But what about the people? Is also very aware of interest, Ding Yu just came back, on the door to talk about such things, it is so some too much! Let him spend two days with two children first! Take it easy.

Because of the compensation for the two children, Ding Yu didn't mean to take the time difference. He just went to the amusement park one time late, but what about the two kids? I don't know which tendon went wrong. He went to see a baseball game, which surprised Ding Yu!

Ding Yu let the security aspect arrange for a while, two little guys blend in very quickly! What about baseball culture? Is it a kind of American culture, even basketball culture? Want to broadcast more! And in China? Maybe more is the culture of table tennis and badminton!

The difference between each other is slightly so big, as for why the two little guys like baseball? As far as I know, they usually play tennis, horseback riding and even swordsmanship. However, it is quite strange to let them take them to watch and play baseball!

There are still more people in the stadium, and they can see more children. This may be quite different from that in China. It doesn't matter who is good or bad or who is good or bad. Things can't be treated like this!

Two little guys are wearing baseball shirts and caps that they don't know where they came from, and even have big gloves in their hands. People who don't know think they want to play? When he arrived at the seat, Ding Yu looked at the people who had been waiting for him and shook his head with a smile! Two people simply hugged!

"It won't wait for me on purpose. I don't think you are so industrious."

Bruno also photographed the girl around him, "Laura wanted to watch baseball games, and I was a fan in this field. When I was in school, I was almost selected as a professional. Later, because of some changes, I became a photographer! What do you think? "

The two little guys are also familiar with Bruno, so they greet each other affectionately. What about the woman next to him? Whether it's Ding Yu or two little guys? Do not have too much attention, at most is just nodding! After all, what about Bruno? Didn't give a detailed introduction, so what about this person's identity? Very ordinary!

Two people simply hugged, Bruno also dragged the two little guys to his side position, also do not know where to touch out two baseball, it seems that there are just signed handwriting on it, "I went to the lounge to get it with you two little guys! I hope you have a wonderful experience! "

Looking at the baseball in his hand, the two little guys were also in a lot of fun, and then they took a mouthful of Bruno, which was quite a response. Bruno looked at the crazy two little guys, and he was also envious. "There are so many doubts. How can you have such a lovely child as this big ice cube?"

"What? Want to fight? " When sitting down, Ding Yu also raised the coffee in his hand, and the two men simply motioned, "you can see their clever appearance now, but you don't see them two people in the house when they're almost tearing down their apartments!"

Laura is also peeping at Ding Yu. What about speaking? I don't know whether it's Asian or Asian. It's hard to judge whether it's Asian or Asian. But who can talk to Bruno like that? It's really rare, even though Bruno? Is a photographer, but whether in the trade inside, or in the outside, is a big man!

How many people dream of being able to be attached to him? It's hard work! That's why I got such a chance! And what about the young man in front of him? With two children, the performance is so natural, and the dialogue with Bruno seems to be very balanced, indicating the identity between them? At least equal!

In such a case, you can't get in touch with yourself. Even now, you still need to fold up your wings, and you don't need to show anything. In that case, it will definitely smear Bruno's face. Then it will be more than just a simple matter of self depreciation, so I need to be very reserved!

He even took the initiative to accompany the two little guys. Fortunately, the two children were not so mischievous as they imagined. However, when taking care of the two children, I found that the Jacques van bough bracelet on the hands of the little girl was very different. He also secretly looked at them, and after reading, he also suppressed the shock in his heart!

What about the style of the bracelet? It seems to be a little common, but it's definitely something that Jacques van bove has never spread before, and what about the above? There are still inscriptions. What's more important is who has the inscriptions? It's one of the best masters today. What about this kind of work? Unexpectedly was a little girl to wear in their own hands!

Laura also took a deep breath, pressed the shock in her heart, very attentively accompanied the two children! What about them? Can't see anything else, or is there anything else? I really can't see the details. I know something about fashion circle, but it doesn't mean that I understand other things too!"I heard that you stayed in China for a long time! Even went to Hong Kong When Bruno spoke, he also looked at Ding Yu. The words didn't mean ridicule. It was a simple greeting. What's the matter? We all know how it happened.

