When they went back in the evening, Zhang Xiaohua and you Ming were completely paralyzed. Although they understood a lot of things, they were under too much mental pressure for a moment? Some of them can't react! Plus the body is particularly tired! Is really overburdened!

"It seems that someone is following us!" The business section in the business car also looked out through the curtain and spoke quietly, but it seemed like a bolt from the blue for Zhang Xiaohua and you Ming!

They were already drowsy. They woke up at the first time and looked at the back with uncertain looks, but they didn't find anything after watching for half a day. What about business? After watching for a period of time, he said slowly, "the black Bora with tail number 090! We've been following us all the way back

Zhang Xiaohua and you Ming are also staring out of the window with their red eyes. At this time, Ding Yu in front of him has been reported, even compared with the business department? Even earlier, Ding Yu's heart is a little strange, who is it! Come to the door with such a big stab? Too desperate?

Before returning to the hotel, the car was stopped. Ding Yu immediately stopped the car in front of him, but he didn't mean to get off the bus. Instead, he followed the security vehicle behind him? I didn't mean to get off the bus, but the Volkswagen Bora was surrounded.

What about the inside of Volkswagen Bora? It was also the first time to hang out the alarm lights in the car, which made the business department slightly stunned. How could this be such a situation? I really did not expect to come to the person should still be such an identity!

The first time the driver came down, came to the front door of Bora, "police card!" The driver himself is Ding Yu's security. What about such a thing? Also has its own response, although said hanging the police light, but then how? Is it necessary to be a policeman with a police light? Who said that?

And the people in Bora? For such a situation, there are so many unexpected, have already hung the police lights, the visitor even asked for his police card, how do you mean? After a look at the position of the leadership, and then also to their own documents to hand out, but the window is not very big! It's just a gap!

My car was stopped. In the past, I always stopped other people on my side. No one dared to stop myself. What's more, when I was stopped just now? I have already called for support. I think these guys dare not do anything about it? There are so many people!

The driver took the police card to see two eyes, and then also raised his arm, "national security!"

Several people in the car looked at the speaker, and they were slightly surprised. Only then did they notice that what happened to the ear of the interrogator? You're wearing communication equipment. When did you come? Didn't really notice, and all the time? I didn't find the meaning of taking off the glasses!

After a while, the bodyguard also pressed his own communication equipment, "other personnel's certificates!" After checking all the documents, the driver nodded, "please!"

At this time, the business department got off the car and walked to the front of Volkswagen bora. The driver gave up his seat as soon as possible. The business department took a look at the situation in the car. Although it was only a gap, it still saw the situation in the car.

Seeing the inside of the Chu car, the business department didn't have much words. She whispered something in her ear. Obviously, at this time? It is also necessary to discuss with Ding Yu. After all, this time is not the time for us to make decisions!

"Keep up, Zhangbagou hotel!" The business section simply said a word, and then turned around and left. However, several people in the car had the meaning of looking at each other. They were also puzzled about the situation and the location of Zhangbagou.

In such a place, no one dares to come here. They have already taken out their certificates before. But what about the indifference of these guys? It seems that there are so many arrogant, there are so many did not put national security in the eye! What on earth is this?

"Head, how do you feel like there are so many people who don't treat us as one thing? We should know that the first reaction of other personnel when they see our documents should not be like this! Moreover, we usually come out to carry out tasks. Our ID card is obviously different from that of a police officer's card, but for them, it seems that it's just a matter of time! "

The middle-aged man sitting behind the driver's seat looks at the driver and the business department leaving. He also narrows his eyes slightly. From which driver's body? How much of their own sense of rigor, this flavor? It should be a habit left over from years of being a soldier. It's too self disciplined.

But who is the business guy? I don't see it at all. My looks are very ordinary and popular. Although I look at each other through the window, I don't leave any impression on myself. After working in this position for so many years, I really seldom meet such a person!"Head, the car behind us has never been found, at least not by us. This technology is really extraordinary!"

