Seeing the orange and apricot falling into thinking, Ding Yu also picked up his coffee, looked at Mr. Tanaka on one side, and said slightly, "Mr. Tanaka, I've read some of your articles and heard some of your rumors. You were one of the staff of Akio Morita at that time!"

"Mr. Ding praised me so much. I feel very guilty!" That's what it says, but what about the actual situation? Tanaka's heart is really quite vigilant. Few people know themselves. At most, they regard themselves as an old man. And Ding Yu? For the people around orange apricot, it is so understanding.

"I've heard about civil aviation. I wanted to have a seat with Mr. Inamori at the 60th anniversary, but the opportunity at that time was not very appropriate! That's why it's delayed! "

Tian Zhong looked at Ding Yu, hesitated for a period of time, then slowly said, "I understand the meaning of Ding Sheng, thank you for your favor!" What about Ding Yu's insidious invitation? I refused at the first time, I didn't succeed in the civil aviation business! Ability is not the most important, mainly because the gap between resources is too big!

What about the so-called resources? There are a lot of things included, such as contacts, funds and so on. What about these issues? I have a considerable gap with Inamori. After all, I am not Akio Morita, just Tanaka! But from inside? I can hear another meaning. What about Ding Yu's attitude towards Inamori and Hefu? It's not as cold as you think.

This reminds me of another person, sun Zhengyi, and the relationship between him and Inamori Kazuo? It seems that there are so many incompatible, of course, between each other? But some of them may be difficult to understand? It's the truth! There is no need to hide and hide too much!

"Previously, chairman Kazuo Inamori had some problems in some affairs, but this time, he was alone in the civil aviation. I am optimistic about it! What does Mr. Tanaka think? " Ding Yu also asked questions suddenly.

"Please enlighten me

"Under his reputation, there are not many people who dare to say anything about his reputation. What's more, what about the government and banks? It is also relatively believed that, so no matter what kind of conditions Japan Airlines has opened up, it is not a problem. More importantly, its influence among the public determines that the public will not oppose it! good timing, geographical convenience and good human relations! And what about these? I'm afraid it's something you can't do, at least not yet! "

"I'll bow to the wind!" Although Tanaka said he was sitting there, he also stood up and bowed 90 degrees to show his deep respect. What did he say? It's not a lot, but I have foreseen some things very well. This is what I thought about, but I didn't think so far.

From this point of view? His failure is natural, of course, there is Ding Yu? His eyes are indeed quite long-term, seeing that ordinary people can not see, thinking of ordinary people can not think! fierce!

And this time orange apricot is also wake up to come over, looking at the teacher's appearance in the field, is also blinking his eyes, how a thing? Why suddenly became this way, Ding Yu did not make any other explanation, still the same as before.

"Ding Sheng, it's difficult for me to answer this question. I hope we can reach a consensus! But

"I gave him a month, so what about your business? I'm not very anxious, everything depends on your understanding, I think between each other? Think more about it! "

Orange apricot some did not understand, but standing on one side of the field has understood, Ding Yu? I don't want to continue to grind teeth with oranges and apricots. What about the layers of oranges and apricots? A little bit so low, Ding Yu is willing to see her now, is also quite to face, don't let this friendship? It's gone!

"Mr. Ding, thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule. Thank you!" Tanaka also suddenly put in a sentence, which is relatively impolite. Ju Xingzi also takes a look at Tanaka and finds that Tanaka salutes respectfully. Ju Xingzi also stands up and salutes, and then leaves with Ding Yu.

When she came out, she also took a look at Tian Zhong, who was beside her, "teacher Tanaka, I want to know why!" Tone is very firm, but also with a little dissatisfaction! But the expression on the face is not very obvious.

"Ding Sheng told me a few words about JAL. In his words, he also talked about the two chairman of the board, namely, Akio Morita and Mr. Inamori. We can see that there is praise for the elites of the two directors, but I think what is the person he cares more about? Not the two presidents, but Sun Zhengyi! "

"I haven't heard of their relationship!" The orange apricot feels the head has so some to turn not to come over, what with what!

