Ding Yu first came to the cemetery, where the old ghost was buried. However, there is still a long way to go before the Tomb Sweeping Day. So what about the people who seem to come here at this time? It's not as much as you can imagine! So the whole cemetery is a little lonely here!

Looking at the photo on the tombstone, Ding Yu also squatted down his body, placed the flowers well and opened the wine bottle. What about all this? They were all run by Ding Yu himself. What about the two little guys? Ding Yu didn't let them follow. The main reason was that they were younger and the place was cold. It was not suitable for them to come!

It's not that Ding Yu has any other ideas. If you really don't want to, Ding Yu won't come! When I didn't come, maybe I didn't feel this way. Look at the photos on the tombstone? Really remember a lot of the past! In any case, it is all from the memory of the body emerged.

It's been a long time! Don't be surprised Ding Yu also raised a drink and murmured, "don't worry about the things at home. As long as I'm still there, I'll handle all these things! It's good over there! When you see the old brothers, please say hello to them for me. I miss them very much. And tell them that I will bear the responsibility behind them. Don't worry about them! "

Some words? In front of people's faces, Ding Yu may not really be able to say it, but now in front of the old ghost's tomb, Ding Yu does not have so many scruples. At that time, there were many comrades in arms. After all, everyone lived and died together. Who has not saved anyone! That feeling is really hard for others to understand.

Ding Yu spent a little longer time on the mountain. What about the side? I just followed a security guard. There was no other person. Moreover, the security guard was watching from afar and didn't come forward! However, the security that can stay with Ding Yu at this time is absolutely not ordinary. After worshiping his comrades in arms, Ding Yu sighed!

Slowly and leisurely, he came down from the top of the mountain, but when he got to the foot of the mountain, he looked back at the top of the mountain and saw the curly green smoke floating up. Ding Yu also measured it for a while, "go to the school and have a look." The two little guys always sat in the car and saw the expression on his father's face, but they didn't speak. They could feel that the father was not so happy as he thought!

When he got back to the car, Ding Yu looked at the scenery outside and didn't know what he was thinking about. But then Ding Yu also looked at the two little guys, as if he suddenly thought of something. "You two are old enough to talk about. What are some things? It's time to make some plans! "

The two little guys look at their father pitifully, some do not know, so, under the condition of not knowing the situation, still don't ask too much, otherwise you will definitely suffer! This is how many tears to earn the lesson, so two little guys? Nature is also very vigilant!

"And children your age? Now they are basically in kindergarten. How about you? It doesn't seem that it's such a thing to let go of it. However, it seems that there are some problems in the regular kindergarten education for you, so I'm thinking about the relevant issues! "

"Stupid children are good children!" Two children are also so reluctant to say, with the same age of children? Basically can't play together! Because of the gap between them? It's a little bit big! Therefore, it is also a kind of "Sadness" that the education is too early!

"I didn't expect you two to be very proud!" Ding Yu also snorted, "here you are? I'd like to remind you that you don't have much preparation at that time, and you will know it then! "

The two kids also spit out their tongues, but when they came to the school, what about the school side? Don't open the door at all, who are you? Is not allowed you to come in, its security work is really very good! This is quite different from that when Ding Yu was young!

But think about it, it seems that is not a bad thing, after all, social change is faster! "Go to see my sister-in-law." The driver carried out the order unconditionally. When he came to the place, Ding Yu also looked at it. The facade was not small! Looking at the people in and out of here, it seems to be more busy! Business seems to be on the rise.

Then Ding Yu came in slowly with two little guys. What about inside? The main business is cake and snacks, which is divided into two areas. There are more people on the cake side than on the snack side. Ding Yu also takes two little guys to look around. The two little guys look at their father and then choose two bags of snacks.

After the two little guys have paid the bill, they are following their father's side. Ding Yu looks at the layout around. This one has attracted the attention of the shop assistants. What about this one? I bought things for my two children, but what happened after I bought them? What do you think of this meaning? It seems that you are interested in the comparison here? There is no intention of leaving.

The situation is a little bit abnormal, and the shop assistants are not sure about it, so go ahead and ask!

Looking at the shop assistant who came to him, Ding Yu also slightly nodded his head, "where's the boss?""Sorry, the boss is not here! Excuse me, are you? " Dingyu also ordered his head. "Sister-in-law and children are still very well lately! Make a call! I'm talking! " Although Dingyu's words are very flat, but what is the tone of his speech? It makes the clerk feel like there are so many things that they can't resist.