The driver looked at the rearview mirror and said it seriously. He didn't find this before. What about when he found out? All of them have been stopped. This kind of situation rarely happens to them, so I feel that it's so incredible that these guys seem to be beyond their imagination?!

"Who do you think they are?"

"I don't know, but I feel so familiar! But it seems that I haven't heard any so-called announcement recently! If anyone is coming, at least say hello to us

Sitting in the back of the people do not have any words, give their own feeling is so some not very good! When I received the report, I was forced to wait for the development of the situation? It seems that I didn't expect it!

When they arrived at the hotel, Ding Yu left first. However, Zhang Xiaohua and you Ming, who came down from the car, looked at the four people behind them. Their eyes showed a little resentment. Although they did not know how it happened, it was obvious that these four people? It's for them.

Of course, what's the biggest possibility? It's these four guys who are the front runners. They don't even know what happened. But for Zhang Xiaohua and you Ming, it's not so important. If you can, they really want to come forward and let them know that although I'm down and down, not everyone can ride on his head and shit.

The two people who endured the discomfort returned to their respective rooms. The first time they took off their bulletproof vests, took a good bath and came out again? Two people originally wanted to wear bulletproof vests, but later Security said no, because the current environment is relatively safe!

Otherwise, they will wear bulletproof vests again if they say anything! After all, think about your own life! It's not a joke.

"Director, they are from the national security side. They have received a notice saying that our identity is questionable. What is the specific content? That is, we are suspected of stealing military intelligence, and we have not discussed other matters in detail! "

Ding Yu snorted and waved his hand. "I don't care about this. It's true that I accepted the task, but Zhang Xiaohua and you Ming have already made me feel worried enough. Besides, I need to make medicine for two little guys in the evening, so I don't have so much time!"

Well, finding Ding Yu doesn't have any effect. At least Ding Yu doesn't have any concern about this matter. How to deal with it depends on the business department. On this issue, Ding Yu's performance is meaningless, and even has some indifferent meaning. It's really his style!

Business is also quite helpless. What about director Ding? Is it really the best example to be a leader?! Oneself also can only be to send out such feeling! Why do you say that? What about him? Only responsible for the general direction of the above problems, for the details above is not so demanding.

What about being a subordinate? I like such a leader very much. I can fully vent my subjective initiative. But what about such a leader? In some aspects, it's also quite depressing, because you want to be lazy? It is not feasible, at least in front of Ding Yu, because it will be eliminated soon.

After coming back again, the business department did not immediately reveal his identity, but looked at the two people sitting in front of him, "you have followed us this afternoon, but you haven't done too much! This is very suspicious, I even have some doubts!"

"I want to know who you are? Why is there no identification so far? "

Business is also a smile, "it seems that let you come to the people? I will investigate this matter. No matter who is involved, no matter who is involved, you can help me? Take this word, how I deal with things, that is my business, does not mean that other people can intervene in the same way! "

After saying that, the business department also stood up, but after two steps, she also looked back, "remember to tell me this sentence, and also a warning, what about this matter? It's not that you should be involved. There are so many different identities and responsibilities between each other. I don't want to pick up this fight. It seems that no one can afford it! "

"Head, I seem to feel something!"

What about the one called the head? At this time, there are so many people who want to scold their mother. If they say that they don't know anything now, they are not pretending to be stupid, but really stupid. What is the identity of these guys? It is also quite obvious that under such circumstances, they still do not reveal their identity? Why?

It's not that these guys are fake, but they are not afraid of verification at all, but just like what he said, if they fight with each other, they seem unable to bear the responsibility!"Report! Anyway, we won't take any responsibility for this matter. What's more? They are also in Zhangbagou, let people watch, don't go too quietly

What if it's something else? I may have to fight for it for a while, but what about this thing? Two departments are involved. How about yourself? The security department, and that side, the typical military intelligence department, if it really makes trouble, what kind of thing is it! And I don't seem to be right here!

