which is 8% of the original shares! "

100 million dollars? Zhuang Dongliang has a big tongue, let alone 100 million US dollars, even if it is 100 million yuan, he can not take it out! Although the group seems to be huge, but the capital chain is very tense. If someone really injects 100 million US dollars, not to mention 8%, more can be considered.

However, this must be 100 million US dollars in cash. If there is any other mortgage, there is no need. If it is a mortgage, I have more mortgage in the bank, and I will not accept such conditions. In business negotiation, what are some things? It still needs to be stated in advance.

Looking at Zhuang Dongliang's expression, Ding Yu also went upstairs to take a bank note down and gently put it in front of Zhuang Dongliang. "This is the cashier's note of Swiss bank, 100 million US dollars. I occupy 8% of the original shares. I only participate in the dividend, not in the specific management. If it is sold, the first choice will always be you!"

Zhuang Dongliang looked at the bank note in front of him and sighed, "Yu Shao, I seldom admire you, but now I really have some things that you are scared of, 100 million dollars, I have not seen, but let me take it out, it is really impossible! What's more, even if there is, I haven't seen such courage at this age. "

"Laugh at me!" Ding Yu's voice seemed so calm, "in fact, I'm more nervous than you think. It may be easy to get money, but what do you pay for it? It's not clear in a few words. I'm more optimistic about domestic real estate. If it doesn't happen, I may start from other aspects! "

Obviously, this is not Ding Yu's only investment direction. It's just that he is more interested in Zhuang Dongliang. Obviously, what about the investigation behind the scenes? I'm afraid it's not a day or two. Otherwise, I'll never put the check here. You know, it's a real bank check.

"Yu Shao, chairman Jin is a smart man!"

Ding Yu pondered for a while, "lily is also a smart person. If I get involved in it rashly, it may cause other problems. Besides, the rain and dew are all wet. Everyone has to eat and drink. I am not an insatiable person." Some words Ding Yu did not say, the reason is very simple, he does not believe in Zhuang Dongliang, but there are not too many problems restricting him. What about Jin Dong? It seems that there is a lack of power in this respect!

Obviously, what about Zhuang Dongliang? It is also clear that the problem is that Ding Yu does not trust himself, but he can find means to restrict himself, but does Jin Dong? If you are not familiar with the place of life, some things are really not easy to deal with. This problem can not be explained clearly by Zhuang Dongliang. He is really helpless. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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