When Ding Yu comes back in the evening? It was a little bit late, but you Shanzhong and Zhang Qingshan were still waiting for Ding Yu. What kind of mistakes did their son make? What kind of mistakes did they have in mind? There is really no foundation. From the actual situation, Ding Yu has done his utmost!

To invite the two of them here at the first time is to let the zhangjias and the yous and even the forces behind them? You can put your heart down. Ding Yu didn't mean to aim at anyone. What about Zhang Xiaohua and you Ming? It belongs to them, not extended.

If someone makes a noise through this matter, don't say it's a surprise. I've already said such a thing to Ding Yu. If you don't give this face, then I'm sorry! In fact, this is also the meaning of the intelligence department, but what about this? Let them say, with let Ding Yu, it is really two conditions.

What about Ding Yu's identity? It's different. At least it can be suppressed. What about the intelligence department? It is already in a state of anxiety. If there is any provocation among them, it will be extremely difficult to do so. Therefore, Ding Yu is taken out. After Zhang Qingshan and you Shanzhong came here, they also understood the key point.

So now two people need to maintain a certain respect for Ding Yu's treatment. What about Ding Yu's age? No relationship has happened! After Ding Yu came back, he washed a little, and then he met them both.

"When I came back, I once thought whether I would invite you to dinner, but I don't think they will be calm, and the time of thinking is a little longer, so I come back a little late, please forgive me!"

Ding Yu came back so late? There are also many considerations. Ding Yu does not really care about the detained Zhang Xiaohua and you Ming, but he needs to consider certain influence, that is, after Zhang Xiaohua and you Ming are moved, the reaction of Zhang Jia and you family, and even the influence of joint forces.

Since the intelligence management department has handed them both into their own hands, it means that they hope that they can shoulder the pressure. Ding Yu does not want to have a conflict with Zhang Jia and you family, or even the forces behind them. There is no need for this aspect! Let's have a talk! Talk to each other, each other should be able to understand!

And the result? It's expected. What about you Shanzhong and Zhang Qingshan? Although they are high-ranking and powerful, they are all reasonable. What about each other? There may be some contradictions, but the contradictions between them are not related to this matter, and Ding Yu does not mean to retaliate with this matter!

"Director Ding, what about Xiaohua and Youming? We all know something about it, just deal with it fairly! "

Ding Yu slightly nodded his head, "I may take them around for a while. I try my best to ensure their life safety, and there will be no other situation. I believe it? There should be no one who is so interested in them that they should take such a great risk to do it to them! "

There are so many arrogant words. To understand from the meaning between the lines, it is to hit Ding Yu's face on Ding Yu's territory. No one dares to do so for a long time.

But what about inside? There is another layer of meaning, other people dare not do it, but if Zhang Xiaohua and you Ming do something without authorization, then don't blame yourself for being impolite. What is the so-called prohibition of torture? The application of domestic laws and relevant departments does not mean the same applies to itself.

Ding Yu has made this statement very clear. What opportunities should be given? They have already given them. If they don't cherish them, it has nothing to do with themselves. They don't have much interest in two miscellaneous fish, but it doesn't mean they are two? You can jump in front of yourself.

Zhang Qingshan and you Shanzhong left at night. The two little guys looked at their father and were curious, "Dad, the expressions of the two grandfathers don't seem very happy!"

Ding Yu also hummed and laughed, "your observation is really not general acute, even a small age to see such things, a bit unusual!" Then he also looked at the distance, "where are their children? Make a mistake, want to save them, but should not how how to reach out! "

"If you make a mistake, just fart!"

What about two little guys playing around? Ding Yu shook his head. "Do you make trouble with such a thing? When they can be educated, or even mischievous? That is to say, if you say two sentences above, you can correct it. But what about some mistakes? It is impossible to offend. Once it is violated, the whole country and the people will be the enemy! During this period of time, I have taken you to so many places and made enemies with the whole country and the people. What kind of consequences do you think it will be? "

"Offended everyone?" The little girl is also surprised to open her mouth.

