When he came out, Kim Tae hee trotted into his car. Looking at the assistant and driver beside him, he was a little angry, but he still couldn't hold back. He took out his mobile phone and called Ding Yu directly, "when did he arrive? Why didn't you inform me in advance? Let me prepare!"

"Of course, I hope to see the most real you, and also hope to give you an unexpected surprise!"

Kim Tae hee also said, "OK! Since you are here in person, I'd like to treat you as an international friend! "

"Give me a chance to fight the local tyrant?" Ding Yu's words are jokingly said. It seems that Ding Yu and Jin Taixi are a local tyrant. There is still a big gap in this aspect between Ding Yu and Jin Taixi, but they really don't pay attention to it.

After making a specific place, Ding Yu didn't make too many stops in the nearby location. The waiting time was not a very special car. A car stopped by Ding Yu's side. Ding Yu bent down to look at something on purpose. Jin Taixi was forced to lift up his sunglasses?

"What? Are you going to walk all the way? "

"No, I don't think it's a match!" After that, Ding Yu also opened the door and sat in the co driver's seat. It seems that Jin Taixi's car seems a little too ordinary, which can't even be described as low-key.

Kim Tae hee also called out, "master, I make money is very hard!" A slightly helpless complaint, Ding Yu has heard of some problems in this respect, but he does not know much about it, "OK! In fact, I want to keep a low profile. After all, I need to pay attention to some influence! "

"I can see that your advertisement can be seen everywhere from the airport to here!" Then Ding Yu also pointed out that, of course, Jin Taixi also saw his huge advertisement. For himself, this is a happy thing, but at the same time, it is a very distressing thing.

Happy because I can finally show myself, but also proved that there is nothing wrong with my original choice. What is distressed is that I put myself in such a position, and there is really some distress, because everything seems to have been placed under the flash, basically there is not much space for myself.

It's like this time, I can't drive my own car at all. I can only borrow other cars. At the same time, I still need to cover up. This is something that I can't do. I also want to walk on the street, but the problem is that the whole street will be blocked immediately, so I can only show some regret.

Ding Yu is really the first time to come to Korea. He has no understanding of the situation here, so everything needs to be arranged by Kim Tae hee. For Kim Tae hee, Ding Yu is not just a guest. The relationship between two people seems to be more intimate than friends.

Ding Yu spent a total of two days in South Korea, and then he waved goodbye. Ding Yu brought his sister a lot of things, which were introduced by Kim Tae hee. During the two days, the relationship between them seems to be more delicate. Among them, Ding Yu did not show any extreme performance, which seems to be somewhat expectant, There were also some disappointments.

Before leaving, Ding Yu also left a note for Jin Taixi, but he didn't directly give it to her, but left it to her assistant. When Jin Taixi received the note, Ding Yu had already landed in the capital.

Looking at the address on the note, Jin Taixi also felt very strange, because he personally sent Ding Yu on the plane today, but why did he give such an address? Feeling very strange, although said that the assistant accompanied him to come, but Kim Tae hee or walked into the room alone.

The room was empty, but two boxes were placed on the bed. One of the boxes was very big. There were cards and blessings written by Ding Yu. When he untied the shackles and looked at the things inside, Jin Taixi also covered his mouth.

Looking at the photos sent by Jin Taixi, Ding Yu also laughed. The clothes were very beautiful, which made people feel very good. Ding Yu also expressed his surprise. In fact, Ding Yu prepared other things, but the surprise was a little too big. Now, it is not suitable.

On the way back, Ding Ding Ding also felt that she couldn't understand why her elder brother came back at this time. It seemed that she was in a bit of a hurry. She was very happy with the gifts she brought back. But the question is what happened to her brother?

"Brother, aren't you busy studying there?" Ding Ding also asked tentatively. Ding Yu collected her phone and was slightly distracted. "There are not too many things in the school, mainly involving some other things. I feel a little bit stressed. In addition, there seems to be something wrong with Wang San Ge, so I came back here!"

"It seems that your mood is not very high, brother." Ding Ding obviously knows something. From the tone of his elder brother, he still has some pressure. Otherwise, he will not be like this. After all, he grew up together, and he may have a vague impression, but it's OK."Come on, it's just a little pressure. If the investment fails, it will not have any impact on the academic aspect. At most, the assets may shrink in a short period of time. You can rest assured that there is no problem in raising you and the whole family!" Ding Yu said something funny.