"I don't know the specific situation, the time of the conversation is too short, and the conversation between each other also makes me a little unprepared, I can't make a timely response!" Tanaka also explained his own business, "no matter what kind of choice we make, we can, but you can't lose points in front of him!"The explanation is not very direct, but orange apricot still understand, what about himself? It seems that there are so many wrong estimates of their position in front of Ding Yu. What about each other? There is not much friendship at all. What's more, what's more, his own identity? It is a representative, not a decision maker and decision maker.

What about Ding Yu? It's already quite face saving, but what about your own identity? It's always a problem. Ding Yu doesn't like such procrastination. Tangerine and apricot were in it at that time, so he didn't see it clearly. What about Tanaka? The onlookers saw clearly, so they pulled back the oranges and apricots as soon as possible.

"Teacher Tanaka, from your personal point of view, what kind of choice do you think you should make?"

Looking at the sincere orange apricot, Tanaka was also silent for some time, "my choice does not represent the choice of the consortium, some things? Although it is not destined by heaven, it is not changed by human will! I hope you can do a good job in this aspect of psychological preparation, involved will be a little bit so many! "

The words are a little depressed, and the expression inside the orange apricot is a little unhappy. "From your personal point of view, Mr. Tanaka, you are not in favor of investing in American affairs. It should be like this!"

"What about our relationship with Ding Yu? It's not as deep as you can imagine, and Ding Yu's demand for us is not as great as imagined. But what about Mr. Mitsui's business this time? I'm afraid it will give many people in the consortium a misunderstanding that our position is very important! "

"Did Ding Sheng do it on purpose?" After all, oranges and apricots are still young, but what about Tanaka? I have learned from Mr. Morita's side, and even, to a certain extent, can exchange hands with Mr. Inamori. What about this identity? Let oneself still need to maintain quite respect!

"It can be said that it's intentional or unintentional, but from the way of doing things, it's really just the right time. It's too early or too late? The fire is over, and once the illusion is generated, it is difficult to recover, let alone the capital? What I didn't expect was that Ding Sheng could take out the interests of the United States. There are not many people who can refuse this temptation! "

Tangerine and apricot even stood in place, pondered for a long time, then deeply sighed, not to mention just now, even now, he is still silent in the interests of the United States! One is a golden mountain, and the other? Maybe it's a pit. Under such circumstances, what kind of choice do you want to make?

Good in their own side? There are Tanaka teachers, but the problem is that you only have one Tanaka teacher. What about the whole thing? Ding Yu did not hide anything from them, but the question is: can he and Mr. Tanaka change the views and ideas of the whole consortium? It seems that there are so many unlikely!

Teacher Tanaka is right. What about his choice? It doesn't mean the choice of consortia. What about Ding Yu's consortia in Japan? The interest is not particularly great, at least at this time, but there is really no way to ignore the Japanese consortia in the framework of Asian forces.

Therefore, Ding Yu also came here. I give you the right to choose, but what kind of choice you make, this has nothing to do with me. After all, it is not that I force you to make such a choice, but you make your own decision. Therefore, what happens in the future does not have much to do with me.

What about this problem? There is no way to say whether Ding Yu is good or bad. Ding Yu did not put the gun rack on his head to force everyone to make this choice willingly. Of course, some people must have seen the long-term, but the question is what about such people? Always in the minority!

After all, the obvious interests are placed there. Who can see them? Can't help but bite two, and from Tanaka's point of view? There is another extension of this matter, that is, the United States.

What kind of choice does the United States hope Japan will make when it comes to touching the interests of the United States and Southeast Asian affairs? It is definitely not Southeast Asia. The United States would rather be more generous and let Japan contaminate the interests of the United States.

In other words, what about America? Is the Japanese father, even if is to give the son some expense also can how? If I feel uncomfortable, don't I still take money from my son's pocket? After all, compared with Ding Yu and Japan, the relationship between the United States and Japan is pretty good. Ding Yu and the United States are rivals. What about Japan and the United States? That's dad! Broken bones and tendons.

So what about Tanaka? Basically, it can be concluded that as long as these two conditions are put forward, the consortium will not have too many disputes and opinions on what kind of choice it will make. Ding Yu! It's true that all the things are calculated in the bones. This guy is really a monster!

