"Wang Yang! Do you know that big brother went to the house

When you get the call? Wang Yang is also very surprised, his second sister even called, but big brother went home things? I know that I know, but I don't need to call her personally, right? Did something happen again? I don't feel very good about it!

I suddenly think of it as if my father had called earlier. Could it be because of this?

"Yes, my father called me earlier and told me about the children. I don't know much about the elder brother's two children. What's more, the two little guys are not satisfied with the big brother and the two little guys at home."

Wang Li also snorted, "that's as simple as you can imagine! Just now, my grandmother called me and asked about the marriage of these children at home. Obviously, what about you? It's already on the agenda! "

Yeah? Wang Yang feels a little puzzled. Does this matter have anything to do with himself? You shouldn't find it on your head, right? "Sister, how could you suddenly mention such a thing? It doesn't seem to have anything to do with me, does it? "

"It seems that the two little guys have attracted the attention of grandparents, grandmothers, fathers and mothers. What kind of attention is it? I don't know, so I can't tell you clearly. What's more, what about the family? Although people say a lot now, what about the people who laid the eggs? It seems that there is only one big brother, and there are two kinds of them! "

Get it! Wang Yang has already understood what the second elder sister means. No wonder his father would have called himself in person before, but now the second elder sister has made this call? The reason is also very simple. It represents the meaning of grandparents. It's your turn to make a statement. What kind of choice is it?

"Elder sister, it seems that the elder brother and the home talk is not very good!" Wang Yang's words? There are some feelings, if we really talk about each other, then they will not be involved in these people, such a thing is not the first time! I even have so many strange things!

"How are you talking about it? I don't know very well, but what do you mean by my grandparents? What is involved in this matter? Isn't that what we see, big brother? You and I all know something about it. After all, he is a little different from us. I mean the position above! "

What about this problem? Wang's two brothers can't talk with each other.

To be more practical, if people in the family really sit together, there are grandfather and grandmother's position, of course, there are also father's positions, but the same, there will be big brother's position, and this position? What about their generation? Belong to the unique one! No one can pry!

Wang Yang knows his elder brother very well. For the elder brother, there is no difference between sitting on that chair and leaving the chair. But for the whole Wang family, the difference between having this chair and not having such a chair is really quite big. Even if he has more dissatisfaction, he can only recognize by holding his nose!

But what about Wang Yang? But there are not too many emotions. If you really stand in the position of big brother, will you deal with these things at home like big brother and ask yourself? It's really hard to do that!

What about that? Everyone will say, but it is not so simple to do things!

And what about inside? No matter the eldest brother went through the ordeal, or when everything was going smoothly, the Wangs didn't have any help. It's true that the eldest brother is a child of the Wang family, but the problem is that in the whole process of growth, there is no relationship between Wang family and Wang family. Wang family just eats ready-made food, which seems to be good to say but not to listen to!

"Where's big brother?" Wang Yang also asked.

"I heard that I took two little guys to eat mutton steamed bun. What happened? I'm not so clear. I called my brother, but it seems that I'm on the plane, and I can't answer it. And even if I answer, you don't know the character of big brother. Sometimes it's muggy! At least I can't ask too many things! You! Ha ha

What about your big brother? Wang Li also really does not have too many methods, big brother although said to favor oneself and Wang Yang, but oneself and Wang Yang two people? It can't be too much, can't it?

After all, not everything? They only think about themselves and the Wangs. Sometimes? Also need to stand on the big brother's point of view, big brother also has his difficulties, if say everything is OK, he will not be so embarrassed.

"Well, I'll call my grandfather. What about Qiu Yan? I don't have too many opinions. It's good to get married whenever possible. If there is no situation, we will get the certificate in two days

Wang Li also feels a little relieved at the same time? There are so many helpless, the only person in the family who can hang the number now? I'm afraid there is only Wang Yang, and he is the most suitable one. But there is also a problem here, that is, how about giving birth to children? It's not that if you get married today, the children will come out tomorrow! It's two times!But what about grandparents? For such a thing, there are so some urgent!

