When the plane stopped, Taixi had already been looking forward to it! Although said previously when called, but Dingyu Europa will take the children together to come over, his heart is really a little nervous!

It's true that Dingyu oba is not the same as Korean men, but what about himself? After all, this country grew up, so there are some things in the bones that are difficult to change. Although I can talk to the children every day and see their latest progress through blog, I still feel a little sad when I don't see the children with my own eyes.

Looking at the three people walking down from the plane, Taixi is also a little bit reserved, almost all the way trot over, two little guys with small four eyes also rushed to come at the first time, and then also held their mother, the expression on his face is also quite jubilant and joyful! Small four eyes are also around the jump, it is obvious to attract attention.

"You've worked hard!" Looking at Tai Xi's respectful salute, Ding Yu is also feeling a little funny. What about this situation? I'm afraid it can only happen in Korea or Japan. In China? It's almost impossible! It's about the opposite!

Although both of them had children, Ding Yu still stretched out his hand and gently flicked it on the forehead of Taixi. Although he said that there was no one to pay attention to, Taixi's face was still blushing. Obviously, she didn't expect to come back, but what about this heart? It's really sweet.

"Dad is bad!" Two little guys look at their bad father bullying their mother. They are also very dissatisfied to express their feelings. Of course, there is an important reason. They didn't get five dollars' compensation on the plane before. Because of two flaws, their father deducted one dollar out of thin air!

Taixi's face also changed greatly, and he didn't know what had happened. But Ding Yu didn't care that much. Two little guys are so angry, but this is also common sense. I'm afraid that no one will be so happy at this time! Then two little guys are also dragging their mother, began to complain.

The words of the two little guys are also very neat, and soon they make things clear. After listening to them, Tai Xi is surprised, but at the same time, there are some smiles. Just for one dollar, three people even make such a fuss. Is it good to let oneself say something?

However, Tai hee also understood that Europa's way of educating children is not really Asian tradition, but there are some European and American styles. Is it right or wrong? This is really not good! If the topic is involved, it may be a little longer!

The procedures are still very fast. What about these problems? Naturally, Ding Yu doesn't need to worry about it. While Ding Yu and Taixi are resting, the two little guys also buy drinks. As for the so-called expenses? Of course, it's not pocket money, it's earned by working in the past.

But obviously, there is a gap. What about your father? It's just simple coffee, and it seems that it's very cheap. What about the drinks in Taixi's hands? A look at the price is not cheap, Ding Yu also twisted his mouth, looking at the two little guys, is also a hum, a serious expression of their dissatisfaction!

If anything else? The two kids may be worried, but what about the cost of the drink? But what about the power of domination? It's entirely their own, so what do they buy? This depends on their own mood. Other people seem to have no control.

Love to drink or not to drink is the most intuitive expression of the two little guys.

Tai Xi looked at the two children, and then put his eyes on Ding Yu's body. How long did he go out! The two little guys are so much more lively than before, and what about the whole idea? It seems that a little change has taken place, and even let myself have three days when the feeling of a new look!

After intimacy with his mother for a period of time, he found that his mother's attention seemed to be on the body of limitless father, and the two little guys also put their attention on the body of the little four eyes, but they were still leaning against their mother's side. What about the two people's situation? It's a little bit lazy!

How old are they? Or are there so some small, plus the impact of the outside world during this period of time, a little bit larger, outside? May not have too much feeling, but now saw Tai Xi, the whole person's spirit immediately relaxed down, in any case, it seems that there is something wrong!

Taixi looked at the two children's appearance, but also felt some problems, but the nanny who had been following him explained it for the first time. Taixi also patted his chest position with his hand, and then took a look of dissatisfaction. As for who he was looking at, he did not say anything!

When he got on the bus, Taixi didn't give up holding the child, and even forced her to give up the girl to Ding Yu. You know, there are many seats on the car, which is not that you can't sit down. But Taixi is like this. Ding Yu didn't mean to refuse, but he was small four eyes? Eyes in Ding Yu and Tai Xi two people's body up and down.Finally, he was lying at the foot of Taixi. After seeing it, Ding Yu felt that he was not angry. The dead dog ate his own and used his own. Although it was not the first time he saw Taixi, he didn't have to be so flattered? If it's not because it's inconvenient, maybe Ding Yu will kick it with his feet!