"To sell the interests of the country, or indirectly, to sell the interests of the country is to be the enemy of the whole country and the people, not to mention one punch per person. Even one finger is enough to crush them!"Then Ding Yu also squatted down and looked at his son and daughter, "I hope you two? To be able to remember this, some things have been done? No harm, no one will take it seriously, but some things? Never do it, even the so-called edge ball? Don't touch it! Regret is the most worthless word

After educating the two little guys, Ding Yu looked back at the business department and asked them to send them back to have a rest. "What about the people of Zhangjia and you? Now that they have come and gone, we can start now. We don't need to worry too much. You should know that I don't want to interfere in this matter! "

"Director, there are some regulations in the Department!"

Ding Yu also disdained to smile at business, "you are not a good guy? You really give face to me What about business? Ding Yu, of course, knows what it means. He's been working for a lifetime. What about such an old doggerel? What about too many things? See too much understand!

After all, what is the identity of business? It's not the same. He started with Zhang Xiaohua and you Ming, and Ding Yu started with them. This nature is not the same! If the business department started, it would be a good thing to say, but it would involve a lot of responsibilities and situations in the future. But if Ding Yu started it, he didn't need to have any scruples!

"Director, since you are in the system, what about doing things? Nature needs to be measured! " Because of the relationship with Ding Yu? How many already familiar, so this talk? Naturally, it's a lot more "wild.".

"Bullshit! I haven't seen the measures of the director of the Commercial University, but I have heard of some. Although it is not bloody at all, the listener is sad and the listener is crying! " Having said a couple of jokes, Ding Yu also knows about it? How about business? Really not a very good choice!

However, Ding Yu also took the materials of Zhang Xiaohua and you Ming in his own hands at this time, "how do you see these things they wrote? Don't tell me that you don't know anything. Since you're here, you need to bring out some real gold and silver. Otherwise, I will be very reluctant to see you! "

What about the material written by two people? Business has already seen it. Now that Ding Yu has said so, he really needs to bring out some dry goods at this time. "He has explained a lot of problems, but what about the things we want to investigate? There are so many irrelevant! Avoid the heavy ones and let them be light! "

Oh! Ding Yu also sighed, "since the two of them have come, it means that they have already noticed and even investigated the relevant problems. Do you think that they are lucky enough to put this black pot on your head? I'm curious! "

"All in the mud now? For them, they haven't completely fallen into it, at least there is a chance to break free, but they don't know that the rope has been tied around their necks. In fact, when the two ministers come, some things have already been decided! It's just that they haven't woken up yet! "

"Wake them up! Don't let them continue to indulge, it's meaningless! "

Since Ding Yu has already said so, the business department has no intention to oppose it, but what about this matter? What about director Ding's handling? It's really beautiful. What about the things that the intelligence department has given him? He dealt with it very well. What about the pressure from the zhangjias and yous? Direct to the solution!

Ding Yu didn't mean to go against their two families. Even though Ding Yu and Zhang Jia still had this quite contradiction, Ding Yu didn't have any intention to investigate. What about me now? Take the overall situation as the most important thing. In such a situation, if the zhangjias and yous are still looking for trouble in this respect, they are impatient to live!

Come to the room, Zhang Xiaohua and you Ming look at each other in the face, in the heart? Ding Yu didn't say anything. He just sat in front of two people. What about business? He took two boxes with him and then stood behind Ding Yu.

After laying plastic cloth on the ground, he moved two chairs and adjusted the distance. Ding Yu didn't pay much attention to it. What about Zhang Xiaohua and you Ming? He was a little nervous. Although he wanted to look at Ding Yu, he always subconsciously looked at the business department, because the feeling of giving them was not good, it was not good!

What about when the business department is almost finished? Back to the position behind Ding Yu again, "director, it has been arranged, there will be absolutely no contamination! There will be no other situation! "

Ding Yu nodded, and then looked at Zhang Xiaohua and you Ming, who were there. They took out a box of cigarettes from their pockets. But what about Ding Yu's cigarettes? It is slightly different from other cigarettes. Ding Yu took one of them and then lifted his hand. The business school didn't hesitate much and took one in his hand.

After lighting the cigarette, Ding Yu looks at Zhang Xiaohua and you Ming, who are sitting there. He also hands out his own cigarettes, and even takes the initiative to light them up!

After eating this ration, we also found that the taste of this tobacco is very different. What about Ding Yu? After taking two puffs, he also put out the cigarette and put it in the ashtray above the table."What about this tobacco? It's special. Let's not discuss the harm of this cigarette. Let's talk about the tobacco. What about the family? How many places have you found in China to make them deliberately, except for cigarettes? And cigars, but what about cigarettes and cigars? Never circulating in the world. Do you know what that means? "

"Within a fixed range!"

