The light shining on the dark gun body reflects a very cool light, which makes the atmosphere inside the room tense for a moment.

At this time, Ding Yu also sneered, but the laughter seemed so out of date. "Oh, is it a real gun? I thought it was a firestick? I said that where you put the muzzle of your gun, I'm afraid it will hit your tools for generations. It's not safe. There's no place to repair it in case of an accident. "

Who is the dragon! He hadn't heard others make fun of him for many years. His anger also came up. The empty hand suddenly opened the insurance. But at this time, Huang Kun is a stretch of his hand, "big dragon, don't let the shame make people laugh here, put the guy away."

"Brother Kun?" It is not easy to breathe a cry, but the dragon is very quick to put down the gun, it is obvious that Huang Kun is not generally respected. However, the gun is not in front of the waist, but in his back waist position. It seems that he realized this problem just now. Huang Kun looked at it and shook his head slightly, but did not say anything.

Huang Kun looked at Ding Yu with satisfaction and said with a smile: "doctor Ding, do you have any other requirements besides the conditions just now? As long as you can save my brother, everything else can be said

Ding Yu tapped twice on the table with his forefinger. "I don't have an assistant here, and I lack a lot of surgical equipment. After all, it's not a western medicine store. But these are not the most important, if possible, I can be alone, just spend some time. The main thing is that there is no blood bag here. This is the most troublesome one. I don't know his blood type

After that, Ding Yu also came to the hospital bed, stretched out his hand to untie the man's clothes, and then raised his hand. The people in the room didn't see clearly at all. He saw that the wounds wrapped in the abdomen of the man lying on the bed had been neatly cut open, revealing the blackened wounds inside, but no other places were injured Fang, seeing Huang Kun is a burst of saccade, not to mention the other people, do not know how to split.

"Half an hour is the best time, not more than one and a half hours at most. I am not responsible for what happened, and I don't know if the viscera are hurt. If that happens, he will be in bad luck. Don't blame my head."

Huang Kun stood up all of a sudden, and at this time, Ding Yu simply dealt with the wound of the man on the hospital bed, and then returned to his position. He took out paper and pen and wrote a lot of things on it. He also threw it on the table.

He put on his glasses again, turned the book to the page with the bookmark, and started reading again.

Don't worry about the two dragon's things. Don't worry about the situation of the two dragons

"Well, brother Kun, don't worry. I'll go right away." After thinking about it for a while, Da long looked at Ding Yu, who was studying there, and the brothers behind him. He said quietly, "brother Kun, I feel that things are not right today. Just now, six masters also called me, so you don't want to risk yourself. And when I come, I always feel that someone is following me. You'd better not stay here too long

Huang Kun patted the dragon on the shoulder and gently lifted his chin.

Just after the Dragon had gone for a short time, Ding Yu's ears suddenly moved twice and then closed his eyes slightly. People here seem to have noticed something. Huang Kun's ear, who was sitting there thinking about things, whispered a few words. Huang Kun's eyes suddenly stare at Ding Yu.

Just when he was about to say something, he saw Ding Yu slowly raise his hand. At this time, all the people in the room were alert. They had all taken the guy out. Even Huang Kun was holding his hand in his underwear pocket. Although his face remained calm, it could be seen from his eyes Definitely and flustered.

After taking a breath gently, Ding Yu picked up his own pen and note, drew two simple strokes on it, and then ticked his finger at Huang Kun. "I'm on the first floor, and the second floor is my rental room. There's an automatic door at the corner of the building. You can go up and down when you open it. After you go out from the second floor, don't go downstairs. Go to the roof above. It's straight. The rest depends on your own life. "

After saying that, he directly tore the note to Huang Kun, "you are not a good man, I admit I am not a good man, but I don't want this small place to suffer from a barrage of bullets, at least this is still very important to me now."

Having said that, Ding Yu picked up his book again and saw it carefully. "Oh, by the way, that guy just let him stay here. It's a dead man to take him with him. Let's see how his life goes."

Huang Kun was also very determined at this time. After seeing Ding Yu, he let the next brother try the road first, and he was the last one. "Dr. Ding, there's nothing else to say. I know that I'm not as good as you. If I'm lucky today, I can tell you something in the future."And at this time, the door has been heard a lot of noise, people outside the door did not intend to call the door, but directly to the rough. Looking at Huang Kun, they have all left, leaving only one person on the bed. Ding Yu shakes his head and smiles.

What is the reason for finding a way for them? I just feel a little bit, just like I was at the beginning. How I wish someone would give me a way to live! After thinking about it, Ding Yu suddenly pressed a CD player behind him. It was Sister Zhang's. If he remembered correctly, it seemed to be a Requiem of a dream.

I really doubt how she would like such things, but now this time, listening to this seems to be really emotional.

Listening to the music suddenly coming out of the room, people outside were stunned. All the work in their hands stopped, but then they started again. But they were also puzzled. What happened inside? Now play the music? Don't mention that this music is really quite different. It makes your neck feel cold.

It didn't take long for the door to open. It was not difficult for them. It was just a little bit violent. Looking at the people who rushed in with long guns and earth guns, Ding Yu had some uneasy feeling in his heart when they rushed in. Although he said that he had experienced the bloodbath, he was facing a group of well-trained people and rushed in These bastards are not guns at all. Who knows if they will go off accidentally?

