With the two little guys together to practice the shelf, of course, how about the three ways of practicing the frame with the ordinary way? Some of them are different. At least, this breathing is different from the method. The two children have not been introduced to the school yet. Ding Yu doesn't have much transmission in this respect. Their age and wife are young, which is not entirely suitable.

It was the three of them when they had dinner in the morning. Sun Yingnan didn't mean to get up at all. This was in line with her personality!

In other words, Ding Yu deliberately showed it to Ding Yu. After sending two children to school, Ding Yu also went to sun Yingnan's apartment. They were just upstairs and downstairs. After going in, Ding Yu was entangled and had no intention of relaxing at all!

The master is by his side. What about such an opportunity? Absolutely can not miss, let alone today? The next time will not have such an opportunity, so I need to cherish it.

However, the final result is a little bit miserable. Sun Yingnan, who is immersed in the soup pool, is also young and weak. It seems that he can't do it alone! But I'm not saying that I have no preparation at all. Those little girls seem to be from America, and they are here!

It seems that it is not a great thing to let them come and accompany the master. They are originally prepared for the master, but the master? He has always been a man of few desires. What about this problem? I can be very straightforward, because where in a certain position above the people? Will not be so boring!

Ding Yu didn't go to the hospital during the day. He just stayed at home to see the video data. What about Peyton? Even lying in the hospital, he didn't mean to come over. Until the evening, Ding Yu also sent an invitation to Peyton.

The place for the banquet is not something. In Ding Yu's apartment, since you have come to the United States, you need to follow a certain way, as if it is the same as now. What about home? It's a private place. Outsiders are not allowed to come in! What's more, the relationship between them? I don't really know each other to that extent.

"Hello, Dr. Ding!" Old Peyton said respectfully to Ding Yu. At the same time, the meaning of this address is quite different. What do you respect? It's just Ding Yu's career. Even outsiders can't be faultless. What about this? There's no way anyone can do it, can't they?

After taking their seats separately, Ding Yu also stretched out his hand. The restaurant delivered something very carefully, which was prepared earlier. The restaurant was completely contracted, and now it is not open to the public at all!

After eating, the plates have been removed. Some drinks and fruits are placed on the table. Ding Yu also takes out a fruit knife and slides it on a seemingly ordinary apple twice. Taylor doesn't pay much attention to it, but Peyton is attentive.

"Great!" Peyton suddenly said, but also let Taylor doubt, this praise is heartfelt, "I have seen many times like Mr. Ding you, but few people can do this step, it is not difficult to cut tofu with a blunt knife, even cut meat? It's not difficult, but few people can cut off the water! "

Ding Yu put down the fruit knife in his hand. "I didn't leak out this skill very much. When I wanted to attend the meeting for the first time, you noticed it. No wonder you, an old man, didn't leak his voice. What happened at that time? Are you ready for this? It's not easy! "

"Lucky? Never take the initiative to come to the door, need to find carefully, after seeing it? I have done quite a lot of preparatory work and tried many times, but I never feel that coercion is a very good way and means, especially for you personally! "

Ding Yu knocked on the table with his hand. The fruit that Ding Yu had cut with his hand suddenly cracked, just like a flower in full bloom. It was so sudden and so bright! Taylor, on the other hand, is a fool.

"Not too many? Yes, but obviously Mr. Payton? I have the insight and even the understanding of this aspect, but it seems that there is no such person around Mr. Peyton? "

"Dr. Ding, where are you? There is no such person, so it is meaningless in fact! " Old Peyton was also a serious book and said, "your Sabre technique has made me feel that compared with the old Taoist priest before? You've even exceeded so much, I even have some doubts about it! "

"Let's hear it!" Ding Yu is also a little interested.

