Ding Yu came back a little bit late. After meeting with Jin, he also dealt with other things, and then asked the driver to send it alone without bringing any other people! What about when you don't come? The house is also very lively!

Besides grandma? Other people are very kind to Ding Yu, and even accompany them carefully. Why can Zhao Jun be today? Does he still rely on Ding Yu, his cousin? People take care of you. If people really don't care about you, what can you do? Do you want to jump? What's the usage?

What about Ding Yu? Still very easygoing, to the family of these relatives smoke, Ding Yu brought cigarettes? Maybe some of them are different. What about the family? What about Ding Yu's identity? It's a little different, so what about Ding Yu's cigarette? It also shows different interests!

What's more, Ding Yu's visitors are welcome? Ding Yu didn't mean to be too stingy. He told his relatives something about his family, even if it was a little cheap? Also did not regard as a matter! The time of social intercourse is a little longer than that. What about this? There are a lot of Ding Yu do not know so clearly, although still in five clothes, but for a long time do not contact, and he is not very at home, the understanding is not so comprehensive! What about this? Maybe worse than Ding Ding Ding!

Even though it is said that the annual marriage? Basically, it's all done by Ding Yu, but the problem is that he left by himself? Are they all immediate relatives? For other relatives, I'm really not familiar with them. Think about it? How about the relationship? Maybe it's because of this that everyone is running around!

Basically did not stay in the local area, this usual contact is not, let alone other things! As for now? It's a rare opportunity. What's important is that Ding Yu didn't look at people with colored glasses. This really made everyone feel very comfortable. At that time, the child was not raised for nothing!

How about many relatives in the family? It's all around Zhao Shuying. What about Ding Lin? In this small county, there are quite a lot of people. What about Ding Yu now? What's more, everyone is willing to take a look at Ding Yu's happiness. What's more, it's hard to find such a master at home. I couldn't see him before. Now I need to see him well!

What about Ding Yu's face? They were so stiff that they managed to break free. They used the cover of looking at grandma. Although the old lady didn't like to see Ding Yu, where was Ding Yu standing? She can't get rid of Ding Yu, can she? It's just a little annoying, that's all!

"Didn't you say it was handed over to the hotel? Why is the house really busy? I just saw the big pot outside has been put up! Boy, I haven't seen these guys in years! It was common when I was a child, but now I have a special feeling of intimacy! "

Zhao Jun also scratched his head, "there are many people who come to help relatives at home. They can't go back hungry! It's not enough to rely on the two pots in the house, even if it's not light. What's more, with such a big fire at this time, there's really no need to live in the room, let alone a big pot? It's also more lively! "

"What do you say? I didn't see him just now! "

"I let Lin Qian accompany me! Just attend tomorrow! It can make sense, much better than that one! " Zhao Jun is obviously not satisfied with this matter. His elder brother is not an outsider, so he has nothing to worry about. "Anyway, I'm married, and it's not her marriage. It doesn't matter!"

"Now that you've reached your present position, don't complain about it! It's OK to do the etiquette that should be done. Anyway, you two will live a little easier in the future Marriage day, such things do not have too much to talk about, is not it?

At noon, Ding Yu didn't mean to accompany the guests. He sat there honestly. At this time, he didn't want to make public. If he could not drink or sing, he would not come to other Western scenery. Fortunately, he came here today? All of them are real relatives of the family, but there is no excessive meaning!

"It feels good!" Ding Yu didn't know where he came from. He put these dishes directly? They were all photographed and sent to Taixi and two little guys. What about the two little guys? It's impossible to get up now, but Taixi should be able to get the news! There are some intentional meanings!

Sitting on the main table? Besides my uncle's family? Lin Qian and his father are here. How about today? It's mainly about getting familiar with and having fun with relatives at home, but it doesn't mean anything else. The wedding ceremony at the hotel goes on as usual, but what about the small celebration here? It can't be delayed, can it?!

What about the three of the Ding family? They didn't sit in front of the chairman, but Lin Hao was not stupid. He could see that everyone respected the three members of the Ding family, but what about the inside information? But I really don't know, because what happened after my daughter left home? She doesn't have much contact with her family! Even marriage? I just know it!What about Zhao Jun's family? It can be said that they don't know at all. What do their daughters do now? I don't know. Anyway, both of them seem to be here in the capital, and their daughter is married. If there is no one in the family to show up, this is really a bit of a shame!

