Since it's not Lisa sun's business, the only starting point of the matter is Lily's side. It's obvious that some people have set themselves as targets. Judging from the current situation, lily is in danger.

Ding Yu doesn't worry about her own problems at all, because she is not the goal. When the time comes, all the problems will turn to Lily. The pressure on her is absolutely beyond imagination. Now it depends on how she will handle things. According to her own estimation, now it is time for her to cooperate in investigation, which is actually to cut off herself Contact with lily.

Now it is also the place to test mutual trust. There is not much foundation for cooperation between them. Ding Yu may sell lily, or Lily may sell Ding Yu, but Ding Yu is more likely to sell lily.

When he came in, Ding Yu also paid attention to the layout of the room. It didn't look like an interrogation room, but it was like a resting place. Ding Yu looked at the sofa next to him, and then sat down. He did not mean to refuse the coffee he had brought. He then took out a book he had brought with him and looked at it carefully. He was not frightened or flustered at all.

"Do you think he's making up?"

"I don't think so. It seems that he has already figured out the whole process of the matter, because he is very clear that the matter has nothing to do with him, so he will sit there quietly and try to shift the matter to him. There will be some trouble in this, and if we can't do it well, we will be hit by stones!"

The old man with glasses and gray hair snorted, "you know that's not what I mean!"

"Betray Lily? I don't think so. From my personal point of view, whether he betrays Lily or not is almost the same. Betraying Lily will put him in danger, and even be controlled by others in the future, instead of betraying Lily? Even if lily can't make the so-called reaction, Ding Yu is still in our field of vision! "

"That is to say, we have nothing to do with him! It can only be tolerated. "

"I hope it won't be a big problem!" The assistant next to him also shook his head, "he can pay Lily such a large sum of money, such a person will not be very easy to deal with. In addition, he did not kill our people before. We have this monitoring, we do not guarantee that there is no one in his hand!"

This remark also caused some embarrassment and depression of the old man, and his brows immediately wrinkled. Originally, it was a very good excuse, but the starting point of this matter was a little too bad. It was originally a means to restrict Ding Yu, but on the contrary, it may not be a means for Ding Yu to restrict them.

Ding Yu is reading quietly in the room, but the monitoring facilities outside do not mean to relax for a moment. Ding Yu is not pretending to read books. Sometimes he even takes a pencil to record something. He does not seem to worry about his own situation, and even has a taste of enjoying it.

"How long can we control him?"

"One night, if there is still no result tomorrow morning, even if lily doesn't have any situation, his lawyer will come to her. We can't list Ding Yu as a suspect. Everyone knows how it happened. The situation is too big, which is the problem for us!"

The assistant now maintains an absolute sober understanding, and now can greet Ding Yu, but it does not mean that he can be detained indefinitely. This is basically two times. Moreover, it is not the best choice to provoke Ding Yu too much.

To a certain extent, this guy is a hedgehog, which is not as easy to deal with as expected. Moreover, if there is an accident with this guy, there will be too many people involved. The intelligence department is a department of violence, and is not afraid of any so-called trouble, but it does not mean that they like to cause trouble.

Ding Yu has been reading books. When it was early in the morning, Ding Yu put the book to one side and found the blanket beside him to cover his body. The surveillance personnel behind him were also surprised. Doesn't he know what kind of environment he is in? Can you sleep well?

At four o'clock in the morning, Ding Yu wakes up on time, takes off his coat, and then plays the so-called Taijiquan there. His movements are very slow, and it is not as slow as imagined. After an hour and a half, then he takes a rest for a period of time, then washes and eats breakfast. For these, the intelligence department really has no intention to restrict Ding Yu Thinking.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Ding. I was too busy last night and didn't have time to greet you. Please forgive me!"

You can see from Ding Yu's actions that it is impossible to open a breach from him. Moreover, Ding Yu's lawyer has already arrived and is still a barrister. If this situation continues, it will definitely not be a good thing and will bring unimaginable troubles to the intelligence department.