But Tai Xi looked at the movement of the little four eyes, and felt that he was so happy. Then he held the little guy in his arms with his hand. They all had gone to sleep. What about the usual time? It's a lot of hilarity, but now? Do not know why, close to their mother on the deep sleep in the past.

"I feel much better this time!" Both of them have gone to sleep. Ding Yu looks at Tai Xi and says in a low voice. They are sitting together. Because the distance is close, Ding Yu observes carefully.

Taixi also took a careful look at his son in his arms. The little guy was very honest. Looking at his small face, Tai Xi could not help but want to bite him, but he was afraid to wake them up. When he was hesitant, he heard Ding Yu's words. He was stunned and put his head against him.

I used to be a bit tired, but now what happens after I get used to it? I don't have to worry about this. Whether it's at work or at home, I don't have a place to worry about. At the beginning, I may need to use various cosmetics. After all, the exposure is under the fluorescent lamp.

But now the cosmetics themselves have been rarely used. There are a lot of things carefully prepared for themselves in the courtyard. The spirit is so good that even I don't believe it. As for putting your head in the past now? More is a kind of gratitude!

Soon two people's heads also touched together, and small four eyes? It is to raise their own head, some puzzled to look at two eyes, and then again to lie down, for it, there are so some do not understand, why just when there are so some contradictory two people, this time sweet and greasy together!

When he was about to get to his residence, Ding Yu felt that the girl in his arms seemed to wake up. He was also tossing around in his arms. What about the little guy in Taixi's arms? It seems that it's almost the same. After all, the little girl has already woken up. Can you let the little guy specialize in the front?

Soon, the two people also started to fight, basically is you hate me, I reciprocate you, and even took his father and mother's hands, fighting back and forth, anyway, it's not their own hands, and it doesn't hurt!

Ding Yu and Tai Xi have no intention to stop them. They are not old enough. Even if they move back and forth, they don't have too much pain. However, Ding Yu and Taixi look at each other, and immediately they cover the two little guys in their arms, making you two little guys naughty!

The two little guys were caught off guard by their father and mother's surprise. They were also barking in the words. Xiaosiyan stood up for the first time, and then began to jump on one side. Taixi felt that he was so happy. This dog, which Ding Yu ouba called "little four eyes", was really fun!

Soon, the two little guys also broke free from the arms of their parents, and then ran to the front seat. Then they held the little four eyes in their arms, but they didn't mean to trample the little four eyes. But looking at them holding the ears of the little four eyes and saying something in a low voice, we know that they must be blaming the little four eyes What not to save them, let them be ravaged for so long!

"Are there any other jobs and things during this time?" Just before getting off the bus, Ding Yu asked abruptly.

Tai Xi thought for a while, and then shook his head, "things in work have entered the normal, there is no other thing at home? What can I do for you? "

"I've been wandering outside with two children for such a long time. I didn't take you with me before because some problems of the two children have not been corrected, and I'm worried that you will stay with the children? It will make them very dependent! " Ding Yu said it sincerely and hoped that Taixi could understand it.

Taixi didn't say anything about it. He just held Ding Yu's hand and exerted a little bit of force. It's true that he thought about Ding Yu's oba taking his children out? Some of them are not satisfied, but how about seeing the change of children? I am really happy, after all, it is for the children! It has nothing to do with anything else.

"I'll take a few days off here, and then I'll take them to see something else, but what's next? Maybe you will follow me! You know, I'm a man after all, sometimes it's not convenient! What about previous education? It's almost done. I need your help next

What about that? It is not too much to be embarrassed, but Ding Yu's voice is still quite light. Taixi can't help laughing, that is, the two children are still there. Otherwise, he will definitely burst out laughing. But even so, Taixi takes a look of complaint and nods his head.