Wife is not willing to show up, so come on your own! What about Zhao Jun's family? It's too ordinary. It's a common rural family. What do two people need to live on in the future? Lin Hao sighs. Why does her daughter identify with Zhao Jun?

Zhao's reception is not good, but in the countryside? Maybe the conditions are good, but what about going to the capital? Do they just have to ask for food? What's more, what kind of work does the daughter and son-in-law do now? They are not so clear, they know that they gave home a considerable amount of money!

What about the money? Talk a lot? It's really not much. It seems that there are a lot of them. I thought that since my daughter is married, I can't let my daughter be so empty handed, isn't it? It's embarrassing! But the problem is that I don't really run the house! Things for themselves, it is really difficult to do, after all, there is a small home!

What about the wedding the next day? The process is also quite smooth. The Zhao family is very satisfied that Zhao Jun can find such a child as Lin Qian, so they have given considerable care in material and other aspects. It doesn't matter what the situation of the Lin family is. The Zhao family feels that this girl is good, it's OK!

The whole wedding was very lively, but it was a pity for everyone? Is this the Lin family? It's just a father. There's nothing else to say! Ding Yu and Ding Ding Ding did not want to express their own meaning. What about the whole process? Unusually low-key.

What about Ding Yu's return? There are a lot of people who know it, but no one wants to disturb them too much. Will they come back? It's just to attend my cousin's wedding, and other people come along to join in. How can this be considered as a matter of time, isn't it? What's more, we all know that Ding Yu doesn't like this kind of courtesy!

"When are you two going?"

After the wedding banquet, Ding Ding Ding also asked casually. Zhao Jun and Lin Qian took a look. What happened before the National Day? The wedding leave, plus the late marriage holiday and the National Day holiday, is enough! As for when to spend the honeymoon, these two people really have not thought!

The whole marriage to get married, other things? I'll talk about it later! Lin Qian now has no other requirements, anyway, his father has come, but also did not let himself drop the chain, what else do you want? Right?

"I'll leave the day after tomorrow. Tomorrow, my father and my mother will clean up. They have been staying in the countryside for such a long time. Take this opportunity to go there! I told my aunt that she had no problem taking care of grandma these two days! I wanted to take grandma with me, but no one could move her

What about the other things? Still can think of a way, but this matter really has no any way! No one is easy to use! Don't say it's Ding Yu and Ding Ding. Even if it's Zhao Jun's grandson, it's also useless! The old lady is such a temper!

"I'll leave the day after tomorrow, too. Let's go together then! Don't take the bus, I'll arrange it then! "

"Brother, this is not very good!" Zhao Jun is also feeling his head, after all, there are so many advantages!

Ding Yu snorted, "it has nothing to do with you. You are just smug. What about your uncle and aunt? I haven't moved much in my life. Since I have such a chance, what about my nephew? Just by the way! I'll send someone to pick you up! That's it

I don't want to go back immediately after I come back. What about the capital? It seems to be hot. I really don't want to get involved in the muddy water immediately. Moreover, it doesn't seem to conform to Ding Yu's character. However, if you can be lazy at home for two days, you still need to live for two days. The taste is very different!

What about Lin Hao? It's not so important to be early or play one day. Would you like to come to the wedding this time? It is true that there are so many face loss, people do not say what, but they can not say a little face do not care about it! What about your family? Also want to follow with the capital!

I also discussed with my wife. My daughter was not present at that time, and I was worried about some problems and conditions. Or I had a considerable estimation, but the result was not unexpected. Although my wife did not say hysterical and tried hard, the sharp voice made me put my mobile phone far away!

What about the reception of the Zhao family? It is true that there is no place to be picky. If they go to Beijing, they don't know anything at home. Isn't it too hard to say, ah! Lin Hao headache some can, Lin Qian is obviously also see what, but did not say anything!

When I was in Beijing, I told my parents that they didn't have any reaction. This time they held a wedding banquet in Zhao Jun's house, they didn't mean to come over. Later, the elder brother came and said that Zhao Jun also forced his nose to go home. But it really needs to be said that Zhao Jun was tolerant enough, and he felt it at that time I'm sorry!What about your parents? Is extremely dissatisfied, but oneself also is not good to do what, because is not satisfied with the parents, therefore abandons them, at most? It's just that I don't care. I can only do this now! Otherwise, the husband side is not easy to explain, father-in-law and mother-in-law there is not easy to explain!