Thinking about it, I went to the counter, looked at Dingyu, then called, and said it for a while after the phone was connected. Then I handed the phone to me. I also remembered the familiar voice over the phone. I couldn't hear too much sadness from the phone, and the situation changed! "Hello, excuse me, you are...!"

"Hello sister-in-law, I am Dingyu!" Dingyu spoke slowly, but expressed great respect.

Ah? The person over the phone also exclaimed, "my mother! How did you come to the store? You wait for me. I'll be there in a minute! " Then also buckle up the phone, Dingyu listen to the busy voice in the phone, also smile, and then also returned the microphone back, and then smiled!

After waiting for five minutes, she saw a woman rushing in from the outside in a hurry, looking at Dingyu sitting on one side, and she also exclaimed. Dingyu stood up at this time. "When did she come? Don't say hello when you come! Don't you think you're not here? "

"Today, I just arrived, went to see the old man, and then came to my sister-in-law!"

At the same time, the woman also gave a sound, and gave Dingyu a hard pat on her arm. She was not polite at all. "Thanks to your old brothers, they have come to Gaojie before. What about this shop? Also under the collective thought of everyone to open up, in that year, if there were you old brothers! We orphans and widows don't know what to do now! "

When talking, it seems that women notice what, "these two?"

"Two cubs in the family, this time, there is something wrong with them. They are not very quiet at home, so they bring them out to meet the world!" Looking at two little guys, Dingyu explained with a smile.

"Oh! It's all so big! " "I said I squatted down and touched the face of two little guys with my hand," how big is this one? You brought it out? What a word! It's just not possible for your men to bring their children! " Then also greeted the clerk, quickly cake or snacks to the building, what good, take what!

The shop assistant also saw that the young man with children is not a normal person. The attitude of the boss is known! Even holding the child, he doesn't let go, "live in my sister-in-law for a few days! Without your old brothers, there will be no mother and son. I will let the boy in our family come back and kowtow for you! "

"Sister in law, don't say that, I hope the old brothers can live well, that's enough!" When sitting down, he looked at the dress in the shop. Ding Yu also exclaimed, "I think the business here is still good! I have a little bit of things on my side, and I haven't called to ask about it! "

"Come on, eat!" When talking, is it also the snacks that are sent up? All opened, Dingyu's push also has no effect, if really block, that is to face the posture, "don't look at your father, listen to aunt, eat more, home nothing else, this is really a lot!"

Looking at the appearance of two little guys, the woman turned to Dingyu and said, "you helped to deal with the things at the beginning. Anyway, I was taken care of a lot. I didn't plan to, but it was not a thing to sit down in the house alone! Feel like a mountain is empty! Your old brother is very helpful, I also reluctantly opened this shop effect, or very good! Just one person is at home boring, always think about this think that, with children and old people also so! "

"How about the child? Is it coming out now? " What about other questions? It's not that worried, is that the problem? It may have a certain impact on the child!

"Basically, after a long time? This influence has also been slowly eliminated, but it is now lively, but also a lot of growth! "

When talking, women seem to feel something, "right, there is no place to live! Go home, anyway you are familiar with it! I'll arrange these two days! All listen to me! "

Looking at her sister-in-law to stand up, Dingyu also put his hand at the hand directly. "Sister in law, there is no need to be so troublesome. There are other arrangements in the family. I will come to see you and the children, and I don't know what your situation is. Don't come and see it yourself? I still feel that there are so many not so reassuring, if I stay here with my children at night, I am afraid I will have a frying pan in my home! "

"No! You must not be polite to your sister-in-law! " The old ghost's wife also said with suspicion.