Casually tell yourself, with very sincere to say to yourself, this is completely two concepts and interest, at least this kind of feeling in the heart is not quite the same! After the car stopped, the two little guys opened the door of the car for the first time, and the little four eyes jumped out first.The two little guys are familiar with this place. It's not the first time. Instead, the little four eyes looked around, and then they found their own position. Then they put aside their legs. After Ding Yu looked at it? Also hum a, this guy, after coming, the first thing is to divide their own sphere of influence, have a set!

The security guards rest in other places, so in addition to the necessary personnel, the others have left first. The two children with little four eyes begin to inspect the territory in the house, while Ding Yu sits on the sofa in the living room like an old man, showing a bit of laziness.

Taixi changed his clothes and even pulled Ding Yu out of the sofa. Although he said that he was no different from uncle when he came to the house, he couldn't do it like this! After some twists and turns, he also helped Ding Yu change his clothes. In fact, Ding Yu can do it by himself.

But now? It is really very enjoy the care of Tai Xi, but when changing clothes, Tai Xi also blamed Ding Yu's body and patted it twice, "all said, don't try to bear it. Look at you, what are you like?" After all, my husband and wife are old, so what about some things? It's also very clear!

Ding Yu shaved Taixi's nose with his hand, but didn't explain what it was, right, lust and wealth? It doesn't run through life, people? Really don't indulge in it too much, is this with the heart? There's not a lot of relationships.

There are not too many reactions to Ding Yu and there are not many good ways for Taixi. What about Ding Yu? After all, it's a man. It's normal for him to play games. As long as there is a meaning in this aspect, even if it is a look, I'm afraid there will be groups of butterflies rushing up!

More directly? Power and wealth are the most attractive things, and at this point? South Korea may be more obvious. The pressure of life is too big, leading to many people? In order to live and step into the wrong road, such a thing is really too normal, even let people see strange!

And in the bright entertainment industry? This kind of thing is more serious, I have now stood at the top of the entertainment industry, for such a thing is more clear very! What about things like this? Really can't put an end to, especially in South Korea such a society!

What about these? There are some of their own views, in fact, the most important point is that they simply can not bear it! This is the most important thing. When you serve the master once, what kind of situation will you be? I really feel this back is cold after thinking about it! There are really some fears.

It's not that you just want to test something? It is no longer necessary. What about the assets in South Korea? All of them are in their own names. What about the so-called status? I don't have any pursuit, so I don't expect to rely on the so-called beauty or other continue to pester Europa!

But what about looking for the right person? It's really not an easy thing! In other words, the people who let Ding Yu's oba take an eye on will never be as many as he imagined. When he thought of this, Taixi couldn't help sighing and then began to laugh. What's wrong with him? All of a sudden, there are some demons!

Ding Yu's side has been tidied up, and the two little guys are familiar with the little four eyes, and even changed their clothes, but there is not much honest meaning. Soon Taixi also felt the trouble of Ding Yu!

The two children are more lively than they were when they left home. How long has it taken for them to come back! It has been so hilarious! I wonder if this has always been the case?

"By the way, I mentioned it to them earlier. It's necessary for them to get used to school!" Looking at Tai Xi personally carrying the fruit tray over, Ding Yu also said a subconscious.

Of course, the two children who were playing with each other heard of it, but they didn't have much reaction. Previously, they had left an impression in their mind. But when Taixi heard about this, he also blinked his eyes. What about his heart? There are also some accidents. I'm going to school at this time, isn't it earlier?

But it's time to think about it. It's time to send them to kindergartens, but where are they going? Taixi has his own ideas about this, but Taixi is also very clear about this matter? They can only have referential opinions, not decisive opinions!

"What do you mean? Not at home? The family won't agree? "

"In China, what about education? I don't worry. In fact, anywhere? Education will not have too many problems and conditions, mainly about the elderly at home? It's this and that. Their two children are too young to be too spoiled! But where are you going now? I haven't made a final decision yet. "

Tai Xi also nodded slightly, which is a very important point. What about the old people in the family? For the love of children, this is incomparable, so in some aspects? It is to be lenient with oneself and strict with others! Instead of being strict with yourself and being lenient to others! It's really a problem.www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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