"The Taoist priest didn't show us anything, but later I met many masters, many masters? They're all genuine, not unreal. But what about them? Only one aspect is involved. What about pharmacological research? Can't say no, but very few! "

"I've seen a lot!" Ding Yu also gasped for a moment, "but really, what if you say it? What about people who can be called masters in modern times? It's not that there isn't any, but it's not too much. One is because of the change of social environment, and the other is because of it? Everyone's mind is not pure enough! Speaking of it? Social progress is a good thing, but it also urges some things to disappear. After all, what about decades of practice? Maybe it's about a bullet! "ha-ha! Old Peyton also laughed happily, "Dr. Ding, how about your guidance? It doesn't mean anything. The so-called self-cultivation and self-cultivation are two things. Of course, what's your so-called national skill? I've seen it, too. It's amazing. What about the collision with firearms? That's another question

This speech is a bit wordy, even some of the forewords do not match the following words, but Ding Yu has already understood the meaning of it. What about the so-called cultivation and firearms? No relationship will happen. What about Chinese martial arts? It's killing. What about firearms? It's also a weapon to kill people, but it's unfair to put them together!

"What about your side? That is to say, there are many people like this, who may not be practicing national skills. They are called the so-called killing skills? It may be more accurate. What about this accumulation? Think of it, there are really some terrible

After saying that, Ding Yu also slightly moved his nose, "know? I can smell a little smell from you. It's not strong, but it's special. I don't know if someone has mentioned it to you, but what about this? You old fellow, you still need to pay attention to something better! "

"I don't feel that way! But I have a little interest in it

"You know, I used to serve in the army, and every time I shoot? No matter how clean it is, there will always be remains of shooting. How about once or twice? There may not be many problems, but after a long time, it will leave a very different flavor! " When he finished speaking, Ding Yu took a breath again.

"I can even smell a little from Tyler. I don't know about your family? What is the matter, but is it really good to touch these things at such a young age? " Then Ding Yu leaned back to his body, "why do you ask? It may be a little out of line, but I need to have some consideration! "

Old Peyton was squinting his eyes at Ding Yu. He didn't say anything for a long time. The same was true for Taylor on one side. His eyes to Ding Yu were very different. How did he find out this? Is he a monster?

"What about the process? There's no need to say, it's just a memory that I don't want to touch, so there should be no problem! " Peyton took a breath, too? It should be a good thing! But too sensitive? It's not a good thing, is it? "

"Is this a warning?" Ding Yu stood up on his shoulder, expressing his helplessness. "I've never been interested in this kind of thing. I found something interesting when I looked at the video data. You saw blood at that time, and the fluctuation of nerves was very big, even your father's fluctuation was quite big. I was a little interested in this, Bi What about the party? You're the only one

"I don't remember so clearly!" Peyton was stunned by the reality, and then he thought for a long time, "give me the feeling at that time as if it was pain! Why ask these questions? Is it useful? "

"People have considerable tolerance for pain, but what about individual performance? However, there will not be other changes because of your tolerance, just like when you are in pain, your muscles will lock. This is not something you can control at all, but the reaction of your subconscious nerve. I think this explanation should be very clear! "

" I still have some doubts! Is there anything different about this? "

"I have read the video data, and the above situation is very clear. Under the circumstances at that time, you should have suffered more than you should have suffered at that age. However, when you bear it, it was unexpected. You should know that your father even suffered from vascular rupture!"

Peyton's hands were also on the table. Chen thought for a long time, "there are many people who have studied the information, but no one has really noticed the situation you said. It seems that this matter has found you and really found some hope. However, what was the situation like at that time, I can't say clearly! Because I was too young and everything? They are just passive to bear it! "

"I'm a doctor, and at the same time? I have experienced quite a lot on the battlefield. What about pain? It has considerable bearing capacity, but what about this ability? There is always a limit. What about this limit? It may vary from person to person, but it's just high and low. I don't think your family can break through this limit! "

"I've got about some of it!" Peyton nodded, "what do I need to do?"

"You are a dying old man! Even if I want to study it? You don't have any value, and what about me for an old guy like you? It's really not interesting! " Don't know where Ding Yu pulled out a syringe from and said hello to Taylor.

"As a hint of friendship, it may be very painful. I need to see what your tolerance is! And I hope you can sit down! " When Ding Yu opened the syringe, Peyton was still staring at the syringe. There were not many needles in it, but in his own eyes, it was so familiar.Peyton took a deep breath, and then nodded to his granddaughter. Ding Yu just asked Taylor to sit there, took up the acupuncture needle and made it twice. Then she also stuck it on Taylor's hand, which was not much. It was just a shot. Then Ding Yu also sat there, while Peyton looked at her granddaughter with great attention.

