Sun Jun was sitting at home at this time with a look of indifference. This time, it was an impact on himself and an impact on his father. However, his father has now stepped down from his position, so what about the impact? Relatively speaking, it is still much smaller.

What about yourself? In this case, it was a precarious situation, but Ding Yu made a move, which also made him avoid a danger. At least, the difficulty in front of him was over. What about the remaining problems? That is how to solve the situation of his sister, which is the key.

"Why go to him?"

The so-called he is Ding Yu. Sun Lisa takes a look at her brother and her parents. She may be domineering in front of other people, but in front of them, she really doesn't have the confidence. "Ding Yu owes us the favor of our family, so I asked him for 20 million yuan with this favor."

When the old man heard about the 20 million yuan, the walnut in his hand was also pinched, and it would never be any RMB. He had heard about the ten million yuan before, but now he has made another 20 million yuan. What is this? Ding Yu owes his family a favor. How much of it needs to be paid with 30 million yuan?

From a certain point of view, the previous ten million has already given all the human feelings clear. She went to find Ding Yu again. To a certain extent, it seems that the sun family is too ungrateful. This is just a joke about the reputation of the sun family, and his reputation has been destroyed in his whole life.

The old man looked at him, and then he stood up. He didn't mean to say anything, and his wife sitting next to him was stunned. The old man didn't imagine the rage, which was just a glance. Besides, there was no other reaction. This was abnormal and extremely abnormal.

Sun Jun didn't expect that his father would have such an attitude. Some of them couldn't understand it. But after thinking about it, the impact of this matter on his father would never be too small. To be sure, my father didn't know how to deal with it at this time. After all, it was not a small number!

Then Sun Jun also stood up, followed his father to go out, looking at his son followed up, the old man's hands behind his position, "Lisa said Ding Yu owed our family, I don't know how she came up with this word, such things she can say, what else she can not say?"

"Dad, I'll explain this to Ding Yu!"

"Explain? How to explain it? You are asked for real gold and silver. What do you give it to? " The old man is also dead biting his own back teeth, "even if it's selling iron, I'm afraid it can't change this account! You know that's not a thousand or two thousand dollars. It's not easy for you to get to this position. I don't want the party and the state's teaching to be in vain! "

"Dad, your worry is too much. I know that Ding Yu basically knows that I'm not worth that price, actually!" Sun Jun also explained and said, "who is Ding Yu? I know more than you. What happened this time? Without violating the principle, I will give him an account! "

"Not against the principle? First of all, it's not him who violates the principle, but your own sister! " The old man was not angry and said, "forget it, I told you that these are useless. You can go back to the army!

After thinking about it, the old man continued to say, "take Lisa out of the intelligence department. This mine is too big. If this explosion happens, no one can stand it. You don't have to worry about it. I'll deal with it." After saying that, the old man also waved his hand, and he had no intention to discuss with sun Jun.

During the meal, Lisa sun looked at her father carefully. After she came back, she also looked into her eyes. What's wrong? Now I think there are so many fears. There are many problems in this. It is not so simple as I imagined. I was too naive before.

"Dad, this time I was wrong!" Looking at her father sitting there reading the newspaper, sun Lisa also admitted her fault. The old man said, and then he put down the newspaper inside. "Since you said it, I'll give you my opinion. You're not suitable to work in the intelligence department. Transfer it out!"

After hearing this, sun Lisa was directly dumbfounded, "Dad?" The old man was not moved at all. "What you need to do is to be extremely calm and rational. But you don't have any of these two things. Impulsive and superior, but they are unorthodox. I have written a report for you and sent it to you!"

"Isn't that 30 million?"

The old man had no intention to argue with Lisa sun, or even to face her squarely. She only saw 30 million yuan. It can be seen how narrow her eyes are. This is not a matter of money. But the old man also has so some exclamations, are also his own children, why is the difference so big?