"I didn't have too much pressure." Ding Ding Ding also said heartlessly, "but it seems that it's not right to let elder brother bear such pressure alone! Anyway, I have to relieve some pressure in this respect for you, or I'll cook dinner in the evening! It's to get you wind? "

"Are you all right?" In the face of her brother's provocative eyes, Ding Ding Ding also raised her fist and obviously expressed her dissatisfaction. Today, I really want to let my brother know that the cow hide is not blowing, and there is no problem with his cooking skills. To be honest, at least it is familiar.

In the evening, Ding Yu didn't go there, and didn't mean to give ding ding ding a hand. Just sit there and eat ready-made food. What's the taste of the food? Not bad. It seems that little girl's growth in this period of time is still good. It may be worse than the taste in previous lives. But now it has this performance, it's amazing.

In the evening, Ding Ding wanted to stay, but she was expelled by Ding Yu. After all, Ding Ding Ding is still a student now, and Ding Yu doesn't want to read books at this time. So she also changed her clothes, found a pair of plain glasses and put them on her face. Then she walked alone in the street.

From the dream to now, I have always had such a feeling that I have been too careful and even too rational. It can be said that Ding Yu has never indulged himself. Is this the reason why I feel so irritable during this period of time.

It's too rational, that is to say, he has too much pressure on himself, which is definitely not a good thing. However, too much self indulgence is not what Ding Yu would like to see. More often, Ding Yu still thinks that he is a person, not a so-called animal.

After staying in a DIHE bar for a while, Ding Yu is really not used to it. At least, he doesn't like such an occasion. After hesitation, Ding Yu also goes to the quadrangle. It's not the siheyuan that has been decorated before, but the siheyuan started by himself.

The way to vent one's anger may be the simplest and the most crude, that is, boxing. So big sandbags are placed there, and there are some other appliances. There are also such equipment in the UK, and even the environment is better. However, the conditions there are not allowed, which will bring greater pressure on each other.

Therefore, Ding Yu also ran over. In this space, Ding Yu can relax himself unscrupulously. Without control, the result is sweating profusely. Soon, Ding Yu's whole body is soaked. However, Ding Yu is more and more excited at this time. He has already felt that he can't control himself.

The strength of his fist is getting heavier and heavier, and with the passage of time, Ding Yu's breathing has also begun to become short. This is a result of uncontrollable. Now there is no reason to speak of. What Ding Yu wants is a kind of vent, which is a kind of catharsis on his own psychology.

All day and night, Ding Yu was in the courtyard. When he was tired, he drank water and ate some food, and then continued to beat sandbags. Now he used both hands and feet. Even the whole person's consciousness began to appear a little fuzzy. What Ding Yu wanted was this result.

During this period, Ding Ding also contacted her elder brother. She was also a little uneasy about her brother. Then she came to the door. Before she got to the door, Ding Ding Ding heard the dull sound inside. She didn't know where the noise came from until she came to the siheyuan.


Ding Yu didn't pay much attention to it. He was venting his emotions. At the same time? Ding Yu has not rested for a long time, but Ding Yu is very clear that he has not reached the limit, but the distance from this line is not as far as imagined.

Has been waiting for the evening, Ding Yucai sat there paralyzed, looked at Ding Ding Ding who has been there, but also a little shaking hands to extend the past, he has no strength.

Ding Ding looked at her brother with some complaints. At the same time, she also had some heartache. She took off the gloves and relieved the bandage. "I have contacted a massage teacher for you. Brother, I said that you are already an adult, not a little child. How do you think about it?"

Ding Yu also smiles. She has no strength to speak at this time. Ding Ding Ding still keeps her backpack in the trunk. Then she helps her elder brother to go to a bathing center. All the rest is handed over to the staff here. It takes more than three hours for Ding Yu to come out.

But looking at that, Ding Ding also knew that it was useless to say anything. After coming back, the elder brother also fell down on the bed, and the whole person seemed to be unconscious. However, when Ding Ding was a little surprised, he woke up early the next day, and it was like a changed person."Brother, are you sure you have no problem?" The ding ding that woke up also touched his elder brother's forehead, "well, there is no fever meaning, is it that I didn't wake up?"

"Eat! I remember you said there was still class this morning. Skipping is not a good student! "

Dingding is so some do not think, "elder brother, the university that does not skip class is not perfect, I don't believe you have not escaped class? Even if you don't, don't correct my mistakes! "

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