Soon, the expression on Taylor's face began to become ferocious. Ding Yu paid attention to it for a period of time. During this period, Peyton was not very helpful. What about his granddaughter? There are so many uncontrollable, after watching for a period of time, Ding Yu slowly pulled out the acupuncture needle!

"The old Taoist priest is very powerful, and he has paid a lot of things. Now I have some doubts. What kind of price did I pay at the beginning to let him do it? Especially the old Taoist priest's age, for him, is completely overdraft own life! That's a big price! "

"What about the things you paid back then? In my opinion? There may be some that are not worth mentioning, at least now I think so. For the whole family, there is not much value, but for the old Taoist priest, the meaning may be invaluable. As for the compensation in other aspects, the old Taoist priest does not express too much! "

"What about me personally? It doesn't make any sense. If you let me do it, it doesn't mean that you can't. It's just the price to pay. And what are the costs? It should be within the scope of your tolerance, so we don't need to be so hypocritical and polite to each other! "

"You know what? I don't like the way you talk, because in my personal opinion, this is breaking the rules, but I really appreciate your way. It's very direct. There won't be any other adulteration. At the same time, there is no need to have any other scruples. So you! It's really embarrassing for me

Ding Yu also slightly smile, "I remember when I saw a movie, godfather, there is a sentence in it? I'm quite impressed. What about business? It's always business. That's what it means! Maybe my understanding? A little bit wrong, is that right? "

"Business is business. You don't need other things. What about friendship? Even friendship, also do not need to have other adulteration, but now there are not too many people can distinguish these things, is also a long time ago today's rules? The damage is quite severe! "

"It has nothing to do with me. I want to stand on the commanding heights of morality and interests. It's really shameless. What's important is to do this? Once or twice may be OK, but after a long time, you will make yourself too unreal, and then the rest of the trouble will be too big! "

Obviously, Ding Yu also refused Peyton's solicitude. What about each other? It's not cooperation. He pays for his own treatment. What about himself? Need him to owe himself a favor, in fact, is so simple!

But there are other problems and relationships arising from this. This is not what Ding Yu wants to see now. Why say so? The concept between each other is different, now even if it is forced to merge together, there will be a lot of trouble in the future, so it is better to be quite calm from the beginning!

"I believe you were not lucky to live on the battlefield at the beginning."

Ding Yu thought for a while and then shook his head, "what's your luck? It's also a part of my strength. I finally quit the battlefield because I was injured. Now I think it was very miserable at the beginning. Even at the beginning, it was not only retired, but even just a newly developed relationship? All died with it! Oh! It's not a good memory! "

"What a pity! If I had a bit of bad luck at that time, maybe I would not have been so worried! "

Ding Yu's reply was that he had some fun, "yes! If I had a little bit of luck at that time, maybe there would be no such thing as you. I would have gone to see God for a long time, didn't you? "

Two people are really each other, Taylor this time is also slowly slow over, but the sweat on the forehead still shows that the previous situation is not so good, Ding Yu for her stimulation is a little bit big, even after such a long rest time did not respond to it, as can be seen!

"Grandfather, I want to go out for a while!" Taylor couldn't bear it, but he didn't want to lose his demeanor in front of Ding Yu, so he wanted to leave at the first time and go out to clean up.

When Tyler went out, Peyton sighed, "how is she?"

"How do I know? I'm just a little tentative. As for what kind of consequences it will be, I'm not so clear. What about acupuncture? There are quite a number of studies, and I've seen the images. But what is the Xingyun method? Do you think I can study it out the first time. You really regard me as a fairy! "

"Ah! Some of them are too anxious! "

"In a hurry or not? It's your own business. I'm just trying to figure out whether it will succeed or not. I really don't know. But what about her? You need to stay with me for a while, and you need to make a guarantee. If anything goes wrong, I won't be responsible for it! "www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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