"Express delivery?" Ding Yu really doubted who would mail things to himself. The express box was a little bit big, and he didn't know what was in it. After taking it back to his room, Ding Yu was shocked and then laughed. For himself, he was really surprised.

The things inside are quite messy, but you can see that they are all carefully selected. There are many kinds of things. It seems that I want to send all the things to Ding Yu all at once. Of course, there is a letter. There is nothing else on the letter. It is an English poem with Tai Xi's signature below.

Then Ding Yu also took out a piece of paper from the desk and wrote a letter. Now it seems that there are some old-fashioned letters in the letter, but what he wants is this feeling. Maybe this kind of feeling is more memorable.

Originally, Ding Yu wanted to make a phone call with Taixi, but after thinking about it, he sent a short message. Maybe this is more interesting. The content of the short message is not very long. At the end of the day, Ding Yu did not write his own name, but he used the symbol to type out his own exclusive symbol, a feather. Such a thing is relatively easy.

Originally, Kim's mood today is not as good as he imagined, because the shooting of advertisements is always wrong. There are some reasons for his side, but the mistakes on the side of the photographer are also constant. There are also some worries after his gifts are sent out, because he doesn't know what he thought at that time.

When the phone vibrates, Kim Tae hee, who is mending her makeup, is also stunned for a moment, and doesn't care so much. After the makeup is finished, Kim Tae hee takes out his phone and looks at it. Then the whole mood immediately turns black and clear, even the one with sunshine.

Originally, the investors and photographers still had some worries, because today's events were really unexpected, but they didn't expect that Kim Tae hee didn't play big cards and cooperated well with their work. This also gave them the most intuitive impression of Kim Tae hee. The impact of this impression is invisible, but the effect is really very good.

Other people don't know about it, so what about assistants? A little bit thoughtful. What about tyrioni when he comes back? How much of the mood is so depressed, what is the reason, say not very good, with the elder relationship? There has always been a relationship between the two, but this connection also needs to be marked with a question mark.

However, judging from the situation of Ernie today, it seems that there are some changes in the relationship between them. However, it is OK to know such a thing. If it is really exposed, it will definitely be a devastating blow to Ernie. Now he is in the rising period of his career, and he can never have any situation.

In fact, there are so many such situations in the circle that we are not surprised at all. However, we must not pass on the news to the outside world. The consequences are too serious. No one can bear such responsibility.

Ding Yu's gift hasn't arrived yet, but Jin Taixi has begun to imagine that there may be a big gap between the reality and the reality. Of course, there may be unexpected surprises. These are uncertain, but it is precisely because of this uncertainty that we can create beauty.

In fact, to the present position, Kim Tae hee still did not determine the relationship between Ding Yu and Jin Tai Xi, even in his heart, he deliberately tried to dilute the relationship. Some dare not imagine, because the more he thought, the more afraid he was. But if he didn't want to, it seemed that Ding Yu's figure always appeared in his mind, so Jin Taixi was almost crazy.

One side is Ding Yu's identity, the other is his own identity. Will two people really be happy together? It has to be said that women should be more emotional in this respect.

Lily has discussed with the bank about specific matters. Is the capital in place? It's not as easy as you think. It needs a considerable period of time for approval. It doesn't mean that if you take things to the bank, the bank will give you a loan. How can it be? In that case, it would be a joke.

But fortunately, Lily's relationship is still in place, from which? It is also able to see some details, which may never be revealed, but when it is really revealed, this energy is absolutely appalling.

When she got the fund, Ding Yu also called sun Yingnan over. This thing really can't get around her. After all, there are some things? Or what needs her to deal with, more importantly, her present identity? She's still very secretive, and not many people have noticed her, which is quite important.

But before that, Ding Yu still needs to talk to her, "sit down!" Sun Yingnan is a little cautious. He doesn't understand why Ding Yu, the master, wants to find himself. Moreover, he still has such a serious expression.

What about the contact with him? I don't know why, but I don't know why, the master gives himself a very mysterious feeling, which can't be explained clearly and the way is unclear, "sir!" Sun Yingnan still feels a little nervous. Is this kind of tension? It's also about not daring to sit down.For sun Yingnan's performance, Ding Yu feels a little strange. From the beginning to now, Lily has not explained the situation to herself. Originally, she thought she was Lily's, but from the specific performance, it seems that the situation is not like this, so she needs to deepen some understanding of this aspect.

