Ding Ding did not expect that her mother would even ask her about this aspect of the matter. Originally, she wanted to deny it. However, listening to the tone of mother's speech, the elder brother seems to have admitted it, but did not know the specific situation.

Obviously, the elder brother won't take the initiative to admit it. Ding Ding Ding is still sure of this. When she thinks of this, she feels guilty for a while, because she is not sure how her brother will treat her. Although she said that she has not done this before, it does not mean that she will never have it!

In particular, such a thing, where to think of or their own words, this is not a beautiful thing!

"Mom, don't you embarrass me?"

"Bullshit, what's the trouble? Please tell me the truth. Where are you from? Is it beautiful? "

Ding Ding said, "it's very beautiful, but it's Korean. I've met with my elder brother before, but it's really hard to say whether the two people will come together or not. It's just that two people are just friends now. Mom, I'm sure he's sure of it. Don't worry about it!"

"Nonsense, can I not worry?" Zhao Shuying is also grinding Ji for a period of time. After putting down the phone, she is also worried and said to her husband, "Ding Ding Ding said that Xiaoyu's girlfriend seems to be a Korean, but she is very beautiful. She has met her and had dinner together. Her family conditions are OK!"

"Korean?" Ding Lin is also stunned for a moment, but the reaction is not as violent as imagined, "Xiaoyu likes it, it's his own business, we don't worry about it blindly."

Zhao Shuying's anger really doesn't come out. In her opinion, this is the biggest thing for her at present, and then she gives her husband a foot. Fortunately, Ding Lin is also quite used to it. She moves a little bit and can't afford to be provoked. Can't I hide? "No, I have to ask Xiao Yu."

Ding Lin is also a little helpless, "Xiao Yu's phone you can't get through, unless you open the international special line, I said you'd better stop for a while! If there is any situation, I think he will tell you! "

At the same time, Ding Yu did not expect that the so-called girlfriend would bring so much confusion at present. But at this time Ding Ding's trouble is bigger. She really didn't expect that song Qiaoqiao would come to her door. This is a little bit too much, and Ding Ding really didn't give too much good looks.

Song Qiaoqiao also just heard about the situation, he really did not expect Ding Yu to buy a house in the capital, and it is still so luxurious. From what he knows, the Ding family may have some capital, but absolutely not such a large capital. He has a little doubt about this.

"I heard that Ding Yu is back!"

Ding Ding is also strange, her news is really not general smart, what is the news from! Ordinary people are not very clear about their brother's situation, not to mention the elder brother back these days? There was no movement.

"I came back two days ago. It seemed that something was very quiet. I didn't know it very clearly. Then I left, just like a cloud!"

Looking at Song Qiaoqiao's hesitation, Ding Ding Ding also opens the door and looks into her eyes. It seems that she can't feel the taste of Ding Yu. However, out of observation, song Qiaoqiao still looks up to the upstairs. She still has some doubts. Ding Yu will leave so soon and will not hide herself intentionally? Then he went upstairs without hesitation.

Ding Ding Ding has not had time to clean up the things on the building. Earlier, my brother came back to live for two days, but this Qiao Qiao sister is really not polite at all! Do you know that you didn't make any invitation at all and just went up like this? Isn't it too bad to give yourself this master's face?

What about the building? There's nothing to see. There are more books on it. There's a place for my brother to rest. That's all. There's too much difference between the layout under my own building.

After turning on the light above the building, song Qiaoqiao can see the layout of the building clearly. There is a big gap from his imagination. He has also been to Ding Yu's former home and has seen Ding Yu's bedroom layout. It is very clean and tidy, but what about here? But can not find their own impression of things, not at all.

After watching for a period of time, Ding Ding Ding also sent a cup of coffee. Song Qiaoqiao was reluctant to part with him, but he also knew that it was too much to do so. "Your brother still resents me? Right? In fact, I want to tell him I'm sorry. I did too much at the beginning

Ding Ding stood up on her shoulder for a moment. "I'm not very clear about this issue. I have some impressions of the original things, but the impression is too vague, so I don't have much say. What's more, my brother never talked to me about this issue, so what about your problems and situation? I know if! "

On the one hand, I don't want to talk about it. More importantly, I don't know much about it. Song Qiaoqiao believes that Ding Ding Ding said that when she saw her, she was just a little girl. But now? I've grown up to be a girl."I'm sorry, sister Joe! I have other things to go back to school! "