As for Ding Yu, the old man did not really consider how to deal with the domestic situation? Basically, I have mastered it, but what about the situation abroad? He didn't really know a lot. From the understanding, it was very difficult for him to take out such a large sum of money.Whether there is any problem in this, the old man is so uncertain. From the understanding of the situation, Ding Yu knows, his son basically knows, of course, his son also knows some he does not know, but relatively speaking, the proportion of investment and harvest is not very matching.

Now the old man is worried about his gains and losses. He doesn't know how to deal with this matter. Of course, even if he doesn't admit it, Ding Yu has no way to deal with it, because without any proof, the more he thinks about this, the more he feels that he doesn't understand.

You want to drag Ding Yu over to have a good chat, but the problem is that he is not at home at all. Now he is studying in the UK. What's more, if he wants to drag him, will he come? This problem is really a matter worth discussing.

No matter who lost $30 million, he would not be very happy. When he thought of this, he didn't know what to say to his daughter. What about these things? It's all her fault.

"I haven't heard of your problems and conditions. Why did those dogs come to you?"

Ding Yu took a look at lily, and then he also laughed, "the news is very smart! Last night, when I was at home, people suddenly came to the door and even checked everything. I don't think I have any problems, but I don't pay special attention to it. Why are you so nervous? "

Lily also didn't have a good breath of humming, "being watched by these dogs is really a troublesome thing. Fortunately, we don't deal with them basically. At least, we don't deal with them as much as we think. If it's really annoying, we need to think about countermeasures!"

"Has the investigation found anything?" In the face of Ding Yu's inquiry, lily also looks at it suspiciously. From the summary of the news, it's really not very good to judge whether it has something to do with Ding Yu. At least, she has no way to prove some things.

The direction of their own investigation is different from those of the doggies, but the same result has no result. This can only prove the problem of two people. One is that this matter has nothing to do with him. What's more? The ability of this guy in front of him is absolutely beyond imagination.

Ding Yu's ability is not a problem. The question is whether the situation last night really has something to do with Ding Yu? This is the reason why Lily invited Ding Yu here. Although she is in the gray area, it does not mean that she wants to be involved in any relationship with this aspect.

"Ding, it's not that I don't believe you, but it's something that's too psychedelic."

Ding Yu also blinked his eyes, "you want to hear the true news, or you want to listen to the false news. Of course, I hope you have been prepared in this respect. I think you are also a smart person and understand what I mean by saying this word!"

Lily was also stunned. Of course, she understood the meaning of it. What about preparing for this aspect? That is to say, this news can tell me that if there are any problems and conditions in the future, Ding Yu will directly kill lily at all costs, and even kill all the people related to this matter.

"It seems that you know something!" Lily also pondered for a while. What about this? It is to test Ding Yu. Ding Yu knows the situation. Even if he doesn't know all of them, he may know part of it. The dogs must understand this, but why do they go to find Ding Yu when they understand?

Is Ding Yu not the real target? Or is there any other problem or situation that you don't know? If so, then some problems and situations can be explained clearly.

We can't blame lily for her misjudgment, mainly due to the lack of intelligence, so there is really no way to judge. What's more, Ding Yu is just a knife. Can the knife kill itself? It's impossible. It's only people who use knives to kill people. So Ding Yu has cleared his suspicion to some extent.

After thinking about it, lily also directly refused, "forget it! If one person knows, it's a secret; if two people know, it's not a secret. What's more, I don't think I'll have this protection. What's more, I choose to believe in my own eyes! "

"What you don't see is the best choice." Ding Yu's words are also with a certain amount of temptation, even with a little bewitchment. Lily also smiles and shakes her head. "I still choose to believe in my own judgment. At least it can ensure that there is no problem in my life. This is also a choice, isn't it?"

"You have such a chance!" Ding Yu still doesn't mean to give up. Of course, he doesn't mean to press step by step. But what's the meaning between words? It's also what makes Lily hate so many teeth itching. It's hard to know what he thinks about Ding Yu even though he hasn't given it to him?

"Let's call it a day." Lily also directly drew a full stop to this matter. She did not want to discuss this matter in depth. There was no significance and value at all. What's more, she had understood something. Although she was not very clear, it was enough for her to have certain judgment basis and , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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