"What are you welcome about this? What about the family saying this? It's just too obvious. " Ding Yu also explained that, "I need to go back at night, but I will be here for both days! I wanted to invite my sister-in-law and my child to have a meal together, but I want to come, since they all come to the place of sister-in-law! ...。”"I love to hear that! When I came to my home and asked you to eat out, my sister-in-law is not a human being anymore. "When I was talking, I looked at the two little guys sitting there, and I felt a little curious," are you so relieved that you can come out with your two children? Is discipline a little too strict? "

Ding Yu also shook his head with a bitter smile, "it's almost impossible to turn the sky over! At home? It's not to say that it's the devil of the world, but a baby with what like, don't say a fight, even if it's a hair, the family are afraid of what like! So I brought it out for both of them

Speaking of this, Ding Yu seems to have thought of something, "by the way, when I came here, I bought something for my sister-in-law and my children. That's what I mean! Don't be surprised, sister-in-law! "

"Come on, what else to take? I need to make a rule in the future. If we can't eat at home, OK, you can help our mother. But now? Live very well! You are still holding things at this time, but I'm not used to it! "

"If we don't have such economic conditions, what about the conditions at home? Fair, is to bring a little affection to sister-in-law and the child, can't let the child so open two eyes to look at

What about the speaking time? A little bit longer, but the two little guys are very honest. Sometimes? I may say something in a low voice there, but I don't mean to make trouble at all. At more than four o'clock, the shop assistant below also picked up the old ghost's son!

Ding Yu stood up and made a deliberate comparison, then patted him on the shoulder, with more or less force, "yes, I'm a little longer, and this strength is also a little longer!"

"Uncle Ding!" When he saw Ding Yu, the old ghost's son's eyes were bright, and even had a little impulse. Of course, Ding Yu also noticed the change in his eyes, but there was no so-called hesitation, so he raised it directly. What about this move? It was quite a surprise to the two little guys!

"Good! It's a bit of a look! " Ding Yu also said with a smile that the old ghost's son's eyes were shining. Obviously, he didn't expect that uncle Ding would know his mind like this. Although he came to see his uncle and uncle a lot, no one had done it!

Weighing two times, Ding Yu just put down, "come here, your brother and sister!" Then it is also a simple introduction to the two children, the two little guys are also very curious, are staring at the big brother! Dad rarely does this, so they are very curious.

"Go and play! We'll have to wait a while before we leave! " Then Ding Yu coaxed the three children away! However, when they left, the three little guys also took a lot of snacks, although this is only the first time to meet, but because of Ding Yu's relationship, they get along well with each other!

The two little guys have been here for a whole afternoon. They are really constrained. Now that they have such a free time, they will naturally be herding sheep! Looking at the three children going out, the woman sitting there seems to have some tears that can't stop themselves!

"Sister in law, will it be too hard to just take the children with you?" Some words? It doesn't matter! Ding Yu doesn't have any other bad thoughts. Just say what you have!

"There's nothing hard about it!" Hearing Ding Yu say so, the old ghost's wife also wiped the corner of her eyes, "I'm looking forward to this child, and the old ghost will stay with our mother! We can't let him down, the child's character is also more sensitive! Be like his father

Ding Yu nodded, "sister-in-law, what about this matter? You decide for yourself, don't have any pressure and burden, we old brothers? I hope you and your children are happy and healthy. What else? It doesn't matter! At that time, they were all full of blood, and they didn't care about the house! "

Ding Yu sat for a little longer, waiting for the phone to ring. Where's the old ghost's wife? Ding Yu looked at the caller ID and said, "Hello, Ma!"

"When are you coming! Your father and I are looking forward to seeing each other. Now we have gone somewhere. We can't call our two children. How can we do something? Is there any change? " Su Yuan in the phone is also impatient, how a matter? Why is it like this!

Ding Yu looked at the time of his watch and said, "Oh, you and my dad will wait for a while! We may be back in a while! Don't worry too much! " After all, she's here now.

"Ah? You have to give me a letter too! Your father and I need to know when! Just wait and see? "

What about Ding Yu's mother's voice? I knew my mother thought a little too much, "no, you and my dad will wait for us to have dinner for three nights! We'll be in a little while? Just go there. There's something on my side! "

Ah! Su Yuan on the other side of the phone didn't seem to hold the phone. Did he call his son? I want to know when they will come, but I have never thought of my son. They have arrived, but when I come back to God, what about Su Yuan? I also have some curiosity. Since I came here, why didn't you come here?"Good! It's good to be here! " Immediately Su Yuan also hung up the phone, this time also can't care about other! Or hurry to prepare, there are really so some hasty! This child is also, have already come, also don't say a greeting in advance, let oneself here have so some anxious and flustered!

"Sister in law, I'll come back in two days! You still owe me a meal, and I won't forget it! "

When he came out, Ding Yu also said hello to the old ghost's child, "uncle will go back first. When you have a holiday in two days, he will take you out to play together." It's a simple slap on the shoulder of a man. It's not like you!

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