Song Qiaoqiao was stunned, and then a wry smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. He changed his shoes and left the room. While waiting for the elevator, he heard Ding Ding Ding say, "sister Qiao, although I don't know what happened at the beginning, it's all over! They've grown up. There's no need for that. Time will dilute all this. "

For Ding Ding Ding's words, song Qiaoqiao also laughed, with some bitterness, "Ding Ding Ding, you don't understand, help me tell your brother what happened at the beginning? Please accept my apology for your improper consideration

"If it's an apology, I think it's enough!" Ding Ding is very happy to say, "I have this right, I believe my brother will not have any opinion! Some things said open good, the province of everyone are tolerant, even if not friends, after all, the original time or classmates

Then Ding's voice sounded, and the elevator was opened. Ding Ding Ding took the lead to go in and looked at Ding Ding Ding standing in the center of the elevator. Qiao Qiao was a little curious, but also had a little sigh, "this kind of thing is not that if it is opened, there will be no pain. Ding Ding Ding, you are still young. If you can, I would like to tell Ding Yu personally!"

Ding Ding Er, he is ready to inform his elder brother, and quickly solve the matter. Everyone in the province is in trouble. Now he feels very upset. When he comes downstairs, song Qiaoqiao takes a look at Ding Ding Ding, "I'll take you back to school! It's not so safe to ride alone at night! "

"No, I'll drive myself!" Then he went to the Mercedes Benz. Song Qiaoqiao was also quite surprised. He didn't expect ding ding ding to drive such a car. This is a duplex car and a luxury car. What kind of details do you need? What's more, even if you have money, you can't afford such a car.

Song Qiaoqiao has seen Zhiguang, but this car is really rare. She wants to ask about it. But Ding Ding has already driven away. Looking at the taillight, song Qiaoqiao also smiles bitterly. The little girl doesn't understand the original situation. Even now, she is still hard to let go. What about Ding Yu? Will he put it down?

It's hard for me to let go because I can't get out at all, because it's a betrayal of youth, friendship and even love. What's the reason? I don't want to face it, because I don't know how to face it. After opening it, it's the blood sparkling wound, which makes me feel miserable.

When he woke up in the morning, song Qiaoqiao looked at the ringing phone and frowned. He must be his mother who called so early. Other people would not contact him so early, or even didn't look at the caller ID, so song Qiaoqiao answered the phone.

"Hello, is song Qiaoqiao there?" Listening to the voice inside the phone, song Qiaoqiao seemed to be chopped by thunder. He was completely stuck there, and his mobile phone also fell on the floor.

Fortunately, the reaction speed is still very fast. Song Qiaoqiao got down at the first time and picked up his mobile phone. Fortunately, there were not too many problems with the phone, "I'm Qiao Qiao Qiao, Ding Yu,...." A burst of choking.

Received Ding Yu's call, this is how many years to look forward to things, but when this time really comes, song Qiaoqiao also don't know how to deal with, completely silly.

"I called Ding Ding Ding earlier to hear about you!"

Listening to Ding Yu's voice, song Qiaoqiao also took a deep breath and tried to calm down his mood. Without waiting for Ding Yu's words, he heard song Qiaoqiao say directly, "I've been looking for you all these years. I know you won't forgive me. I just want to see you and make up for my mistakes at the beginning."

"Old classmate, it's too polite to say that. When I was young and frivolous, there was nothing wrong with it. What's more, one can't simply attribute the mistake to someone's body if they can't clap their hands."

Ding Yu's tone was very insipid. "What was the original choice like? It just represents the original choice. It has nothing to do with the present. Everything is OK now. As for the so-called forgiveness, I think it will hurt the friendship between each other, isn't it?"

"Then why don't you see me? I know you met fat people when you came back. You avoided class parties!"

"Ha ha, at the beginning, there was a little bit of inferiority." Ding Yu's reply, listening to make people feel so sad, "later because of other things missed, when there is time, will see you!"

The more prosaic Ding Yu is, the more uncomfortable song Qiaoqiao feels. However, he also knows that this is a process that must be faced with. "When will I come back, I will pick you up!"