Report the situation to the top! Anyway, I'm also obedient to my orders. As for how to deal with this matter, I don't have much to do with myself. What about gods fighting? Don't get involved!

When the business department came back, he looked at Zhang Xiaohua and you Ming and said, "OK, there is nothing wrong with you today. Do you live here? It's safe, of course, if you go out on your own, or leave, what's going on has nothing to do with me! Do what you want

Zhang Xiaohua and you Ming see the bed at this time, just as they see their father. Anyway, what should they tell us? It's already been explained. What about in the afternoon? Also took advantage of the opportunity to contact with the family, Ding Yu really did not mean to stop.

What about the house? There is no mention of any problems or situations. However, it is certain that death penalty can be exempted, but living crime is hard to forgive. For Zhang Xiaohua and you Ming, as long as they don't die? Others are acceptable, now there is no so much psychological pressure, this mind? It was a lot of relaxation!

Two people fell down on the bed, like pigs, snoring and sleeping, which made the business school envy them. These two guys are so heartless. They can still sleep like this. If they were changed into themselves, they would die at this time!

Ding Yu came out of the room after helping two little guys apply medicine. He was a little tired. Looking at the business department who came in to report the situation, he was not so interested. "I don't want to hear what you said. You can handle it by yourself. I really don't have so much interest in this! Want to pick up a fight between the two departments? I wonder if they got their heads stuck in the door? You can think of all the tricks of water. "

"And the two of them? But there is no ideological burden, sleeping that is called a stable ah! The previous blow seems to have been so big, now all things seem to have nothing to do with them, so it's not as worried as you think When I said this, business still had some feelings.

"Do you mean the punishment for both of them? It's too light. You feel that there are some imbalances in your heart, because from your point of view, shoot them both? Not too much! "

"If there are some mistakes in the past, I feel so happy!"

"What about others? What about such punishment? Maybe some of them are too light. Of course, what about the others? It won't be such a punishment. Their identities are too special, so it will be such a punishment! " Ding Yu looked at the business department sitting opposite to him and shook his head. "It's a little too one-sided!"

"Don't understand!" What about the mood of business? It's not as high as you think!

"For the two of them, correct or not? The difference will not be very big! " Ding Yu didn't explain the problem in this respect. It depends on whether business can understand it.

In fact, in Ding Yu's opinion? Shoot both of them? Not too much, but what about this thing? Other people can do it, but if they do it, it is another nature. They really don't want to make too many enemies, and it's not their own business. What's more, there are other implications.

Business really didn't understand. He was very clear that Ding Yu would never evaluate the innocent saying this, but he really didn't understand what he meant. But looking at Ding Yu's expression, it was obvious that he had a problem with Zhang Xiaohua and you Ming? There are also some who are not very satisfied.

But are you satisfied or dissatisfied with this matter? Ding Yu doesn't want to get involved. It shows that Ding Yu is already quite interesting. He has shared a considerable amount of firepower for the information management department. It is really not good to have other requirements.

"Director, the national security aspect seems to be more interested in this matter. Although they have revealed one side temporarily today, I think it may involve Zhang Xiaohua and you Ming. Although they have explained some things clearly, the follow-up matters have not been finished yet."

Ding Yu directly took a look at the past, "I said that what are you thinking about in your head! When the sky falls down, if you feel that you are not suitable to hold it, then you should find a tall one to hold it! Why are you so stupid? "

"The intelligence and management department doesn't have this spare time now!"

"Say you are stupid, you are really stupid!" Ding Yu is also very helpless to say, "now who is the most concerned about the two of them, the intelligence department? The value of the two of them is not as big as imagined. What do you care about them most now? It's Zhang Jia and you family! Let them face it! I wonder how you've lived to this dayHaving said that, Ding Yu also waved his hand and left quickly! Talk to him, oneself feel brain melon kernel ache, why so simple reason don't want to understand? Is the head made of real stone?

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