If it's not a monster, how can you think so deeply, react so quickly, and betray Mitsui? Originally, it was a blow to Ding Yu, but his revenge was nothing for other people. He even took advantage of such an opportunity to fight against the general! No better than this!From the understanding of the situation, he looked down on orange apricot. In the past, he might have thought he was arrogant. But now, it is not that Ding Yu is too arrogant, but he is too high on orange and apricot. What about when things are not in touch? May not have this aspect feeling, now contacted only then knew, own before time is how small!

But what about this? Really can not face with the orange apricot to say, anyway, they will not say, let orange apricot to their own perception! What's more, I chose yamazaburo instead of oranges and apricots. What about this? Is a kind of attitude above the highlight, I believe that someone will take this to say things!

What about Dashan sanro here? It was also the first time that I made a report to this department. Do you want to know that you have made a black pot for Mitsui Yifu? There has been no final conclusion. Now I have to make a report to ask for resignation. Do you agree or disagree? But how about this attitude? It needs to be.

What's more, Mr. yamazaburo hopes to rush back as soon as possible. What about his own hands? Holding 20 million dollars. What about this money? It's just money to go out, it's not money to go out, it's just money to go out, it's not money to go out.

What about the Japanese headquarters? Is it true that there are so many angry things about Ichigo Mitsui? They made it, but they didn't think about the result. How about Mitsui's move? I went wrong, and it was a big mistake!

It's not just that Ding Yu and the Japanese consortia did not work? Instead, they gave it to the general! What about Mr. Dashan? Ability is good, but relatively speaking? He is not as important as he thought. The earth will not be different from his rotation.

But what about this? It is true that there are so many faces, but what about the Japanese consortia? It has also been made clear. What about Mitsui's affairs? We won't investigate. What's the exchange? It's Osama. What about each other? Look better!

There is not much discussion between them. What about the Japanese government? Although the tendency towards the United States accounts for a large part of the total, there are still some? It's what the consortia hold up. Some things are nodded by each other. It's not very complicated.

What's more, what about Osama? It's not a particularly hateful character. At this time, no one wants his life. What about his hands? There is also a huge amount of money to buy road, in this case, all things are simple a lot! It's also convenient!

But what about the nature of his work? Therefore, the handover may take some time, and it can not be completed in a day or two. This is also the reason why Ding Yu deliberately gave a month's time!

Since this department has no intention of doing anything difficult, what about Mr. yamazaburo? It was also the first time to get on the plane and fly to Japan. When he was sitting on the plane, he sighed that fate was too much for him! I'm even going to be ruined!

How about the first meeting with Ding Yu? It's really quite unpleasant. Even now I think about it, I'm still afraid. At that time, I was forced to eat so many things. Now I think of hotpot. What's in my stomach? There are also some knots!

But now? He is under Ding Yu's command. Who can I find to reason with? Fate! It's really amazing! Under Ding Yu's command? It can not be said that it is a bad thing, even for their own life, it is completely on a new level!

Betrayed by the state, this matter is not so happy, but Ding Yu's own requirements? It's not to let yourself betray the country. From this point of view, Dashan's impression of Ding Yu has really changed! Life! It's like chocolate, you never know what the next moment is!

On the way back, although Akiko and Tanaka are not going back now, they seem to have made preparations in this respect. They have already fed back the relevant information to the consortia behind them. How to deal with the next step is still in the process of discussion!

Tangerine and apricot didn't wake up, but what about Tanaka at this time? There is no expectation any more. Such a thing has been doomed for a long time. It is not to say that who stands up and can be saved. What about the major consortia? It's not that all of them are wine sachets, and there are definitely people with bright eyes, but what can we do?

This is not to say who can solve the problem by standing up and being passionate. This is a dead end. Ding Yu didn't say hello to the United States, but the problem is, after this matter comes out? Will the United States still watch?

It's impossible. They'll give it a hand.

Ding Yu and the U.S. side of the cooperation is really too tacit understanding, between the two? It doesn't even need any communication and words, just by mutual understanding? Can handle the whole thing perfectly!

What about it? It seems that Ding Yu didn't get much cheaper. What about the United States? It seems that they didn't get much cheaper. As far as Japan is concerned, it has gained considerable benefits, but the benefits are so easy to be contaminated. Is the pie falling from the sky so happily? Take a bite and you'll choke! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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