Ding Yu didn't express any dissatisfaction. He nodded his head slightly, and then he also sat in the previous position. He took a look at the time on his watch. The intelligence officer sitting in front of Ding Yu had listened to the briefing, and looked into Ding Yu's eyes. He was very calm and calm, which made people feel whether he was blind or not?"Mr. Ding, your lawyer has arrived. We still have some procedures to deal with, which may delay some time."

That is to say, she is stimulating Ding Yu, but Ding Yu did not have any reaction. She just nodded her head slightly. Her expression did not show any impatience. The so-called delay time, to be exact, still failed to get the things and results she wanted from Lily, so now she can only take other means and methods.

One night, Lily didn't mean to rest at all. Ding Yu's contact with herself has been cut off. Lily has never doubted this. She depends on how she will handle the whole thing. Now it's time to test the tacit understanding between each other and see if everyone has this sense of trust.

During this period, some people came to find themselves and said everything. At the beginning, Lily was really at a loss. She didn't know how to deal with it, but she soon found out the problem.

He did not have any contact with Ding Yu, but if Ding Yu has abandoned himself, these guys will not come to find him at this time. With a flash of inspiration, Lily suddenly has this understanding, which is definitely not a manifestation of intention to paralyze herself.

These guys are so anxious that they reveal their purpose. When they think of this place, lily also laughs. This is really interesting. Ding Yu is a loyal partner, but what about his enemy? It seems that some other ideas are ready to go astray.

Whether it is right or wrong is not so important as imagined. What matters is what kind of consequences will be achieved. This is the most important thing. However, Lily has a feeling that this time is a crisis for the British side, but for herself, it seems to be an opportunity, a chance once in a blue moon.

What do these guys under your hands do? You should know that the best thing they do is to mark people, which is the basis of their meals. So Lily doesn't pay attention to Ding Yu's problems, but starts from what happened yesterday. She needs to resolve the situation in front of her and use her own strength to rescue Ding Yu. She will fall into the trap.

Lily didn't make any action, but it made her feel that there were some differences and puzzles. She even couldn't think about it. She wanted to give this question back to Ding Yu. But what about Ding Yu? It seems that I'm not so worried about this. From the understanding, there is not too much connection between the two!

What about the so-called connection? It refers to that since Ding Yu was brought back to the present, she has never had any contact with lily, and Lily is the same. Is the tacit understanding between them really good to this degree? It's kind of incredible, but what else? I can't think of any other explanation.

Ding Yu doesn't have too many requirements now. He just sits in the room quietly, still reading his own books. Even his movements are not distorted. It gives the impression to the outside world that Ding Yu has not put this matter in his mind at all. Does he really don't know, or does he pretend not to know?

It makes people suspicious and confused. But the lawyers outside have stopped working and haven't seen their own defenders for such a long time. It's a bit of a joke.

What about the people in the intelligence department? He still wants to make the final effort. If Ding Yu goes out, he is bound to contact lily. In that case, the whole contradiction will be intensified. If Ding Yu can switch to his side, they will also give him enough benefits.

It's just a kind of exchange of interests. Lily can give, so they can also pay the same here. There is nothing different. So in their opinion, there is something to talk about.

"Mr. Ding, may I have a talk?"

Ding Yu put down the book in his hand, and then looked at the people who came in. What about their clothes and clothes? It seems that people who wear double breasted suits in modern society are not as many as they think. Of course, there are also special items, such as the old prince in England.

Ding Yu slightly nodded his head, as if to express his own opinion, talk about, this is nothing, even if he does not want to talk about how can it be? It doesn't seem to make any sense. It's good to see what tricks they'll play.

"Mr. Ding, you have been in England for some time. How do you feel?"

Ding Yu did not answer, but looked at it for a period of time, and then said faintly, "let's get to the point! I don't like to go around in circles. I'm sure you don't have much time, do you? "

"It's very direct. Yes, I want to talk about some things with Mr. Ding alone. I think Mr. Ding is a qualified soldier, so he should have the example of a soldier. Sometimes soldiers and thieves do not stand at the same time, so it will be very difficult to get involved in it."

"You say soldiers and thieves don't stand together, do you?" Shen Lang said with a smile, "I have a lot of feelings about what I said. I'll think about it well when I go back. I'll have this reply.""Mr. Ding, what we need is a positive reply!"