In the morning, Ding Yu also drove to pick up his uncle and aunt, but he felt that there were so many things with him! Fortunately, I drove a business car in the past, otherwise there were some people who couldn't fit it.

What about Zhao Jun and Lin Qian? I don't want to install so many things. I have everything in the capital, but what about my parents? Always reluctant to give up this, not willing to give up that! So the final result is like this. Ding Yu, sitting in the co driver's seat, feels a little funny. What about his father and mother? It's the same thing.

Do you know your own side? There's nothing missing, but what do you bring for yourself and Ding Ding Ding? It is also true that many, do not not have to do, say two words have the posture of turning over the face! It's hard for them! After receiving Ding Ding and Lin Hao, a group of several cars also started, but what about Ding Yu and Ding Ding Ding? It's not in the same car!

It's crowded, and it's not so convenient to talk!

When he arrived at the airport, Lin Hao also felt a little strange. Instead of staying at the airport, he directly entered the airport. Is this too exaggerated? In hesitation, a few cars also stop in front of an airplane, and people also get down from the car to move their bodies.

"Ding Ding, take my uncle and aunt to the plane. I'll let them go through the formalities."

Lin Hao looked at the plane, stunned, uncle a family of four is also the same, "Ding Ding Ding, this is a package?"

"Big brother! In general, I don't fly to China very much. Sometimes I use it to get on the plane first. " Ding Ding is also leading her uncle and aunt to take the lead in boarding, which is not a great thing. At least, she has been used to it for a long time. What about herself now? It's not really on the top of my heart!

"This big guy, how nice!" When I sat down, my uncle would not stop patting the sofa chair! Zhao Jun and Lin Qian are slightly nervous and restrained. What about Lin Hao? There are so many people who can't walk on their own!

If it's a luxury car, then you may have some resistance. What about the savings at home? Maybe not too many, but my house is worth eight million, so what about the so-called luxury car? I didn't really put it in my eyes, but what about the plane under my seat? The situation is different!

The waiting time was not very long. Ding Yu also stepped up quickly. What about the security and other personnel? He has been stationed for a long time. When Ding Yu sits down, the flight attendants also deliberately remind them that the plane is about to take off!

"Xiaoyu! This big guy, your When the plane took off, my uncle and aunt were very nervous. Although they said they had seat belts, they were really the first time in their lives to make an airplane. Although they said they had a good attitude, they were still quite afraid. Fortunately, their sons and daughters-in-law, as well as nephews and nieces, were all here. Otherwise, they would have to pee their pants!

Ding Yu looks at the drinks delivered by the flight attendant. He also lets his elders enjoy them first, and then his turn comes. Ding Ding threw two fruits to Zhao Jun, but they were all her own. She didn't need to be so restrained. She was so fake. Zhao Jun also laughed at her cousin, and then took drinks for her daughter-in-law, not only for her parents, but also for her father-in-law.

"The work is heavy, just a means of transportation! Not as exaggerated as my uncle said, didn't the army buy a car? Let him drive you and your aunt around

What about Ding Yu's performance? The more he let Lin Hao feel some panic, peeping at his daughter, she seems not to care about this matter, and even some of them are used to it. It is obvious that this is not the first time that such a thing has happened to Lin Hao. There are also some complaints in Lin Hao's heart. If he catches such a golden tortoise, why don't you tell the family about it?! What else can we do if we have a family?

But on second thought, my daughter didn't say anything? It seems to be a normal thing to listen to. What about herself and her mother? It seems that I didn't pay much attention to her. Since she went to university, she has been in a situation of indifference. What about everything? It's all on my son.

Even her marriage, marriage partner's situation, his family situation, and other issues have no understanding at all. This is really a little bit unreasonable, but now? There is no way to ask! Some things? Missed it? Will never come back!

What about the plane? There is really no one to communicate with Lin Hao. When the plane lands, Ding Yu also allows his own security? The first to leave, Lin Hao looked at the surrounding vehicles, but also honestly stood in the back of the position, "uncle, auntie, go where I go first! Just by the waywww.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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