After putting down his second sister's phone, Wang Yang also thought for a while, and then dialed his grandmother's phone. However, the phone was not answered by grandma, but by the attendants at home. "I'll go to see my grandparents in the evening and ask them what they want to eat. I'll take them there."

In fact, it is to take it? It's just a statement. What about the actual situation? He is just playing a flag! No other meaning! I believe that granddad and grandma will understand their own ideas!

When Wang Pu and the old lady knew the news, they also laughed at each other. What about the smile? With a little bitterness, "are we two old guys so crazy? What about Wang Yang? It's a good boy. I didn't say that. Is it inappropriate to give him such pressure? "

"It's not right, and we seem to have some wrong ideas. Even if he is married now, it will take a year for the child to be born as soon as possible. With the growth process, it will be at least two years! This time is almost to the limit. You should know that there is a difference between the predicted and the actual situation! "

"This son of a bitch!" Wang Pu also scolded a sentence, really fucker! What about the situation? It can't be solved in an hour and a half. You can't eat hot tofu in a hurry! So what happened after Wang Yang came? You really need to talk to him.

Wang Yang came here in the afternoon. What about his company? It's not so anxious, but what about the situation of grandparents? It is also true that there is no delay, so after explaining some things, Wang Yang also took the things he bought to his grandfather for the first time.

When they came, Wang Pu and the old lady were watering the flowers there. Wang Yang also quickly put the things he had brought to one side, but he didn't mean to help his grandfather and grandmother. He didn't even move the kettle in their hands. Instead, he was doing something within his power!

After being busy, Wang Pu and the old lady also sat on the sofa. Looking at what Wang Yang brought, they also laughed and said, "have you come so early? How do I say this? Do you want to understand or not? "

"I can't say whether I understand or not. I can only say that it's natural." Wang Yang can not say that he has no opinions and ideas, but also hides in front of his grandfather and grandmother? Can't solve any problem!

"There are still some opinions." The old lady also said with a smile, "what about your brother's two children at home? I'm very interested. It's not because he had two children. It's not because of this. Your father and your mother have mentioned about the education of two children? Excellent

Yeah? Wang Yang is a Leng first, immediately also seems to understand what! But what about this heart? Also has the quite doubt, if said is the outstanding word, also cannot be under so big strength? After all, it's just two little guys. They haven't got their hair all together? Exaggerate a little, still suckling age!

"We didn't see the children either, but what about your father and mother? There should be no other reasons for this, and what's more? We have also received news from other aspects. Your elder brother has spared no effort in the cultivation of two children! "

"I don't know that very well!" Wang Yang mentioned the relevant issues with his father earlier, "the two little guys are not so much here in the capital. Are they running around the world? I feel that the two little guys are so lively. This is my initial impression of them

"Your brother! Sometimes? It's also true that people have nothing to say! " The old lady also shook her head with a smile? We did not pay attention to this aspect of the problem, this suddenly jumped out, it is really let people have so many do not have this aspect of preparation! It's too fast, too sudden! "

"I didn't think about the relevant issues before." Wang Yang also said frankly, "the two little guys are very cute, but what will happen to this one? I'm afraid it will take time to verify it! "

"What happened to you and Qiu Yan?" Wang Pu was not confused by the words, but very direct to the point, "if there are no problems, it's time to get married. Anyway, you are not young, and after such a long period of time to adapt! I don't think there are too many situations! "

The old lady looked at her old man and laughed, "Yang Yang! Where's your grandfather? There is no other meaning, he is also very helpless, if it is other things? Maybe not, but what about such a thing? The stimulation to your grandfather is a little bit big! You also need to understand! "

Such things need to be understood? Wang Yang is also feeling sad, how to understand things? What about granddad's excitement? It's definitely my elder brother, but it's definitely not the elder brother who comes to the door on his own initiative. Isn't this a typical way to find his own guilt? Why bother?