Looking at the situation in the room, all the people who came in began to look silly. What's going on? How come there are only two people left in the room? What about the others? Some people look at Ding Yu, some people search carefully inside, but nothing is found. The angry guys slowly point their guns at Ding Yu.

After a short time, I saw several aggressive people come in around a shining young man. The gold chain, earrings and rings are really complete. It's already this time. His head is still shining, and his shoes are shining. Maybe he has ordered something on his heel. He rattles and rattles when he walks. He looks arrogant and extreme.

The young man looked very feminine, but he felt something wrong. After he came in, he took a look at Ding Yu and then motioned to the people below, asking them to put away all the guns.

Then he went to the front of the hospital bed. First, he looked at the man's face. The people below raised the wound for him to have a look. However, when looking at the wound, the young man first took out his handkerchief and covered his mouth and nose.

After a period of silence, the young talent slowly walked to the chair in front of Ding Yu's desk. The following people seemed to understand the young man's habits. They pulled a sheet and wiped the chair up and down before they respectfully asked him to sit down.

First of all, he scratched the money up and down on the table with his hand. "Good fellow, so much money, enough to buy several lives. Just like the one lying in bed, the money can make him die, and there won't be any residue left. "

Ding Yu still keeps the appearance of reading. He doesn't take care of the speaker at all. It seems that there is no such person in front of him. If he was afraid, Huang Kun would have been afraid before he came in.

"Ha ha, there are really people who are not afraid of death. Don't say I haven't met them. Today is an eye opener." As he said this, he seemed to be very interested. He divided the money into two stacks. Pointing to one of them, he asked Ding Yu in a sharp voice: "do you think your life is valuable? Or is this stack of money more valuable? "

At this time, the person who searched inside came out and shook his head gently. Not long ago, some people came in and shook their heads. But Ding Yu noticed that the young man didn't seem to be very depressed. Even for a moment, he showed a very happy expression. No one else in this room noticed it except himself, but it was a pity that the expression just disappeared in a flash.

"What, we are here to see with our own eyes. Can they change into birds flying in seventy-two? This room is so big that they can hide there. I said," doctor, would you like to explain it to me? "

Ding Yu pulled his eyes out of the book, but he didn't look at the young man. Instead, he looked at the position of the door, then the situation in the room, and finally the ground. He sighed and said, "I'll fix the door lock again, clean up the room by the way, and then walk out honestly. I'll treat this as if it didn't happen. Do you think it's ok?"

Ding Yu said very gently and carefully. After listening to a burst of laughter, the doctor was scared to be silly. At this time, he still said such words, and his typical head was flooded with water.

"Ha ha, ha ha..." The young man began to laugh, then he began to laugh wildly, "interesting, a little interesting. I said that brother Kun didn't fear death to run here. It turns out that there are real gods here! I don't know what to call it. I'm Chen Gang, but everyone likes to call me Er Xiu. "Ding Yu said: "where is a secret door at the corner of the building, it is a combination of the upper and lower parts. However, if I rent the door upstairs, a door is installed. Where did Huang Kun go up to the second floor. I don't like other people's finger pointing in my place. I'm not used to it. Besides, I'm a member here, so I don't want to have a bloody scene. "

While saying that, Ding Yu sniffed his nose on purpose and said faintly, "I don't like the taste on you very much." Then I took a special look at Er Xiu's body.

Looking at Ding Yu's sweeping eyes, er Xiu's subordinates are conscious of a tremor, because that vision takes a look at the place where he hides his blade, and he still looks at it deliberately. You know, this is the most secret of his own. Even the third master doesn't know this. How can he see it. Er Xiu seems to feel something. Her face is not as frivolous as just now, but looking at Ding Yu with some ferocity.

"We don't mean anything else." As he said this, he made a gesture to the people behind him. He saw that the man behind him took out a bullet, and then put the same amount of money as Huang Kun and put it on the table. "There's no other meaning. Since brother Kun has left, we can't stay for a long time. We've made the store dirty and have no time to clean it. But there's a small request before we leave. If possible, we want to take this brother from the bed

At this time, there is a lot of money on the table, which makes people feel dizzy. But Ding Yu was the same as before. He took the garbage can that had just been set up and threw all the money in. After tying it up, he kicked it aside.

"I don't know if I didn't make it clear. I don't think it's very good if you want to take this one. This is my patient. This is my place. Another point, I think you'd better know that I'm in a bad mood now. Don't let me get angry

"What the hell are you talking about, boy? I.... "

Before finishing this sentence, er Xiu has already stood up and gave the man a big mouth. "Let's go." However, when he arrived at the door, he turned back and pressed his hands on the table. His whole body also fell down and looked at Ding Yu carefully. After half a day, he suddenly laughed.

"I like your character. I'll give you a face today, and we'll have a chance to meet, but next time it may not be like this. Ha ha..." with that, he strides into the rain with a wild laugh.

These people did not walk for a long time, they saw a child size man run in the rain, put several bags inside directly on Ding Yu's table, "someone outside asked me to give this to you." Without waiting for Ding Yu to speak, he turned and ran away.

Ye Wei opened the bag to check things while picking up the phone on his desk and called Zhang Xuehua. Not long after that, he saw her coming in. As soon as she saw the situation in the room, her mouth was astounded.

"Uncle Jiu just asked you to take care of the store for a day. He just went back to burn some incense on the paper. Did you make it like this? Is it too much? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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