"Just to develop the farm? In Lao maozi's side? Is it really appropriate? " Wang Yang is also the first to speak, anyway, his identity is more appropriate! What about the timing? Also very good!

"There are some political issues involved. It is not the first time that we have cooperated with Lao maozi." What about this? So far, there is no in-depth discussion. After all, what about this? It also involves some military issues, "what about everyone? But what about the development of laomaozi's agriculture? Not so good! "

"I can't! I heard that laomaozi is a big grain producer

"Share something!" Ding Yu also hummed and said, "where's the grain? There may not be too many problems, but what about other agricultural and sideline products? What's more, the European Union and the United States have imposed sanctions on laomaozi? It also makes them need to take other ways! You can't be trapped on one side! "

"Farm is the main thing? Others are auxiliary?! "

"The domestic farms are still relatively prosperous, and many people are looking into it. Lao maozi is more interested in this and hopes to get some help. He has contacted the forces here, and everyone will move in together. As long as there is interest, everything will not be a problem! As for other professions? There is no clear goal yet! "

What about Wang Yang, Xiao Bao and Shangnan? They all look at each other. What if there is no clear goal? This should be a routine, not to say that there is no so-called goal, but the current situation is not so appropriate, so big brother did not mean to say it!

"It can be exported. What about this industry? It really attracts the attention of quite a few people! "

"It's not bad. The school has provided strong support. Mr. Qi has played a crucial role in this issue. He brought out many students. In the past, there were not enough conditions, but now the situation is different. Even several laboratories have been built one after another."

What about the so-called laboratory? It's absolutely not to build a house and then buy some equipment. It's so simple, but if it's a scientific laboratory, it's all piled up with money. What are the conditions for building a house? Will let a lot of people see all feel scalp tingling, even if it is to choose daughter-in-law do not need such trouble!

But now? How about the funds and equipment that have been invested in the skyscrapers? It's all money! How about a lot of people? It's all drooling. Everyone's enthusiasm for the farm is also growing. This is the real agricultural science, not facing the loess!

What about farms? However, it is not only the economic development, but also the development of the whole agriculture. The effect is extremely obvious. The above also attaches great importance to this, thinking whether Ding Yu can put another big satellite?

But what about this thing? It's really not good to talk to Ding Yu. What about Wang Changlin? After all, it's Ding Yu's father. Other people can't open this mouth, but Wang Changlin should have such a face?! What's more, even if there is no such face, Ding Yu will not give Wang Changlin how, after all, they are father and son!

Can Ding Yu take the rest of the family? To be thrown into the pit to be buried, but will never do anything to Wang Changlin. If you do it to Wang Changlin, it is disobedience and unfilial. This country, which is influenced by traditional Confucian culture, can not bear such problems and conditions!

It's like Ding Yu is also quite dissatisfied with the three old men, but he never faces them directly. How about it? It's OK to vent your dissatisfaction, but it can't be enough to collide with the three elders. It's not a matter of propriety and size, but it needs to be avoided!

"It seems that there are other plans besides farms in China?"

When his father said this question, Ding Yu held his chin and looked at his father, Wang Yang, Xiao Bao and Shangnan? How much also appears to have so some tension, this matter? But it's a big deal! It's true that we all have this conjecture, but it's never like my father, so we can say it directly!

Wang Changlin also looked at his son for a period of time. The father and son looked at each other for a period of time, and Ding Yu also laughed. "Now there are some actions. I have a general look at what it is. The specific work is in the charge of Li Fuzhen, and the power of Asia continent is basically handled and decided by her! I don't interfere too much! "

Wang Changlin is also relieved that the eldest son can say such words. What about the eldest son? There are some hidden meanings, but what about this one? It is already quite not easy! As for why there are reservations.

At the beginning of the time for the three always do not have too much reservation, is a what kind of consequences do not need to explain it! What's more, what is involved? It's going to be a huge industry, where all the eyes are staring! Absolutely can't have any careless!