"I don't want to. If my girlfriend knows about it, there may be big problems!" Ding Yu also said jokingly, "I wish you all the best, if you have time to contact again!" Speaking of this, Ding Yu also stopped for a moment, "things have passed, there is no need to indulge in them, no benefit to anyone! And when I was young, I didn't have to change. There was no need for such things to affect my lifeHaving said that, Ding Yu hung up the phone, and even let song Qiaoqiao have no time to make any inquiries.

Placed in the past, Ding Yu really did not know how to face this matter, so he also adopted an evasive attitude, but now? Ding Yu looked directly at the situation. Some things were not that they wanted to escape. It was not such a thing at all. It was better to make it clear.

Maybe there is resentment in my heart. What about this? It's not clear in one sentence or two sentences, but I don't want the whole family to be affected by it. That would be too depressing. This is also the reason why I didn't go to see song Qiaoqiao after I came back. In fact, the friendship between each other has long been buried.

Ding Yu is calling this phone at this time in order to completely cut off the relationship. What is this? Is the lotus root broken? It's impossible for each other, so forget it!

Song Qiaoqiao understands that it is the best, which is good for each other. It's just that you can't get through this level in your heart. It's no big deal. Just get used to it.

When he put down the phone, song Qiaoqiao felt a little lost. This time, no one forced Ding Yu. He was able to say such words to himself. What did it mean? Song Qiaoqiao couldn't be more clear. But it was because he was too clear that song Qiaoqiao felt lost and even sad.

He looked forward to countless possibilities. Ding Yu would flog himself and abuse himself, but the only thing he didn't think of was the possibility in front of him. Ding Yu didn't have a thing in mind at all, and even actively blocked part of the responsibility of the matter on his own body. How could song Qiaoqiao feel? It shouldn't be like this.

But how can I explain to Ding Yu? The purpose of Ding Yu's previous call has been very simple, I have not investigated this matter, although it happened at the original time, but as chalk words wipe away! As the most direct victim of this matter, he has nothing to say. What else would others like to say?

Ding Yu called, can be said to untie his heart knot, he should be happy, but do not know why, song Qiaoqiao has a feeling of want to cry, but want to cry without tears, he does not know why this situation, simply can not say clearly, anyway, his heart is extremely complex.

For Ding Yu, he also solved a big problem, and did not know how to summon up the courage. Anyway, he did so, which may be good in terms of the effect. It can't be said that Ding Yu has no other ideas in his heart, but now after he said it, some miscellaneous thoughts also disappeared.

Ding Yu never felt that he was a saint, but temporarily did not want to do any involvement. There was no other meaning. It was so simple, as for song Qiaoqiao? It doesn't matter. There is no friendship or love. What else can I say? Everything is quite clear.

Relatively speaking, Ding Yu did not pursue any investigation, and did not make song Qiaoqiao too easy. However, on second thought, it was song Qiaoqiao who chose to bury the friendship at that time. Then there is nothing strange about the result now. Sometimes, don't think too much of yourself.

Song Qiaoqiao may feel that things have a chance to recover, but youth is like this. Once gone forever, nothing can be replaced. It is painful and sad, but it can only be remembered.

At this time, Ding Yu still has important things to do. Some news has begun to come from the United States. Ding Yu's so-called market analysis is not so important as expected, which can be used as a basis, but it can not be based on it. This needs to be explained.

Sun Yingnan is a little worried at this time, because the changes in the international capital market are so weird, and his master's actions are really too risky. If he accidentally falls into the abyss, he feels scared and even overwhelmed at this time.

Because of the leverage used, he lost a little bit on his side, so he might have to give all he had. But judging from the performance of the owner, he seems very sure, and he doesn't know where the assurance comes from. But now sun Yingnan is really worried.

Looking at the changes of crude oil in the capital market, sun Yingnan felt that his heart could not control the beating. Of course, he understood what an astronomical figure would be if he succeeded, but he also understood what kind of situation it would be if he failed.

In his own impression, the master is not a very radical person. At least he gives his own feeling. His personality is not like this. Can he really be reckless for Miss Lily? It seems that there is no reason and reason, at least from sun Yingnan's point of view, there are some can not understand.

Even if it's trust, there's no need to exaggerate. If it's a failure, it won't ruin the owner for a long time. However, Lily doesn't seem to offer the host anything, at least give her own ideas. This kind of exchange is not worthwhile.www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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