"Shen, the school year is coming to an end. It seems that our cooperation is very good." Shen dingchel doesn't mean to be satisfied with each other. However, it doesn't mean to be satisfied with each other at present, because all things are not satisfactory to each other.

We can only be very good partners. In this group, everyone's contribution is different. Ding Yu also saved a lot of time and energy, so as not to do some unnecessary heavy work repeatedly. Even in this half semester, the students of Ding Yu's whole group have exceeded the completion of their studies.

This point also causes considerable influence in the whole college. It is really so special! In the past, it was difficult to find such a special column.

And Rachel is most satisfied with Ding Yu. Because of Ding Yu's identity, she has to represent the whole group. Obviously, this will cause the whole group to be passive. What about Ding Yu? There is no nostalgia for this position, but it can not be denied that Ding Yu is the soul of the whole group.

Anyone in the group can be short of personnel, but only Ding Yu can't be absent. Without Ding Yu, the whole group will become a zombie without any significance and value. This is also the purpose of Rachel to find Ding Yu. After all, it will be a holiday. Before this? I need to explore the details of Ding Yu.

I have heard the news about this. Someone has put the target on Ding Yu. From the situation of half a semester, do you want to beat Ding Yu? Some of them are time-consuming and laborious, so we still adopt the most convenient way, that is to pull Ding Yu into his own camp.

Rachel can't ignore such news. Now that she has become a representative of the group, she naturally needs to protect the interests of the group. However, she is also very clear that it is not a simple thing to impress Ding Yu. She can only try to communicate in this respect.

For Rachel, Ding Yu is a strange person. She even has the feeling of saints. She has very good personal quality and cultivation. What about the same? He is also relatively modest, at least not arrogant that kind of feeling, we are very willing to contact with him, and from his behavior and behavior, the family conditions are very good.

"What? Do you have any other plans for your vacation What about Ding Yu? I don't really have too many ideas, or I don't think about it at all. Who knows Rachel is still considering so many problems.

The so-called other arrangements refer to academic aspects. After all, there are some schools in the UK that are quite different from those in China. Holidays in the UK do not mean complete relaxation and are impossible. Holidays even mean that more hard work has begun. When you go on holiday, your schoolbag must be carried on your back.

"There are some activities during the holiday, but the academic problems are not very big. I am going to India to join a medical rescue organization, which is also a hidden credit! I originally reserved one for you, but you refused it! "

"I have other events to attend, and before that? I need to go home! " Ding Yu did not make any cover up on this matter, "Chinese tradition, not to mention this year's lunar new year I may not spend at home, for me, or some regret, so I can only go back first!"

"There are other things. Charlie seems to have other meanings."

In fact, what he said was quite explicit. Ding Yu suddenly realized that, but then he also looked at Rachel, "what do you mean? My thoughts only represent my personal opinions. I want to hear your thoughts

When Rachel looked at her, she didn't want to cooperate with each other

After that, Ding Yu also raised the book in his hand, "I'll go first. If there's anything else, I'll contact you by email, but I don't think there will be any other situations. I'll have a good holiday and say happy new year in advance. My gift is already on the road. I hope you'll like it.

It's just a short greeting. It won't kill you to say two more words. What about Rachel? I've heard what Ding Yu means. Competition between them is a good thing. I'm afraid the college would like to see such competition. If it's a big one, then in the end, no one can play the game.

It depends on Rachel's own understanding ability. Ding Yu will not pay attention to this problem.

Rachel thought for a whole day, and then she went to see Charlie and expressed her feelings. The competition between them is a good thing. If the rules of the game are really broken, then at the end of the day, everyone will be able to fight for nothing.

Charlie looked at the girl in front of him and thought for a while. Then he helped his glasses and said in a low and magnetic voice, "to be a doctor, you need to be good at communication, and you also need to be good at finding problems. In terms of communication, you may not have too many problems, but in terms of finding problems, you still have great deficiencies.""Can I understand this as your criticism of me?"

"No, it can be understood as a kind of communication. You lack something, but you can't feel it yourself!" Charlie's face also showed a little smile, "for the community, if always occupy the top position, then it will rot, everyone will be silent in the glory of the past, until finally be lazy, the community is like this, the society is like this, the empire is also like this, there is no immortal Empire, I always understand that!"

"We haven't reached the same level of thinking yet!" Rachel had already heard a little bit of it, and she took things a little too simple.

"Rachel, I feel frustrated in your words!" As he spoke, Charlie shook his head, too, with a look of pity. "What about the fault now? It's not you, it's your family. Exactly? Your family doesn't give you enough soil, so you haven't reached that level, but now you have such a chance

"I'm quite a doctor, a good doctor!"

"That's a naive thing to say!" Charlie also couldn't help laughing. "Don't doctors need to socialize? On the contrary, doctors need good communication. What about resources? It needs rationalization to achieve the best effect. Ding is a smart person, even a wise person. It's our honor to have such a classmate! "

Charlie has made everything clear. Even if Rachel is stupid, she knows how it happened. For her, it is not a shame, even a lesson. It can only be said that this is a life experience. Of course, if you don't make any choice in this aspect in the future, it will be another matter.