Why do we have to ask? I just want to know Ding Yu's state, or if Ding Yu has any other requirements, what is the situation in China? I don't know much about it, but I can really know what the external situation is like!

"With such a clear inquiry, don't you know that someone will feel a little nervous?"

"Nervous bullshit!" Although the height is expensive, but vulgar up, is also not to let, "since there are people to do, then need to have the courage to bear, do not have the courage, do such a thing why?"

"What about it? It's still a ridiculous thing caused by interests, but everything is OK! " Ding Yu was also a little disagreed, "as long as it is a conventional means, within the scope allowed by the rules, it can be!" For such a thing, Ding Yu still has quite sober understanding!

The world is not our own, how about ourselves? It's also a rule maker, as long as it doesn't violate the rules? Other things are easy to say, is to play with each other some means, this is not a big deal, oneself also often do so, pull other people's hind legs!

Only state officials are allowed to set fire and people are not allowed to light lamps. Let's forget such a thing! It's easy to become the target of public criticism. So when Bruno asked, Ding Yu expressed his own attitude very happily. It's very normal. It's not a great thing, because it's not even an offence!

What about Bruno? It's just about talking about this matter. Besides, I really don't want to talk about any other business. I met Ding Yu in the baseball field this time. It's really a coincidence. I don't want to meet Ding Yu so early, but there's no way to do it, right?

"How do you feel about the atmosphere here?" As he spoke, Bruno also pulled Laura's shoulder and directly took it into his arms. "Would you like to have a party in the evening? I promise I'll open your eyes

Ding Yu was stunned for a moment, and then he looked at Bruno with tears and laughter, "I said you are so old. Is it really appropriate to say so? I just came back, and I didn't even get along well with my two children for a while. Now you're going to take me out into the wild. Is that really good? "

"It doesn't matter whether it's good or not. Enjoy yourself in time." Bruno also provoked two eyebrows to Ding Yu. What about this? It's true that there are some joking meanings. Everyone knows that Ding Yu doesn't like to publicize. It's a bit more difficult to get him to a party than to go to heaven! I use this to make fun of Ding Yu!

I don't know what he thinks, but what does it feel like? There are so many do not understand, personal habits! Anyway, this guy is really weird in some ways. It's all about genius? It's paranoid. How do other people think? I don't know. But in my opinion, Ding Yu is a paranoid?!

It's not that he can't communicate, has nothing to do with it, stay with him? Or a more pleasant thing, but sometimes you really hard to understand, flowers have a hundred kinds, people have a thousand kinds, perhaps he is the most different!

Laura this time is also nestled in Bruno's arms, no other big action, at most is mutual intimacy, and Bruno? It seems that Ding Yu is deliberately provoking Ding Yu, but it is a pity that Ding Yu can completely turn a blind eye to this. What about the two little guys? I'm also afraid of real eyes! Therefore, Bruno's behavior is more like a peacock opening the screen and acting amorous! There are so many poor people!

The time of the baseball game is a little bit long. Ding Yu has made up a lot of baseball knowledge, and it is still under the guidance of two little guys. What about Bruno and Laura? It is a good "disgusting" for Ding Yu. Ding Yu is flirting with Ding Yu. He doesn't care whether Ding Yu has brought two children with him!

The two little guys watched with great interest. They didn't have an immediate position at the end, but where are they here? It's not necessarily for watching the ball. It's more like coming here to play. Moreover, it's the kind of playing with parents. It's obvious from their laughter and laughter that they can feel this!

"Dad, we'll come again next time?"

Ding Yu thought for a while, "how about another period of time? I'm afraid the weather will be stunned! What about this outdoor activity? It's really not suitable. What about hockey? It's not very suitable for you. I remember Kim told me that in a while, basketball might start. How about taking you to see basketball then? You can watch it every day if you like, but it doesn't seem that there are competitions every day

In fact, for the two children, what are they looking at? It's not very demanding. It's important that someone accompany them. That's what they want. So today they ask their father to accompany them to the baseball game. This makes them feel very happy, but unfortunately, little four eyes can't attend!When he returned home, Ding Yu knew another reason why the two little guys wanted to watch baseball. What about little four eyes? Always very lazy, in this point can be said to be comparable with Ding Yu, but in the two little guys playing baseball throwing, it is very excited to get involved!