"I feel so confused about your situation, and Lily's words make me feel that there are some improper considerations, so it is difficult for me to locate the relationship between them. I hope you can give me a reasonable explanation!"

"I am your man, master!"

Master? There seems to be something wrong with this address! Ding Yu didn't speak. Obviously, he also wanted to get an explanation from sun Yingnan. Sun Yingnan looked at Ding Yu and immediately explained. The process of explanation was not so complicated. At least, it was not a story telling, but a running account.

Ding Yu's expression should be more astonished. His chin almost fell off. Although he won't believe it because of these two words, what about such a thing? I still feel so incredible that such a system still exists and seems to be very active.

It is a modern society, and there still exists the so-called slavery, which is extremely disrespectful to human rights. However, it seems that he is one of the owners of it. This question makes Ding Yu doubt whether the social change is too fast or that everything has been too dreamy?

"I don't know if I can accept such a thing. At least it will take me some time to understand it, but I have already begun to understand your situation." In fact, this time, all the control is in their own hands. What I lack is an assistant. I don't want to be exposed on the front desk.

Sun Yingnan did not know what this so-called understanding represents. "You can go to the United States now. I will have specific instructions. You can only be responsible to me for specific issues."

Now that we've talked about it, the rest of the things are better solved. At night, Ding Yu didn't let Sun Yingnan leave. Sun Yingnan didn't want to object to it. He even felt a little pleased. Ding Yu, who changed his bathrobe, called sun Yingnan to the bathroom. Sun Yingnan changed his clothes and walked in.

Looking at Ding Yu standing there, he was surprised by Ding Yu's figure, which can be described as perfect. His muscles are not explosive, but if they are used, the explosive effect will be beyond imagination. Of course, sun Yingnan is also surprised by the condition of Ding Yu.

I can clearly distinguish the gunshot wound and knife wound on my body, which may not be as serious as I imagined, but it also makes people feel that there are some scalp numbness. Maybe because of a little longer time, some traces have faded, but think about it, I still feel that it is so terrible.

This is definitely not what ordinary people have experienced. Looking at Ding Yu standing under the shower head, sun Yingnan also came over. First, he adjusted the water temperature. Ding Yu stood there with one hand on the wall. All the rest was handled by sun Yingnan. In the process, sun Yingnan was very gentle.

After taking a bath, Ding Yu lies on his bed, and soon sun Yingnan also comes in. However, Ding Yu, who has just been released in the process of bathing, does not behave like an animal. In fact, Ding Yu is still a virgin, and the process is slightly faster.

It can't be more normal. There is no shame on this issue. At least it can prove that Ding Yu is still a normal man, not a non-human. The situation is so simple.

But Ding Yu is also very clear that he is much better than his previous life. At least he did not get excited at the first time. At that time, he sprayed. It seems that his kung fu training is still very good, at least in this aspect, but there is no need to tell sun Yingnan about this kind of thing.

In the evening, sun Yingnan sleeps on Ding Yu's bed, but neither of them has any other action. In the morning, sun Yingnan wakes up very early, which is not the same as before. Last night, he had a comfortable, safe and even very warm sleep.

When sun Yingnan moves his body, Ding Yu wakes up. When he wakes up, Ding Yu doesn't know how to describe his mood. It doesn't seem to be too excited. As for the bulge in the middle? This is a normal reaction, only because sun Yingnan is in his arms, so the reaction is slightly violent.

Sun Yingnan has also confirmed many problems. Ding Yu is not a straight man, but also a very man. Although he has not had the final experience, he has the feeling in this respect. Why did Ding Yu not take himself? This question? I have some regrets, but at the same time? It's also a little bit exciting.

The next day sun Yingnan went to the British side. For himself, it's good to follow Ding Yu's instructions. As for the judgment, I don't have to be too hard. Besides, I can give some advice, but what about this opinion? It's better to stop and be clear about your own positioning.I'm very clear. I'm here at this time for layout. It's quite a big Bureau. What about the capital? For sun Yingji, it means that he has not got enough money for himself.

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