After Rachel left, two boys came out of the study, both with golden hair. "Charlie, why choose such an opponent? It seems that some of them are not qualified. I think it's better to force Ding Yu out, so as to promote our potential! "

"No, it's enough to have Rachel, and Ding Yu's situation is too uncertain. It's not easy for us to make a decision in this respect. What's more, Ding Yu is a smart man. He knows where he should stand and what position he should stand on. He is not as simple as he imagined!"

The implication of this is that we'd better not take risks. The situation here is so bad. If Ding Yu is really angered, the consequences will be too serious. We should know that the so-called inheritance can never be broken in their hands.

In the case of not being able to cut off the inheritance, we also need to carry out internal reform and cope with external pressure. The pressure on Charlie is really too big, so he must be cautious at this time. Judging from the current situation, his reform is still smooth, but the more he is, the less able to relax.

But Charlie also knows that it's time to talk to Ding Yu. Before that? He was also the first to call Ding Yu. This was a formal meeting. We had communication before, but what about this exchange? Some are too one-sided.

"Hello!" What about Ding Yu's apartment? Charlie still felt very curious. He stayed in the dormitory of the school. It was not that he could not afford to live in such an apartment, but was not allowed. It can be seen from this that Ding Yu's conditions would never be generally good.

What I particularly pay attention to is that the suit he made on his body, absolutely the one produced by Saville street, was also customized for him at home, but it was used for graduation dress. "Hello, Ding, take the liberty to visit!"

As an Englishman, he seldom goes to other people as a guest. Because this belongs to personal privacy, we all attach great importance to it. But now? Charlie decided to visit Ding Yu in the way of China. By the way, he would deepen his understanding of Ding Yu, so as to further understand his so-called opponent.

"Charlie, from what I know, it's a surprise that you're here!"

"In fact, I feel quite surprised that you live in such a luxurious apartment, which makes my impression of you somewhat subversive." Charlie is also very straightforward to say, a little hidden meaning.

"Is it?" Ding Yu shook his head. "This may surprise you? But this surprise won't make the sneeze bigger, OK! I think this so-called little humor belongs to British style, right

Charlie also laughed. "I have never thought you are such a happy person. I really don't know much about it. I want to know more about it. But it seems that our enemies are better than our friends. At least in the college, it's because of the system for many years that we want to be friends with you!"

"Can I understand your discrimination?"

"No, absolutely not. On the contrary, I think we need to reposition our relationship with each other. We are classmates, and the relationship of competition always exists. This is inevitable. We need this kind of competition. But I personally hope you and I can become good friends. Although there are some contradictions, I hope you can understand it!"Ding Yu nodded. "From a certain point of view, you have used me. This is a fact. It is convenient for others. I understand this matter. But the problem is that it is so used by others. This thing makes me feel a little uncomfortable!"

"It's a bit too much to use this word, but I admit that it's my personal fault on this issue. This is an undeniable fact, but I think we are already friends, aren't we?"

Obviously, Charlie is not willing to owe this favor. Everyone knows the problem, but he also knows that since Ding Yu has explained this problem, it means that the contradiction must be solved. Of course, even if he does not recognize it, Ding Yu has not made any counterattack. He still has some confidence.

But out of a chivalrous spirit, Charlie will not violate his own beliefs and ideas, but he also needs to admit that on this issue, he was really seen through by Ding Yu. What about the human relationship? Say big or not, but say small is not small.

For Charlie, this is the most critical step in his life. This step can never lead to any problems and situations. If his reform has achieved results, many people will benefit from it. Of course, the biggest beneficiary will be himself. What he gets is not only simple now, but also guaranteed in the whole future.

Is Ding Yu a threat? It seems that even if it is not, even if he is a little tough, Ding Yu will not have any expression, but from Charlie's point of view, he must do so.

"Ding, I have a doubt in my heart. If I don't verify it, I'm afraid I can't say it myself!"

Looking at Ding Yu's invitation gesture, Charlie also said directly, "Ding, I think you know more clearly what kind of position I am in, which can be said to be very embarrassing. What are the conditions you put forward? I can't promise all of them. It's unrealistic, but I don't think the conditions are so harsh! "

"You mean to tell me that I should maximize my interests. Can you understand it in this way?"

"Maximizing benefits?" Charlie is more like asking himself, "if I can, I'll understand it like this!"

"A greedy person may have friends, but he will never have too many friends. I don't want to be wary of everyone, just like learning medicine. On the one hand? It's my father's expectation. It's a wish! What about the other one? I may have experienced too many things, so I hope to explore some of them! "

It's just that the words are wrong. Charlie feels that he can't find the center. Of course, it may be that the words are too abstruse, and they don't understand them at all. But it seems that the feeling given to Charlie is not like this.

But no matter how to say, the purpose of his visit has been achieved. Although Ding Yu said that he did not give himself any protection, but from what he said? I have already felt that this guy is really a good opponent and a relatively good friend.

The only pity is that this friendship may not be exposed, at least during the college period. We still need to stand on the so-called opposite, which is the best choice for both sides. Is the remaining question? Watch it!

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