At night, when they were resting, they were obviously too much. Even their hair had just dried, and they had already fallen on the bed. Although Ding Yu had carefully cultivated and trained them, what was their essence? Or are children still capable of the system? Not enough to be fully reflected!

Although the two children have already gone to bed, Ding Yu doesn't mean to rest much. On the one hand? Adjust your work and rest time, time difference, on the other hand, there are some things to deal with!

First of all, Tai Xi left her two children here for such a long time. Her opinion is quite large. Although there is no indication, she can still feel it? It is really quite time-consuming. Fortunately, the two children are sleeping, otherwise it will be more troublesome!

After sitting down quietly again, Ding Yu is not really free. There are many things to deal with at hand, which is not so simple. What's next? People will come to talk to themselves about Russia, but before that? I need to meet the great emperor of Russia!

What about the other things? You can borrow people, but what about meeting each other? Or need to personally travel can, other ways are extremely inappropriate! It's disrespectful. What about the emperor? It will be the same feeling!

What about the bilateral meeting? It won't be public, though what about the people who know about it? Many, but relative to the population base of the whole world, a small number can be ignored!

When sun Yingnan came, Ding Yu was alone. The two little guys had already gone to school. Ding Yu didn't mean to send them off in person. During these two days, Ding Yu was always with them. Besides, there was no other action. What about this series of behaviors? Everyone is also in the eye!

Sun Yingnan's arrival also opened the breach, but the two people still had a long time of lingering. This is also a common sense. If sun Yingnan is not fed enough, she will not pay attention to this point? Also really is quite greedy, sometimes Ding Yu also has some doubts, is not too spoiled them?

But on the other hand? They are all women of their own. They definitely contribute to the establishment of their huge empire. Without them, what about the whole empire? Even there will be a certain degree of collapse, on this issue I still have a very clear understanding!

Some people describe themselves as being too soft. What about this problem? Ding Yu really doesn't have much to deny. What about the establishment of the Empire? What kind of role have you played? I still have a clear understanding in my heart. What kind of things are you fighting for? Still need to see them!

"What? Everyone knows the news about it? "

"Well?! There are still many forces who are very keen on it! " Sun Yingnan and Ding Yu have been together for quite a long time. What about the whole person? It's also a relief, so when talking about things, it's also a lot of spirit, "what about the evolution of agriculture in the United States? It's also from a very high-end position, but what should we pay attention to is the farmers as a whole? It is still decreasing and declining. This is a problem faced by many progressive countries! "

"You mean that the United States is quite interested in this and wants to start from this aspect, so we can understand it in this way." Seeing sun Yingnan nodding, Ding Yu also laughed. "It's hard to be strong in the outside and work in the middle. It's so greedy to think about the problem."

"The rotten ship still has three Jin nails? What's more, the Soviet Union has been disintegrated for so many years, and the United States has not completely digested the dividends for so many years. What about the Soviet Union? Although there is only one Russia left, the foundation is still there. Now it can be regarded as the superpower in the world! "

"We don't want to pick up a fight between them. What about each other? It's not really the root of it. What's our purpose? If we can occupy the Russian market, what about the whole Asia and Europe? It's all in one piece

Sun Yingnan's breath is also a little rough up, want to know the power of the whole Asia? We can't say that we can integrate them safely. We can only say that after the offices in Asia and Japan are established, the timeliness is very good, but do you want to make progress? Still need considerable time to complete slowly, solve all the problems overnight, impossible!

But what if we can take the Russian side now? What about the impact on Asia and Europe as a whole? It will be huge. What about this problem? I have never thought about it. Now it seems that I am in the overall consciousness? Or from the host has a considerable gap, and still can not deny the gap!"Need a suitable person!" After Sun Ying Nan shook his head, "I don't need a good character here."

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