But in this case, Wang Yang really did not say it in front of his face, just like a joke! If you really say it, you will be beaten by your grandfather and grandmother as an idiot, so this is not easy to say, after all, the so-called good or bad? They can still distinguish clearly!In the evening, Wang Yang also stayed with his grandfather and grandmother for dinner. What about each other? They didn't mention the matter of having a child after marriage. It would be good to let it be. After all, not all the things can be solved in a hurry.

When he came out from his grandfather and grandmother, Wang Yang also took a long breath and then called his elder brother. Are you kidding? Whether it's caused by big brother or not? If there is no big brother, it will not be the situation now!

"Big brother, you are too careless After the phone was connected, Wang Yang murmured that Ding Yu, who was on the other side of the phone, had just eaten mutton steamed buns with the kids. This is really a little bit different. After all, it is a steamed bun made by myself.

When Wang Yang called? Ding Yu and they have not left the table and wiped the corners of their mouth. Where are the two little guys? I'm also picking up my things. "What's wrong? What's the matter? "

"I just came out of my grandfather's side and told me a lot of things about getting married and giving birth to children. Although it's not imperative, this tone can't be refused. Grandma said that my grandfather was stimulated, but now I understand that the second elder sister called me earlier and definitely took me to the top of thunder!"

"Is it?" What about Ding Yu's tone? Still very insipid, for such things did not arouse any interest in him, "your age seems to be more appropriate, grandfather and grandmother's words are not wrong, as for you are willing or not willing, this matter seems to have no too much relationship with me, so this matter to me does not play any role!"

"Big brother, you really don't have toothache!" Wang Yang also said with deep sigh, "it's not the trouble caused by the two little guys. Anyway, the family is very optimistic about the two children. I think we can understand some of the reasons at this time."

"So what do you want to express to me?" Ding Yu is still not salty, let Wang Yang feel that there are some teeth itching, but helpless, after all, is his big brother! Now this time Wang Yang can only say so!

"Big brother, can't you be a little surprised?" Wang Yang is also quite dissatisfied, "I just came out from my grandparents, or in other words, should you respect them?"

"This topic seems to be a little bit far away?"

"Brother, let's not pretend to be confused. I know that there is a gap between you and grandfather. Who is right and who is wrong? Now it seems that there is not much significance to mention it at this time! After all, my grandfather is not too young. What if I were to stand on this issue? "

But Wang Yang's words have not been finished yet. Ding Yu over there has already hung up the phone. Listening to the busy tone in the phone, Wang Yang is really angry. But he is also aware that he was so excited before. What about this? It seems to be too much!

Why can't the knot be broken? Sitting in the car, Wang Yang is also covering his head, is really quite painful! One side is my grandfather, the other side is my big brother. In other words, one side represents the power of the family, and the other side? It represents the economic foundation of the whole Wang family. It is not proper to lose one of the two legs!

Although the elder brother's age is similar to his own, it does not mean that he can blame him. If we don't look at his age and seniority, he is at the same level as his grandfather. What about himself? There are so many accusations against big brother, it is really should not be!

I really didn't mean to do it. What happened in a hurry? But what about big brother? It is also true that there is no intention to save face for yourself, but what about this? It's also the best way to resolve disputes. What about each other? You can calm down.

Judging from the whole matter, who is wrong and who is right? It seems that there is no right or wrong in this matter. What about this matter? It has nothing to do with right or wrong!

After a while, Wang Yang started the car again, but he didn't wait to go far. His sister's phone also called. Looking at the caller ID, Wang Yang also found a parking place. He didn't drive far!

"Sister, can I say that you are not so righteous?" This is a little ironic!

Wang Li also couldn't help laughing. After a long time, she slowly said, "what about this matter? It's not that I give up. Look at my cousin. Although my grandfather once said that we should treat everyone equally, are there some situations? We all know that, so it is meaningless for me to stand up at this time, not to mention that I have no conditions for foresight! "

"Well, I understand. Brother saved you from the sea of misery. What about me? I can only soak in it. I don't have to think about it, so I can't dream! "

"Big brother has already pointed out a way for you, and even personally threw a section of road for you, standing in my personal angle? You are more valued by elder brother than I am. Some problems? Think about it yourself When she said this, Wang Li's tone was a little severe.www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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