"Yes, what about people who grow tobacco in a fixed range? Besides scientific planting? It also needs strict requirements in other aspects, even beyond the farmers' imagination, but the income is relatively high. What about the cigarettes and cigars I use? Sometimes one can be changed into a box of Lafite from 1982. It depends on my mood! "

"I'm not happy, other people don't have a taste, I'm happy, everyone can enjoy! In this process, I satisfied the farmers who planted tobacco, made myself feel comfortable, and at the same time made others feel proud. I took care of all aspects. Can't we deny that? There's a bias, but what do you see? "

After saying that, Ding Yu did not hesitate to carry the two people to the two chairs placed on the plastic cloth, "with your identity? Playing a little bit of the so-called edge ball, there is nothing remarkable, we are all mortals, but some things? You can do it, it's like tobacco, but what about some things? It is absolutely impossible to touch it! "

"Ding Yu, we have some mistakes, but we are three people together. Why are we targeting US? Business is also one of the suspects. You are obviously taking revenge on the public and private!"

Ding Yu also had such a happy meaning that he even looked back at the business department and said, "I said you are an old guy and you are a bad man. How about that? It can be seen! Yes, it's good. It really has the potential of undercover! "

What about Zhang Xiaohua's performance? The commercial branch also does not know what should say is good, although oneself said is the suspect above in name, but actually above? It's just doing this. In this case, his identity is top secret, but how can we hide Ding Yu's eyes? Unfortunately, Zhang Xiaohua and you Ming are two people? Still did not see clearly.

"And me? It's with you both, young and old

At this time, the business department has no intention of hiding, because there are no other people in the room, so there is no need to have too many scruples. Ding Yu also nodded, "how about you two? It's a small miscellaneous fish! But the question is, what about the family behind your two little fish? It's really tricky and difficult to deal with. So what about minister Zhang and Minister you? Please come here

At this time, the business department has fixed two people on the chair. What about this time? He did it, and he did it under Ding Yu's sign. Anyway, anything happened? Do not have any relationship with themselves, and will not be involved in any relationship! what is there against it.

Ding Yu shook his head and showed a little pity, "do you know? Business is sent to help us. What about your father? We have already talked about it. If you are stubborn, there will be no pity. What's more, what about other forces? Seeing your father's choice, do you think there is still a chance? "

"We didn't do anything, Ding Yu. You are deliberately torture and coercion!"

"Ha ha, you are really a dry cook for the emotion department, aren't you?" Ding Yu shook his head without hesitation, "it's really a pity for you two! At this time, you still bite your teeth. You think the account number and password of foreign banks are so easy to use. You think the so-called passport really works. I asked them to send it to me now. You can't wait till tomorrow, believe me? "

After looking back, Ding Yu also waved, "do it! I think your brother has been waiting for such an opportunity for a long time

There is no so-called pity. When I didn't do it before, I was afraid of it. Moreover, they were really two so-called small miscellaneous fish. But now these so-called pressures have disappeared. Since they have not considered the influence of all aspects, it is good to adjust your own taste when there is nothing wrong!

What about the whole process? Ding Yu did not want to stay to enjoy the meaning, but from the eyes of business? How much of their own see a little tyranny, fell into the hands of business? It's strange that they can be good!

When he got up in the morning, Ding Yu didn't want to pay attention to the business department at all. Instead, he took two little guys to exercise without any relaxation. What about business? Although he said that he took things in his hand, he didn't mean to report immediately. After all, the main leader was Ding Yu, so he had better not go beyond it!

When she was waiting for breakfast, Ding Yu also ate with the business students. "Director, they have already explained that the core problem has been clear! But their spirits are not very good! "

"I don't want to read it. You can report it and let them have breakfast together."

Business students also eat three and two. Their food intake is not comparable to that of Ding Yu. In a short time, Zhang Xiaohua and you Ming were taken to Ding Yu's table to see what happened to them? There are so many malaise, this situation is very normal.What about the eyes that two people look at Ding Yu? It is also a little bit complicated. What should be explained? Basically, I have already explained it. What about Ding Yu? Another situation!

"Eat something! It's been a long night yesterday

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