"Isn't that a positive answer?" Ding Yu also asked a rhetorical question. Some words don't need to be too clear. When someone enters his own apartment, there is no room for discussion. The matter is so simple, and he has a bottom line.

The people who came to talk with Ding Yu did not expect that Ding Yu would have such an attitude. This is totally abnormal! You know, even now, Lily still has no chance to win,

"Mr. Ding thinks that it is inappropriate to talk about interests!" Since this problem has been mentioned, there is no need to hide anything, or what to say, Ding Yu slightly shook his head.

"I'm not a greedy person. Money is very important to me personally, but it's not as important as I think. What I care more is that someone regards me as a friend, and someone else? However, I am regarded as an object that needs to be eradicated. This is quite different. If you don't want to be a friend, you can get together and have a good time. This is a common sense, but it seems that there are some things that are not true and too much when we put them into other things! "

"What? The object of eradication? " Obviously, the person opposite had some doubts about Ding Yu's words. Ding Yu also laughed and said, "you may know or you may not know. Just check it out! I have shown my respect and hope to be respected

After waiting for about ten minutes, the previous person came back again and looked at Ding Yu with a complicated look. He had already investigated the matter. He finally understood why Ding Yu had such an attitude. He did not know what to say about this matter. Someone blocked the road ahead of time.

Ding Yu is a smart man, but at the same time? He is not a businessman. He will not sell everything for the sake of profit. This is an impossible thing. Are there some mistakes? Since it has been caused, there is no way to recover it.

At this time, there is no sense in detaining Ding Yu, "I'm sorry, Mr. Ding, I didn't expect that there was such a secret in the matter." The visitors are really annoyed. In their opinion, things should turn around, but some people are really too stupid. They are not gods like opponents, just afraid of pig like teammates.

This time, it's not the opponent who is fierce. On the contrary, the opponent is already in the mire. But what about the teammates on his side? There are so many pits! Then this one also called Charlie, "Charlie, I'm David, and I can't convince Ding Yu!" Then he told the story all over again.

When he put down the phone, Charlie's face was also very embarrassed. He didn't expect that someone would be so reckless. This situation was not under his control at all. Now it is revealed that Charlie can control his anger. It is not easy for him to control his anger.

Ding Yu just came out and received a phone call from Lily. The two people simply said hello. That's all. They didn't even mean to meet each other. Now they are doing what they should do, that's all.

Back in the apartment, Ding Yu couldn't go to school in a suit. When he came to the school, Charlie seemed to have been waiting there for a long time, "I don't know that thing! I really don't know. " At the end of class, Charlie was also very serious with Ding Yu. Relatively speaking, Charlie was a more responsible person.

"I believe you!" Ding Yu did not have any investigation on this matter. He believed Charlie very much. This is what Ding Yu had said about him earlier. He was still a little young and lacked experience. Judging from his expression, Ding Yu did not have any consolation.

Charlie seems to be a little bit depressed. He hopes to win Ding Yu, but he doesn't know that there are such changes. For himself, he is so unbearable. This time he didn't lose, but what's the difference with losing? I had an absolute advantage before.

They didn't mean to talk to each other because of what happened in the UK, so what about the previous preparations? It can only disappear, but for Ding Yu, it's really not that there is no good news. Lily has really delivered good news to herself. Compared with the official, Lily's way of dealing with things can be simplified a lot.

What's more, in this process, Lily can be free from any means and methods. Lily has some red eyes, and the effect is remarkable. When the result is presented, although Lily's power can not be exposed, we still need to think about it.

And Ding Yu's funds were immediately in place. The purpose of Lily's passing the news was very simple. It's the best opportunity to strike while the iron is hot. Ding Yu's response is also very fast. She gave support at the first time, and this support was even beyond imagination. She spared no effort.

However, Ding Yu didn't mean to stay in the UK. Originally, he planned to do something together. However, something like the subway explosion happened, so the activity was cancelled. It was not necessary to stay in the college. It was a holiday. So Ding Yu decided to go , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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