"So what about going into China? Has the bridgehead been opened? " While talking, Wang Changlin also took out a cigarette for himself, but did not give it to others. Ding Yu nodded to Wang Yang, Xiaobao and Shangnan. But what about the three of them? At this time, there is really no meaning to smoke, only Ding Yu did not care to take out a point for himself!Subjectively, you can't admit the difference in identity, but objectively it still exists, even if it's a family? Sometimes, it's very clear to distinguish between three, six, nine and so on! This is not a sentence, two words can be said clearly!

When Su Yuan looked at the smoke in the distance, her eyes were also staring, but she didn't mean to go. Instead, Lin Qiuyan looked at Wang Li and blinked her own eyes. She didn't know how her mother-in-law found out. Her eyes were a little too sharp, but there was a gate between them!

What if it wasn't for the sudden change of mother-in-law's manner? I really don't feel it, but it's just a cigarette. It's not a big deal. What about such a thing? It's better to be less mixed with him. What's more, he has never restrained Wang Yang in this respect!

"The progress of the farm is very smooth, this is the joint efforts of all of us, but the time is a little long, and the investment of this fund is also very large. Although there are some profits now, generally speaking, it is not possible to collect the funds in one day or two days."

Ding Yu is really not crying for poverty, but is talking about the actual problem of planning his own farm? There's no help at home. What about all the capital transfers? Also is own one hand prop up, is not to say that does not expend strength at all, how possible matter!

Fortunately, the result is good now, so Ding Yu is relieved. He has also taken considerable risks for this. Although sun Yingnan and his wife are more supportive, what about this support? It's not that there is no price at all! What about that? Also signed a lot of unequal treaties!

Fortunately, I didn't fail, but even in this way? The price that oneself pays for this is also a little bit so many, just these? It's not enough to think that outsiders are talking about it. Even in the face of his father, Ding Yu will not tell these things. He will only hide in the bottom of his heart!

What about Wang Changlin? With this feeling, what about the layout of my son? It has also been carried out to a certain extent, why it still hasn't come out? There must be some consideration. Do you want to be involved in the family? It's not as simple as you think.

From the beginning to the end? The eldest son has quite a lot of opinions and ideas for the family. What about the three elders? It's part of the reason. What about the follow-up Su Yu and those unfortunate children? It's another part of the reason. What about the damage to the eldest son? It is eternal, like chalk, all to erase, simply impossible!

Speaking of it? Or some forces in the family? Some of them are insatiable, even some shameless. I don't know how much the three old men will cut off by taking advantage of this opportunity. Wang Changlin also sees these things in his eyes. After all, what about the three old men? Also be regarded as the supreme emperor, oneself also not good too much!

Endure the wind and calm for a while, step back to the sea and the sky, now this time with the family three old direct conflict? It's really unwise. What about the requirements of the three elders? I can't do it myself. As for why I can't do it, on the one hand, I don't want to do it, on the other hand? You've broken things up.

How about maintaining this situation on your own? It's already quite difficult, and I don't agree with my parents' practice, so I'll stick to it! It's not a bad thing, at least in my opinion? Still very good! Anyway, what's the relationship between you and the boss? Very good!

"It shouldn't be over! Everyone is watching and waiting for a bite to be taken if necessary! "

"Of course, the food is very delicious. If it is not delicious, how can it attract so many people's interest? But who can sit around the table and wait to enjoy it? It really needs to be considered carefully. " Ding Yu also said with great interest, "I hope it won't be too bloody!"

When this word was said, whether it was Wang Changlin or Wang Yang, the three of them couldn't help but shiver. What's the meaning of warning? It is too heavy, if other people said this, it may not be as a thing, but Ding Yu retracted this matter, all of us need to weigh it well!

In front of Ding Yu? Don't put on airs. What about those unfortunate children? It's the best example. They swaggered in front of Ding Yu. What was the result? Although not really buried alive by Ding Yu, but the family of the three old? Also did not want to let go of their meaning, the direct to a knife!

"This time, things are a little bit too big. Although they are quite excessive, how about letting the three old men do it? It's the palm or the back of the hand! "

What about Ding Yu's plea? There is no sympathy at all. Wang Changlin shakes his head when he looks at the cold horse. What is the purpose of his coming here today? In fact, has achieved, to persuade their own son? When I came, I knew that it was impossible. It was more difficult than going to heaven!

His eldest son didn't show his face? Wang Changlin felt that there were so many burning incense, don't think his eldest son has no so-called temper, if really on this temper? Is also very difficult to get, this has been many years, anyway, the Chinese new year has never come back!No matter how you expect or persuade, the adoptive father and the adoptive mother are good. Where do you go to argue? There's no reason for that, but what's the good news? His relationship with him is still very good, and is not to stand with him? This relationship is really not very big!

What about the three elders? There are so many unclear understanding, public and private are not clear, of course, this is a very important part of the reasons? It is also because the impact at that time was too big. If it was my own, I would not have been better than the three old men, or even worse than today.

Father, what about them? Or in front of their own when the shield, they are now really sitting on the cake, some problems? On the one hand, it also needs to consider from two aspects, even from many aspects!

Seeing that his son didn't have any intention of loosening up, Wang Changlin also pondered for a moment. "Things are still short, but there is no way to control all these things when you start. When the time comes, the fluctuation will be very big, and even the whole force will be affected. What about this? It also includes the personal impact on you! "

Ding Yu also said with a smile, "go back to my cousin's wedding first. What about the follow-up arrangements? There are some plans. I may go to the hospital in the United States to have a look. The professor has already sent out an invitation. I have invited several surgeries and some medical meetings? I need to be there! "

Father's attitude is quite obvious. Since he can mention this problem to himself, he also needs to give this face, right? People respect me a foot, I respect people a foot! Very simple, very simple truth!

What about the son's answer? Let Wang Changlin feel very satisfied, now this time to stay in China? Many people will be dissatisfied with it. Everyone's heart can be said to be holding a breath. How can this tone of voice spread out? It's really a thing!

But another reason? It's also because Ding Yu is too cruel. Isn't Ding Ding Ding hit? But you don't have to do that, do you? We will not be given any way to live!

What about this? Although I dare not say it face to face, there is no problem in murmuring behind! What about Ding Yu? I really fear and hate. I don't pay attention to the so-called truth at all. After I come up, I will die. What about this kind of disaster? It's better to stay at home less! It's frightening to see it!

This is definitely not the opinion of the few, but the great majority? It is such a view, the original time that Ding Yu was cruel, but did not know that he was ruthless to such a point, but what about all individuals? I'm afraid we can't do that! Even if you say it? Feel abnormal infiltration!

But let Ding Yu leave the country? It's different from letting Ding Yu go to the port city. Ding Yu is really a puppet, and he is at the mercy of others? That would underestimate Ding Yu. Similarly, if Ding Yu is really so easy to deal with, then now we don't need to be so worried!

What about the missing people in the United States? Is it the same thing? Just dig a hole and bury it? You look for it? Where are you going? What's more, those people in the United States have been bought by Ding Yu. Everything is covered up very clean. Even if you are looking for it, you can't find anything!

What about Wang Changlin? It can also be regarded as a front-end, no matter what kind of plan does the son do? They all need to have a psychological preparation, but the eldest son's decision is to let himself greatly send a breath, there is no way! Things are really noisy is so big, I feel that recently the gray hair is a little bit more!

It's not that I'm worried, but I'm really worried! Then Wang Changlin also targeted Wang Yang, Xiaobao and Shangnan. Ding Yu held his chin and poured tea for himself and his father from time to time. As for what his father said, Ding Yu basically went in with his left ear and went out with his right ear!

Wang Changlin said for a while, but also left. What about Wang Yang and Xiao Bao? It's also a long sigh of relief. What about the ideological education work? It may be good to preach to others, but when it's time to be preached, it's Shangnan's problem? Good performance!

It's not that Ding Yu is deliberately artificial in front of him, but he is now a systematic person. If he doesn't have such a little bearing capacity, then don't mix up in the official career. What about Wang Yang and Xiao Bao? They don't mix in the official career at all, so naturally there are some unrestrained!

"Shangnan, I heard that your work is a little hard!" Ding Yu really didn't give Wang Yang and Xiao Bao too much good looks, but for Shangnan, he really had a different look, and handed a cigarette to Shangnan again! Wang Yang and Xiao Bao looked at each other, but their father was not here, and they were not constrained.

But if you want to let the elder brother pass cigarettes or forget it, do it yourself!

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